# Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Nolan <mtnolan2640@gmail.com>
from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat, Repl,
- signed)
+ signed, Array)
from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume, Cover
from nmigen.test.utils import FHDLTestCase
+from nmutil.extend import exts
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
-from soc.fu.logical.main_stage import LogicalMainStage
+from soc.fu.branch.main_stage import BranchMainStage
from soc.fu.alu.pipe_data import ALUPipeSpec
from soc.fu.alu.alu_input_record import CompALUOpSubset
from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp
recwidth += width
comb += p.eq(AnyConst(width))
- pspec = ALUPipeSpec(id_wid=2, op_wid=recwidth)
- m.submodules.dut = dut = LogicalMainStage(pspec)
- # convenience variables
- a = dut.i.a
- b = dut.i.b
- carry_in = dut.i.carry_in
- so_in = dut.i.so
- carry_out = dut.o.carry_out
- o = dut.o.o
- # setup random inputs
- comb += [a.eq(AnyConst(64)),
- b.eq(AnyConst(64)),
- carry_in.eq(AnyConst(1)),
- so_in.eq(AnyConst(1))]
+ pspec = ALUPipeSpec(id_wid=2)
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = BranchMainStage(pspec)
comb += dut.i.ctx.op.eq(rec)
dut_sig = getattr(dut.o.ctx.op, name)
comb += Assert(dut_sig == rec_sig)
- # signed and signed/32 versions of input a
- a_signed = Signal(signed(64))
- a_signed_32 = Signal(signed(32))
- comb += a_signed.eq(a)
- comb += a_signed_32.eq(a[0:32])
+ # Full width CR register. Will have bitfield extracted for
+ # feeding to branch unit
+ cr = Signal(32)
+ comb += cr.eq(AnyConst(32))
+ cr_arr = Array([cr[(7-i)*4:(7-i)*4+4] for i in range(8)])
+ cr_bit_arr = Array([cr[31-i] for i in range(32)])
+ spr1 = dut.i.spr1
+ ctr = dut.i.spr2
+ cr_in = dut.i.cr
+ cia = dut.i.cia
+ comb += [spr1.eq(AnyConst(64)),
+ ctr.eq(AnyConst(64)),
+ cia.eq(AnyConst(64))]
+ i_fields = dut.fields.FormI
+ b_fields = dut.fields.FormB
+ AA = i_fields.AA[0:-1]
+ LK = i_fields.LK[0:-1]
+ # Handle CR bit selection
+ BI = b_fields.BI[0:-1]
+ bi = Signal(3, reset_less=True)
+ comb += bi.eq(BI[2:5])
+ comb += dut.i.cr.eq(cr_arr[bi])
+ # Handle branch out
+ BO = b_fields.BO[0:-1]
+ bo = Signal(BO.shape())
+ comb += bo.eq(BO)
+ cond_ok = Signal()
+ # Check CR according to BO
+ comb += cond_ok.eq(bo[4] | (cr_bit_arr[BI] == bo[3]))
+ # CTR decrement
+ ctr_next = Signal.like(ctr)
+ with m.If(~BO[2]):
+ comb += ctr_next.eq(ctr - 1)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += ctr_next.eq(ctr)
+ # CTR combpare with 0
+ ctr_ok = Signal()
+ comb += ctr_ok.eq(BO[2] | ((ctr != 0) ^ BO[1]))
+ # Sorry, not bothering with 32 bit right now
+ comb += Assume(~rec.is_32bit)
- # main assertion of arithmetic operations
with m.Switch(rec.insn_type):
- with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_AND):
- comb += Assert(dut.o.o == a & b)
- with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_OR):
- comb += Assert(dut.o.o == a | b)
- with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_XOR):
- comb += Assert(dut.o.o == a ^ b)
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_B):
+ # Extract target address
+ LI = i_fields.LI[0:-1]
+ imm = exts(LI, LI.shape().width, 64-2) * 4
+ # Assert that it always branches
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.ok == 1)
+ # Check absolute or relative branching
+ with m.If(AA):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.data == imm)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.data == (cia + imm)[0:64])
+ # Make sure linking works
+ with m.If(LK & rec.lk):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.data == (cia + 4)[0:64])
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.ok == 1)
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_BC):
+ # Assert that branches are conditional
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.ok == (cond_ok & ctr_ok))
+ # extract target address
+ BD = b_fields.BD[0:-1]
+ imm = exts(BD, BD.shape().width, 64-2) * 4
+ # Check absolute or relative branching
+ with m.If(dut.o.nia.ok):
+ with m.If(AA):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.data == imm)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.data == (cia + imm)[0:64])
+ with m.If(LK & rec.lk):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.data == (cia + 4)[0:64])
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.ok == 1)
+ # Check that CTR is decremented
+ with m.If(~BO[2]):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.ctr.data == ctr_next)
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_BCREG):
+ # assert that the condition is good
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.ok == (cond_ok & ctr_ok))
+ with m.If(dut.o.nia.ok):
+ # make sure we branch to the spr input
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.nia.data == spr1)
+ # make sure branch+link works
+ with m.If(LK & rec.lk):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.data == (cia + 4)[0:64])
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.lr.ok == 1)
+ # Check that CTR is decremented
+ with m.If(~BO[2]):
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.ctr.data == ctr_next)
return m
def test_formal(self):
module = Driver()
self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=2)
- self.assertFormal(module, mode="cover", depth=2)
def test_ilang(self):
dut = Driver()
vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[])