rather than override what is in TestIssuerBase, which examines PC for
a DBG DMI Halt condition (stop_addr_o)
nia = Signal(64)
# connect up debug signals
- comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.o.core_terminate_o)
+ with m.If(core.o.core_terminate_o):
+ comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(1)
# there are *THREE^WFOUR-if-SVP64-enabled* FSMs, fetch (32/64-bit)
# issue, decode/execute, now joined by "Predicate fetch/calculate".
nia = Signal(64)
# connect up debug signals
- comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.o.core_terminate_o)
+ with m.If(core.o.core_terminate_o):
+ comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(1)
# pass the prefix mode from Fetch to Issue, so the latter can loop
# on VL==0