--- /dev/null
+//This is the main code of integer sqrt function found here:http://verilogcodes.blogspot.com/2017/11/a-verilog-function-for-finding-square-root.html
+module testbench;
+reg [15:0] sqr;
+//Verilog function to find square root of a 32 bit number.
+//The output is 16 bit.
+function [15:0] sqrt;
+ input [31:0] num; //declare input
+ //intermediate signals.
+ reg [31:0] a;
+ reg [15:0] q;
+ reg [17:0] left,right,r;
+ integer i;
+ //initialize all the variables.
+ a = num;
+ q = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ left = 0; //input to adder/sub
+ right = 0; //input to adder/sub
+ r = 0; //remainder
+ //run the calculations for 16 iterations.
+ for(i=0;i<16;i=i+1) begin
+ right = {q,r[17],1'b1};
+ left = {r[15:0],a[31:30]};
+ a = {a[29:0],2'b00}; //left shift by 2 bits.
+ if (r[17] == 1) //add if r is negative
+ r = left + right;
+ else //subtract if r is positive
+ r = left - right;
+ q = {q[14:0],!r[17]};
+ end
+ sqrt = q; //final assignment of output.
+endfunction //end of Function