comb += dbg.state.svstate.eq(svstate)
comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(cur_state.msr)
- # there are *TWO* FSMs, one fetch (32/64-bit) one decode/execute.
+ # there are *THREE* FSMs, fetch (32/64-bit) issue, decode/execute.
# these are the handshake signals between fetch and decode/execute
# fetch FSM can run as soon as the PC is valid
exec_pc_valid_o = Signal()
exec_pc_ready_i = Signal()
- # actually use a nmigen FSM for the first time (w00t)
- # this FSM is perhaps unusual in that it detects conditions
- # then "holds" information, combinatorially, for the core
+ # the FSMs here are perhaps unusual in that they detect conditions
+ # then "hold" information, combinatorially, for the core
# (as opposed to using sync - which would be on a clock's delay)
# this includes the actual opcode, valid flags and so on.
+ # Fetch, then Issue, then Execute. Issue is where the VL for-loop
+ # lives. the ready/valid signalling is used to communicate between
+ # the three.
self.fetch_fsm(m, core, pc, svstate, nia,
fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i)
- # TODO: an SVSTATE-based for-loop FSM that goes in between
- # fetch pc/insn ready/valid and advances SVSTATE.srcstep
- # until it reaches VL-1 or PowerDecoder2.no_out_vec is True.
self.issue_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
dbg, core_rst,
fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,