alu_done = Signal(reset_less=True)
alu_done_dly = Signal(reset_less=True)
alu_pulse = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ alu_pulsem = Signal(self.n_dst, reset_less=True)
m.d.comb += alu_done.eq(self.alu.n.valid_o)
m.d.sync += alu_done_dly.eq(alu_done)
m.d.comb += alu_pulse.eq(alu_done & ~alu_done_dly)
+ m.d.comb += alu_pulsem.eq(Repl(alu_pulse, self.n_dst))
# shadow/go_die
reset = Signal(reset_less=True)
m.d.sync += src_l.r.eq(reset_r)
# dest operand latch (not using issue_i)
- m.d.comb += req_l.s.eq(Repl(alu_pulse, self.n_dst))
+ m.d.comb += req_l.s.eq(alu_pulsem)
m.d.sync += req_l.r.eq(reset_w)
# create a latch/register for the operand
oper_r = self.opsubsetkls(name="oper_r")
latchregister(m, self.oper_i, oper_r, self.issue_i, "oper_l")
- # and for each output from the ALU
+ # and for each output from the ALU: capture when ALU output is valid
drl = []
for i in range(self.n_dst):
name = "data_r%d" % i
data_r = Signal(, name=name, reset_less=True)
- latchregister(m, self.get_out(i), data_r, req_l.q[i], name + "_l")
+ latchregister(m, self.get_out(i), data_r, alu_pulsem, name + "_l")
# pass the operation to the ALU
# NOTE: this spells TROUBLE if the ALU isn't ready!
# go_read is only valid for one clock!
with m.If(all_rd): # src operands ready, GO!
- m.d.comb += self.alu.n.ready_i.eq(1) # tells ALU "got it"
with m.If(~self.alu.p.ready_o): # no ACK yet
m.d.comb += self.alu.p.valid_i.eq(1) # so indicate valid