sync += r.eq(rin)
# end process;
-# -- Shift address bits 61--12 right by 0--47 bits and
-# -- supply the least significant 16 bits of the result.
-# -- addrshifter: process(all)
-# Shift address bits 61--12 right by 0--47 bits and
-# supply the least significant 16 bits of the result.
-class AddrShifter(Elaboratable, MMU):
- def __init__(self):
-# variable sh1 : std_ulogic_vector(30 downto 0);
-# variable sh2 : std_ulogic_vector(18 downto 0);
-# variable result : std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
- super().__init__()
- self.sh1 = Signal(31)
- self.sh2 = Signal(19)
- self.result = Signal(16)
-# begin
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- comb = m.d.comb
- sync = m.d.sync
- rst = ResetSignal()
- r = self.r
- addrsh = self.addrsh
- sh1 = self.sh1
- sh2 = self.sh2
- result = self.result
-# case r.shift(5 downto 4) is
- with m.Switch(r.shift[4:6]):
-# when "00" =>
-# sh1 := r.addr(42 downto 12);
- with m.Case(Const(0b00, 2)):
- comb += sh1.eq(r.addr[12:43])
-# when "01" =>
-# sh1 := r.addr(58 downto 28);
- with m.Case(Const(0b01, 2)):
- comb += sh1.eq(r.addr[28:59])
-# when others =>
-# sh1 := "0000000000000" & r.addr(61 downto 44);
- with m.Default():
- comb += sh1.eq(Cat(r.addr[44:62],
- Const(0b0000000000000, 13))
-# end case;
-# case r.shift(3 downto 2) is
- with m.Switch(r.shift[2:4]):
-# when "00" =>
-# sh2 := sh1(18 downto 0);
- with m.Case(Const(0b00, 2)):
- comb += sh2.eq(sh1[0:19])
-# when "01" =>
-# sh2 := sh1(22 downto 4);
- with m.Case(Const(0b01, 2)):
- comb += sh2.eq(sh1[4:23])
-# when "10" =>
-# sh2 := sh1(26 downto 8);
- with m.Case(Const(0b10, 2)):
- comb += sh2.eq(sh1[8:27])
-# when others =>
-# sh2 := sh1(30 downto 12);
- with m.Default():
- comb += sh2.eq(sh1[12:31])
-# end case;
-# case r.shift(1 downto 0) is
- with m.Switch(r.shift[0:2]):
-# when "00" =>
-# result := sh2(15 downto 0);
- with m.Case(Const(0b00, 2)):
- comb += result.eq(sh1[0:16])
-# when "01" =>
-# result := sh2(16 downto 1);
- with m.Case(Const(0b01, 2)):
- comb += result.eq(sh1[1:17])
-# when "10" =>
-# result := sh2(17 downto 2);
- with m.Case(Const(0b10, 2)):
- comb += result.eq(sh1[2:18])
-# when others =>
-# result := sh2(18 downto 3);
- with m.Default():
- comb += result.eq(sh1[3:19])
-# end case;
-# addrsh <= result;
- comb += addrsh.eq(result)
-# end process;
# -- generate mask for extracting address fields for PTE address
# -- generation
# addrmaskgen: process(all)