bus = os.path.join(bp, 'busenable.bsv')
pmp = os.path.join(bp, 'pinmux.bsv')
- ptp = os.path.join(bp, 'PinTop.bsv')
bvp = os.path.join(bp, 'bus.bsv')
idef = os.path.join(bp, 'instance_defines.bsv')
slow = os.path.join(bp, 'slow_peripherals.bsv')
soct = os.path.join(cwd, 'soc_template.bsv')
write_pmp(pmp, p, ifaces, iocells)
- write_ptp(ptp, p, ifaces)
write_bvp(bvp, p, ifaces)
write_bus(bus, p, ifaces)
write_instances(idef, p, ifaces)
# ======================================================================
-def write_ptp(ptp, p, ifaces):
- with open(ptp, 'w') as bsv_file:
- bsv_file.write(copyright + '''
-package PinTop;
- import pinmux::*;
- interface Ifc_PintTop;
- method ActionValue#(Bool) write(Bit#({0}) addr, Bit#({1}) data);
- method Tuple2#(Bool,Bit#({1})) read(Bit#({0}) addr);
- interface PeripheralSide peripheral_side;
- endinterface
- module mkPinTop(Ifc_PintTop);
- // instantiate the pin-mux module here
- Ifc_pinmux pinmux <-mkpinmux;
- // declare the registers which will be used to mux the IOs
-'''.format(p.ADDR_WIDTH, p.DATA_WIDTH))
- cell_bit_width = str(p.cell_bitwidth)
- for cell in p.muxed_cells:
- bsv_file.write('''
- Reg#(Bit#({0})) rg_muxio_{1} <-mkReg(0);'''.format(
- cell_bit_width, cell[0]))
- bsv_file.write('''
- // rule to connect the registers to the selection lines of the
- // pin-mux module
- rule connect_selection_registers;''')
- for cell in p.muxed_cells:
- bsv_file.write('''
- pinmux.mux_lines.cell{0}_mux(rg_muxio_{0});'''.format(cell[0]))
- bsv_file.write('''
- endrule
- // method definitions for the write user interface
- method ActionValue#(Bool) write(Bit#({2}) addr, Bit#({3}) data);
- Bool err=False;
- case (addr[{0}:{1}])'''.format(p.upper_offset, p.lower_offset,
- index = 0
- for cell in p.muxed_cells:
- bsv_file.write('''
- {0}: rg_muxio_{1}<=truncate(data);'''.format(index, cell[0]))
- index = index + 1
- bsv_file.write('''
- default: err=True;
- endcase
- return err;
- endmethod''')
- bsv_file.write('''
- // method definitions for the read user interface
- method Tuple2#(Bool,Bit#({3})) read(Bit#({2}) addr);
- Bool err=False;
- Bit#(32) data=0;
- case (addr[{0}:{1}])'''.format(p.upper_offset, p.lower_offset,
- index = 0
- for cell in p.muxed_cells:
- bsv_file.write('''
- {0}: data=zeroExtend(rg_muxio_{1});'''.format(index, cell[0]))
- index = index + 1
- bsv_file.write('''
- default:err=True;
- endcase
- return tuple2(err,data);
- endmethod
- interface peripheral_side=pinmux.peripheral_side;
- endmodule
def write_bvp(bvp, p, ifaces):
# ######## Generate bus transactors ################
gpiocfg = '\t\tinterface GPIO_config#({4}) bank{3}_config;\n' \
N_MUX = 1 # number of selection lines for the mux per io
N_IO = 0
N_MUX_IO = 0
- Addressing = 'WORD'
ADDR_WIDTH = 64 # TODO parameterise
PADDR_WIDTH = 32 # TODO parameterise
DATA_WIDTH = 64 # TODO parameterise
# ================ #
- # Generating the number of bits for memory map #
- lower_offset = 0
- if Addressing == 'BYTE':
- lower_offset = 0
- elif Addressing == 'HWORD':
- lower_offset = 1
- elif Addressing == 'WORD':
- lower_offset = 2
- elif Addressing == 'DWORD':
- lower_offset = 3
- else:
- print('ERROR: Addressing should be one of: BYTE, HWORD, WORD, DWORD')
- exit(1)
def __init__(self, pth=None, verify=True):
max_io = 0
self.muxed_cells = []
self.dedicated_cells = []
self.pinnumbers = []
+ self.bankwidths = {}
+ fname = 'bankwidths.txt'
+ if pth:
+ fname = os.path.join(pth, fname)
+ with open(fname) as bankwidths:
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(bankwidths):
+ line1 = line[:-1].split('\t')
+ self.bankwidths[line1[0]] = int(line1[1])
# == capture the number of IO cells required == #
fname = 'pinmap.txt'
if pth:
with open(fname) as pinmapfile:
for lineno, line in enumerate(pinmapfile):
line1 = line[:-1].split('\t')
- if len(line1) <= 1:
+ if len(line1) <= 2:
# XXX TODO: dedicated pins in separate file
self.pinnumbers = sorted(self.pinnumbers)
- self.upper_offset = self.lower_offset + \
- int(math.log(len(self.muxed_cells), 2))
if verify:
- self.cell_bitwidth = self.get_cell_bit_width()
+ #self.cell_bitwidth = self.get_cell_bit_widths()
# == user info after parsing ================= #
self.N_IO = len(self.dedicated_cells) + len(self.muxed_cells)
print("Max number of IO: " + str(self.N_IO))
- print("Muxer bit width: " + str(self.cell_bitwidth))
+ #print("Muxer bit width: " + str(self.cell_bitwidth))
print("Muxed IOs: " + str(len(self.muxed_cells)))
print("Dedicated IOs: " + str(len(self.dedicated_cells)))
+ #sys.exit(0)
def do_checks(self):
""" Multiple checks to see if the user has not screwed up
- def get_cell_bit_width(self):
+ def get_cell_bit_widths(self, banks):
max_num_cells = 0
for cell in self.muxed_cells:
+ print cell
max_num_cells = max(len(cell) - 1, max_num_cells)
return int(math.log(max_num_cells + 1, 2))