from nmutil.latch import SRLatch, latchregister
from nmutil.byterev import byte_reverse
+from nmutil.extend import exts
from soc.experiment.compalu_multi import go_record, CompUnitRecord
from soc.experiment.l0_cache import PortInterface
p_st_go = Signal(reset_less=True)
sync += p_st_go.eq(
+ # decode bits of operand (latched)
+ oper_r = CompLDSTOpSubset(name="oper_r") # Dest register
+ comb += op_is_st.eq(oper_r.insn_type == MicrOp.OP_STORE) # ST
+ comb += op_is_ld.eq(oper_r.insn_type == MicrOp.OP_LOAD) # LD
+ op_is_update = oper_r.ldst_mode == LDSTMode.update # UPDATE
+ op_is_cix = oper_r.ldst_mode == LDSTMode.cix # cache-inhibit
+ comb += self.load_mem_o.eq(op_is_ld & self.go_ad_i)
+ comb += self.stwd_mem_o.eq(op_is_st & self.go_st_i)
+ comb += self.ld_o.eq(op_is_ld)
+ comb += self.st_o.eq(op_is_st)
# FSM implemented through sequence of latches. approximately this:
# - opc_l : opcode
# dest operand latch
comb += wri_l.s.eq(issue_i)
- sync += wri_l.r.eq(reset_w | Repl(self.done_o, self.n_dst))
+ sync += wri_l.r.eq(reset_w | Repl(self.done_o |
+ (self.pi.busy_o & op_is_update),
+ self.n_dst))
# update-mode operand latch (EA written to reg 2)
sync += upd_l.s.eq(reset_i)
comb += rst_l.r.eq(issue_i)
# create a latch/register for the operand
- oper_r = CompLDSTOpSubset(name="oper_r") # Dest register
with m.If(self.issue_i):
sync += oper_r.eq(self.oper_i)
with m.If(self.done_o):
comb += alu_o.eq(src1_or_z + src2_or_imm) # actual EA
m.d.sync += alu_ok.eq(alu_valid) # keep ack in sync with EA
- # decode bits of operand (latched)
- comb += op_is_st.eq(oper_r.insn_type == MicrOp.OP_STORE) # ST
- comb += op_is_ld.eq(oper_r.insn_type == MicrOp.OP_LOAD) # LD
- op_is_update = oper_r.ldst_mode == LDSTMode.update # UPDATE
- op_is_cix = oper_r.ldst_mode == LDSTMode.cix # cache-inhibit
- comb += self.load_mem_o.eq(op_is_ld & self.go_ad_i)
- comb += self.stwd_mem_o.eq(op_is_st & self.go_st_i)
- comb += self.ld_o.eq(op_is_ld)
- comb += self.st_o.eq(op_is_st)
# Control Signal calculation
comb += addr_ok.eq(self.pi.addr_ok_o) # no exc, address fine
# byte-reverse on LD
+ revnorev = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
with m.If(oper_r.byte_reverse):
# byte-reverse the data based on ld/st width (turn it to LE)
data_len = oper_r.data_len
lddata_r = byte_reverse(m, 'lddata_r',, data_len)
- comb += ldd_o.eq(lddata_r) # put reversed- data out
+ comb += revnorev.eq(lddata_r) # put reversed- data out
with m.Else():
- comb += ldd_o.eq( # put data out, straight (as BE)
+ comb += revnorev.eq( # put data out, straight (as BE)
+ # then check sign-extend
+ with m.If(oper_r.sign_extend):
+ comb += ldd_o.eq(exts(revnorev, 32, 64)) # sign-extend
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += ldd_o.eq(revnorev)
# ld - ld gets latched in via lod_l
comb += ld_ok.eq(pi.ld.ok) # ld.ok *closes* (freezes) ld data
self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs,
+ def case_9_load_algebraic_1(self):
+ lst = ["lwax 3, 4, 2"]
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_regs[1] = 0x5678
+ initial_regs[2] = 0x001c
+ initial_regs[4] = 0x0008
+ initial_mem = {0x0000: (0x5432123412345678, 8),
+ 0x0008: (0xabcdef0187654321, 8),
+ 0x0020: (0xf000000f0000ffff, 8),
+ }
+ self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs,
+ initial_mem=initial_mem)
+ def case_9_load_algebraic_2(self):
+ lst = ["lwax 3, 4, 2"]
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_regs[1] = 0x5678
+ initial_regs[2] = 0x001c
+ initial_regs[4] = 0x0008
+ initial_mem = {0x0000: (0x5432123412345678, 8),
+ 0x0008: (0xabcdef0187654321, 8),
+ 0x0020: (0x7000000f0000ffff, 8),
+ }
+ self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs,
+ initial_mem=initial_mem)
+ def case_9_load_algebraic_3(self):
+ lst = ["lwaux 3, 4, 2"]
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_regs[1] = 0x5678
+ initial_regs[2] = 0x001c
+ initial_regs[4] = 0x0008
+ initial_mem = {0x0000: (0x5432123412345678, 8),
+ 0x0008: (0xabcdef0187654321, 8),
+ 0x0020: (0xf000000f0000ffff, 8),
+ }
+ self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs,
+ initial_mem=initial_mem)