dbg = self.dbg
core = self.core
pc = self.i.pc
+ msr = self.i.msr
svstate = self.svstate
nia = self.nia
is_svp64_mode = self.is_svp64_mode
cur_state = self.cur_state
dec_opcode_o = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
- msr_read = Signal(reset=1)
# also note instruction fetch failed
if hasattr(core, "icache"):
fetch_failed = core.icache.i_out.fetch_failed
fetch_failed = Const(0, 1)
flush_needed = False
- # don't read msr every cycle
- staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
- state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
- comb += state_r_msr.ren.eq(0)
with m.FSM(name='fetch_fsm'):
# waiting (zzz)
comb += self.imem.f_i_valid.eq(1)
sync += cur_state.pc.eq(pc)
sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(svstate) # and svstate
- # initiate read of MSR. arrives one clock later
- comb += state_r_msr.ren.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
- sync += msr_read.eq(0)
+ sync += cur_state.msr.eq(msr) # and msr
m.next = "INSN_READ" # move to "wait for bus" phase
# stopping: jump back to idle
m.next = "IDLE"
with m.Else():
- # one cycle later, msr/sv read arrives. valid only once.
- with m.If(~msr_read):
- sync += msr_read.eq(1) # yeah don't read it again
- sync += cur_state.msr.eq(state_r_msr.o_data)
with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o & ~fetch_failed): # zzz...
# busy but not fetch failed: stay in wait-read
comb += self.imem.a_i_valid.eq(1)
# instruction go/monitor
self.pc_o = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
self.pc_i = Data(64, "pc_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
+ self.msr_i = Data(64, "msr_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
self.svstate_i = Data(64, "svstate_i") # ditto
self.core_bigendian_i = Signal() # TODO: set based on MSR.LE
self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
# STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
+ self.state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
- self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
self.state_r_sv = staterf.r_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE rd
+ self.state_w_msr = staterf.w_ports['msr'] # MSR wr
+ self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
self.state_w_sv = staterf.w_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE wr
# DMI interface access
with m.If(pred_mask_i_ready):
m.next = "FETCH_PRED_IDLE"
- def issue_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
+ def issue_fsm(self, m, core, msr_changed, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
fetch_pc_o_ready, fetch_pc_i_valid,
fetch_insn_o_valid, fetch_insn_i_ready,
with m.Else():
# tell core it's stopped, and acknowledge debug handshake
comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
- # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
+ # while stopped, allow updating the MSR, PC and SVSTATE
with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(self.pc_i.data)
sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.msr_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.i_data.eq(self.msr_i.data)
+ sync += msr_changed.eq(1)
with m.If(self.svstate_i.ok):
comb += new_svstate.eq(self.svstate_i.data)
comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
with m.If(pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened):
m.next = "DECODE_SV"
- # if either PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
+ # if MSR, PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
# instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
- # updating either PC or SVSTATE
- with m.Elif(pc_changed | sv_changed):
+ # updating either MSR PC or SVSTATE
+ with m.Elif(msr_changed | pc_changed | sv_changed):
m.next = "ISSUE_START"
# also return to Fetch, when no output was a vector
comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
# stop instruction fault
sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
- # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
+ # while stopped, allow updating the MSR, PC and SVSTATE
+ with m.If(self.msr_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.i_data.eq(self.msr_i.data)
+ sync += msr_changed.eq(1)
with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(self.pc_i.data)
comb += self.state_w_sv.i_data.eq(new_svstate)
sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(new_svstate) # for next clock
- def execute_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
+ def execute_fsm(self, m, core, msr_changed, pc_changed, sv_changed,
exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready):
"""execute FSM
comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid/issued
sync += sv_changed.eq(0)
sync += pc_changed.eq(0)
+ sync += msr_changed.eq(0)
with m.If(core.p.o_ready): # only move if accepted
m.next = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
# instruction started: must wait till it finishes
with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
- # note changes to PC and SVSTATE
+ # note changes to MSR, PC and SVSTATE
with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.SVSTATE)):
sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.MSR)):
+ sync += msr_changed.eq(1)
with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.PC)):
sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
# PC and instruction from I-Memory
comb += self.pc_o.eq(cur_state.pc)
pc_changed = Signal() # note write to PC
+ msr_changed = Signal() # note write to MSR
sv_changed = Signal() # note write to SVSTATE
# indicate to outside world if any FU is still executing
comb += self.any_busy.eq(core.n.o_data.any_busy_o) # any FU executing
# read state either from incoming override or from regfile
- # TODO: really should be doing MSR in the same way
+ msr = state_get(m, core_rst, self.msr_i,
+ "msr", # read MSR
+ self.state_r_msr, StateRegs.MSR)
pc = state_get(m, core_rst, self.pc_i,
"pc", # read PC
self.state_r_pc, StateRegs.PC)
comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.o.core_terminate_o)
comb += dbg.state.pc.eq(pc)
comb += dbg.state.svstate.eq(svstate)
- comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(cur_state.msr)
+ comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(msr)
# pass the prefix mode from Fetch to Issue, so the latter can loop
# on VL==0
m.submodules.fetch = fetch
# connect up in/out data to existing Signals
comb += fetch.p.i_data.pc.eq(pc)
+ comb += fetch.p.i_data.msr.eq(msr)
# and the ready/valid signalling
comb += fetch_pc_o_ready.eq(fetch.p.o_ready)
comb += fetch.p.i_valid.eq(fetch_pc_i_valid)
comb += fetch_insn_o_valid.eq(fetch.n.o_valid)
comb += fetch.n.i_ready.eq(fetch_insn_i_ready)
- self.issue_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
+ self.issue_fsm(m, core, msr_changed, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
fetch_pc_o_ready, fetch_pc_i_valid,
fetch_insn_o_valid, fetch_insn_i_ready,
pred_insn_i_valid, pred_insn_o_ready,
pred_mask_o_valid, pred_mask_i_ready)
- self.execute_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
+ self.execute_fsm(m, core, msr_changed, pc_changed, sv_changed,
exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.pc_i.ports()
+ yield from self.msr_i.ports()
yield self.pc_o
yield self.memerr_o
yield from self.core.ports()
def external_ports(self):
ports = self.pc_i.ports()
+ ports = self.msr_i.ports()
ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,