-""" Pipeline and BufferedPipeline implementation, conforming to the same API.
- eq:
- --
- a strategically very important function that is identical in function
- to nmigen's Signal.eq function, except it may take objects, or a list
- of objects, or a tuple of objects, and where objects may also be
- Records.
- Stage API:
- ---------
- stage requires compliance with a strict API that may be
- implemented in several means, including as a static class.
- the methods of a stage instance must be as follows:
- * ispec() - Input data format specification
- returns an object or a list or tuple of objects, or
- a Record, each object having an "eq" function which
- takes responsibility for copying by assignment all
- sub-objects
- * ospec() - Output data format specification
- requirements as for ospec
- * process(m, i) - Processes an ispec-formatted object
- returns a combinatorial block of a result that
- may be assigned to the output, by way of the "eq"
- function
- * setup(m, i) - Optional function for setting up submodules
- may be used for more complex stages, to link
- the input (i) to submodules. must take responsibility
- for adding those submodules to the module (m).
- the submodules must be combinatorial blocks and
- must have their inputs and output linked combinatorially.
- StageChain:
- ----------
- A useful combinatorial wrapper around stages that chains them together
- and then presents a Stage-API-conformant interface.
- UnbufferedPipeline:
- ------------------
- A simple stalling clock-synchronised pipeline that has no buffering
- (unlike BufferedPipeline). A stall anywhere along the line will
- result in a stall back-propagating down the entire chain.
- The BufferedPipeline by contrast will buffer incoming data, allowing
- previous stages one clock cycle's grace before also having to stall.
- An advantage of the UnbufferedPipeline over the Buffered one is
- that the amount of logic needed (number of gates) is greatly
- reduced.
- BufferedPipeline:
- ----------------
- nmigen implementation of buffered pipeline stage, based on zipcpu:
- https://zipcpu.com/blog/2017/08/14/strategies-for-pipelining.html
- this module requires quite a bit of thought to understand how it works
- (and why it is needed in the first place). reading the above is
- *strongly* recommended.
- unlike john dawson's IEEE754 FPU STB/ACK signalling, which requires
- the STB / ACK signals to raise and lower (on separate clocks) before
- data may proceeed (thus only allowing one piece of data to proceed
- on *ALTERNATE* cycles), the signalling here is a true pipeline
- where data will flow on *every* clock when the conditions are right.
- input acceptance conditions are when:
- * incoming previous-stage strobe (p.i_valid) is HIGH
- * outgoing previous-stage ready (p.o_ready) is LOW
- output transmission conditions are when:
- * outgoing next-stage strobe (n.o_valid) is HIGH
- * outgoing next-stage ready (n.i_ready) is LOW
- the tricky bit is when the input has valid data and the output is not
- ready to accept it. if it wasn't for the clock synchronisation, it
- would be possible to tell the input "hey don't send that data, we're
- not ready". unfortunately, it's not possible to "change the past":
- the previous stage *has no choice* but to pass on its data.
- therefore, the incoming data *must* be accepted - and stored: that
- is the responsibility / contract that this stage *must* accept.
- on the same clock, it's possible to tell the input that it must
- not send any more data. this is the "stall" condition.
- we now effectively have *two* possible pieces of data to "choose" from:
- the buffered data, and the incoming data. the decision as to which
- to process and output is based on whether we are in "stall" or not.
- i.e. when the next stage is no longer ready, the output comes from
- the buffer if a stall had previously occurred, otherwise it comes
- direct from processing the input.
- this allows us to respect a synchronous "travelling STB" with what
- dan calls a "buffered handshake".
- it's quite a complex state machine!
+""" Pipeline and BufferedPipeline examples
+from singlepipe import (PrevControl, NextControl, ControlBase,
+ StageCls, Stage, StageChain,
+ BufferedPipeline, UnbufferedPipeline, eq)
from nmigen import Signal, Cat, Const, Mux, Module
from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
from nmigen.hdl.rec import Record, Layout
from collections.abc import Sequence
-class PrevControl:
- """ contains signals that come *from* the previous stage (both in and out)
- * i_valid: previous stage indicating all incoming data is valid.
- may be a multi-bit signal, where all bits are required
- to be asserted to indicate "valid".
- * o_ready: output to next stage indicating readiness to accept data
- * i_data : an input - added by the user of this class
- """
- def __init__(self, i_width=1):
- self.i_valid = Signal(i_width, name="p_i_valid") # prev >>in self
- self.o_ready = Signal(name="p_o_ready") # prev <<out self
- def _connect_in(self, prev):
- """ internal helper function to connect stage to an input source.
- do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
- """
- return [self.i_valid.eq(prev.i_valid),
- prev.o_ready.eq(self.o_ready),
- eq(self.i_data, prev.i_data),
- ]
- def i_valid_logic(self):
- vlen = len(self.i_valid)
- if vlen > 1: # multi-bit case: valid only when i_valid is all 1s
- all1s = Const(-1, (len(self.i_valid), False))
- return self.i_valid == all1s
- # single-bit i_valid case
- return self.i_valid
-class NextControl:
- """ contains the signals that go *to* the next stage (both in and out)
- * o_valid: output indicating to next stage that data is valid
- * i_ready: input from next stage indicating that it can accept data
- * o_data : an output - added by the user of this class
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.o_valid = Signal(name="n_o_valid") # self out>> next
- self.i_ready = Signal(name="n_i_ready") # self <<in next
- def connect_to_next(self, nxt):
- """ helper function to connect to the next stage data/valid/ready.
- data/valid is passed *TO* nxt, and ready comes *IN* from nxt.
- use this when connecting stage-to-stage
- """
- return [nxt.i_valid.eq(self.o_valid),
- self.i_ready.eq(nxt.o_ready),
- eq(nxt.i_data, self.o_data),
- ]
- def _connect_out(self, nxt):
- """ internal helper function to connect stage to an output source.
- do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
- """
- return [nxt.o_valid.eq(self.o_valid),
- self.i_ready.eq(nxt.i_ready),
- eq(nxt.o_data, self.o_data),
- ]
-def eq(o, i):
- """ makes signals equal: a helper routine which identifies if it is being
- passed a list (or tuple) of objects, or signals, or Records, and calls
- the objects' eq function.
- complex objects (classes) can be used: they must follow the
- convention of having an eq member function, which takes the
- responsibility of further calling eq and returning a list of
- eq assignments
- Record is a special (unusual, recursive) case, where the input may be
- specified as a dictionary (which may contain further dictionaries,
- recursively), where the field names of the dictionary must match
- the Record's field spec. Alternatively, an object with the same
- member names as the Record may be assigned: it does not have to
- *be* a Record.
- """
- if not isinstance(o, Sequence):
- o, i = [o], [i]
- res = []
- for (ao, ai) in zip(o, i):
- #print ("eq", ao, ai)
- if isinstance(ao, Record):
- for idx, (field_name, field_shape, _) in enumerate(ao.layout):
- if isinstance(field_shape, Layout):
- val = ai.fields
- else:
- val = ai
- if hasattr(val, field_name): # check for attribute
- val = getattr(val, field_name)
- else:
- val = val[field_name] # dictionary-style specification
- rres = eq(ao.fields[field_name], val)
- res += rres
- else:
- rres = ao.eq(ai)
- if not isinstance(rres, Sequence):
- rres = [rres]
- res += rres
- return res
-class StageCls(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- """ Class-based "Stage" API. requires instantiation (after derivation)
- see "Stage API" above.. Note: python does *not* require derivation
- from this class. All that is required is that the pipelines *have*
- the functions listed in this class. Derivation from this class
- is therefore merely a "courtesy" to maintainers.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- def ispec(self): pass # REQUIRED
- @abstractmethod
- def ospec(self): pass # REQUIRED
- #@abstractmethod
- #def setup(self, m, i): pass # OPTIONAL
- @abstractmethod
- def process(self, i): pass # REQUIRED
-class Stage(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- """ Static "Stage" API. does not require instantiation (after derivation)
- see "Stage API" above. Note: python does *not* require derivation
- from this class. All that is required is that the pipelines *have*
- the functions listed in this class. Derivation from this class
- is therefore merely a "courtesy" to maintainers.
- """
- @staticmethod
- @abstractmethod
- def ispec(): pass
- @staticmethod
- @abstractmethod
- def ospec(): pass
- #@staticmethod
- #@abstractmethod
- #def setup(m, i): pass
- @staticmethod
- @abstractmethod
- def process(i): pass
-class StageChain(StageCls):
- """ pass in a list of stages, and they will automatically be
- chained together via their input and output specs into a
- combinatorial chain.
- the end result basically conforms to the exact same Stage API.
- * input to this class will be the input of the first stage
- * output of first stage goes into input of second
- * output of second goes into input into third (etc. etc.)
- * the output of this class will be the output of the last stage
- """
- def __init__(self, chain):
- self.chain = chain
- def ispec(self):
- return self.chain[0].ispec()
- def ospec(self):
- return self.chain[-1].ospec()
- def setup(self, m, i):
- for (idx, c) in enumerate(self.chain):
- if hasattr(c, "setup"):
- c.setup(m, i) # stage may have some module stuff
- o = self.chain[idx].ospec() # only the last assignment survives
- m.d.comb += eq(o, c.process(i)) # process input into "o"
- if idx != len(self.chain)-1:
- ni = self.chain[idx+1].ispec() # becomes new input on next loop
- m.d.comb += eq(ni, o) # assign output to next input
- i = ni
- self.o = o # last loop is the output
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o # conform to Stage API: return last-loop output
-class ControlBase:
- """ Common functions for Pipeline API
- """
- def __init__(self, in_multi=None):
- """ Base class containing ready/valid/data to previous and next stages
- * p: contains ready/valid to the previous stage
- * n: contains ready/valid to the next stage
- User must also:
- * add i_data member to PrevControl (p) and
- * add o_data member to NextControl (n)
- """
- # set up input and output IO ACK (prev/next ready/valid)
- self.p = PrevControl(in_multi)
- self.n = NextControl()
- def connect_to_next(self, nxt):
- """ helper function to connect to the next stage data/valid/ready.
- """
- return self.n.connect_to_next(nxt.p)
- def _connect_in(self, prev):
- """ internal helper function to connect stage to an input source.
- do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
- """
- return self.p._connect_in(prev.p)
- def _connect_out(self, nxt):
- """ internal helper function to connect stage to an output source.
- do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
- """
- return self.n._connect_out(nxt.n)
- def connect(self, m, pipechain):
- """ connects a chain (list) of Pipeline instances together and
- links them to this ControlBase instance:
- in <----> self <---> out
- | ^
- v |
- [pipe1, pipe2, pipe3, pipe4]
- | ^ | ^ | ^
- v | v | v |
- out---in out--in out---in
- Also takes care of allocating i_data/o_data, by looking up
- the data spec for each end of the pipechain. i.e It is NOT
- necessary to allocate self.p.i_data or self.n.o_data manually:
- this is handled AUTOMATICALLY, here.
- Basically this function is the direct equivalent of StageChain,
- except that unlike StageChain, the Pipeline logic is followed.
- Just as StageChain presents an object that conforms to the
- Stage API from a list of objects that also conform to the
- Stage API, an object that calls this Pipeline connect function
- has the exact same pipeline API as the list of pipline objects
- it is called with.
- Thus it becomes possible to build up larger chains recursively.
- More complex chains (multi-input, multi-output) will have to be
- done manually.
- """
- eqs = [] # collated list of assignment statements
- # connect inter-chain
- for i in range(len(pipechain)-1):
- pipe1 = pipechain[i]
- pipe2 = pipechain[i+1]
- eqs += pipe1.connect_to_next(pipe2)
- # connect front of chain to ourselves
- front = pipechain[0]
- self.p.i_data = front.stage.ispec()
- eqs += front._connect_in(self)
- # connect end of chain to ourselves
- end = pipechain[-1]
- self.n.o_data = end.stage.ospec()
- eqs += end._connect_out(self)
- # activate the assignments
- m.d.comb += eqs
- def set_input(self, i):
- """ helper function to set the input data
- """
- return eq(self.p.i_data, i)
- def ports(self):
- return [self.p.i_valid, self.n.i_ready,
- self.n.o_valid, self.p.o_ready,
- self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data # XXX need flattening!
- ]
-class BufferedPipeline(ControlBase):
- """ buffered pipeline stage. data and strobe signals travel in sync.
- if ever the input is ready and the output is not, processed data
- is shunted in a temporary register.
- Argument: stage. see Stage API above
- stage-1 p.i_valid >>in stage n.o_valid out>> stage+1
- stage-1 p.o_ready <<out stage n.i_ready <<in stage+1
- stage-1 p.i_data >>in stage n.o_data out>> stage+1
- | |
- process --->----^
- | |
- +-- r_data ->-+
- input data p.i_data is read (only), is processed and goes into an
- intermediate result store [process()]. this is updated combinatorially.
- in a non-stall condition, the intermediate result will go into the
- output (update_output). however if ever there is a stall, it goes
- into r_data instead [update_buffer()].
- when the non-stall condition is released, r_data is the first
- to be transferred to the output [flush_buffer()], and the stall
- condition cleared.
- on the next cycle (as long as stall is not raised again) the
- input may begin to be processed and transferred directly to output.
- """
- def __init__(self, stage):
- ControlBase.__init__(self)
- self.stage = stage
- # set up the input and output data
- self.p.i_data = stage.ispec() # input type
- self.n.o_data = stage.ospec()
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- result = self.stage.ospec()
- r_data = self.stage.ospec()
- if hasattr(self.stage, "setup"):
- self.stage.setup(m, self.p.i_data)
- # establish some combinatorial temporaries
- o_n_validn = Signal(reset_less=True)
- i_p_valid_o_p_ready = Signal(reset_less=True)
- p_i_valid = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += [p_i_valid.eq(self.p.i_valid_logic()),
- o_n_validn.eq(~self.n.o_valid),
- i_p_valid_o_p_ready.eq(p_i_valid & self.p.o_ready),
- ]
- # store result of processing in combinatorial temporary
- m.d.comb += eq(result, self.stage.process(self.p.i_data))
- # if not in stall condition, update the temporary register
- with m.If(self.p.o_ready): # not stalled
- m.d.sync += eq(r_data, result) # update buffer
- with m.If(self.n.i_ready): # next stage is ready
- with m.If(self.p.o_ready): # not stalled
- # nothing in buffer: send (processed) input direct to output
- m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(p_i_valid),
- eq(self.n.o_data, result), # update output
- ]
- with m.Else(): # p.o_ready is false, and something is in buffer.
- # Flush the [already processed] buffer to the output port.
- m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(1), # declare reg empty
- eq(self.n.o_data, r_data), # flush buffer
- self.p.o_ready.eq(1), # clear stall condition
- ]
- # ignore input, since p.o_ready is also false.
- # (n.i_ready) is false here: next stage is ready
- with m.Elif(o_n_validn): # next stage being told "ready"
- m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(p_i_valid),
- self.p.o_ready.eq(1), # Keep the buffer empty
- eq(self.n.o_data, result), # set output data
- ]
- # (n.i_ready) false and (n.o_valid) true:
- with m.Elif(i_p_valid_o_p_ready):
- # If next stage *is* ready, and not stalled yet, accept input
- m.d.sync += self.p.o_ready.eq(~(p_i_valid & self.n.o_valid))
- return m
class ExampleAddStage(StageCls):
""" an example of how to use the buffered pipeline, as a class instance
BufferedPipeline.__init__(self, ExampleStage)
-class UnbufferedPipeline(ControlBase):
- """ A simple pipeline stage with single-clock synchronisation
- and two-way valid/ready synchronised signalling.
- Note that a stall in one stage will result in the entire pipeline
- chain stalling.
- Also that unlike BufferedPipeline, the valid/ready signalling does NOT
- travel synchronously with the data: the valid/ready signalling
- combines in a *combinatorial* fashion. Therefore, a long pipeline
- chain will lengthen propagation delays.
- Argument: stage. see Stage API, above
- stage-1 p.i_valid >>in stage n.o_valid out>> stage+1
- stage-1 p.o_ready <<out stage n.i_ready <<in stage+1
- stage-1 p.i_data >>in stage n.o_data out>> stage+1
- | |
- r_data result
- | |
- +--process ->-+
- Attributes:
- -----------
- p.i_data : StageInput, shaped according to ispec
- The pipeline input
- p.o_data : StageOutput, shaped according to ospec
- The pipeline output
- r_data : input_shape according to ispec
- A temporary (buffered) copy of a prior (valid) input.
- This is HELD if the output is not ready. It is updated
- result: output_shape according to ospec
- The output of the combinatorial logic. it is updated
- COMBINATORIALLY (no clock dependence).
- """
- def __init__(self, stage):
- ControlBase.__init__(self)
- self.stage = stage
- self._data_valid = Signal()
- # set up the input and output data
- self.p.i_data = stage.ispec() # input type
- self.n.o_data = stage.ospec() # output type
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- r_data = self.stage.ispec() # input type
- result = self.stage.ospec() # output data
- if hasattr(self.stage, "setup"):
- self.stage.setup(m, r_data)
- p_i_valid = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += p_i_valid.eq(self.p.i_valid_logic())
- m.d.comb += eq(result, self.stage.process(r_data))
- m.d.comb += self.n.o_valid.eq(self._data_valid)
- m.d.comb += self.p.o_ready.eq(~self._data_valid | self.n.i_ready)
- m.d.sync += self._data_valid.eq(p_i_valid | \
- (~self.n.i_ready & self._data_valid))
- with m.If(self.p.i_valid & self.p.o_ready):
- m.d.sync += eq(r_data, self.p.i_data)
- m.d.comb += eq(self.n.o_data, result)
- return m
class ExamplePipeline(UnbufferedPipeline):
- """ an example of how to use the combinatorial pipeline.
+ """ an example of how to use the unbuffered pipeline.
def __init__(self):
--- /dev/null
+""" Pipeline and BufferedPipeline implementation, conforming to the same API.
+ eq:
+ --
+ a strategically very important function that is identical in function
+ to nmigen's Signal.eq function, except it may take objects, or a list
+ of objects, or a tuple of objects, and where objects may also be
+ Records.
+ Stage API:
+ ---------
+ stage requires compliance with a strict API that may be
+ implemented in several means, including as a static class.
+ the methods of a stage instance must be as follows:
+ * ispec() - Input data format specification
+ returns an object or a list or tuple of objects, or
+ a Record, each object having an "eq" function which
+ takes responsibility for copying by assignment all
+ sub-objects
+ * ospec() - Output data format specification
+ requirements as for ospec
+ * process(m, i) - Processes an ispec-formatted object
+ returns a combinatorial block of a result that
+ may be assigned to the output, by way of the "eq"
+ function
+ * setup(m, i) - Optional function for setting up submodules
+ may be used for more complex stages, to link
+ the input (i) to submodules. must take responsibility
+ for adding those submodules to the module (m).
+ the submodules must be combinatorial blocks and
+ must have their inputs and output linked combinatorially.
+ StageChain:
+ ----------
+ A useful combinatorial wrapper around stages that chains them together
+ and then presents a Stage-API-conformant interface.
+ UnbufferedPipeline:
+ ------------------
+ A simple stalling clock-synchronised pipeline that has no buffering
+ (unlike BufferedPipeline). A stall anywhere along the line will
+ result in a stall back-propagating down the entire chain.
+ The BufferedPipeline by contrast will buffer incoming data, allowing
+ previous stages one clock cycle's grace before also having to stall.
+ An advantage of the UnbufferedPipeline over the Buffered one is
+ that the amount of logic needed (number of gates) is greatly
+ reduced.
+ BufferedPipeline:
+ ----------------
+ nmigen implementation of buffered pipeline stage, based on zipcpu:
+ https://zipcpu.com/blog/2017/08/14/strategies-for-pipelining.html
+ this module requires quite a bit of thought to understand how it works
+ (and why it is needed in the first place). reading the above is
+ *strongly* recommended.
+ unlike john dawson's IEEE754 FPU STB/ACK signalling, which requires
+ the STB / ACK signals to raise and lower (on separate clocks) before
+ data may proceeed (thus only allowing one piece of data to proceed
+ on *ALTERNATE* cycles), the signalling here is a true pipeline
+ where data will flow on *every* clock when the conditions are right.
+ input acceptance conditions are when:
+ * incoming previous-stage strobe (p.i_valid) is HIGH
+ * outgoing previous-stage ready (p.o_ready) is LOW
+ output transmission conditions are when:
+ * outgoing next-stage strobe (n.o_valid) is HIGH
+ * outgoing next-stage ready (n.i_ready) is LOW
+ the tricky bit is when the input has valid data and the output is not
+ ready to accept it. if it wasn't for the clock synchronisation, it
+ would be possible to tell the input "hey don't send that data, we're
+ not ready". unfortunately, it's not possible to "change the past":
+ the previous stage *has no choice* but to pass on its data.
+ therefore, the incoming data *must* be accepted - and stored: that
+ is the responsibility / contract that this stage *must* accept.
+ on the same clock, it's possible to tell the input that it must
+ not send any more data. this is the "stall" condition.
+ we now effectively have *two* possible pieces of data to "choose" from:
+ the buffered data, and the incoming data. the decision as to which
+ to process and output is based on whether we are in "stall" or not.
+ i.e. when the next stage is no longer ready, the output comes from
+ the buffer if a stall had previously occurred, otherwise it comes
+ direct from processing the input.
+ this allows us to respect a synchronous "travelling STB" with what
+ dan calls a "buffered handshake".
+ it's quite a complex state machine!
+from nmigen import Signal, Cat, Const, Mux, Module
+from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
+from nmigen.hdl.rec import Record, Layout
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+class PrevControl:
+ """ contains signals that come *from* the previous stage (both in and out)
+ * i_valid: previous stage indicating all incoming data is valid.
+ may be a multi-bit signal, where all bits are required
+ to be asserted to indicate "valid".
+ * o_ready: output to next stage indicating readiness to accept data
+ * i_data : an input - added by the user of this class
+ """
+ def __init__(self, i_width=1):
+ self.i_valid = Signal(i_width, name="p_i_valid") # prev >>in self
+ self.o_ready = Signal(name="p_o_ready") # prev <<out self
+ def _connect_in(self, prev):
+ """ internal helper function to connect stage to an input source.
+ do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
+ """
+ return [self.i_valid.eq(prev.i_valid),
+ prev.o_ready.eq(self.o_ready),
+ eq(self.i_data, prev.i_data),
+ ]
+ def i_valid_logic(self):
+ vlen = len(self.i_valid)
+ if vlen > 1: # multi-bit case: valid only when i_valid is all 1s
+ all1s = Const(-1, (len(self.i_valid), False))
+ return self.i_valid == all1s
+ # single-bit i_valid case
+ return self.i_valid
+class NextControl:
+ """ contains the signals that go *to* the next stage (both in and out)
+ * o_valid: output indicating to next stage that data is valid
+ * i_ready: input from next stage indicating that it can accept data
+ * o_data : an output - added by the user of this class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.o_valid = Signal(name="n_o_valid") # self out>> next
+ self.i_ready = Signal(name="n_i_ready") # self <<in next
+ def connect_to_next(self, nxt):
+ """ helper function to connect to the next stage data/valid/ready.
+ data/valid is passed *TO* nxt, and ready comes *IN* from nxt.
+ use this when connecting stage-to-stage
+ """
+ return [nxt.i_valid.eq(self.o_valid),
+ self.i_ready.eq(nxt.o_ready),
+ eq(nxt.i_data, self.o_data),
+ ]
+ def _connect_out(self, nxt):
+ """ internal helper function to connect stage to an output source.
+ do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
+ """
+ return [nxt.o_valid.eq(self.o_valid),
+ self.i_ready.eq(nxt.i_ready),
+ eq(nxt.o_data, self.o_data),
+ ]
+def eq(o, i):
+ """ makes signals equal: a helper routine which identifies if it is being
+ passed a list (or tuple) of objects, or signals, or Records, and calls
+ the objects' eq function.
+ complex objects (classes) can be used: they must follow the
+ convention of having an eq member function, which takes the
+ responsibility of further calling eq and returning a list of
+ eq assignments
+ Record is a special (unusual, recursive) case, where the input may be
+ specified as a dictionary (which may contain further dictionaries,
+ recursively), where the field names of the dictionary must match
+ the Record's field spec. Alternatively, an object with the same
+ member names as the Record may be assigned: it does not have to
+ *be* a Record.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(o, Sequence):
+ o, i = [o], [i]
+ res = []
+ for (ao, ai) in zip(o, i):
+ #print ("eq", ao, ai)
+ if isinstance(ao, Record):
+ for idx, (field_name, field_shape, _) in enumerate(ao.layout):
+ if isinstance(field_shape, Layout):
+ val = ai.fields
+ else:
+ val = ai
+ if hasattr(val, field_name): # check for attribute
+ val = getattr(val, field_name)
+ else:
+ val = val[field_name] # dictionary-style specification
+ rres = eq(ao.fields[field_name], val)
+ res += rres
+ else:
+ rres = ao.eq(ai)
+ if not isinstance(rres, Sequence):
+ rres = [rres]
+ res += rres
+ return res
+class StageCls(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ """ Class-based "Stage" API. requires instantiation (after derivation)
+ see "Stage API" above.. Note: python does *not* require derivation
+ from this class. All that is required is that the pipelines *have*
+ the functions listed in this class. Derivation from this class
+ is therefore merely a "courtesy" to maintainers.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def ispec(self): pass # REQUIRED
+ @abstractmethod
+ def ospec(self): pass # REQUIRED
+ #@abstractmethod
+ #def setup(self, m, i): pass # OPTIONAL
+ @abstractmethod
+ def process(self, i): pass # REQUIRED
+class Stage(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ """ Static "Stage" API. does not require instantiation (after derivation)
+ see "Stage API" above. Note: python does *not* require derivation
+ from this class. All that is required is that the pipelines *have*
+ the functions listed in this class. Derivation from this class
+ is therefore merely a "courtesy" to maintainers.
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def ispec(): pass
+ @staticmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def ospec(): pass
+ #@staticmethod
+ #@abstractmethod
+ #def setup(m, i): pass
+ @staticmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def process(i): pass
+class StageChain(StageCls):
+ """ pass in a list of stages, and they will automatically be
+ chained together via their input and output specs into a
+ combinatorial chain.
+ the end result basically conforms to the exact same Stage API.
+ * input to this class will be the input of the first stage
+ * output of first stage goes into input of second
+ * output of second goes into input into third (etc. etc.)
+ * the output of this class will be the output of the last stage
+ """
+ def __init__(self, chain):
+ self.chain = chain
+ def ispec(self):
+ return self.chain[0].ispec()
+ def ospec(self):
+ return self.chain[-1].ospec()
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ for (idx, c) in enumerate(self.chain):
+ if hasattr(c, "setup"):
+ c.setup(m, i) # stage may have some module stuff
+ o = self.chain[idx].ospec() # only the last assignment survives
+ m.d.comb += eq(o, c.process(i)) # process input into "o"
+ if idx != len(self.chain)-1:
+ ni = self.chain[idx+1].ispec() # becomes new input on next loop
+ m.d.comb += eq(ni, o) # assign output to next input
+ i = ni
+ self.o = o # last loop is the output
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o # conform to Stage API: return last-loop output
+class ControlBase:
+ """ Common functions for Pipeline API
+ """
+ def __init__(self, in_multi=None):
+ """ Base class containing ready/valid/data to previous and next stages
+ * p: contains ready/valid to the previous stage
+ * n: contains ready/valid to the next stage
+ User must also:
+ * add i_data member to PrevControl (p) and
+ * add o_data member to NextControl (n)
+ """
+ # set up input and output IO ACK (prev/next ready/valid)
+ self.p = PrevControl(in_multi)
+ self.n = NextControl()
+ def connect_to_next(self, nxt):
+ """ helper function to connect to the next stage data/valid/ready.
+ """
+ return self.n.connect_to_next(nxt.p)
+ def _connect_in(self, prev):
+ """ internal helper function to connect stage to an input source.
+ do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
+ """
+ return self.p._connect_in(prev.p)
+ def _connect_out(self, nxt):
+ """ internal helper function to connect stage to an output source.
+ do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
+ """
+ return self.n._connect_out(nxt.n)
+ def connect(self, m, pipechain):
+ """ connects a chain (list) of Pipeline instances together and
+ links them to this ControlBase instance:
+ in <----> self <---> out
+ | ^
+ v |
+ [pipe1, pipe2, pipe3, pipe4]
+ | ^ | ^ | ^
+ v | v | v |
+ out---in out--in out---in
+ Also takes care of allocating i_data/o_data, by looking up
+ the data spec for each end of the pipechain. i.e It is NOT
+ necessary to allocate self.p.i_data or self.n.o_data manually:
+ this is handled AUTOMATICALLY, here.
+ Basically this function is the direct equivalent of StageChain,
+ except that unlike StageChain, the Pipeline logic is followed.
+ Just as StageChain presents an object that conforms to the
+ Stage API from a list of objects that also conform to the
+ Stage API, an object that calls this Pipeline connect function
+ has the exact same pipeline API as the list of pipline objects
+ it is called with.
+ Thus it becomes possible to build up larger chains recursively.
+ More complex chains (multi-input, multi-output) will have to be
+ done manually.
+ """
+ eqs = [] # collated list of assignment statements
+ # connect inter-chain
+ for i in range(len(pipechain)-1):
+ pipe1 = pipechain[i]
+ pipe2 = pipechain[i+1]
+ eqs += pipe1.connect_to_next(pipe2)
+ # connect front of chain to ourselves
+ front = pipechain[0]
+ self.p.i_data = front.stage.ispec()
+ eqs += front._connect_in(self)
+ # connect end of chain to ourselves
+ end = pipechain[-1]
+ self.n.o_data = end.stage.ospec()
+ eqs += end._connect_out(self)
+ # activate the assignments
+ m.d.comb += eqs
+ def set_input(self, i):
+ """ helper function to set the input data
+ """
+ return eq(self.p.i_data, i)
+ def ports(self):
+ return [self.p.i_valid, self.n.i_ready,
+ self.n.o_valid, self.p.o_ready,
+ self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data # XXX need flattening!
+ ]
+class BufferedPipeline(ControlBase):
+ """ buffered pipeline stage. data and strobe signals travel in sync.
+ if ever the input is ready and the output is not, processed data
+ is shunted in a temporary register.
+ Argument: stage. see Stage API above
+ stage-1 p.i_valid >>in stage n.o_valid out>> stage+1
+ stage-1 p.o_ready <<out stage n.i_ready <<in stage+1
+ stage-1 p.i_data >>in stage n.o_data out>> stage+1
+ | |
+ process --->----^
+ | |
+ +-- r_data ->-+
+ input data p.i_data is read (only), is processed and goes into an
+ intermediate result store [process()]. this is updated combinatorially.
+ in a non-stall condition, the intermediate result will go into the
+ output (update_output). however if ever there is a stall, it goes
+ into r_data instead [update_buffer()].
+ when the non-stall condition is released, r_data is the first
+ to be transferred to the output [flush_buffer()], and the stall
+ condition cleared.
+ on the next cycle (as long as stall is not raised again) the
+ input may begin to be processed and transferred directly to output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stage):
+ ControlBase.__init__(self)
+ self.stage = stage
+ # set up the input and output data
+ self.p.i_data = stage.ispec() # input type
+ self.n.o_data = stage.ospec()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ result = self.stage.ospec()
+ r_data = self.stage.ospec()
+ if hasattr(self.stage, "setup"):
+ self.stage.setup(m, self.p.i_data)
+ # establish some combinatorial temporaries
+ o_n_validn = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ i_p_valid_o_p_ready = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ p_i_valid = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += [p_i_valid.eq(self.p.i_valid_logic()),
+ o_n_validn.eq(~self.n.o_valid),
+ i_p_valid_o_p_ready.eq(p_i_valid & self.p.o_ready),
+ ]
+ # store result of processing in combinatorial temporary
+ m.d.comb += eq(result, self.stage.process(self.p.i_data))
+ # if not in stall condition, update the temporary register
+ with m.If(self.p.o_ready): # not stalled
+ m.d.sync += eq(r_data, result) # update buffer
+ with m.If(self.n.i_ready): # next stage is ready
+ with m.If(self.p.o_ready): # not stalled
+ # nothing in buffer: send (processed) input direct to output
+ m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(p_i_valid),
+ eq(self.n.o_data, result), # update output
+ ]
+ with m.Else(): # p.o_ready is false, and something is in buffer.
+ # Flush the [already processed] buffer to the output port.
+ m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(1), # declare reg empty
+ eq(self.n.o_data, r_data), # flush buffer
+ self.p.o_ready.eq(1), # clear stall condition
+ ]
+ # ignore input, since p.o_ready is also false.
+ # (n.i_ready) is false here: next stage is ready
+ with m.Elif(o_n_validn): # next stage being told "ready"
+ m.d.sync += [self.n.o_valid.eq(p_i_valid),
+ self.p.o_ready.eq(1), # Keep the buffer empty
+ eq(self.n.o_data, result), # set output data
+ ]
+ # (n.i_ready) false and (n.o_valid) true:
+ with m.Elif(i_p_valid_o_p_ready):
+ # If next stage *is* ready, and not stalled yet, accept input
+ m.d.sync += self.p.o_ready.eq(~(p_i_valid & self.n.o_valid))
+ return m
+class UnbufferedPipeline(ControlBase):
+ """ A simple pipeline stage with single-clock synchronisation
+ and two-way valid/ready synchronised signalling.
+ Note that a stall in one stage will result in the entire pipeline
+ chain stalling.
+ Also that unlike BufferedPipeline, the valid/ready signalling does NOT
+ travel synchronously with the data: the valid/ready signalling
+ combines in a *combinatorial* fashion. Therefore, a long pipeline
+ chain will lengthen propagation delays.
+ Argument: stage. see Stage API, above
+ stage-1 p.i_valid >>in stage n.o_valid out>> stage+1
+ stage-1 p.o_ready <<out stage n.i_ready <<in stage+1
+ stage-1 p.i_data >>in stage n.o_data out>> stage+1
+ | |
+ r_data result
+ | |
+ +--process ->-+
+ Attributes:
+ -----------
+ p.i_data : StageInput, shaped according to ispec
+ The pipeline input
+ p.o_data : StageOutput, shaped according to ospec
+ The pipeline output
+ r_data : input_shape according to ispec
+ A temporary (buffered) copy of a prior (valid) input.
+ This is HELD if the output is not ready. It is updated
+ result: output_shape according to ospec
+ The output of the combinatorial logic. it is updated
+ COMBINATORIALLY (no clock dependence).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stage):
+ ControlBase.__init__(self)
+ self.stage = stage
+ self._data_valid = Signal()
+ # set up the input and output data
+ self.p.i_data = stage.ispec() # input type
+ self.n.o_data = stage.ospec() # output type
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ r_data = self.stage.ispec() # input type
+ result = self.stage.ospec() # output data
+ if hasattr(self.stage, "setup"):
+ self.stage.setup(m, r_data)
+ p_i_valid = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += p_i_valid.eq(self.p.i_valid_logic())
+ m.d.comb += eq(result, self.stage.process(r_data))
+ m.d.comb += self.n.o_valid.eq(self._data_valid)
+ m.d.comb += self.p.o_ready.eq(~self._data_valid | self.n.i_ready)
+ m.d.sync += self._data_valid.eq(p_i_valid | \
+ (~self.n.i_ready & self._data_valid))
+ with m.If(self.p.i_valid & self.p.o_ready):
+ m.d.sync += eq(r_data, self.p.i_data)
+ m.d.comb += eq(self.n.o_data, result)
+ return m