if regfile not in byregfiles_rd:
byregfiles_rd[regfile] = {}
byregfiles_rdspec[regfile] = {}
- byregfiles_rdspec[regfile][idx] = (regname, rdflag, read, wid)
+ if regname not in byregfiles_rdspec[regfile]:
+ byregfiles_rdspec[regfile][regname] = \
+ [rdflag, read, wid, []]
# here we start to create "lanes"
if idx not in byregfiles_rd[regfile]:
byregfiles_rd[regfile][idx] = []
- fuspec = (funame, fu)
+ fuspec = (funame, fu, idx)
+ byregfiles_rdspec[regfile][regname][3].append(fuspec)
# ok just print that out, for convenience
for regfile, spec in byregfiles_rd.items():
print ("regfile read ports:", regfile)
- for idx, fuspec in spec.items():
- print (" regfile read port %s lane: %d" % (regfile, idx))
- (regname, rdflag, read, wid) = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile][idx]
+ fuspecs = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile]
+ for regname, fspec in fuspecs.items():
+ [rdflag, read, wid, fuspec] = fspec
+ print (" regfile read port %s lane: %s" % (regfile, regname))
print (" %s" % regname, wid, read, rdflag)
- for (funame, fu) in fuspec:
- print (" ", funame, fu, fu.src_i[idx])
+ for (funame, fu, idx) in fuspec:
+ print (" ", funame, fu, idx, fu.src_i[idx])
print ()
# okaay, now we need a PriorityPicker per regfile per regfile port
# loootta pickers... peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers...
rdpickers = {}
for regfile, spec in byregfiles_rd.items():
+ fuspecs = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile]
rdpickers[regfile] = {}
- for rpidx, (idx, fuspec) in enumerate(spec.items()):
+ for rpidx, (regname, fspec) in enumerate(fuspecs.items()):
# get the regfile specs for this regfile port
- (regname, rdflag, read, wid) = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile][idx]
+ (rdflag, read, wid, fuspec) = fspec
# "munge" the regfile port index, due to full-port access
if regfile in ['xer', 'cr']:
rport = regs.rf[regfile.lower()].r_ports[rpidx]
# create a priority picker to manage this port
- rdpickers[regfile][idx] = rdpick = PriorityPicker(len(fuspec))
- setattr(m.submodules, "rdpick_%s_%d" % (regfile, idx), rdpick)
+ rdpickers[regfile][rpidx] = rdpick = PriorityPicker(len(fuspec))
+ setattr(m.submodules, "rdpick_%s_%d" % (regfile, rpidx), rdpick)
# connect the regspec "reg select" number to this port
with m.If(rdpick.en_o):
comb += rport.ren.eq(read)
# connect up the FU req/go signals and the reg-read to the FU
- for pi, (funame, fu) in enumerate(fuspec):
+ for pi, (funame, fu, idx) in enumerate(fuspec):
# connect request-read to picker input, and output to go-rd
fu_active = fu_bitdict[funame]
comb += rdpick.i[pi].eq(fu.rd_rel_o[idx] & fu_active)