m.next = "EXECUTE_WAIT"
with m.State("EXECUTE_WAIT"):
- # wait on "core stop" release, at instruction end
- # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL>1 loop
- with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
- comb += exec_pc_i_ready.eq(1)
- # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636
- # the exception info needs to be blatted into
- # pdecode.ldst_exc, and the instruction "re-run".
- # when ldst_exc.happened is set, the PowerDecoder2
- # reacts very differently: it re-writes the instruction
- # with a "trap" (calls PowerDecoder2.trap()) which
- # will *overwrite* whatever was requested and jump the
- # PC to the exception address, as well as alter MSR.
- # nothing else needs to be done other than to note
- # the change of PC and MSR (and, later, SVSTATE)
- with m.If(exc_happened):
- mmu = core.fus.get_exc("mmu0")
- ldst = core.fus.get_exc("ldst0")
- if mmu is not None:
- with m.If(fetch_failed):
- # instruction fetch: exception is from MMU
- # reset instr_fault (highest priority)
- sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(mmu)
- sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
- if flush_needed:
- # request icache to stop asserting "failed"
- comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
- with m.If(~fetch_failed):
- # otherwise assume it was a LDST exception
- sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(ldst)
- with m.If(exec_pc_o_valid):
- # was this the last loop iteration?
- is_last = Signal()
- cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
- comb += is_last.eq(next_srcstep == cur_vl)
- with m.If(pdecode2.instr_fault):
- # reset instruction fault, try again
+ comb += exec_pc_i_ready.eq(1)
+ # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636
+ # the exception info needs to be blatted into
+ # pdecode.ldst_exc, and the instruction "re-run".
+ # when ldst_exc.happened is set, the PowerDecoder2
+ # reacts very differently: it re-writes the instruction
+ # with a "trap" (calls PowerDecoder2.trap()) which
+ # will *overwrite* whatever was requested and jump the
+ # PC to the exception address, as well as alter MSR.
+ # nothing else needs to be done other than to note
+ # the change of PC and MSR (and, later, SVSTATE)
+ with m.If(exc_happened):
+ mmu = core.fus.get_exc("mmu0")
+ ldst = core.fus.get_exc("ldst0")
+ if mmu is not None:
+ with m.If(fetch_failed):
+ # instruction fetch: exception is from MMU
+ # reset instr_fault (highest priority)
+ sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(mmu)
sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
- m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ with m.If(~fetch_failed):
+ # otherwise assume it was a LDST exception
+ sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(ldst)
+ with m.If(exec_pc_o_valid):
+ # was this the last loop iteration?
+ is_last = Signal()
+ cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
+ comb += is_last.eq(next_srcstep == cur_vl)
+ with m.If(pdecode2.instr_fault):
+ # reset instruction fault, try again
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ m.next = "ISSUE_START"
- # return directly to Decode if Execute generated an
- # exception.
- with m.Elif(pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened):
- m.next = "DECODE_SV"
+ # return directly to Decode if Execute generated an
+ # exception.
+ with m.Elif(pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened):
+ m.next = "DECODE_SV"
- # if MSR, PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
- # instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
- # updating either MSR PC or SVSTATE
- with m.Elif(self.msr_changed | self.pc_changed |
- self.sv_changed):
- m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ # if MSR, PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
+ # instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
+ # updating either MSR PC or SVSTATE
+ with m.Elif(self.msr_changed | self.pc_changed |
+ self.sv_changed):
+ m.next = "ISSUE_START"
- # also return to Fetch, when no output was a vector
- # (regardless of SRCSTEP and VL), or when the last
- # instruction was really the last one of the VL loop
- with m.Elif((~pdecode2.loop_continue) | is_last):
- # before going back to fetch, update the PC state
- # register with the NIA.
- # ok here we are not reading the branch unit.
- # TODO: this just blithely overwrites whatever
- # pipeline updated the PC
- comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
- comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(nia)
- # reset SRCSTEP before returning to Fetch
- if self.svp64_en:
- with m.If(pdecode2.loop_continue):
- comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
- comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
- comb += self.update_svstate.eq(1)
- else:
+ # also return to Fetch, when no output was a vector
+ # (regardless of SRCSTEP and VL), or when the last
+ # instruction was really the last one of the VL loop
+ with m.Elif((~pdecode2.loop_continue) | is_last):
+ # before going back to fetch, update the PC state
+ # register with the NIA.
+ # ok here we are not reading the branch unit.
+ # TODO: this just blithely overwrites whatever
+ # pipeline updated the PC
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(nia)
+ # reset SRCSTEP before returning to Fetch
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ with m.If(pdecode2.loop_continue):
comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
comb += self.update_svstate.eq(1)
- m.next = "ISSUE_START"
- # returning to Execute? then, first update SRCSTEP
- with m.Else():
- comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(next_srcstep)
- comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(next_dststep)
+ else:
+ comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
+ comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
comb += self.update_svstate.eq(1)
- # return to mask skip loop
- m.next = "PRED_SKIP"
- with m.Else():
- comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
- if flush_needed:
- # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
- comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
- # stop instruction fault
- sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
- # if terminated return to idle
- with m.If(dbg.terminate_i):
m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ # returning to Execute? then, first update SRCSTEP
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(next_srcstep)
+ comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(next_dststep)
+ comb += self.update_svstate.eq(1)
+ # return to mask skip loop
+ m.next = "PRED_SKIP"
# check if svstate needs updating: if so, write it to State Regfile
with m.If(self.update_svstate):
sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(self.new_svstate) # for next clock