from nmigen.asserts import Assert, Assume
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import FPNumDecode, FPNumBaseRecord
from ieee754.fsgnj.fsgnj import FSGNJPipeMod
from ieee754.pipeline import PipelineSpec
import subprocess
m.submodules.dut = dut = FSGNJPipeMod(self.pspec)
+ a1 = FPNumBaseRecord(self.pspec.width, False)
+ b1 = FPNumBaseRecord(self.pspec.width, False)
+ z1 = FPNumBaseRecord(self.pspec.width, False)
+ m.submodules.sc_decode_a = a1 = FPNumDecode(None, a1)
+ m.submodules.sc_decode_b = b1 = FPNumDecode(None, b1)
+ m.submodules.sc_decode_z = z1 = FPNumDecode(None, z1)
+ m.d.comb += [a1.v.eq(self.a),
+ b1.v.eq(self.b),
+ z1.v.eq(self.z)]
# connect up the inputs and outputs. I think these could
# theoretically be $anyconst/$anysync but I'm not sure nmigen
# has support for that
# The RISCV spec (page 70) says FSGNJ "produces a result that
# takes all buts except the sign bit from [operand 1]". This
# asserts that that holds true
- m.d.comb += Assert(self.z[0:31] == self.a[0:31])
+ m.d.comb += Assert(z1.e == a1.e)
+ m.d.comb += Assert(z1.m == a1.m)
with m.Switch(self.opc):
# 0b00 in this case) "the result's sign bit is [operand
# 2's] sign bit"
with m.Case(0b00):
- m.d.comb += Assert(self.z[-1] == self.b[-1])
+ m.d.comb += Assert(z1.s == b1.s)
# The RISCV Spec (page 70) states that for FSGNJN (opcode
# 0b01 in this case) "the result's sign bit is the opposite
# of [operand 2's] sign bit"
with m.Case(0b01):
- m.d.comb += Assert(self.z[-1] == ~self.b[-1])
+ m.d.comb += Assert(z1.s == ~b1.s)
# The RISCV Spec (page 70) states that for FSGNJX (opcode
# 0b10 in this case) "the result's sign bit is the XOR of
# the sign bits of [operand 1] and [operand 2]"
with m.Case(0b10):
- m.d.comb += Assert(self.z[-1] == (self.a[-1] ^ self.b[-1]))
+ m.d.comb += Assert(z1.s == (a1.s ^ b1.s))
return m
if p.wait() == 0:
- out, err = p.communicate()
+ out, _ = p.communicate()
print("Proof successful!")