from fpbase import FPNumIn, FPNumOut, FPOp, Overflow, FPBase
+from singlepipe import eq
class FPADD(FPBase):
# gets operand a
with m.State("get_a"):
- self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
+ m.d.sync += eq([a, self.in_a.ack], res)
# ******
# gets operand b
with m.State("get_b"):
- self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
+ m.d.sync += eq([b, self.in_b.ack], res)
# ******
# special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
from operator import or_
from functools import reduce
+from pipeline import ObjectProxy
class MultiShiftR:
def __init__(self, width):
self.latch_in = Signal()
self.op = op
+ def decode2(self, m):
+ """ decodes a latched value into sign / exponent / mantissa
+ bias is subtracted here, from the exponent. exponent
+ is extended to 10 bits so that subtract 127 is done on
+ a 10-bit number
+ """
+ v = self.v
+ args = [0] * self.m_extra + [v[0:self.e_start]] # pad with extra zeros
+ #print ("decode", self.e_end)
+ res = ObjectProxy(m, pipemode=False)
+ res.m = Cat(*args) # mantissa
+ res.e = v[self.e_start:self.e_end] - self.P127 # exp
+ res.s = v[-1] # sign
+ return res
def decode(self, v):
""" decodes a latched value into sign / exponent / mantissa
when both stb and ack are 1.
acknowledgement is sent by setting ack to ZERO.
+ res = v.decode2(m)
+ ack = Signal()
with m.If((op.ack) & (op.stb)): = next_state
- m.d.sync += [
- # op is latched in from FPNumIn class on same ack/stb
- v.decode(op.v),
- op.ack.eq(0)
- ]
+ # op is latched in from FPNumIn class on same ack/stb
+ m.d.comb += ack.eq(0)
with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += op.ack.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += ack.eq(1)
+ return [res, ack]
def denormalise(self, m, a):
""" denormalises a number. this is probably the wrong name for