--- /dev/null
+import os.path
+from UserDict import UserDict
+from wire_def import generic_io # special case
+from wire_def import muxwire # special case
+class Pin(object):
+ """ pin interface declaration.
+ * name is the name of the pin
+ * ready, enabled and io all create a (* .... *) prefix
+ * action changes it to an "in" if true
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name,
+ ready=True,
+ enabled=True,
+ io=False,
+ action=False,
+ bitspec=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.ready = ready
+ self.enabled = enabled
+ self.io = io
+ self.action = action
+ self.bitspec = bitspec if bitspec else '1'
+ def ifacefmt(self, fmtfn=None):
+ res = ' '
+ status = []
+ if self.ready:
+ status.append('always_ready')
+ if self.enabled:
+ status.append('always_enabled')
+ if self.io:
+ status.append('result="io"')
+ if status:
+ res += '(*'
+ res += ','.join(status)
+ res += '*)'
+ res += " method "
+ if self.io:
+ res += "\n "
+ name = fmtfn(self.name)
+ if self.action:
+ res += " Action "
+ res += name
+ res += ' (Bit#(%s) in)' % self.bitspec
+ else:
+ res += " Bit#(%s) " % self.bitspec
+ res += name
+ res += ";"
+ return res
+ def ifacedef(self, fmtoutfn=None, fmtinfn=None, fmtdecfn=None):
+ res = ' method '
+ if self.action:
+ fmtname = fmtinfn(self.name)
+ res += "Action "
+ res += fmtdecfn(self.name)
+ res += '(Bit#(%s) in);\n' % self.bitspec
+ res += ' %s<=in;\n' % fmtname
+ res += ' endmethod'
+ else:
+ fmtname = fmtoutfn(self.name)
+ res += "%s=%s;" % (self.name, fmtname)
+ return res
+ def wirefmt(self, fmtoutfn=None, fmtinfn=None, fmtdecfn=None):
+ res = ' Wire#(Bit#(%s)) ' % self.bitspec
+ if self.action:
+ res += '%s' % fmtinfn(self.name)
+ else:
+ res += '%s' % fmtoutfn(self.name)
+ res += "<-mkDWire(0);"
+ return res
+class Interface(object):
+ """ create an interface from a list of pinspecs.
+ each pinspec is a dictionary, see Pin class arguments
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ifacename, pinspecs):
+ self.ifacename = ifacename
+ self.pins = []
+ self.pinspecs = pinspecs
+ for p in pinspecs:
+ _p = {}
+ _p.update(p)
+ if p.get('outen') is True: # special case, generate 3 pins
+ del _p['outen']
+ for psuffix in ['out', 'outen', 'in']:
+ _p['name'] = "%s_%s" % (self.pname(p['name']), psuffix)
+ _p['action'] = psuffix != 'in'
+ self.pins.append(Pin(**_p))
+ else:
+ _p['name'] = self.pname(p['name'])
+ self.pins.append(Pin(**_p))
+ def pname(self, name):
+ return '%s{0}_%s' % (self.ifacename, name)
+ def wirefmt(self, *args):
+ res = '\n'.join(map(self.wirefmtpin, self.pins)).format(*args)
+ res += '\n'
+ for p in self.pinspecs:
+ name = self.pname(p['name']).format(*args)
+ res += " GenericIOType %s_io = GenericIOType{\n" % name
+ params = []
+ if p.get('outen') is True:
+ outname = self.ifacefmtoutfn(name)
+ params.append('outputval:%s_out,' % outname)
+ params.append('output_en:%s_outen,' % outname)
+ params.append('input_en:~%s_outen,' % outname)
+ elif p.get('action'):
+ outname = self.ifacefmtoutfn(name)
+ params.append('outputval:%s,' % outname)
+ params.append('output_en:1,')
+ params.append('input_en:0,')
+ else:
+ params.append('outputval:0,')
+ params.append('output_en:0,')
+ params.append('input_en:1,')
+ params += ['pullup_en:0,', 'pulldown_en:0,',
+ 'pushpull_en:0,', 'drivestrength:0,',
+ 'opendrain_en:0']
+ for param in params:
+ res += ' %s\n' % param
+ res += ' };\n'
+ return '\n' + res
+ def ifacefmt(self, *args):
+ res = '\n'.join(map(self.ifacefmtdecpin, self.pins)).format(*args)
+ return '\n' + res
+ def ifacefmtdecfn(self, name):
+ return name
+ def ifacefmtdecfn2(self, name):
+ return name
+ def ifacefmtoutfn(self, name):
+ return "wr%s" % name
+ def ifacefmtinfn(self, name):
+ return "wr%s" % name
+ def wirefmtpin(self, pin):
+ return pin.wirefmt(self.ifacefmtoutfn, self.ifacefmtinfn,
+ self.ifacefmtdecfn2)
+ def ifacefmtdecpin(self, pin):
+ return pin.ifacefmt(self.ifacefmtdecfn)
+ def ifacefmtpin(self, pin):
+ return pin.ifacedef(self.ifacefmtoutfn, self.ifacefmtinfn,
+ self.ifacefmtdecfn2)
+ def ifacedef(self, *args):
+ res = '\n'.join(map(self.ifacefmtpin, self.pins))
+ res = res.format(*args)
+ return '\n' + res + '\n'
+class MuxInterface(Interface):
+ def wirefmt(self, *args):
+ return muxwire.format(*args)
+class IOInterface(Interface):
+ def ifacefmtoutfn(self, name):
+ """ for now strip off io{0}_ part """
+ return "cell{0}_mux_out.%s" % name[6:]
+ def ifacefmtinfn(self, name):
+ return "cell{0}_mux_in"
+ def wirefmt(self, *args):
+ return generic_io.format(*args)
+class Interfaces(UserDict):
+ """ contains a list of interface definitions
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pth):
+ self.pth = pth
+ self.ifacecount = []
+ UserDict.__init__(self, {})
+ ift = 'interfaces.txt'
+ if pth:
+ ift = os.path.join(pth, ift)
+ with open(ift, 'r') as ifile:
+ for ln in ifile.readlines():
+ ln = ln.strip()
+ ln = ln.split("\t")
+ name = ln[0]
+ count = int(ln[1])
+ spec = self.read_spec(pth, name)
+ self.ifaceadd(name, count, Interface(name, spec))
+ def ifaceadd(self, name, count, iface, at=None):
+ if at is None:
+ at = len(self.ifacecount)
+ self.ifacecount.insert(at, (name, count))
+ self[name] = iface
+ def read_spec(self, pth, name):
+ spec = []
+ fname = '%s.txt' % name
+ if pth:
+ ift = os.path.join(pth, fname)
+ with open(ift, 'r') as sfile:
+ for ln in sfile.readlines():
+ ln = ln.strip()
+ ln = ln.split("\t")
+ d = {'name': ln[0]}
+ if ln[1] == 'out':
+ d['action'] = True
+ elif ln[1] == 'inout':
+ d['outen'] = True
+ spec.append(d)
+ return spec
+ def ifacedef(self, f, *args):
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ f.write(self.data[name].ifacedef(i))
+ def ifacefmt(self, f, *args):
+ comment = '''
+ // interface declaration between %s-{0} and pinmux'''
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ c = comment % name.upper()
+ f.write(c.format(i))
+ f.write(self.data[name].ifacefmt(i))
+ def wirefmt(self, f, *args):
+ comment = '\n // following wires capture signals ' \
+ 'to IO CELL if %s-{0} is\n' \
+ ' // allotted to it'
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ c = comment % name
+ f.write(c.format(i))
+ f.write(self.data[name].wirefmt(i))
+# ========= Interface declarations ================ #
+mux_interface = MuxInterface('cell', [{'name': 'mux', 'ready': False,
+ 'enabled': False,
+ 'bitspec': '{1}', 'action': True}])
+io_interface = IOInterface('io',
+ [{'name': 'outputval', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'output_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'input_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'pullup_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'pulldown_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'drivestrength', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'pushpull_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'opendrain_en', 'enabled': False},
+ {'name': 'inputval', 'action': True, 'io': True},
+ ])
+# == Peripheral Interface definitions == #
+# these are the interface of the peripherals to the pin mux
+# Outputs from the peripherals will be inputs to the pinmux
+# module. Hence the change in direction for most pins
+# ======================================= #
+# basic test
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ uartinterface_decl = Interface('uart',
+ [{'name': 'rx'},
+ {'name': 'tx', 'action': True},
+ ])
+ twiinterface_decl = Interface('twi',
+ [{'name': 'sda', 'outen': True},
+ {'name': 'scl', 'outen': True},
+ ])
+ def _pinmunge(p, sep, repl, dedupe=True):
+ """ munges the text so it's easier to compare.
+ splits by separator, strips out blanks, re-joins.
+ """
+ p = p.strip()
+ p = p.split(sep)
+ if dedupe:
+ p = filter(lambda x: x, p) # filter out blanks
+ return repl.join(p)
+ def pinmunge(p):
+ """ munges the text so it's easier to compare.
+ """
+ # first join lines by semicolons, strip out returns
+ p = p.split(";")
+ p = map(lambda x: x.replace('\n', ''), p)
+ p = '\n'.join(p)
+ # now split first by brackets, then spaces (deduping on spaces)
+ p = _pinmunge(p, "(", " ( ", False)
+ p = _pinmunge(p, ")", " ) ", False)
+ p = _pinmunge(p, " ", " ")
+ return p
+ def zipcmp(l1, l2):
+ l1 = l1.split("\n")
+ l2 = l2.split("\n")
+ for p1, p2 in zip(l1, l2):
+ print repr(p1)
+ print repr(p2)
+ print
+ assert p1 == p2
+ ifaces = Interfaces()
+ ifaceuart = ifaces['uart']
+ print ifaceuart.ifacedef(0)
+ print uartinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
+ assert ifaceuart.ifacedef(0) == uartinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
+ ifacetwi = ifaces['twi']
+ print ifacetwi.ifacedef(0)
+ print twiinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
+ assert ifacetwi.ifacedef(0) == twiinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
+++ /dev/null
-import os.path
-from UserDict import UserDict
-from wire_def import generic_io # special case
-from wire_def import muxwire # special case
-class Pin(object):
- """ pin interface declaration.
- * name is the name of the pin
- * ready, enabled and io all create a (* .... *) prefix
- * action changes it to an "in" if true
- """
- def __init__(self, name,
- ready=True,
- enabled=True,
- io=False,
- action=False,
- bitspec=None):
- self.name = name
- self.ready = ready
- self.enabled = enabled
- self.io = io
- self.action = action
- self.bitspec = bitspec if bitspec else '1'
- def ifacefmt(self, fmtfn=None):
- res = ' '
- status = []
- if self.ready:
- status.append('always_ready')
- if self.enabled:
- status.append('always_enabled')
- if self.io:
- status.append('result="io"')
- if status:
- res += '(*'
- res += ','.join(status)
- res += '*)'
- res += " method "
- if self.io:
- res += "\n "
- name = fmtfn(self.name)
- if self.action:
- res += " Action "
- res += name
- res += ' (Bit#(%s) in)' % self.bitspec
- else:
- res += " Bit#(%s) " % self.bitspec
- res += name
- res += ";"
- return res
- def ifacedef(self, fmtoutfn=None, fmtinfn=None, fmtdecfn=None):
- res = ' method '
- if self.action:
- fmtname = fmtinfn(self.name)
- res += "Action "
- res += fmtdecfn(self.name)
- res += '(Bit#(%s) in);\n' % self.bitspec
- res += ' %s<=in;\n' % fmtname
- res += ' endmethod'
- else:
- fmtname = fmtoutfn(self.name)
- res += "%s=%s;" % (self.name, fmtname)
- return res
- def wirefmt(self, fmtoutfn=None, fmtinfn=None, fmtdecfn=None):
- res = ' Wire#(Bit#(%s)) ' % self.bitspec
- if self.action:
- res += '%s' % fmtinfn(self.name)
- else:
- res += '%s' % fmtoutfn(self.name)
- res += "<-mkDWire(0);"
- return res
-class Interface(object):
- """ create an interface from a list of pinspecs.
- each pinspec is a dictionary, see Pin class arguments
- """
- def __init__(self, ifacename, pinspecs):
- self.ifacename = ifacename
- self.pins = []
- self.pinspecs = pinspecs
- for p in pinspecs:
- _p = {}
- _p.update(p)
- if p.get('outen') is True: # special case, generate 3 pins
- del _p['outen']
- for psuffix in ['out', 'outen', 'in']:
- _p['name'] = "%s_%s" % (self.pname(p['name']), psuffix)
- _p['action'] = psuffix != 'in'
- self.pins.append(Pin(**_p))
- else:
- _p['name'] = self.pname(p['name'])
- self.pins.append(Pin(**_p))
- def pname(self, name):
- return '%s{0}_%s' % (self.ifacename, name)
- def wirefmt(self, *args):
- res = '\n'.join(map(self.wirefmtpin, self.pins)).format(*args)
- res += '\n'
- for p in self.pinspecs:
- name = self.pname(p['name']).format(*args)
- res += " GenericIOType %s_io = GenericIOType{\n" % name
- params = []
- if p.get('outen') is True:
- outname = self.ifacefmtoutfn(name)
- params.append('outputval:%s_out,' % outname)
- params.append('output_en:%s_outen,' % outname)
- params.append('input_en:~%s_outen,' % outname)
- elif p.get('action'):
- outname = self.ifacefmtoutfn(name)
- params.append('outputval:%s,' % outname)
- params.append('output_en:1,')
- params.append('input_en:0,')
- else:
- params.append('outputval:0,')
- params.append('output_en:0,')
- params.append('input_en:1,')
- params += ['pullup_en:0,', 'pulldown_en:0,',
- 'pushpull_en:0,', 'drivestrength:0,',
- 'opendrain_en:0']
- for param in params:
- res += ' %s\n' % param
- res += ' };\n'
- return '\n' + res
- def ifacefmt(self, *args):
- res = '\n'.join(map(self.ifacefmtdecpin, self.pins)).format(*args)
- return '\n' + res
- def ifacefmtdecfn(self, name):
- return name
- def ifacefmtdecfn2(self, name):
- return name
- def ifacefmtoutfn(self, name):
- return "wr%s" % name
- def ifacefmtinfn(self, name):
- return "wr%s" % name
- def wirefmtpin(self, pin):
- return pin.wirefmt(self.ifacefmtoutfn, self.ifacefmtinfn,
- self.ifacefmtdecfn2)
- def ifacefmtdecpin(self, pin):
- return pin.ifacefmt(self.ifacefmtdecfn)
- def ifacefmtpin(self, pin):
- return pin.ifacedef(self.ifacefmtoutfn, self.ifacefmtinfn,
- self.ifacefmtdecfn2)
- def ifacedef(self, *args):
- res = '\n'.join(map(self.ifacefmtpin, self.pins))
- res = res.format(*args)
- return '\n' + res + '\n'
-class MuxInterface(Interface):
- def wirefmt(self, *args):
- return muxwire.format(*args)
-class IOInterface(Interface):
- def ifacefmtoutfn(self, name):
- """ for now strip off io{0}_ part """
- return "cell{0}_mux_out.%s" % name[6:]
- def ifacefmtinfn(self, name):
- return "cell{0}_mux_in"
- def wirefmt(self, *args):
- return generic_io.format(*args)
-class Interfaces(UserDict):
- """ contains a list of interface definitions
- """
- def __init__(self, pth):
- self.pth = pth
- self.ifacecount = []
- UserDict.__init__(self, {})
- ift = 'interfaces.txt'
- if pth:
- ift = os.path.join(pth, ift)
- with open(ift, 'r') as ifile:
- for ln in ifile.readlines():
- ln = ln.strip()
- ln = ln.split("\t")
- name = ln[0]
- count = int(ln[1])
- spec = self.read_spec(pth, name)
- self.ifaceadd(name, count, Interface(name, spec))
- def ifaceadd(self, name, count, iface, at=None):
- if at is None:
- at = len(self.ifacecount)
- self.ifacecount.insert(at, (name, count))
- self[name] = iface
- def read_spec(self, pth, name):
- spec = []
- fname = '%s.txt' % name
- if pth:
- ift = os.path.join(pth, fname)
- with open(ift, 'r') as sfile:
- for ln in sfile.readlines():
- ln = ln.strip()
- ln = ln.split("\t")
- d = {'name': ln[0]}
- if ln[1] == 'out':
- d['action'] = True
- elif ln[1] == 'inout':
- d['outen'] = True
- spec.append(d)
- return spec
- def ifacedef(self, f, *args):
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- f.write(self.data[name].ifacedef(i))
- def ifacefmt(self, f, *args):
- comment = '''
- // interface declaration between %s-{0} and pinmux'''
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- c = comment % name.upper()
- f.write(c.format(i))
- f.write(self.data[name].ifacefmt(i))
- def wirefmt(self, f, *args):
- comment = '\n // following wires capture signals ' \
- 'to IO CELL if %s-{0} is\n' \
- ' // allotted to it'
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- c = comment % name
- f.write(c.format(i))
- f.write(self.data[name].wirefmt(i))
-# ========= Interface declarations ================ #
-mux_interface = MuxInterface('cell', [{'name': 'mux', 'ready': False,
- 'enabled': False,
- 'bitspec': '{1}', 'action': True}])
-io_interface = IOInterface('io',
- [{'name': 'outputval', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'output_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'input_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'pullup_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'pulldown_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'drivestrength', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'pushpull_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'opendrain_en', 'enabled': False},
- {'name': 'inputval', 'action': True, 'io': True},
- ])
-# == Peripheral Interface definitions == #
-# these are the interface of the peripherals to the pin mux
-# Outputs from the peripherals will be inputs to the pinmux
-# module. Hence the change in direction for most pins
-# ======================================= #
-# basic test
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- uartinterface_decl = Interface('uart',
- [{'name': 'rx'},
- {'name': 'tx', 'action': True},
- ])
- twiinterface_decl = Interface('twi',
- [{'name': 'sda', 'outen': True},
- {'name': 'scl', 'outen': True},
- ])
- def _pinmunge(p, sep, repl, dedupe=True):
- """ munges the text so it's easier to compare.
- splits by separator, strips out blanks, re-joins.
- """
- p = p.strip()
- p = p.split(sep)
- if dedupe:
- p = filter(lambda x: x, p) # filter out blanks
- return repl.join(p)
- def pinmunge(p):
- """ munges the text so it's easier to compare.
- """
- # first join lines by semicolons, strip out returns
- p = p.split(";")
- p = map(lambda x: x.replace('\n', ''), p)
- p = '\n'.join(p)
- # now split first by brackets, then spaces (deduping on spaces)
- p = _pinmunge(p, "(", " ( ", False)
- p = _pinmunge(p, ")", " ) ", False)
- p = _pinmunge(p, " ", " ")
- return p
- def zipcmp(l1, l2):
- l1 = l1.split("\n")
- l2 = l2.split("\n")
- for p1, p2 in zip(l1, l2):
- print repr(p1)
- print repr(p2)
- print
- assert p1 == p2
- ifaces = Interfaces()
- ifaceuart = ifaces['uart']
- print ifaceuart.ifacedef(0)
- print uartinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
- assert ifaceuart.ifacedef(0) == uartinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
- ifacetwi = ifaces['twi']
- print ifacetwi.ifacedef(0)
- print twiinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)
- assert ifacetwi.ifacedef(0) == twiinterface_decl.ifacedef(0)