exp-o : ....xN...xN...xN...xN... (32+4 bits - x to be discarded)
o : .... N... N... N... N... (32 bits - x ignored, N is carry-over)
+ partition: p p p p (4 bits)
+ carry-in : c c c c (4 bits)
+ C = c & P: C C C c (4 bits)
+ I = P=>c : I I I I (4 bits)
+ a : AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA (32 bits)
+ b : BBBB BBBB BBBB BBBB BBBB (32 bits)
+ exp-a : 0AAAApAAAACAAAACAAAACAAAAc (32+4 bits, P=1 if no partition)
+ exp-b : 0BBBB0BBBBIBBBBIBBBBIBBBBI (32 bits plus 4 zeros)
+ exp-o : o....oN...oN...oN...oN...x (32+4 bits - x to be discarded)
+ o : .... N... N... N... N... (32 bits - x ignored, N is carry-over)
+ carry-out: o o o o (4 bits)
:attribute width: the bit width of the input and output. Read-only.
:attribute a: the first input to the adder
:attribute b: the second input to the adder