add code to get slow_peripherals to compile
authorLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Tue, 17 Jul 2018 09:49:28 +0000 (10:49 +0100)
committerLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Tue, 17 Jul 2018 09:49:49 +0000 (10:49 +0100)
14 files changed:
src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Fabric.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Lite_Fabric.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Types.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/Cur_Cycle.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/Makefile.bus [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/axi_addr_generator.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/defined_types.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/pinmux.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow-peripherals.bsv [deleted file]
src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow_peripherals.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..238b60f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge;
+       /*=== Project imports ====*/
+       import AXI4_Lite_Fabric::*;
+       import AXI4_Lite_Types::*;
+       import AXI4_Fabric::*;
+       import AXI4_Types ::*;
+       import Semi_FIFOF       ::*;
+       import defined_types::*;
+       import axi_addr_generator::*;
+       `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+       /*======================*/
+       /*=== Package imports ===*/
+       import Clocks::*;
+       /*=======================*/
+       interface Ifc_AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge;
+               interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi_slave;
+               interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC#(`PADDR,64,`USERSPACE) axi4_lite_master;
+       endinterface
+       typedef enum {RegularReq,BurstReq} BridgeState deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkAXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge#(Clock fast_clock, Reset fast_reset)(Ifc_AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge);
+               AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE)  s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor(clocked_by fast_clock, reset_by fast_reset);
+               AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) m_xactor <- mkAXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor;
+               Reg#(BridgeState) rd_state <-mkReg(RegularReq,clocked_by fast_clock, reset_by fast_reset);
+               Reg#(BridgeState) wr_state <-mkReg(RegularReq,clocked_by fast_clock, reset_by fast_reset);
+               Reg#(Bit#(4)) rd_id<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(4)) wr_id<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8)) request_counter<-mkReg(0,clocked_by fast_clock, reset_by fast_reset);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8)) rd_response_counter<-mkReg(0);
+    Reg#(Bit#(8)) wr_response_counter <- mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8)) sync_rdburst_value <-mkSyncRegToCC(0,fast_clock,fast_reset);
+    Reg#(Bit#(8)) sync_wrburst_value <-mkSyncRegToCC(0,fast_clock,fast_reset);
+               Reg#(AXI4_Rd_Addr       #(`PADDR,`USERSPACE)) rg_read_packet <-mkReg(?,clocked_by fast_clock , reset_by fast_reset);
+               Reg#(AXI4_Wr_Addr       #(`PADDR,`USERSPACE)) rg_write_packet<-mkReg(?,clocked_by fast_clock , reset_by fast_reset);
+               /*=== FIFOs to synchronize data between the two clock domains ====*/
+               SyncFIFOIfc#(AXI4_Rd_Addr       #(`PADDR,`USERSPACE))           ff_rd_addr <-   mkSyncFIFOToCC(1,fast_clock,fast_reset);
+               SyncFIFOIfc#(AXI4_Wr_Addr       #(`PADDR, `USERSPACE))          ff_wr_addr <-   mkSyncFIFOToCC(1,fast_clock,fast_reset);
+               SyncFIFOIfc#(AXI4_Wr_Data       #(`Reg_width))                                  ff_wr_data <-   mkSyncFIFOToCC(1,fast_clock,fast_reset);
+               SyncFIFOIfc#(AXI4_Rd_Data       #(`Reg_width,`USERSPACE))       ff_rd_resp <-   mkSyncFIFOFromCC(1,fast_clock);
+               SyncFIFOIfc#(AXI4_Wr_Resp       #(`USERSPACE))                                  ff_wr_resp <-   mkSyncFIFOFromCC(1,fast_clock);
+               /*=================================================================*/
+               // These rule will receive the read request from the AXI4 fabric and pass it on to the AXI4Lite fabric.
+               // If the request is a burst then they are broken down to individual axi4lite read requests. These
+               // are carried out in the next rule. 
+               rule capture_read_requests_from_Axi4(rd_state==RegularReq);
+                       let request<-pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+                       ff_rd_addr.enq(request);
+                       rg_read_packet<=request;
+                       sync_rdburst_value<=request.arlen;
+                       if(request.arlen!=0) begin
+                               rd_state<=BurstReq;
+                       end
+               endrule
+               // In case a read-burst request is received on the fast bus, then the bursts have to broken down into
+               // individual slow-bus read requests. 
+               // This is rule is fired after the first read-burst request is sent to the slow_bus. This rule will continue to 
+               // fire as long as the slow bus has capacity to receive a new request and the burst is not complete.
+               // the difference between the each individual requests on the slow bus is only the address. All other 
+               // parameters remain the same.
+               rule generate_bust_read_requests(rd_state==BurstReq);
+                       let request=rg_read_packet;
+                       request.araddr=burst_address_generator(request.arlen, request.arsize, request.arburst,request.araddr);
+                       rg_read_packet<=request;
+                       ff_rd_addr.enq(request);
+                       if(request.arlen==request_counter)begin
+                               rd_state<=RegularReq;
+                               request_counter<=0;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               request_counter<=request_counter+1;
+               endrule
+               rule send_read_request_on_slow_bus;
+                       let request=ff_rd_addr.first;
+                       ff_rd_addr.deq;
+                       let lite_request = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr {araddr: request.araddr, arsize:request.arsize,aruser: 0}; // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+          m_xactor.i_rd_addr.enq(lite_request);        
+                       rd_id<=request.arid;
+               endrule
+               // This rule will capture the write request from the AXI4 fabric and pass it on to the AXI4Lite fabric.
+               // In case of burst requests, they are broken down to individual requests of axi4lite writes. Care
+               // needs to be taken when writes are of different sizes in settin the write-strobe correctly.
+               rule capture_write_requests_from_Axi4(wr_state==RegularReq);
+                       let wr_addr_req  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+             let wr_data_req  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       ff_wr_addr.enq(wr_addr_req);
+                       ff_wr_data.enq(wr_data_req);
+                       rg_write_packet<=wr_addr_req;
+      sync_wrburst_value <= wr_addr_req.awlen;
+                       if(wr_addr_req.awlen!=0) begin
+                               wr_state<=BurstReq;
+                       end
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAXIBRIDGE: Write Request"); `endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAddress Channel :",fshow(wr_addr_req)); `endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tData Channel :",fshow(wr_data_req)); `endif
+               endrule
+               // In case a write-burst request is received on the fast bus, then the bursts have to broken down into
+               // individual slow-bus write requests. 
+               // This is rule is fired after the first write-burst request is sent to the slow_bus. This rule will continue to 
+               // fire as long as the slow bus has capacity to receive a new request and the burst is not complete i.e.
+               // fast bust xactor does not send wlast asserted.
+               // The difference between the each individual requests on the slow bus is only the address. All other 
+               // parameters remain the same.
+               rule generate_bust_write_requests(wr_state==BurstReq);
+                       let request=rg_write_packet;
+                       request.awaddr=burst_address_generator(request.awlen, request.awsize, request.awburst,request.awaddr);
+             let wr_data_req  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       ff_wr_addr.enq(request);
+                       ff_wr_data.enq(wr_data_req);
+                       rg_write_packet<=request;
+                       if(wr_data_req.wlast)begin
+                               wr_state<=RegularReq;
+                       end
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAXIBRIDGE: Burst Write Request"); `endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAddress Channel :",fshow(rg_write_packet)); `endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tData Channel :",fshow(wr_data_req)); `endif
+               endrule
+               rule send_write_request_on_slow_bus;
+                       let wr_addr_req  = ff_wr_addr.first;
+             let wr_data_req  = ff_wr_data.first;
+                       ff_wr_data.deq;
+                       ff_wr_addr.deq;
+                       let aw = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr {awaddr: wr_addr_req.awaddr, awuser:0, awsize: wr_addr_req.awsize}; // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                       let w  = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data {wdata:  wr_data_req.wdata, wstrb: wr_data_req.wstrb};
+                       m_xactor.i_wr_addr.enq(aw);
+                       m_xactor.i_wr_data.enq(w);
+                       wr_id<=wr_addr_req.awid;
+               endrule
+               // This rule forwards the read response from the AXI4Lite to the AXI4 fabric.
+               rule capture_read_responses;
+                       let response <- pop_o (m_xactor.o_rd_data);
+                       AXI4_Resp rresp= case(response.rresp)
+                               AXI4_LITE_OKAY  : AXI4_OKAY;
+                               AXI4_LITE_EXOKAY: AXI4_EXOKAY;
+                               AXI4_LITE_SLVERR: AXI4_SLVERR;
+                               AXI4_LITE_DECERR: AXI4_DECERR;
+                               default: AXI4_SLVERR; endcase;
+                       AXI4_Rd_Data#(`Reg_width,0) r = AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: rresp, rdata: response.rdata ,rlast:rd_response_counter==sync_rdburst_value, ruser: 0, rid:rd_id};
+                       if(rd_response_counter==sync_rdburst_value)
+                               rd_response_counter<=0;
+                       else
+                               rd_response_counter<=rd_response_counter+1;
+                       ff_rd_resp.enq(r);
+               endrule
+               rule send_read_response_on_fast_bus;
+                       ff_rd_resp.deq;
+                       s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(ff_rd_resp.first);
+               endrule
+               rule capture_write_responses;
+                       let response<-pop_o(m_xactor.o_wr_resp);
+                       AXI4_Resp bresp= case(response.bresp)
+                               AXI4_LITE_OKAY  : AXI4_OKAY;
+                               AXI4_LITE_EXOKAY: AXI4_EXOKAY;
+                               AXI4_LITE_SLVERR: AXI4_SLVERR;
+                               AXI4_LITE_DECERR: AXI4_DECERR;
+                               default: AXI4_SLVERR; endcase;
+                       let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: bresp, buser:0, bid:wr_id};
+      if(wr_response_counter == sync_wrburst_value) begin
+                         ff_wr_resp.enq(b);
+        wr_response_counter <= 0;
+      end
+      else
+        wr_response_counter <= wr_response_counter + 1;
+               endrule
+               rule send_write_response_on_fast_bus;
+                       ff_wr_resp.deq;
+                       s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(ff_wr_resp.first);
+               endrule
+               interface axi_slave=s_xactor.axi_side;
+               interface axi4_lite_master=m_xactor.axi_side;
+       endmodule
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Fabric.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Fabric.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ca649b1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+package AXI4_Fabric;
+// ================================================================
+// This package defines a fabric connecting CPUs, Memories and DMAs
+// and other IP blocks.
+// ================================================================
+// Bluespec library imports
+import Vector    :: *;
+import FIFOF     :: *;
+import ConfigReg :: *;
+// ----------------
+// BSV additional libs
+import Cur_Cycle  :: *;
+// ================================================================
+// Project imports
+import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+import AXI4_Types   :: *;
+// ================================================================
+// The interface for the fabric module
+interface AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(numeric type num_masters,
+                                numeric type num_slaves,
+                                numeric type wd_addr,
+                                numeric type wd_data,
+                                numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   method Action set_verbosity (Bit #(4) verbosity);
+   // From masters
+   interface Vector #(num_masters, AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))  v_from_masters;
+   // To slaves
+   interface Vector #(num_slaves,  AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_to_slaves;
+// ================================================================
+// The Fabric module
+// The function parameter is an address-decode function, which returns
+// returns (True,  slave-port-num)  if address is mapped to slave-port-num
+//         (False, ?)               if address is unmapped to any port
+module mkAXI4_Fabric #(function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit #(TLog #(num_slaves)))
+                                    fn_addr_to_slave_num (Bit #(wd_addr) addr))
+                          (AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(num_masters, num_slaves, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+   provisos (Log #(num_masters, log_nm),
+            Log #(num_slaves,  log_ns),
+            Log #(TAdd #(num_masters, 1), log_nm_plus_1),
+            Log #(TAdd #(num_slaves,  1), log_ns_plus_1),
+            Add #(_dummy, TLog #(num_slaves), log_ns_plus_1));
+   // Transactors facing masters
+   Vector #(num_masters, AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+      xactors_from_masters <- replicateM (mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor);
+   // Transactors facing slaves
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+       xactors_to_slaves    <- replicateM (mkAXI4_Master_Xactor);
+   // FIFOs to keep track of which master originated a transaction, in
+   // order to route corresponding responses back to that master.
+   // Legal masters are 0..(num_masters-1)
+   // The value of 'num_masters' is used for decode errors (no such slave)
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_wr_sjs      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(wd_user)))       v_f_wr_err_user <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1))) v_f_wr_mis      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_rd_sjs      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(wd_user)))       v_f_rd_err_user <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1))) v_f_rd_mis      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   function Bool wr_move_from_mi_to_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+      match { .legal, .slave_num } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (legal && (slave_num == fromInteger (sj)));
+   endfunction
+   function Bool wr_illegal_sj (Integer mi);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+      match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (! legal);
+   endfunction
+   function Bool rd_move_from_mi_to_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+      match { .legal, .slave_num } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (legal && (slave_num == fromInteger (sj)));
+   endfunction
+   function Bool rd_illegal_sj (Integer mi);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+      match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (! legal);
+   endfunction
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr requests from masters to slaves
+   // Legal destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_xaction_master_to_slave (wr_move_from_mi_to_sj (mi, sj));
+           AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr);
+           AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)          d <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_data);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_wr_addr.enq (a);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_wr_data.enq (d);
+           v_f_wr_mis        [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
+           v_f_wr_sjs        [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
+                `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: wr master [%0d] -> slave [%0d]", mi, sj);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (a));
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (d));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+       for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_xaction_master_to_slave_data ((v_f_wr_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+                                         && (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
+           AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)          d <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_data);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_wr_data.enq(d);
+       `ifdef verbose $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: Write Data -> slave[%0d] \n",sj,$time,"\t", fshow (d)); `endif
+        endrule
+   // Non-existent destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_xaction_no_such_slave (wr_illegal_sj (mi));
+           AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr);
+           AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)          d <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_data);
+           v_f_wr_sjs        [mi].enq (fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+           v_f_wr_err_user   [mi].enq (a.awuser);
+                `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: wr master [%0d] -> illegal addr", mi);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (a));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd requests from masters to slaves
+   // Legal destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_xaction_master_to_slave (rd_move_from_mi_to_sj (mi, sj));
+           AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_rd_addr.enq (a);
+           v_f_rd_mis [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
+           v_f_rd_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
+                `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: rd master [%0d] -> slave [%0d]", mi, sj);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (a));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+   // Non-existent destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_xaction_no_such_slave (rd_illegal_sj (mi));
+           AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr);
+           v_f_rd_sjs      [mi].enq (fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+           v_f_rd_err_user [mi].enq (a.aruser);
+           `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: rd master [%0d] -> illegal addr", mi);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (a));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr responses from slaves to masters
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_resp_slave_to_master (   (v_f_wr_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+                                         && (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
+           v_f_wr_mis [sj].deq;
+           v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
+           AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user) b <- pop_o (xactors_to_slaves [sj].o_wr_resp);
+           xactors_from_masters [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+                `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: wr master [%0d] <- slave [%0d]", mi, sj);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (b));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr error responses to masters
+   // v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first has value num_slaves (illegal value)
+   // v_f_wr_err_user [mi].first contains the request's 'user' data
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      rule rl_wr_resp_err_to_master (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+        v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
+        v_f_wr_err_user [mi].deq;
+        //let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_DECERR, buser: v_f_wr_err_user [mi].first};
+        let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_DECERR, buser: v_f_wr_err_user [mi].first, bid:fromInteger(mi)};
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+        `ifdef verbose
+           $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: wr master [%0d] <- error", mi);
+           $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (b));
+        `endif
+      endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd responses from slaves to masters
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_resp_slave_to_master (   (v_f_rd_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+                                         && (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
+           AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user) r <- pop_o (xactors_to_slaves [sj].o_rd_data);
+           xactors_from_masters [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
+                if(r.rlast)begin
+                   v_f_rd_mis [sj].deq;
+                   v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
+                end
+                `ifdef verbose
+              $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: rd master [%0d] <- slave [%0d]", mi, sj);
+              $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (r));
+           `endif
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd error responses to masters
+   // v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first has value num_slaves (illegal value)
+   // v_f_rd_err_user [mi].first contains the request's 'user' data
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      rule rl_rd_resp_err_to_master (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+        v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
+        v_f_rd_err_user [mi].deq;
+        Bit #(wd_data) data = 0;
+        let r = AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_DECERR, ruser: v_f_rd_err_user [mi].first, rdata: data, rlast:True,rid:fromInteger(mi)};
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
+        `ifdef verbose
+                $display ($time,"\tAXI4_Fabric: rd master [%0d] <- error", mi);
+           $display ($time,"\t        ", fshow (r));
+        `endif
+      endrule
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   function AXI4_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f1 (Integer j) = xactors_from_masters [j].axi_side;
+   function AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f2 (Integer j) = xactors_to_slaves    [j].axi_side;
+   method Action reset;
+      for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1) begin
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].reset;
+        v_f_wr_sjs [mi].clear;
+        v_f_wr_err_user [mi].clear;
+        v_f_rd_sjs [mi].clear;
+        v_f_rd_err_user [mi].clear;
+      end
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1) begin
+        xactors_to_slaves [sj].reset;
+        v_f_wr_mis [sj].clear;
+        v_f_rd_mis [sj].clear;
+      end
+   endmethod
+   interface v_from_masters = genWith (f1);
+   interface v_to_slaves    = genWith (f2);
+// ================================================================
+endpackage: AXI4_Fabric
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Lite_Fabric.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Lite_Fabric.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f30a2ec
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+package AXI4_Lite_Fabric;
+// ================================================================
+// This package defines a fabric connecting CPUs, Memories and DMAs
+// and other IP blocks.
+// ================================================================
+// Bluespec library imports
+import Vector    :: *;
+import FIFOF     :: *;
+import ConfigReg :: *;
+// ----------------
+// BSV additional libs
+import Cur_Cycle  :: *;
+// ================================================================
+// Project imports
+import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
+// ================================================================
+// The interface for the fabric module
+interface AXI4_Lite_Fabric_IFC #(numeric type num_masters,
+                                numeric type num_slaves,
+                                numeric type wd_addr,
+                                numeric type wd_data,
+                                numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   method Action set_verbosity (Bit #(4) verbosity);
+   // From masters
+   interface Vector #(num_masters, AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))  v_from_masters;
+   // To slaves
+   interface Vector #(num_slaves,  AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_to_slaves;
+// ================================================================
+// The Fabric module
+// The function parameter is an address-decode function, which returns
+// returns (True,  slave-port-num)  if address is mapped to slave-port-num
+//         (False, ?)               if address is unmapped to any port
+module mkAXI4_Lite_Fabric #(function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit #(TLog #(num_slaves)))
+                                    fn_addr_to_slave_num (Bit #(wd_addr) addr))
+                          (AXI4_Lite_Fabric_IFC #(num_masters, num_slaves, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+   provisos (Log #(num_masters, log_nm),
+            Log #(num_slaves,  log_ns),
+            Log #(TAdd #(num_masters, 1), log_nm_plus_1),
+            Log #(TAdd #(num_slaves,  1), log_ns_plus_1),
+            Add #(_dummy, TLog #(num_slaves), log_ns_plus_1));
+   Reg #(Bit #(4)) cfg_verbosity  <- mkConfigReg (0);
+   // Transactors facing masters
+   Vector #(num_masters, AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+      xactors_from_masters <- replicateM (mkAXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor);
+   // Transactors facing slaves
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+       xactors_to_slaves    <- replicateM (mkAXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor);
+   // FIFOs to keep track of which master originated a transaction, in
+   // order to route corresponding responses back to that master.
+   // Legal masters are 0..(num_masters-1)
+   // The value of 'num_masters' is used for decode errors (no such slave)
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_wr_sjs      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(wd_user)))       v_f_wr_err_user <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1))) v_f_wr_mis      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_rd_sjs      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_masters, FIFOF #(Bit #(wd_user)))       v_f_rd_err_user <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   Vector #(num_slaves,  FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1))) v_f_rd_mis      <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   function Bool wr_move_from_mi_to_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+      match { .legal, .slave_num } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (legal && (slave_num == fromInteger (sj)));
+   endfunction
+   function Bool wr_illegal_sj (Integer mi);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+      match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (! legal);
+   endfunction
+   function Bool rd_move_from_mi_to_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+      match { .legal, .slave_num } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (legal && (slave_num == fromInteger (sj)));
+   endfunction
+   function Bool rd_illegal_sj (Integer mi);
+      let addr = xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+      match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_slave_num (addr);
+      return (! legal);
+   endfunction
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr requests from masters to slaves
+   // Legal destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_xaction_master_to_slave (wr_move_from_mi_to_sj (mi, sj));
+           AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr);
+           AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data #(wd_data)          d <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_data);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_wr_addr.enq (a);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_wr_data.enq (d);
+           v_f_wr_mis        [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
+           v_f_wr_sjs        [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: wr master [%0d] -> slave [%0d]", cur_cycle, mi, sj);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (a));
+              $display ("        ", fshow (d));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // Non-existent destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_xaction_no_such_slave (wr_illegal_sj (mi));
+           AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_addr);
+           AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data #(wd_data)          d <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_wr_data);
+           v_f_wr_sjs        [mi].enq (fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+           v_f_wr_err_user   [mi].enq (a.awuser);
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: wr master [%0d] -> illegal addr", cur_cycle, mi);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (a));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd requests from masters to slaves
+   // Legal destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_xaction_master_to_slave (rd_move_from_mi_to_sj (mi, sj));
+           AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr);
+           xactors_to_slaves [sj].i_rd_addr.enq (a);
+           v_f_rd_mis [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
+           v_f_rd_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: rd master [%0d] -> slave [%0d]", cur_cycle, mi, sj);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (a));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // Non-existent destination slaves
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_xaction_no_such_slave (rd_illegal_sj (mi));
+           AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_masters [mi].o_rd_addr);
+           v_f_rd_sjs      [mi].enq (fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+           v_f_rd_err_user [mi].enq (a.aruser);
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: rd master [%0d] -> illegal addr", cur_cycle, mi);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (a));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr responses from slaves to masters
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_wr_resp_slave_to_master (   (v_f_wr_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+                                         && (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
+           v_f_wr_mis [sj].deq;
+           v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
+           AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp #(wd_user) b <- pop_o (xactors_to_slaves [sj].o_wr_resp);
+           xactors_from_masters [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: wr master [%0d] <- slave [%0d]", cur_cycle, mi, sj);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (b));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Wr error responses to masters
+   // v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first has value num_slaves (illegal value)
+   // v_f_wr_err_user [mi].first contains the request's 'user' data
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      rule rl_wr_resp_err_to_master (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+        v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
+        v_f_wr_err_user [mi].deq;
+        let b = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_LITE_DECERR, buser: v_f_wr_err_user [mi].first};
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+        if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+           $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: wr master [%0d] <- error", cur_cycle, mi);
+           $display ("        ", fshow (b));
+        end
+      endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd responses from slaves to masters
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1)
+        rule rl_rd_resp_slave_to_master (   (v_f_rd_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+                                         && (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
+           v_f_rd_mis [sj].deq;
+           v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
+           AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user) r <- pop_o (xactors_to_slaves [sj].o_rd_data);
+           xactors_from_masters [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
+           if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+              $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: rd master [%0d] <- slave [%0d]", cur_cycle, mi, sj);
+              $display ("        ", fshow (r));
+           end
+        endrule
+   // ----------------
+   // Rd error responses to masters
+   // v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first has value num_slaves (illegal value)
+   // v_f_rd_err_user [mi].first contains the request's 'user' data
+   for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1)
+      rule rl_rd_resp_err_to_master (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (valueOf (num_slaves)));
+        v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
+        v_f_rd_err_user [mi].deq;
+        Bit #(wd_data) data = 0;
+        let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_DECERR, ruser: v_f_rd_err_user [mi].first, rdata: data};
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
+        if (cfg_verbosity > 1) begin
+           $display ("%0d: AXI4_Lite_Fabric: rd master [%0d] <- error", cur_cycle, mi);
+           $display ("        ", fshow (r));
+        end
+      endrule
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   function AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f1 (Integer j) = xactors_from_masters [j].axi_side;
+   function AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f2 (Integer j) = xactors_to_slaves    [j].axi_side;
+   method Action reset;
+      for (Integer mi = 0; mi < valueOf (num_masters); mi = mi + 1) begin
+        xactors_from_masters [mi].reset;
+        v_f_wr_sjs [mi].clear;
+        v_f_wr_err_user [mi].clear;
+        v_f_rd_sjs [mi].clear;
+        v_f_rd_err_user [mi].clear;
+      end
+      for (Integer sj = 0; sj < valueOf (num_slaves); sj = sj + 1) begin
+        xactors_to_slaves [sj].reset;
+        v_f_wr_mis [sj].clear;
+        v_f_rd_mis [sj].clear;
+      end
+   endmethod
+   method Action set_verbosity (Bit #(4) verbosity);
+      cfg_verbosity <= verbosity;
+   endmethod
+   interface v_from_masters = genWith (f1);
+   interface v_to_slaves    = genWith (f2);
+// ================================================================
+endpackage: AXI4_Lite_Fabric
index a1bb465cc1ed1ce950739e94cbcabd97265c3eb6..bcbd28ca8e33b43f487410c997d302ef343205e9 100644 (file)
@@ -2,38 +2,62 @@
 Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
 All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors
-   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-   without specific prior written permission.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 // Copyright (c) 2017 Bluespec, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
 package AXI4_Lite_Types;
+// ================================================================
+// Facilities for ARM AXI4-Lite, consisting of 5 independent channels:
+//   Write Address, Write Data, Write Response, Read Address and Read Data
+// Ref: ARM document:
+//    AMBA AXI and ACE Protocol Specification
+//    AXI3, AXI4, and AXI4-Lite
+//    ACE and ACE-Lite
+//    ARM IHI 0022E (ID022613)
+//    Issue E, 22 Feb 2013
+// See export list below
+// ================================================================
+// Exports
+// RTL-level interfaces (signals/buses)
+AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC (..),
+// Dummy slave that accepts no requests and generates no response
+// Used for tying-off unused slave interfaces on fabrics.
+// Higher-level enums and structs for the 5 AXI4 channel payloads
+AXI4_Lite_Resp (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data (..),
+// Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces for the 5 AXI4 channels,
+AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC (..),
+AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC (..),
+// Transactors from RTL-level interfacecs to FIFO-like interfaces.
 // ================================================================
 // BSV library imports
@@ -56,6 +80,52 @@ import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
 // The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
 // we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
+interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                numeric type wd_data,
+                                numeric type wd_user);
+   // Wr Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, result="awvalid" *) method Bool           m_awvalid;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awaddr" *)  method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awuser" *)  method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awsize" *)  method Bit #(3)  m_awsize;                                                     // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_awready ((* port="awready" *) Bool awready);    // in
+   // Wr Data channel
+   (* always_ready, result="wvalid" *)  method Bool                      m_wvalid;                      // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wdata" *)   method Bit #(wd_data)            m_wdata;                       // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wstrb" *)   method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb;                       // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_wready ((* port="wready" *)  Bool wready);      // in
+   // Wr Response channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)
+   method Action m_bvalid ((* port="bvalid" *)  Bool           bvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="bresp"  *)  Bit #(2)       bresp,     // in
+                          (* port="buser"  *)  Bit #(wd_user) buser);    // in
+   (* always_ready, result="bready" *)
+   method Bool m_bready;                                            // out
+   // Rd Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, result="arvalid" *) method Bool            m_arvalid;                               // out
+   (* always_ready, result="araddr" *)  method Bit #(wd_addr)  m_araddr;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="aruser" *)  method Bit #(wd_user)  m_aruser;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="arsize" *)  method Bit #(3)  m_arsize;                                                     // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled  *)  method Action m_arready ((* port="arready" *) Bool arready);    // in
+   // Rd Data channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled  *)
+   method Action m_rvalid ((* port="rvalid" *) Bool           rvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="rresp" *)  Bit #(2)       rresp,     // in
+                          (* port="rdata" *)  Bit #(wd_data) rdata,     // in
+                          (* port="ruser" *)  Bit #(wd_user) ruser);    // in
+   (* always_ready, result="rready" *)
+   method Bool m_rready;                                                 // out
+endinterface: AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite slave.
+// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
+// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
 interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
                                numeric type wd_data,
                                numeric type wd_user);
@@ -98,6 +168,134 @@ interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
    (* always_ready, result="ruser" *)   method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;                                  // out
    (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_rready  ((* port="rready" *)   Bool rready);    // in
 endinterface: AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// Connecting signal-level interfaces
+instance Connectable #(AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user),
+                      AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+   module mkConnection #(AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axim,
+                        AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axis)
+                      (Empty);
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_addr_channel;
+        axis.m_awvalid (axim.m_awvalid, axim.m_awaddr, axim.m_awsize, axim.m_awuser);
+        axim.m_awready (axis.m_awready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_data_channel;
+        axis.m_wvalid (axim.m_wvalid, axim.m_wdata, axim.m_wstrb);
+        axim.m_wready (axis.m_wready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_response_channel;
+        axim.m_bvalid (axis.m_bvalid, axis.m_bresp, axis.m_buser);
+        axis.m_bready (axim.m_bready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_rd_addr_channel;
+        axis.m_arvalid (axim.m_arvalid, axim.m_araddr, axim.m_arsize, axim.m_aruser);
+        axim.m_arready (axis.m_arready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_rd_data_channel;
+        axim.m_rvalid (axis.m_rvalid, axis.m_rresp, axis.m_rdata, axis.m_ruser);
+        axis.m_rready (axim.m_rready);
+      endrule
+   endmodule
+// ================================================================
+// AXI4-Lite dummy slave: never accepts requests, never produces responses
+AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+   dummy_AXI4_Lite_Slave_ifc = interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC 
+                                 // Wr Addr channel
+                                 method Action m_awvalid (Bool           awvalid,
+                                                          Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+                                                               Bit #(3)                        awsize,
+                                                          Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_awready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Wr Data channel
+                                 method Action m_wvalid (Bool                     wvalid,
+                                                         Bit #(wd_data)           wdata,
+                                                         Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_wready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Wr Response channel
+                                 method Bool m_bvalid;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(2) m_bresp;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser;
+                                    return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Action m_bready  (Bool bready);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Rd Addr channel
+                                 method Action m_arvalid (Bool           arvalid,
+                                                          Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
+                                                               Bit#(3)                          arsize,
+                                                          Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_arready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Rd Data channel
+                                 method Bool m_rvalid;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(2) m_rresp;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;
+                                    return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Action m_rready  (Bool rready);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                              endinterface;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// Section: Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces and transactors
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
 // ================================================================
 // Higher-level types for payloads (rather than just bits)
@@ -147,6 +345,117 @@ typedef struct {
    } AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data #(numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user)
 deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// ================================================================
+// Master transactor interface
+interface AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                       numeric type wd_data,
+                                       numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   // AXI side
+   interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_wr_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          i_wr_data;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          o_wr_resp;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_rd_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data;
+endinterface: AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Master transactor
+module mkAXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor (AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+   Bool unguarded = True;
+   Bool guarded   = False;
+   // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user))  f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data  <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   method Action reset;
+      f_wr_addr.clear;
+      f_wr_data.clear;
+      f_wr_resp.clear;
+      f_rd_addr.clear;
+      f_rd_data.clear;
+   endmethod
+   // AXI side
+   interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC;
+                          // Wr Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr  = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser  = f_wr_addr.first.awuser;
+                               method Bit #(3)          m_awsize  = f_wr_addr.first.awsize;
+                          method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
+                             if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Data channel
+                          method Bool                       m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_data)             m_wdata  = f_wr_data.first.wdata;
+                          method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8))  m_wstrb  = f_wr_data.first.wstrb;
+                          method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
+                             if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Response channel
+                          method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, Bit #(2) bresp, Bit #(wd_user) buser);
+                             if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull)
+                                f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (bresp), buser: buser});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_bready;
+                             return f_wr_resp.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_arvalid = f_rd_addr.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr  = f_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser  = f_rd_addr.first.aruser;
+                               method Bit #(3)          m_arsize        = f_rd_addr.first.arsize;
+                          method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
+                             if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Data channel
+                          method Action m_rvalid (Bool           rvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(2)       rresp,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_user) ruser);
+                             if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull)
+                                f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (rresp),
+                                                                  rdata: rdata,
+                                                                  ruser: ruser});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_rready;
+                             return f_rd_data.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                       endinterface;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
+   interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
+   interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
+   interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
+   interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
+endmodule: mkAXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor
 // ================================================================
 // Slave transactor interface
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Types.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/AXI4_Types.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb17c8d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Bluespec, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
+package AXI4_Types;
+// ================================================================
+// Facilities for ARM AXI4-Lite, consisting of 5 independent channels:
+//   Write Address, Write Data, Write Response, Read Address and Read Data
+// Ref: ARM document:
+//    AMBA AXI and ACE Protocol Specification
+//    AXI3, AXI4, and AXI4-Lite
+//    ACE and ACE-Lite
+//    ARM IHI 0022E (ID022613)
+//    Issue E, 22 Feb 2013
+// See export list below
+// ================================================================
+// Exports
+// RTL-level interfaces (signals/buses)
+AXI4_Master_IFC (..),
+AXI4_Slave_IFC (..),
+// Dummy slave that accepts no requests and generates no response
+// Used for tying-off unused slave interfaces on fabrics.
+// Higher-level enums and structs for the 5 AXI4 channel payloads
+AXI4_Resp (..),
+AXI4_Wr_Addr (..),
+AXI4_Wr_Data (..),
+AXI4_Wr_Resp (..),
+AXI4_Rd_Addr (..),
+AXI4_Rd_Data (..),
+// Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces for the 5 AXI4 channels,
+AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC (..),
+AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC (..),
+// Transactors from RTL-level interfacecs to FIFO-like interfaces.
+// ================================================================
+// BSV library imports
+import FIFOF       :: *;
+import Connectable :: *;
+// ----------------
+// BSV additional libs
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// Section: RTL-level interfaces
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// ================================================================
+// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite master.
+// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
+// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
+interface AXI4_Master_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                numeric type wd_data,
+                                numeric type wd_user);
+   // Wr Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, result="awvalid" *) method Bool           m_awvalid;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awaddr" *)  method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awuser" *)  method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awlen" *)   method Bit #(8)  m_awlen;                                                          // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awsize" *)  method Bit #(3)  m_awsize;                                                     // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awburst" *) method Bit #(2)  m_awburst;                                                    // out
+   (* always_ready, result="awid" *) method Bit #(4)                   m_awid;                                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_awready ((* port="awready" *) Bool awready);    // in
+   // Wr Data channel
+   (* always_ready, result="wvalid" *)  method Bool                      m_wvalid;                      // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wdata" *)   method Bit #(wd_data)            m_wdata;                       // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wstrb" *)   method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb;                       // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wlast" *)   method Bool                      m_wlast;                       // out
+   (* always_ready, result="wid" *) method Bit #(4)                    m_wid;                                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_wready ((* port="wready" *)  Bool wready);      // in
+   // Wr Response channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)
+   method Action m_bvalid ((* port="bvalid" *)  Bool           bvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="bresp"  *)  Bit #(2)       bresp,     // in
+                          (* port="buser"  *)  Bit #(wd_user) buser,    // in
+                               (* port="bid"*) Bit#(4) bid);    // in
+   (* always_ready, result="bready" *)
+   method Bool m_bready;                                            // out
+   // Rd Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, result="arvalid" *) method Bool            m_arvalid;                               // out
+   (* always_ready, result="araddr" *)  method Bit #(wd_addr)  m_araddr;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="aruser" *)  method Bit #(wd_user)  m_aruser;                                // out
+   (* always_ready, result="arlen" *)   method Bit #(8)  m_arlen;                                                          // out
+   (* always_ready, result="arsize" *)  method Bit #(3)  m_arsize;                                                     // out
+   (* always_ready, result="arburst" *) method Bit #(2)  m_arburst;                                                    // out
+   (* always_ready, result="arid" *)    method Bit #(4)        m_arid;                                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled  *)  method Action m_arready ((* port="arready" *) Bool arready);    // in
+   // Rd Data channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled  *)
+   method Action m_rvalid ((* port="rvalid" *) Bool           rvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="rresp" *)  Bit #(2)       rresp,     // in
+                          (* port="rdata" *)  Bit #(wd_data) rdata,     // in
+                          (* port="rlast" *)  Bool rlast,     // in
+                          (* port="ruser" *)  Bit #(wd_user) ruser,    // in
+                               (* port="rid" *)  Bit #(4) rid);    // in
+   (* always_ready, result="rready" *)
+   method Bool m_rready;                                                 // out
+endinterface: AXI4_Master_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite slave.
+// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
+// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
+interface AXI4_Slave_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                               numeric type wd_data,
+                               numeric type wd_user);
+   // Wr Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)
+   method Action m_awvalid ((* port="awvalid" *) Bool           awvalid,    // in
+                           (* port="awaddr" *)  Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,     // in
+                           (* port="awsize" *)   Bit #(3) awsize,                                              // in
+                           (* port="awuser" *)  Bit #(wd_user) awuser,    // in
+                           (* port="awlen" *)   Bit #(8) awlen,                                                // in
+                           (* port="awburst" *)  Bit #(2) awburst,                                             // in
+                                       (* port="awid" *) Bit#(4) awid);
+   (* always_ready, result="awready" *)
+   method Bool m_awready;                                                   // out
+   // Wr Data channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)
+   method Action m_wvalid ((* port="wvalid" *) Bool                     wvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="wdata" *)  Bit #(wd_data)           wdata,     // in
+                          (* port="wstrb" *)  Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb,    // in
+                          (* port="wlast" *)  Bool  wlast,
+                                (* port="wid" *) Bit#(4) wid);
+   (* always_ready, result="wready" *)
+   method Bool m_wready;                                                           // out
+   // Wr Response channel
+   (* always_ready, result="bvalid" *)  method Bool           m_bvalid;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="bresp" *)   method Bit #(2)       m_bresp;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="buser" *)   method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="bid" *)   method Bit #(4)       m_bid;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_bready  ((* port="bready" *)   Bool bready);    // in
+   // Rd Addr channel
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)
+   method Action m_arvalid ((* port="arvalid" *) Bool           arvalid,    // in
+                          (* port="araddr" *)  Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,     // in
+                               (* port="arsize" *)      Bit #(3)  arsize,        // in
+                          (* port="aruser" *)  Bit #(wd_user) aruser,    // in
+                               (* port="arlen" *)       Bit #(8)  arlen,                                       // in
+                               (* port="arburst" *) Bit #(2)  arburst,       // in
+                               (* port="arid" *) Bit#(4) arid
+                                );
+   (* always_ready, result="arready" *)
+   method Bool m_arready;                                                   // out
+   // Rd Data channel
+   (* always_ready, result="rvalid" *)  method Bool           m_rvalid;                                 // out
+   (* always_ready, result="rresp" *)   method Bit #(2)       m_rresp;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="rdata" *)   method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="rlast" *)   method Bool m_rlast;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="ruser" *)   method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, result="rid" *)   method Bit #(4)       m_rid;                                  // out
+   (* always_ready, always_enabled *)   method Action m_rready  ((* port="rready" *)   Bool rready);    // in
+endinterface: AXI4_Slave_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// Connecting signal-level interfaces
+instance Connectable #(AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user),
+                      AXI4_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+   module mkConnection #(AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axim,
+                        AXI4_Slave_IFC  #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axis)
+                      (Empty);
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_addr_channel;
+        axis.m_awvalid (axim.m_awvalid, axim.m_awaddr, axim.m_awsize, axim.m_awuser, axim.m_awlen, axim.m_awburst, axim.m_awid);
+        axim.m_awready (axis.m_awready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_data_channel;
+        axis.m_wvalid (axim.m_wvalid, axim.m_wdata, axim.m_wstrb, axim.m_wlast, axim.m_wid);
+        axim.m_wready (axis.m_wready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_wr_response_channel;
+        axim.m_bvalid (axis.m_bvalid, axis.m_bresp, axis.m_buser, axis.m_bid);
+        axis.m_bready (axim.m_bready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_rd_addr_channel;
+        axis.m_arvalid (axim.m_arvalid, axim.m_araddr, axim.m_arsize, axim.m_aruser, axim.m_arlen, axim.m_arburst, axim.m_arid);
+        axim.m_arready (axis.m_arready);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule rl_rd_data_channel;
+        axim.m_rvalid (axis.m_rvalid, axis.m_rresp, axis.m_rdata, axis.m_rlast, axis.m_ruser, axis.m_rid);
+        axis.m_rready (axim.m_rready);
+      endrule
+   endmodule
+// ================================================================
+// AXI4-Lite dummy slave: never accepts requests, never produces responses
+AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+   dummy_AXI4_Slave_ifc = interface AXI4_Slave_IFC 
+                                 // Wr Addr channel
+                          method Action m_awvalid (Bool           awvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+                                                       Bit #(3) awsize,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_user) awuser,
+                                                       Bit #(8) awlen,
+                                                       Bit #(2) awburst,
+                                                       Bit #(4) awid);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_awready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Wr Data channel
+                                 method Action m_wvalid (Bool                     wvalid,
+                                                         Bit #(wd_data)           wdata,
+                                                         Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb,
+                                                       Bool wlast,
+                                                       Bit#(4) wid);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_wready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Wr Response channel
+                                 method Bool m_bvalid;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(2) m_bresp;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser;
+                                    return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(4)       m_bid;
+                                       return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Action m_bready  (Bool bready);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Rd Addr channel
+                          method Action m_arvalid (Bool           arvalid,
+                                                   Bit #(wd_addr)      araddr,
+                                                        Bit#(3)                                arsize,
+                                                   Bit #(wd_user)      aruser,
+                                                        Bit#(8)                        arlen,
+                                                        Bit#(2)                                arburst,
+                                                        Bit#(4)                                arid);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_arready;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 // Rd Data channel
+                                 method Bool m_rvalid;
+                                    return False;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(2) m_rresp;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata;
+                                    return 0;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bool m_rlast;
+                                       return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;
+                                    return ?;
+                                 endmethod
+                                 method Action m_rready  (Bool rready);
+                                    noAction;
+                                 endmethod
+                              endinterface;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// Section: Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces and transactors
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// ================================================================
+// Higher-level types for payloads (rather than just bits)
+typedef enum { AXI4_OKAY, AXI4_EXOKAY, AXI4_SLVERR, AXI4_DECERR } AXI4_Resp
+deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
+// Write Address channel
+typedef struct {
+   Bit #(wd_addr)              awaddr;
+   Bit #(wd_user)              awuser;
+       Bit#(8)                                 awlen;
+       Bit#(3)                                 awsize;
+       Bit#(2)                         awburst;
+       Bit#(4)                         awid;
+   } AXI4_Wr_Addr #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_user)
+deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// Write Data channel
+typedef struct {
+   Bit #(wd_data)             wdata;
+   Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8))  wstrb;
+        Bit#(4) wid;
+        Bool wlast;
+   } AXI4_Wr_Data #(numeric type wd_data)
+deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// Write Response channel
+typedef struct {
+   AXI4_Resp  bresp;
+   Bit #(wd_user)  buser;
+       Bit#(4) bid;
+   } AXI4_Wr_Resp #(numeric type wd_user)
+deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// Read Address channel
+typedef struct {
+   Bit #(wd_addr)  araddr;
+   Bit #(wd_user)  aruser;
+       Bit#(3)                  arsize;
+       Bit#(8)                                  arlen;
+       Bit#(2)                                  arburst;
+       Bit#(4)                         arid;
+   } AXI4_Rd_Addr #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_user)
+deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// Read Data channel
+typedef struct {
+   AXI4_Resp  rresp;
+   Bit #(wd_data)  rdata;
+       Bool                                     rlast;
+   Bit #(wd_user)  ruser;
+       Bit#(4)                                 rid;
+   } AXI4_Rd_Data #(numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user)
+deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// ================================================================
+// Master transactor interface
+interface AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                       numeric type wd_data,
+                                       numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   // AXI side
+   interface AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_wr_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          i_wr_data;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          o_wr_resp;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_rd_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data;
+endinterface: AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Master transactor
+module mkAXI4_Master_Xactor (AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+   Bool unguarded = True;
+   Bool guarded   = False;
+   // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user))  f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data  <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   method Action reset;
+      f_wr_addr.clear;
+      f_wr_data.clear;
+      f_wr_resp.clear;
+      f_rd_addr.clear;
+      f_rd_data.clear;
+   endmethod
+   // AXI side
+   interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Master_IFC;
+                          // Wr Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr  = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser  = f_wr_addr.first.awuser;
+                               method Bit #(8)                         m_awlen   = f_wr_addr.first.awlen;
+                               method Bit #(3)                         m_awsize        = f_wr_addr.first.awsize;
+                               method Bit #(2)                         m_awburst = f_wr_addr.first.awburst;
+                               method Bit #(4)                         m_awid  = f_wr_addr.first.awid;
+                          method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
+                             if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Data channel
+                          method Bool                       m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_data)             m_wdata  = f_wr_data.first.wdata;
+                          method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8))  m_wstrb  = f_wr_data.first.wstrb;
+                          method Bool                       m_wlast =  f_wr_data.first.wlast;
+                                method Bit#(4)                                                                          m_wid   =      f_wr_data.first.wid;
+                          method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
+                             if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Response channel
+                          method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, Bit #(2) bresp, Bit #(wd_user) buser, Bit#(4) bid);
+                             if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull)
+                                f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (bresp), buser: buser, bid:bid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_bready;
+                             return f_wr_resp.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_arvalid      = f_rd_addr.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr       = f_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser       = f_rd_addr.first.aruser;
+                               method Bit #(3)          m_arsize       = f_rd_addr.first.arsize;
+                               method Bit #(8)          m_arlen                = f_rd_addr.first.arlen;
+                               method Bit #(2)          m_arburst      = f_rd_addr.first.arburst;
+                               method Bit #(4)          m_arid         = f_rd_addr.first.arid;
+                          method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
+                             if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Data channel
+                          method Action m_rvalid (Bool           rvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(2)       rresp,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
+                                                  Bool rlast,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_user) ruser,
+                                                       Bit#(4) rid);
+                             if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull)
+                                f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (rresp),
+                                                                  rdata: rdata,
+                                                                       rlast:  rlast,
+                                                                  ruser: ruser,
+                                                                       rid: rid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_rready;
+                             return f_rd_data.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                       endinterface;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
+   interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
+   interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
+   interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
+   interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
+endmodule: mkAXI4_Master_Xactor
+// ================================================================
+// Slave transactor interface
+interface AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                      numeric type wd_data,
+                                      numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   // AXI side
+   interface AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) o_wr_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          o_wr_data;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          i_wr_resp;
+   interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) o_rd_addr;
+   interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) i_rd_data;
+endinterface: AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Slave transactor
+module mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor (AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+   Bool unguarded = True;
+   Bool guarded   = False;
+   // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data))          f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))          f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+   FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   method Action reset;
+      f_wr_addr.clear;
+      f_wr_data.clear;
+      f_wr_resp.clear;
+      f_rd_addr.clear;
+      f_rd_data.clear;
+   endmethod
+   // AXI side
+   interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Slave_IFC;
+                          // Wr Addr channel
+                          method Action m_awvalid (Bool           awvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+                                                       Bit#(3) awsize,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_user) awuser,
+                                                       Bit#(8) awlen,
+                                                       Bit#(2) awburst,
+                                                       Bit#(4) awid);
+                             if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull)
+                                f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awaddr: awaddr,
+                                                                       awsize:awsize,
+                                                                  awuser: awuser,
+                                                                       awlen:awlen,
+                                                                       awburst:awburst,
+                                                                       awid:awid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_awready;
+                             return f_wr_addr.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Data channel
+                          method Action m_wvalid (Bool                      wvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_data)            wdata,
+                                                  Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
+                                                       Bool wlast,
+                                                       Bit#(4) wid);
+                             if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull)
+                                f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata, wstrb: wstrb, wlast:wlast, wid:wid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_wready;
+                             return f_wr_data.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Response channel
+                          method Bool           m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(2)       m_bresp  = pack (f_wr_resp.first.bresp);
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser  = f_wr_resp.first.buser;
+                          method Bit #(4)       m_bid  =;
+                          method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
+                             if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty)
+                                f_wr_resp.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Addr channel
+                          method Action m_arvalid (Bool           arvalid,
+                                                   Bit #(wd_addr)      araddr,
+                                                        Bit#(3)                                arsize,
+                                                   Bit #(wd_user)      aruser,
+                                                        Bit#(8)                        arlen,
+                                                        Bit#(2)                                arburst,
+                                                        Bit#(4)                                arid);
+                             if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull)
+                                f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: araddr,
+                                                                        arsize: arsize,
+                                     aruser: aruser,
+                                                                        arlen : arlen,
+                                                                        arburst:arburst,
+                                                                        arid:arid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_arready;
+                             return f_rd_addr.notFull;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Data channel
+                          method Bool           m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty;
+                          method Bit #(2)       m_rresp  = pack (f_rd_data.first.rresp);
+                          method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata  = f_rd_data.first.rdata;
+                          method Bool m_rlast  = f_rd_data.first.rlast;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser  = f_rd_data.first.ruser;
+                               method Bit#(4) m_rid=f_rd_data.first.rid;
+                          method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
+                             if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty)
+                                f_rd_data.deq;
+                          endmethod
+                       endinterface;
+   // FIFOF side
+   interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr);
+   interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data);
+   interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp);
+   interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr);
+   interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data);
+endmodule: mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/Cur_Cycle.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/Cur_Cycle.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ac0b600
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+package Cur_Cycle;
+// ================================================================
+// A convenience function to return the current cycle number during BSV simulations
+ActionValue #(Bit #(32)) cur_cycle = actionvalue
+                                       Bit #(32) t <- $stime;
+                                       return t / 10;
+                                    endactionvalue;
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/Makefile.bus b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/Makefile.bus
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..53f10aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+### Makefile for the srio
+BSVINCDIR:= .:%/Prelude:%/Libraries:%/Libraries/BlueNoC
+export HOMEDIR=./
+export TOP=$(TOP_MODULE)
+default: full_clean compile link simulate
+timing_area: full_clean generate_verilog vivado_build
+.PHONY: compile
+       @echo Compiling $(TOP_MODULE)....
+       @mkdir -p $(BSVBUILDDIR)
+       @bsc -u -sim -simdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -bdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -info-dir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -keep-fires -p  $(BSVINCDIR) -D NAME=neel -g $(TOP_MODULE)  $(TOP_DIR)/$(TOP_FILE)
+       @echo Compilation finished
+.PHONY: link
+       @echo Linking $(TOP_MODULE)...
+       @mkdir -p bin
+       @bsc -e $(TOP_MODULE) -sim -o ./bin/out -simdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -p .:%/Prelude:%/Libraries:%/Libraries/BlueNoC:./c_files -keep-fires -bdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -keep-fires ./c_files/checker.c    
+       @echo Linking finished
+.PHONY: generate_verilog 
+       @echo Compiling $(TOP_MODULE) in verilog ...
+       @mkdir -p $(BSVBUILDDIR); 
+       @mkdir -p $(VERILOGDIR); 
+       @bsc -u -verilog -elab -vdir $(VERILOGDIR) -bdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -info-dir $(BSVBUILDDIR)\
+  $(define_macros) -D verilog=True $(BSVCOMPILEOPTS) -verilog-filter ${BLUESPECDIR}/bin/basicinout\
+  -p $(BSVINCDIR) -g $(TOP_MODULE) $(TOP_DIR)/$(TOP_FILE)  || (echo "BSC COMPILE ERROR"; exit 1) 
+.PHONY: simulate
+       @echo Simulation...
+       ./bin/out 
+       @echo Simulation finished. 
+.PHONY: clean
+       rm -rf build bin *.jou *.log
+.PHONY: full_clean
+full_clean: clean
+       rm -rf verilog fpga
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/axi_addr_generator.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/axi_addr_generator.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c07af5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package axi_addr_generator;
+       /*=== Project imports ===*/
+       import defined_types::*;
+       `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+       /*=======================*/
+       // This function is used by the slaves on the AXI4 bus to generate the sequential addresses in burst mode.
+       // the different modes supported are :
+       // FIXED: the same address is sent in all transactions. Typically used in polling modes.
+       // INCR: The address is simply incremented arlen number of times from the starting address.
+       // WRAP: This mode supports only 4 valid lengths: 2, 4 8 and 16 bursts. the increments happen in a wrap arouind fashion.
+       function Bit#(`PADDR) burst_address_generator(Bit#(8) arlen, Bit#(3) arsize, Bit#(2) arburst, Bit#(`PADDR) address);
+               // this variable will decide the index above which part of the address should
+               // not change in WRAP mode. Bits below this index value be incremented according
+               // to the value of arlen and arsize;
+               Bit#(3) wrap_size;
+               case(arlen)
+                       3: wrap_size= 2;
+                       7: wrap_size= 3;
+                       15: wrap_size=4;
+                       default:wrap_size=1;
+               endcase
+               Bit#(`PADDR) new_address=address+(('b1)<<arsize); // this is address will directly be used for INCR mode.
+               Bit#(`PADDR) mask;
+               mask=('1)<<(arsize+wrap_size);                                            // create a mask for bits which will remain constant in wrap mode.
+               Bit#(`PADDR) temp1=address& mask;                                         // capture the constant part of the address in WRAP mode.
+               Bit#(`PADDR) temp2=new_address& (~mask);                          // capture the incremental part of the address in WRAP mode.
+               if(arburst==0) // FIXED
+                       return address;
+               else if(arburst==1)begin // INCR
+                       return new_address;
+               end
+               else begin // WRAP
+                       return temp1|temp2;                                                                       // create the new address in the wrap mode by ORing the masked values.
+               end
+       endfunction
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/defined_types.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/defined_types.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d1ec11e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+Author Names : Neel Gala, Arjun Menon
+Email ID :
+Description : 
+This files contains all the types and structures that are used in any of the modules.
+package defined_types;
+`include "instance_defines.bsv"
+       typedef enum {Load, Store, Atomic, Fence} Access_type deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       typedef enum {User=2'd0,Supervisor=2'd1,Machine=2'd3} Privilege_mode deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       typedef enum {Idle,Stall,Handling_Request,Handling_Memory_Read, Handling_Memory_Write, Handle_Fence} Cache_State deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       typedef enum {Check_vd,Update_vd} Fence_state deriving (Bits,Eq);
+       typedef enum {AccessFlush,Fence,None} Flush_type deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       typedef union tagged{
+               Bit#(width) Present;
+               Bit#(4) Absent;
+       } RFType#(numeric type width) deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       typedef union tagged{
+               void All;
+               void None;
+               Bit#(TLog#(`PRFDEPTH)) Specific;
+       }PRFFlush deriving(Bits, Eq, FShow);
+       typedef union tagged{
+               void All;
+               void None;
+               Tuple2#(Register_type, Bit#(5)) Specific;
+       }RFFlush deriving(Bits, Eq, FShow);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+  }From_Cpu#(numeric type addr_width) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(TMul#(word_size,8)) data_word;
+    Bit#(1) bus_error;
+    Bit#(1) misaligned_error;
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+  }To_Cpu#(numeric type addr_width,numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+    Bit#(8) burst_length; 
+    Access_type ld_st;
+        Bit#(3) transfer_size;
+  }To_Memory#(numeric type addr_width) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(TMul#(word_size,8)) data_line;
+    Bit#(1) bus_error;
+        Bool last_word;
+  }From_Memory#(numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    //Bit#(addr_width) address;
+    Access_type load_store;
+    Bit#(TMul#(word_size,8)) data;
+    Bit#(TLog#(TDiv#(addr_width, 8))) transfer_size; // 0 -8 bits, 1- 16 bits, 2 -32 bits 3 - 64-bits;
+       `ifdef atomic Bit#(5) atomic_op;`endif
+       Bool signextend;
+  }From_Cpu_D#(numeric type addr_width, numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(TMul#(8,TMul#(word_size,block_size))) line;
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+    Bit#(TLog#(ways)) replace_block;
+  } Current_Store#(numeric type ways, numeric type addr_width, numeric type block_size, numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(TMul#(word_size,8)) data_word;
+    Bit#(1) bus_error;
+    Bit#(1) misaligned_error;
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+    Access_type load_store;
+  }To_Cpu_D#(numeric type addr_width,numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(`PADDR) address;
+    Bit#(8) burst_length; 
+    Access_type ld_st;
+    Bit#(TLog#(TDiv#(`VADDR, 8))) transfer_size; // 0 -8 bits, 1- 16 bits, 2 -32 bits 3 - 64-bits;
+    Bit#(TMul#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,TMul#(`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE,8))) data_line;
+  } To_Memory_Write deriving(Bits,Eq);
+  typedef struct{
+    Bit#(TMul#(word_size,8)) data_line;
+    Bit#(1) bus_error;
+    Bit#(1) misaligned_error;
+    Bit#(addr_width) address;
+  }From_Memory_D#(numeric type addr_width,numeric type word_size, numeric type block_size) deriving(Bits,Eq);
+typedef enum{
+       Taken, Notaken
+}Actual_jump deriving (Eq,Bits,FShow); // actual branch condition used in the branch execution unit.
+// enum defining the prediction of the branch predictor for the current PC.
+typedef enum{
+       Predicted_taken,Predicted_notaken
+}Prediction_type deriving (Eq,Bits,FShow); // output from the branch prediction unit.
+// A typedef defining , if the prediction by the branch predictor was correct or wrong. 
+typedef union tagged{
+       Bit#(`VADDR) Mispredicted;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) Correct_prediction;
+}Prediction_result deriving (Eq,Bits,FShow); // result of prediuction from the branch execution unit.
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(addr_width) prog_counter_;
+  Prediction_type prediction_;
+  Bool jump;
+} Predictor_output#(numeric type addr_width) deriving(Bits, Eq);    // the program counter from the branch prediction unit.
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) data_forward;
+       Bit#(TLog#(`PRFDEPTH)) pid;
+}Operand_forwading_type deriving (Bits,Eq);    // the data structure for operand forwarding from any stage
+typedef union tagged{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) Data;
+       Bit#(TLog#(`PRFDEPTH)) Pid;
+} FromRf deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs1;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs2;
+  `ifdef spfpu Bit#(`Reg_width) rs3;`endif
+} Output_for_operand_fetch deriving (Bits,Eq); // output from the register file to the decode stage
+typedef enum {
+}Instruction_type deriving(Bits, Eq,FShow); // the type of the decoded instruction.
+// to distuingish between integer and floating point RF
+typedef enum {IntegerRF `ifdef spfpu ,FloatingRF `endif } Register_type deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef enum {IntegerRF `ifdef spfpu ,FloatingRF `endif , Immediate, PC} Operand_type deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef union tagged{
+       void None;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) Address;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) Data;} TriggerType deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct{
+       TriggerType ttype;
+       Bit#(4) matchscheme;} TriggerData deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+// the data stucture for the pipeline FIFO between fetch and decode.
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`VADDR) program_counter;
+       Bit#(32) instruction;
+       Trap_type exception;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) nextpc;
+       Bit#(2) prediction;
+       Bit#(`PERFMONITORS) perfmonitors;
+       Bit#(2) epochs;
+}IF_ID_type deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs1;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs2;
+       Bit#(5) rs1_addr;
+       Bit#(12) csr_address;
+       Bit#(3) funct3;
+       }CSRInputs deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct{
+       Instruction_type inst_type;
+       Operand_type rdtype;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs1;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs2;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) rs3_imm;
+       Bit#(5) rs1addr;
+       Bit#(5) rs2addr;
+       Bit#(5) rs3addr;
+       Operand_type rs1_type;
+       Operand_type rs2_type;
+       Operand_type rs3_type;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) program_counter;
+       Bool word32;
+       Access_type mem_access; 
+       Bit#(4) fn; // TODO Check is this can suffices for memaccess also
+       Trap_type exception;
+       Bit#(5) destination;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) nextpc;
+       Bit#(3) funct3;
+       `ifdef spfpu Bool fcsr_rm; `endif
+       `ifdef simulate Bit#(32) instruction ;`endif 
+       Bit#(3) debugcause;
+       Bit#(2) prediction;
+       Bit#(`PERFMONITORS) perfmonitors;
+       Bit#(2) epochs;
+}ID_IE_type deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) address;
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) memory_data; // data to be written in the memory
+       Bit#(TLog#(TDiv#(`VADDR, 8))) transfer_size; // 0 -8 bits, 1- 16 bits, 2 -32 bits 3 - 64-bits;
+       Bit#(1) signextend; // whether the loaded value has to be signextended
+       Access_type mem_type; // STORE or AMO or LOAD or FENCE
+       `ifdef atomic Bit#(5) atomic_op;`endif
+       Bit#(1) epochs;
+       }Memout deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef union tagged{
+       Arithout RESULT;        // 64+5
+       Memout MEMORY;          // 64+64+3+1+3+5 = 140
+       CSRInputs SYSTEM; // 64+64+5+12+3 = 148
+       void Busy;
+} Execution_output deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+//typedef struct{
+//     Bit#(`Reg_width) result_addr_rs1;
+//     Bit#(`Reg_width) data_rs2;
+//     Bit#(20) csr_mem;
+//} Execution_output deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct{
+       Execution_output execresult;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) program_counter;
+       Trap_type exception;
+       Bit#(5) destination;
+       Operand_type rd_type;
+       Bit#(TLog#(`PRFDEPTH)) index;
+       Bit#(4) pid;
+  `ifdef simulate Bit#(32) instruction ;`endif 
+       Bit#(3) debugcause;
+       Bit#(`PERFMONITORS) perfmonitors;
+       Bit#(2) epochs;
+}IE_IMEM_type deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) aluresult;
+       Bit#(5) fflags;
+       } Arithout deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow); // output struct from the alu.
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(`Reg_width) address;
+       Bit#(3) transfer_size;
+       Access_type load_store;
+       }MemoryResponse deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef union tagged{
+       Arithout RESULT;
+       CSRInputs SYSTEM;
+} WriteBackType deriving(Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct{
+       WriteBackType commit_data;
+       Bit#(5) destination;
+       Operand_type rd_type;
+       Bit#(TLog#(`PRFDEPTH)) index;
+       Bit#(4) pid;
+       Bit#(`VADDR) program_counter;
+       Trap_type exception;
+  `ifdef simulate Bit#(32) instruction ;`endif 
+       Bit#(3) debugcause;
+       Bit#(`PERFMONITORS) perfmonitors;
+       Bit#(2) epochs;
+}IMEM_IWB_type deriving(Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(paddr)                      address;
+       Bit#(TLog#(TDiv#(paddr,8)))  transfer_size;     
+       Bit#(1)                                  u_signed;
+       Bit#(3)                                         byte_offset;
+       Bit#(TMul#(8, word_size)) write_data;
+       Access_type                      ld_st;
+} UncachedMemReq#(numeric type paddr, numeric type word_size) deriving(Bits, Eq);
+/************************** Interfaces in PLIC ******************************/
+interface Ifc_global_interrupt;
+       method Action irq_frm_gateway(Bool ir);
+interface Ifc_program_registers#(numeric type addr_width,numeric type word_size);
+       method ActionValue#(Bit#(TMul#(8,word_size))) prog_reg(UncachedMemReq#(addr_width, word_size) mem_req);
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(addr_width) pc;
+       Bit#(addr_width) branch_address;
+       Bit#(2) state;} Training_data#(numeric type addr_width) deriving (Bits, Eq);
+typedef enum {SWAP,ADD,XOR,AND,OR,MINU,MAXU,MIN,MAX} Atomic_funct deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct{
+               Bit#(width) final_result;                                       // the final result for the operation
+               Bit#(5) fflags;                                         // indicates if any exception is generated.
+       }Floating_output#(numeric type width) deriving(Bits,Eq);                                // data structure of the output FIFO.
+typedef enum {
+       Inst_addr_misaligned=0,
+       Inst_access_fault=1,
+       Illegal_inst=2,
+       Breakpoint=3,
+       Load_addr_misaligned=4,
+       Load_access_fault=5,
+       Store_addr_misaligned=6,
+       Store_access_fault=7,
+       Ecall_from_user=8,
+       Ecall_from_supervisor=9,
+       Ecall_from_machine=11,
+       Inst_pagefault=12,
+       Load_pagefault=13,
+       Store_pagefault=15
+       `ifdef simulate ,Endsimulation =16 `endif
+} Exception_cause deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(TSub#(`VADDR,TAdd#(TLog#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE), TLog#(`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE)))) vtag;
+       Bit#(`DCACHE_TAG_BITS) ptag;
+       Bit#(TLog#(`DCACHE_WAYS)) writeblock;
+       Bit#(1) dirty;
+       Bit#(1) valid;
+} Linebuff_tag deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
+typedef enum{
+       /*==== Standard =============== */
+       User_soft_int=0,
+       Supervisor_soft_int=1,
+       Machine_soft_int=3,
+       User_timer_int=4,
+       Supervisor_timer_int=5,
+       Machine_timer_int=7,
+       User_external_int=8,
+       Supervisor_external_int=9,
+       Machine_external_int=11,
+       /*=============================*/
+       /*===== Non Standard========= */
+       DebugInterrupt =12,
+       DebugResume=13,
+       DebugReset=14
+//     Icache_miss                                                     =12,    
+//     Icache_cacheable                                        =13,
+//     Icache_linereplace                              =14,
+//     Icache_tlbmiss                                          =15,
+//     Icache_misaligned                               =16,
+//     Cond_branch                                                     =17,
+//     Cond_branch_taken                               =18,
+//     Cond_branch_mispredicted        =19,
+//     Taken_branch_mispredicted       =20,
+//     Uncond_jumps                                                    =21,
+//     Spfpu_inst                                                              =22,
+//     Dpfpu_inst                                                              =23,
+//     Dcache_tlbmiss                                          =24,
+//     Total_loads                                                             =25,
+//     Total_stores                                                    =26,
+//     Total_atomic                                                    =27,
+//     Dcache_load_miss                                        =28,
+//     Dcache_store_miss                                       =29,
+//     Dcache_atomic_miss                              =30,
+//     Dcache_cacheable_load                   =31,
+//     Dcache_cacheable_store          =32,
+//     Dcache_cacheable_atomic         =33,
+//     Dcache_writebacks                                       =34,
+//     Dcache_linereplace                              =35,
+//     Dcache_misaligned                                       =36,
+//     Exceptions_taken                                        =37,
+//     Interrupts_taken                                        =38,
+//     Muldiv_instructions                             =39,
+//     System_instructions                             =40,
+//     Usermode_cycles                                         =41,
+//     Supervisormode_cycles                   =42,
+//     Machinemode_cyles                                       =43,
+//     Misprediction_stalls                    =44,
+//     Interrupt_stalls                                        =45,
+//     Dfence_cycles                                                   =46,
+//     Ifence_cycles             =47,
+//     Dcache_miss_cycles        =48,
+//     Icache_miss_cycles        =49,
+//     Fpbusy_cycles             =50,
+//     Divisionbusy_cycles                             =51,
+//     Total_stall_cycles                              =52,
+//     Pagewalk_cycles                                         =53,
+//     Corebus_cycles                                          =54
+} Interrupt_cause deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef union tagged{
+  Exception_cause Exception;
+  Interrupt_cause Interrupt;
+  void None;
+} Trap_type deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+function String event_name(Bit#(64) eventnum);
+       case (eventnum)
+               'h0000000000000001: return      "ICACHE_MISS                                            ";
+               'h0000000000000002: return      "ICACHE_CACHEABLE                                       ";
+               'h0000000000000004: return      "ICACHE_LINEREPLACE                             ";
+               'h0000000000000008: return      "ICACHE_TLBMISS                                         ";
+               'h0000000000000010: return      "ICACHE_MISALIGNED                                      ";
+               'h0000000000000020: return      "ICACHE_PREFETCHMISS                            ";
+               'h0000000000000040: return      "COND_BRANCH                                            ";
+               'h0000000000000080: return      "COND_BRANCH_TAKEN                                      ";
+               'h0000000000000100: return      "COND_BRANCH_MISPREDICTED               ";
+               'h0000000000000200: return              "TAKEN_BRANCH_MISPREDICTED              ";
+               'h0000000000000400: return              "UNCOND_JUMPS                                           ";
+               'h0000000000000800: return              "SPFPU_INST                                                     ";
+               'h0000000000001000: return              "DPFPU_INST                                                     ";
+               'h0000000000002000: return              "DCACHE_TLBMISS                                         ";
+               'h0000000000004000: return              "TOTAL_LOADS                                                    ";
+               'h0000000000008000: return              "TOTAL_STORES                                           ";
+               'h0000000000010000: return              "TOTAL_ATOMIC                                           ";
+               'h0000000000020000: return              "DCACHE_LOAD_MISS                                       ";
+               'h0000000000040000: return              "DCACHE_STORE_MISS                                      ";
+               'h0000000000080000: return              "DCACHE_ATOMIC_MISS                             ";
+               'h0000000000100000: return              "DCACHE_CACHEABLE_LOAD                  ";
+               'h0000000000200000: return              "DCACHE_CACHEABLE_STORE                 ";
+               'h0000000000400000: return              "DCACHE_CACHEABLE_ATOMIC                        ";
+               'h0000000000800000: return              "DCACHE_WRITEBACKS                                      ";
+               'h0000000001000000: return              "DCACHE_LINEREPLACE                             ";
+               'h0000000002000000: return              "DCACHE_MISALIGNED                                      ";
+               'h0000000004000000: return              "EXCEPTIONS_TAKEN                                       ";
+               'h0000000008000000: return              "INTERRUPTS_TAKEN                                       ";
+               'h0000000010000000: return              "MULDIV_INSTRUCTIONS                            ";
+               'h0000000020000000: return      "MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS                            ";
+               'h0000000040000000: return      "EXEC_FLUSHES                                           ";
+               'h0000000080000000: return      "WB_FLUSHES                                                     ";
+               default: return "NO EVENT";
+       endcase
+/****************************** MMU TYPES *******************************/
+typedef struct {
+       bit                     mprv;
+       bit                     sum;
+       bit                     mxr;
+       Privilege_mode mpp;
+       Privilege_mode prv;
+} Chmod deriving(Bits, Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       bit v;                                  //valid
+       bit r;                                  //allow reads
+       bit w;                                  //allow writes
+       bit x;                                  //allow execute(instruction read)
+       bit u;                                  //allow supervisor
+       bit g;                                  //global page
+       bit a;                                  //accessed already
+       bit d;                                  //dirty
+} TLB_permissions deriving(Bits, Eq, FShow);
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(TSub#(paddr,page_size)) ppn;
+       TLB_permissions                                 tlb_perm;
+       Bit#(asid_width)                                                asid;
+       Bit#(2)                                                                         levels;
+} To_TLB#(numeric type paddr, numeric type page_size, numeric type asid_width) deriving(Bits,Eq); 
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(data_width) vaddr;
+       Access_type  ld_st_atomic;
+} DTLB_access#(numeric type data_width) deriving(Bits, Eq);
+typedef enum {
+               PTW_ready, Handling_PTW, Wait_for_memory, PTW_done, Send_to_memory} PTW_state deriving(Bits, Eq);
+typedef enum {
+               Load, Store, Execution} Translation_type deriving(Bits, Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Translation_type        page_type;
+       Bit#(TSub#(vaddr_width,page_offset))    vpn;
+} Request_PPN_PTW#(numeric type vaddr_width, numeric type page_offset) deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Translation_type        page_type;
+       To_TLB#(paddr_width,page_offset,asid_width)     tlb_packet;
+} Response_PPN_TLB#(numeric type paddr_width, numeric type page_offset, numeric type asid_width) deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Bool ptwdone;
+       Translation_type        page_type;
+       Bit#(data_width)        address;
+} Request_PTE_memory#(numeric type data_width) deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Trap_type exception;
+       Bit#(data_width) address;       
+       Bool                                             cacheable;
+} From_TLB#(numeric type data_width) deriving (Bits, Eq);
+typedef struct {
+       Bit#(vaddr_width) rs1;
+       Bit#(vaddr_width) rs2;
+} Fence_VMA_type#(numeric type vaddr_width) deriving (Bits, Eq);
+typedef enum {
+       Store_pf, Load_pf, Instruction_pf, None} Pf_exception_type deriving (Bits, Eq); 
+/*=============================================================================== */
+/* =============================== Debug related types ========================== */
+typedef enum {CPU_CONTINUE,CPU_STOPPED} CPU_State deriving(Bits,Eq,FShow);
+typedef enum {
+             GDB_INTERRUPT,
+             GDB_HUP,
+             GDB_INT,
+             GDB_QUIT,
+             GDB_ILL,
+             GDB_BREAK = 5,
+              CPU_BUSY
+   } GdbStopCondition
+deriving (Bits ,Eq, FShow);
+/*======= AXI4 master/slave numbers ======*/
+typedef 0 Sdram_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(Sdram_slave_num  ,`ifdef SDRAM          1 `else 0 `endif )              Sdram_cfg_slave_num;
+typedef        TAdd#(Sdram_cfg_slave_num,`ifdef BOOTROM        1 `else 0 `endif )              BootRom_slave_num       ;
+typedef        TAdd#(BootRom_slave_num  ,`ifdef Debug          1 `else 0 `endif )              Debug_slave_num ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Debug_slave_num  , `ifdef TCMemory      1 `else 0 `endif )              TCM_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(TCM_slave_num    ,`ifdef DMA                    1 `else 0 `endif )      Dma_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(Dma_slave_num     ,1 )          SlowPeripheral_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(SlowPeripheral_slave_num,`ifdef VME     1 `else 0 `endif )       VME_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(VME_slave_num,`ifdef FlexBus    1 `else 0 `endif )              FlexBus_slave_num;
+typedef        TAdd#(FlexBus_slave_num,1)                                               Num_Slaves;
+typedef 0 Dmem_master_num;
+typedef 1 Imem_master_num;
+typedef TAdd#(Imem_master_num , `ifdef Debug 1 `else 0 `endif ) Debug_master_num;
+typedef TAdd#(Debug_master_num, `ifdef DMA 1 `else 0 `endif ) DMA_master_num;
+typedef TAdd#(DMA_master_num,1) Num_Masters;
+/*=============================================================================== */
+/*====== AXI4 Lite slave declarations =======*/
+typedef  0  SlowMaster;
+typedef 0   Uart0_slave_num ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Uart0_slave_num      ,`ifdef UART1       1 `else 0 `endif )
+              Uart1_slave_num ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Uart1_slave_num      ,`ifdef CLINT       1 `else 0 `endif )
+              CLINT_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(CLINT_slave_num      ,`ifdef PLIC        1 `else 0 `endif )
+              Plic_slave_num      ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Plic_slave_num           ,`ifdef PLIC        1 `else 0 `endif )
+              GPIO_slave_num   ;
+typedef  TAdd#(GPIO_slave_num           ,`ifdef I2C0        1 `else 0 `endif )
+              I2c0_slave_num   ;
+typedef  TAdd#(I2c0_slave_num           ,`ifdef I2C1        1 `else 0 `endif )
+              I2c1_slave_num   ;
+typedef  TAdd#(I2c1_slave_num           ,`ifdef QSPI0       1 `else 0 `endif )
+              Qspi0_slave_num   ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Qspi0_slave_num      ,`ifdef QSPI1       1 `else 0 `endif )
+              Qspi1_slave_num   ;
+typedef  TAdd#(Qspi1_slave_num      ,`ifdef AXIEXP      1 `else 0 `endif )
+              AxiExp1_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(AxiExp1_slave_num  ,`ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite 1 `else 0 `endif )
+                Pwm_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(Pwm_slave_num,1) Muxa_slave_num;
+typedef  TAdd#(Muxa_slave_num,1) Gpioa_slave_num;
+typedef TAdd#(Gpioa_slave_num,1) Num_Slow_Slaves;
index 48fe7dd9558d45451b0785b27a8dd7f01877977e..3ac83bad392628c266ee6bf203b0b15dcf2da30d 100644 (file)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ package gpio;
                        return temp;
-    endinterface
+    endinterface;
     interface pad_config=interface GPIO_config
                method Vector#(ionum,Bit#(1))   gpio_DRV0;
                        Vector#(ionum,Bit#(1)) temp;
index 3df5b1e7bfdf93a4c2650ddbc08b0ec39b41a5b3..e66b478cc948cf17bc4044cb767dd6b0b0da9bd0 100644 (file)
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
 `define DATA 64
 `define USERSPACE 0
 `define PADDR 32
-`define Reg_width 32
-`define PWM_AXI4Lite enable
+`define Reg_width 64
+`define PRFDEPTH 6
+`define VADDR 39
+`define PERFMONITORS                            64
+`define DCACHE_WAYS 4
+`define DCACHE_TAG_BITS 20      // tag_bits = 52
+//`define PWM_AXI4Lite enable
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/pinmux.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/pinmux.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..62e7ddd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+   This BSV file has been generated by the PinMux tool available at:
+   Authors: Neel Gala, Luke
+   Date of generation: Mon Jul 16 12:11:50 2018
+package pinmux;
+   interface MuxSelectionLines;
+      // declare the method which will capture the user pin-mux
+      // selection values.The width of the input is dependent on the number
+      // of muxes happening per IO. For now we have a generalized width
+      // where each IO will have the same number of muxes.
+     method  Action cell0_mux (Bit#(2) in);
+     method  Action cell1_mux (Bit#(2) in);
+     method  Action cell2_mux (Bit#(2) in);
+      endinterface
+      interface IOCellSide;
+      // declare the interface to the IO cells.
+      // Each IO cell will have 1 input field (output from pin mux)
+      // and an output and out-enable field (input to pinmux)
+          // interface declaration between IO-0 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io0_cell_out;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io0_cell_outen;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method 
+                       Action io0_cell_in (Bit#(1) in);
+          // interface declaration between IO-1 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io1_cell_out;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io1_cell_outen;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method 
+                       Action io1_cell_in (Bit#(1) in);
+          // interface declaration between IO-2 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io2_cell_out;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) io2_cell_outen;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method 
+                       Action io2_cell_in (Bit#(1) in);
+      endinterface
+      interface PeripheralSide;
+      // declare the interface to the peripherals
+      // Each peripheral's function will be either an input, output
+      // or be bi-directional.  an input field will be an output from the
+      // peripheral and an output field will be an input to the peripheral.
+      // Bi-directional functions also have an output-enable (which
+      // again comes *in* from the peripheral)
+          // interface declaration between UART-0 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action uart_tx (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) uart_rx;
+          // interface declaration between GPIOA-0 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a0_out (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a0_outen (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) gpioa_a0_in;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a1_out (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a1_outen (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) gpioa_a1_in;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a2_out (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action gpioa_a2_outen (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) gpioa_a2_in;
+          // interface declaration between TWI-0 and pinmux
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action twi_sda_out (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action twi_sda_outen (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) twi_sda_in;
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action twi_scl_out (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Action twi_scl_outen (Bit#(1) in);
+    (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method  Bit#(1) twi_scl_in;
+      endinterface
+   interface Ifc_pinmux;
+      // this interface controls how each IO cell is routed.  setting
+      // any given IO cell's mux control value will result in redirection
+      // of not just the input or output to different peripheral functions
+      // but also the *direction* control - if appropriate - as well.
+      interface MuxSelectionLines mux_lines;
+      // this interface contains the inputs, outputs and direction-control
+      // lines for all peripherals.  GPIO is considered to also be just
+      // a peripheral because it also has in, out and direction-control.
+      interface PeripheralSide peripheral_side;
+      // this interface is to be linked to the individual IO cells.
+      // if looking at a "non-muxed" GPIO design, basically the
+      // IO cell input, output and direction-control wires are cut
+      // (giving six pairs of dangling wires, named left and right)
+      // these iocells are routed in their place on one side ("left")
+      // and the matching *GPIO* peripheral interfaces in/out/dir
+      // connect to the OTHER side ("right").  the result is that
+      // the muxer settings end up controlling the routing of where
+      // the I/O from the IOcell actually goes.
+      interface IOCellSide iocell_side;
+   endinterface
+   (*synthesize*)
+   module mkpinmux(Ifc_pinmux);
+      // the followins wires capture the pin-mux selection
+      // values for each mux assigned to a CELL
+      Wire#(Bit#(2)) wrcell0_mux<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(2)) wrcell1_mux<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(2)) wrcell2_mux<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if io-0 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell0_mux_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell0_mux_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell0_mux_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if io-1 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell1_mux_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell1_mux_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell1_mux_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if io-2 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell2_mux_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell2_mux_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) cell2_mux_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if uart-0 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wruart_tx<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wruart_rx<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if gpioa-0 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a0_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a0_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a0_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a1_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a1_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a1_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a2_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a2_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrgpioa_a2_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if twi-0 is
+      // allotted to it
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_out<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_in<-mkDWire(0);
+      /*====== This where the muxing starts for each io-cell======*/
+      Wire#(Bit#(1)) val0<-mkDWire(0); // need a zero
+       // output muxer for cell idx 0
+      cell0_mux_out=
+                       wrcell0_mux==0?wrgpioa_a0_out:
+                       wrcell0_mux==1?wruart_tx:
+                       wrcell0_mux==2?val0: // unused
+                       wrtwi_sda_out;
+      // outen muxer for cell idx 0
+      cell0_mux_outen=
+                       wrcell0_mux==0?wrgpioa_a0_outen: // bi-directional
+                       wrcell0_mux==1?wrgpioa_a0_outen: // uart_tx is an output
+                       wrcell0_mux==2?val0: // unused
+                       wrtwi_sda_outen; // bi-directional
+      // priority-in-muxer for cell idx 0
+      rule assign_wrgpioa_a0_in_on_cell0(wrcell0_mux==0);
+        wrgpioa_a0_in<=cell0_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      rule assign_wrtwi_sda_in_on_cell0(wrcell0_mux==3);
+        wrtwi_sda_in<=cell0_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      // output muxer for cell idx 1
+      cell1_mux_out=
+                       wrcell1_mux==0?wrgpioa_a1_out:
+                       wrcell1_mux==1?val0: // uart_rx is an input
+                       wrcell1_mux==2?wrtwi_sda_out:
+                       val0; // unused
+      // outen muxer for cell idx 1
+      cell1_mux_outen=
+                       wrcell1_mux==0?wrgpioa_a1_outen: // bi-directional
+                       wrcell1_mux==1?val0: // uart_rx is an input
+                       wrcell1_mux==2?wrtwi_sda_outen: // bi-directional
+                       val0; // unused
+      // priority-in-muxer for cell idx 1
+      rule assign_wrgpioa_a1_in_on_cell1(wrcell1_mux==0);
+        wrgpioa_a1_in<=cell1_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      rule assign_wruart_rx_on_cell1(wrcell1_mux==1);
+        wruart_rx<=cell1_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      rule assign_wrtwi_sda_in_on_cell1(wrcell1_mux==2);
+        wrtwi_sda_in<=cell1_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      // output muxer for cell idx 2
+      cell2_mux_out=
+                       wrcell2_mux==0?wrgpioa_a2_out:
+                       wrcell2_mux==1?val0: // unused
+                       wrcell2_mux==2?wrtwi_scl_out:
+                       val0; // unused
+      // outen muxer for cell idx 2
+      cell2_mux_outen=
+                       wrcell2_mux==0?wrgpioa_a2_outen: // bi-directional
+                       wrcell2_mux==1?val0: // unused
+                       wrcell2_mux==2?wrtwi_scl_outen: // bi-directional
+                       val0; // unused
+      // priority-in-muxer for cell idx 2
+      rule assign_wrgpioa_a2_in_on_cell2(wrcell2_mux==0);
+        wrgpioa_a2_in<=cell2_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      rule assign_wrtwi_scl_in_on_cell2(wrcell2_mux==2);
+        wrtwi_scl_in<=cell2_mux_in;
+      endrule
+      /*=========================================*/
+      // dedicated cells
+      /*============================================================*/
+    interface mux_lines = interface MuxSelectionLines
+      method Action  cell0_mux(Bit#(2) in);
+         wrcell0_mux<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  cell1_mux(Bit#(2) in);
+         wrcell1_mux<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  cell2_mux(Bit#(2) in);
+         wrcell2_mux<=in;
+      endmethod
+    endinterface;
+    interface iocell_side = interface IOCellSide
+      method io0_cell_out=cell0_mux_out;
+      method io0_cell_outen=cell0_mux_outen;
+      method Action  io0_cell_in(Bit#(1) in);
+         cell0_mux_in<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method io1_cell_out=cell1_mux_out;
+      method io1_cell_outen=cell1_mux_outen;
+      method Action  io1_cell_in(Bit#(1) in);
+         cell1_mux_in<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method io2_cell_out=cell2_mux_out;
+      method io2_cell_outen=cell2_mux_outen;
+      method Action  io2_cell_in(Bit#(1) in);
+         cell2_mux_in<=in;
+      endmethod
+     endinterface;
+    interface peripheral_side = interface PeripheralSide
+      method Action  uart_tx(Bit#(1) in);
+         wruart_tx<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method uart_rx=wruart_rx;
+      method Action  gpioa_a0_out(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a0_out<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  gpioa_a0_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a0_outen<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method gpioa_a0_in=wrgpioa_a0_in;
+      method Action  gpioa_a1_out(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a1_out<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  gpioa_a1_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a1_outen<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method gpioa_a1_in=wrgpioa_a1_in;
+      method Action  gpioa_a2_out(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a2_out<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  gpioa_a2_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrgpioa_a2_outen<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method gpioa_a2_in=wrgpioa_a2_in;
+      method Action  twi_sda_out(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrtwi_sda_out<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  twi_sda_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrtwi_sda_outen<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method twi_sda_in=wrtwi_sda_in;
+      method Action  twi_scl_out(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrtwi_scl_out<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method Action  twi_scl_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+         wrtwi_scl_outen<=in;
+      endmethod
+      method twi_scl_in=wrtwi_scl_in;
+     endinterface;
+   endmodule
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow-peripherals.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow-peripherals.bsv
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 18d1236..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-package slow_peripherals;
-       /*===== Project imports =====*/
-       import defined_types::*;
-       import AXI4_Lite_Fabric::*;
-       import AXI4_Lite_Types::*;
-       import AXI4_Fabric::*;
-       import AXI4_Types::*;
-       import Semi_FIFOF::*;
-       import AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge::*;
-       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
-       /*===========================*/
-       /*=== package imports ===*/
-       import Clocks::*;
-       import GetPut::*;
-       import ClientServer::*;
-       import Connectable::*;
-       import Vector::*;
-       import FIFO::*;
-       /*=======================*/
-       /*===== Import the slow peripherals ====*/
-       `ifdef UART0
-               import Uart16550                 :: *;
-       `endif
-       `ifdef UART1
-               import Uart_bs::*;
-               import RS232_modified::*;
-       `endif
-       `ifdef CLINT
-               import clint::*;
-       `endif
-       `ifdef PLIC
-               import gpio                             ::*;
-               import plic                             ::*;
-       `endif
-       `ifdef I2C0
-               import I2C_top                   :: *;
-       `endif
-       `ifdef QSPI0 
-               import qspi                              :: *; 
-       `endif
-       `ifdef AXIEXP
-               import axiexpansion     ::*;
-       `endif
-  `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite 
-    import pwm::*;
-  `endif
-  import pinmux::*;
-  import mux::*;
-       /*=====================================*/
-       /*===== interface declaration =====*/
-       interface SP_ios;
-               `ifdef UART0
-                       interface RS232_PHY_Ifc uart0_coe;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef UART1
-                       interface RS232 uart1_coe;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef PLIC
-                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
-                       method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp);
-                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
-                       method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out;
-                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
-                       method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out_en;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0
-                       interface I2C_out i2c0_out;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1
-                       interface I2C_out i2c1_out;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0 
-                       interface QSPI_out qspi0_out; 
-               `endif
-      `ifdef QSPI1 
-                       interface QSPI_out qspi1_out; 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef AXIEXP
-                       interface Get#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_out;
-                       interface Put#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_in;
-               `endif
-    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
-      interface PWMIO pwm_o;
-    `endif
-       endinterface
-       interface Ifc_slow_peripherals;
-               interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi_slave;
-               interface SP_ios slow_ios;
-               `ifdef CLINT
-                       method Bit#(1) msip_int;
-                       method Bit#(1) mtip_int;
-                       method Bit#(`Reg_width) mtime;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef PLIC method ActionValue#(Tuple2#(Bool,Bool)) intrpt_note; `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0     method Bit#(1) i2c0_isint; `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1     method Bit#(1) i2c1_isint; `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0 method Bit#(1) qspi0_isint; `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI1 method Bit#(1) qspi1_isint; `endif
-               `ifdef UART0 method Bit#(1) uart0_intr; `endif
-    // NEEL EDIT
-    interface IOCellSide iocell_side; // mandatory interface
-    interface GPIO_config#(3) pad_configa; // depends on the number of banks
-       endinterface
-       /*================================*/
-       function Tuple2#(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(Num_Slow_Slaves))) fn_address_mapping (Bit#(`PADDR) addr);
-               `ifdef UART0
-                       if(addr>=`UART0Base && addr<=`UART0End)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef UART1
-                       if(addr>=`UART1Base && addr<=`UART1End)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef CLINT
-                       if(addr>=`ClintBase && addr<=`ClintEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef PLIC
-                       if(addr>=`PLICBase && addr<=`PLICEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num)));
-                       else if(addr>=`GPIOBase && addr<=`GPIOEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0
-                       if(addr>=`I2C0Base && addr<=`I2C0End)   
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1
-                       if(addr>=`I2C1Base && addr<=`I2C1End)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0
-                       if(addr>=`QSPI0CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI0CfgEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
-                       else if(addr>=`QSPI0MemBase && addr<=`QSPI0MemEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI1
-                       if(addr>=`QSPI1CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI1CfgEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
-                       else if(addr>=`QSPI1MemBase && addr<=`QSPI1MemEnd)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-               `ifdef AXIEXP
-                       if(addr>=`AxiExp1Base && addr<=`AxiExp1End)
-                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num)));
-                       else
-               `endif
-    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
-      if(addr>=`PWMBase && addr<=`PWMEnd)
-        return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num)));
-      else
-    `endif
-    // NEEL EDIT 
-      // give slave number and adress map to whatever peripherals you instantiate on the AXI4_Lite
-      // slave.
-               return tuple2(False,?);
-       endfunction
-       (*synthesize*)
-       module mkslow_peripherals#(Clock fast_clock, Reset fast_reset, Clock uart_clock, Reset uart_reset
-  `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite ,Clock ext_pwm_clock `endif )(Ifc_slow_peripherals);
-               Clock sp_clock <-exposeCurrentClock; // slow peripheral clock
-               Reset sp_reset <-exposeCurrentReset; // slow peripheral reset
-               /*======= Module declarations for each peripheral =======*/
-               `ifdef UART0
-                       Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc uart0 <- mkUart16550(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);
-               `endif
-               `ifdef UART1
-                       Ifc_Uart_bs uart1 <- mkUart_bs(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset,sp_clock, sp_reset);
-               `endif
-               `ifdef CLINT
-                       Ifc_clint                               clint                           <- mkclint();
-               `endif
-               `ifdef PLIC
-                       Ifc_PLIC_AXI    plic <- mkplicperipheral();
-         Wire#(Bit#(TLog#(`INTERRUPT_PINS))) interrupt_id <- mkWire();
-                       Vector#(`INTERRUPT_PINS, FIFO#(bit)) ff_gateway_queue <- replicateM(mkFIFO);
-                       GPIO                                            gpio                            <- mkgpio;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0 
-                       I2C_IFC                                 i2c0                            <- mkI2CController();
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1
-                       I2C_IFC                                 i2c1                            <- mkI2CController();
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0 
-                       Ifc_qspi                        qspi0                           <-      mkqspi(); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI1 
-                       Ifc_qspi                        qspi1                           <-      mkqspi(); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef AXIEXP
-                       Ifc_AxiExpansion                axiexp1                 <- mkAxiExpansion();    
-               `endif
-    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
-      Ifc_PWM_bus pwm_bus <- mkPWM_bus(ext_pwm_clock);
-    `endif
-    // NEEL EDIT
-    Ifc_pinmux pinmux <- mkpinmux; // mandatory
-    MUX#(3) mymux <- mkmux(); // mandatory. number depends on the number of instances required.
-    GPIO#(3) mygpioa <- mkgpio(); // optional. depends the number of IO pins declared before.
-               /*=======================================================*/
-       AXI4_Lite_Fabric_IFC #(1, Num_Slow_Slaves, `PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE)       slow_fabric <- 
-                                                            mkAXI4_Lite_Fabric(fn_address_mapping);
-               Ifc_AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge bridge <-mkAXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge(fast_clock,fast_reset);
-               mkConnection (bridge.axi4_lite_master,  slow_fabric.v_from_masters [0]);
-               /*======= Slave connections to AXI4Lite fabric =========*/
-               `ifdef UART0
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num))],  
-                    uart0.slave_axi_uart);  
-               `endif
-               `ifdef UART1
-               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num))],  
-                    uart1.slave_axi_uart); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef CLINT
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num))],
-                    clint.axi4_slave);
-               `endif
-               `ifdef PLIC
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num))],   
-                    plic.axi4_slave_plic); //
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num))],   
-                    gpio.axi_slave); //
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0
-               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num))],   
-                    i2c0.slave_i2c_axi); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1
-               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num))],           
-                    i2c1.slave_i2c_axi); // 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0 
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num))],  
-                    qspi0.slave); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI1 
-                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num))],  
-                    qspi1.slave); 
-               `endif
-               `ifdef AXIEXP
-               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num))],        
-                    axiexp1.axi_slave); //
-               `endif
-    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
-      mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num))],
-                    pwm_bus.axi4_slave);
-    `endif
-    // NEEL EDIT
-    mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_from_masters[/* mux slave number*/], mymux.axi_slave);
-    mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_from_masters[/* gpioslave number*/], gpioa.axi_slave);
-    rule connect_select_lines_pinmux;// mandatory
-      pinmux.cell0_mux(mymux.mux_config[0]);  
-      pinmux.cell1_mux(mymux.mux_config[1]);  
-      pinmux.cell2_mux(mymux.mux_config[2]);  
-    endrule
-    rule connect_uart1tx;
-      pinmux.peripheral_side.uart_tx(uart1.coe_rs232.rs232.sout);
-    endrule
-    rule connect_uart1rx;
-      uart1.coe_rs232.rs232.sin(pinmux.peripheral_side.uart_rx);
-    endrule
-    rule connect_gpioa
-      pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_out(gpio.func.gpio_out[0]);
-      pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_outen(gpio.func.gpio_out_en[0]);
-               Vector#(3,Bit#(1)) temp;
-               temp[0]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_in;
-               temp[1]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a1_in;
-               temp[2]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a2_in;
-      gpio.pad_config.gpio_in(temp);
-    endrule
-               /*=======================================================*/
-               /*=================== PLIC Connections ==================== */
-               `ifdef PLIC
-                       /*TODO DMA interrupt need to be connected to the plic
-                       for(Integer i=1; i<8; i=i+1) begin
-         `ifdef DMA
-             rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
-                                       if(dma.interrupt_to_processor[i-1]==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-             endrule
-          `else
-             rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
-                 ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
-             endrule
-          `endif
-         end
-                       */
-         rule rl_connect_i2c0_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C0
-                                       if(i2c0.isint()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[8].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-                               `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(0);
-            `endif
-         endrule
-                       rule rl_connect_i2c1_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C1
-                                       if(i2c1.isint()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[9].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(0);
-            `endif
-                       endrule
-         rule rl_connect_i2c0_timerint_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C0
-                                       if(i2c0.timerint()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[10].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(0);
-            `endif
-                       endrule
-         rule rl_connect_i2c1_timerint_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C1
-                                       if(i2c1.timerint()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[11].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(0);
-            `endif
-         endrule
-         rule rl_connect_i2c0_isber_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C0
-                                       if(i2c0.isber()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[12].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                       end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(0);
-            `endif
-         endrule
-         rule rl_connect_i2c1_isber_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef I2C1
-                                       if(i2c1.isber()==1'b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[13].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-               end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(0);
-            `endif
-         endrule
-         for(Integer i = 14; i < 20; i=i+1) begin
-                               rule rl_connect_qspi0_to_plic;
-                                       `ifdef QSPI0
-                                               if(qspi0.interrupts()[i-14]==1'b1) begin
-                                                       ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
-                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                               end
-               `else
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
-               `endif
-            endrule
-         end
-         for(Integer i = 20; i<26; i=i+1) begin
-                               rule rl_connect_qspi1_to_plic;
-                                       `ifdef QSPI1
-                                               if(qspi1.interrupts()[i-20]==1'b1) begin
-                                                       ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
-                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                               end
-               `else
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
-               `endif
-            endrule
-                       end
-                       `ifdef UART0 
-                               SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) uart0_interrupt <-mkSyncBitToCC(uart_clock,uart_reset); 
-                               rule synchronize_the_uart0_interrupt;
-                                       uart0_interrupt.send(uart0.irq);                
-                               endrule
-                       `endif
-                       rule rl_connect_uart_to_plic;
-                               `ifdef UART0
-                                       if('b1) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(1);
-                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[27].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-               end
-            `else
-                                       ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(0);
-            `endif
-         endrule
-                       for(Integer i = 28; i<`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
-                               rule rl_raise_interrupts;
-                                       if((i-28)<`IONum) begin //Peripheral interrupts
-                                               if(gpio.to_plic[i-28]==1'b1) begin
-                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
-                                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);     
-                  end
-                                       end
-                               endrule
-                       end
-         rule rl_completion_msg_from_plic;
-                               let id <- plic.intrpt_completion;
-            interrupt_id <= id;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Dequeing the FIFO -- PLIC Interrupt Serviced id: %d",id); `endif
-                       endrule
-         for(Integer i=0; i <`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
-                               rule deq_gateway_queue;
-                                       if(interrupt_id==fromInteger(i)) begin
-                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].deq;
-                  `ifdef $display($time,"Dequeing the Interrupt request for ID: %d",i); `endif
-               end
-            endrule
-         end
-               `endif
-                       /*======================================================= */
-               /* ===== interface definition =======*/
-               interface axi_slave=bridge.axi_slave;
-               `ifdef PLIC method intrpt_note = plic.intrpt_note; `endif
-               `ifdef CLINT
-                       method msip_int=clint.msip_int;
-                       method mtip_int=clint.mtip_int;
-                       method mtime=clint.mtime;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C0
-                       method i2c0_isint=i2c0.isint;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef I2C1
-                       method i2c1_isint=i2c1.isint;
-               `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI0 method     qspi0_isint=qspi0.interrupts[5]; `endif
-               `ifdef QSPI1 method     qspi1_isint=qspi1.interrupts[5]; `endif
-               `ifdef UART0 method uart0_intr=uart0.irq; `endif
-               interface SP_ios slow_ios;
-                       `ifdef UART0
-                               interface uart0_coe=uart0.coe_rs232;
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef UART1
-                               interface uart1_coe=uart1.coe_rs232;
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef PLIC
-                               method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp)=gpio.gpio_in(inp);
-                               method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out=gpio.gpio_out;
-                               method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out_en=gpio.gpio_out_en;
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef I2C0
-                               interface i2c0_out=i2c0.out;
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef I2C1
-                               interface i2c1_out=i2c1.out;
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef QSPI0 
-                               interface qspi0_out = qspi0.out; 
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef QSPI1 
-                               interface qspi1_out = qspi1.out; 
-                       `endif
-                       `ifdef AXIEXP
-                               interface axiexp1_out=axiexp1.slave_out;
-                               interface axiexp1_in=axiexp1.slave_in;
-                       `endif
-      `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
-        interface pwm_o = pwm_bus.pwm_io;
-      `endif
-               endinterface
-    // NEEL EDIT
-    interface iocell_side=pinmux.iocell_side;
-    interface pad_configa= gpioa.pad_config;
-               /*===================================*/
-       endmodule
diff --git a/src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow_peripherals.bsv b/src/bsv/bsv_lib/slow_peripherals.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..27a1cc5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+package slow_peripherals;
+       /*===== Project imports =====*/
+       import defined_types::*;
+       import AXI4_Lite_Fabric::*;
+       import AXI4_Lite_Types::*;
+       import AXI4_Fabric::*;
+       import AXI4_Types::*;
+       import Semi_FIFOF::*;
+       import AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge::*;
+       `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+       /*===========================*/
+       /*=== package imports ===*/
+       import Clocks::*;
+       import GetPut::*;
+       import ClientServer::*;
+       import Connectable::*;
+       import Vector::*;
+       import FIFO::*;
+       /*=======================*/
+       /*===== Import the slow peripherals ====*/
+       `ifdef UART0
+               import Uart16550                 :: *;
+       `endif
+       `ifdef UART1
+               import Uart_bs::*;
+               import RS232_modified::*;
+       `endif
+       `ifdef CLINT
+               import clint::*;
+       `endif
+       `ifdef PLIC
+               import plic                             ::*;
+       `endif
+       `ifdef I2C0
+               import I2C_top                   :: *;
+       `endif
+       `ifdef QSPI0 
+               import qspi                              :: *; 
+       `endif
+       `ifdef AXIEXP
+               import axiexpansion     ::*;
+       `endif
+  `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite 
+    import pwm::*;
+  `endif
+  import pinmux::*;
+  import mux::*;
+  import gpio::*;
+       /*=====================================*/
+       /*===== interface declaration =====*/
+       interface SP_ios;
+               `ifdef UART0
+                       interface RS232_PHY_Ifc uart0_coe;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef UART1
+                       interface RS232 uart1_coe;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef PLIC
+                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+                       method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp);
+                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+                       method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out;
+                       (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+                       method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out_en;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0
+                       interface I2C_out i2c0_out;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1
+                       interface I2C_out i2c1_out;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0 
+                       interface QSPI_out qspi0_out; 
+               `endif
+      `ifdef QSPI1 
+                       interface QSPI_out qspi1_out; 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef AXIEXP
+                       interface Get#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_out;
+                       interface Put#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_in;
+               `endif
+    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+      interface PWMIO pwm_o;
+    `endif
+       endinterface
+       interface Ifc_slow_peripherals;
+               interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi_slave;
+               interface SP_ios slow_ios;
+               `ifdef CLINT
+                       method Bit#(1) msip_int;
+                       method Bit#(1) mtip_int;
+                       method Bit#(`Reg_width) mtime;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef PLIC method ActionValue#(Tuple2#(Bool,Bool)) intrpt_note; `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0     method Bit#(1) i2c0_isint; `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1     method Bit#(1) i2c1_isint; `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0 method Bit#(1) qspi0_isint; `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI1 method Bit#(1) qspi1_isint; `endif
+               `ifdef UART0 method Bit#(1) uart0_intr; `endif
+    // NEEL EDIT
+    interface IOCellSide iocell_side; // mandatory interface
+    interface GPIO_config#(3) pad_configa; // depends on the number of banks
+       endinterface
+       /*================================*/
+       function Tuple2#(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(Num_Slow_Slaves))) fn_address_mapping (Bit#(`PADDR) addr);
+               `ifdef UART0
+                       if(addr>=`UART0Base && addr<=`UART0End)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef UART1
+                       if(addr>=`UART1Base && addr<=`UART1End)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef CLINT
+                       if(addr>=`ClintBase && addr<=`ClintEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef PLIC
+                       if(addr>=`PLICBase && addr<=`PLICEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num)));
+                       else if(addr>=`GPIOBase && addr<=`GPIOEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0
+                       if(addr>=`I2C0Base && addr<=`I2C0End)   
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1
+                       if(addr>=`I2C1Base && addr<=`I2C1End)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0
+                       if(addr>=`QSPI0CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI0CfgEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
+                       else if(addr>=`QSPI0MemBase && addr<=`QSPI0MemEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI1
+                       if(addr>=`QSPI1CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI1CfgEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
+                       else if(addr>=`QSPI1MemBase && addr<=`QSPI1MemEnd)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+               `ifdef AXIEXP
+                       if(addr>=`AxiExp1Base && addr<=`AxiExp1End)
+                               return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num)));
+                       else
+               `endif
+    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+      if(addr>=`PWMBase && addr<=`PWMEnd)
+        return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num)));
+      else
+    `endif
+    // NEEL EDIT 
+      // give slave number and adress map to whatever peripherals you instantiate on the AXI4_Lite
+      // slave.
+               return tuple2(False,?);
+       endfunction
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkslow_peripherals#(Clock fast_clock, Reset fast_reset, Clock uart_clock, Reset uart_reset
+  `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite ,Clock ext_pwm_clock `endif )(Ifc_slow_peripherals);
+               Clock sp_clock <-exposeCurrentClock; // slow peripheral clock
+               Reset sp_reset <-exposeCurrentReset; // slow peripheral reset
+               /*======= Module declarations for each peripheral =======*/
+               `ifdef UART0
+                       Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc uart0 <- mkUart16550(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);
+               `endif
+               `ifdef UART1
+                       Ifc_Uart_bs uart1 <- mkUart_bs(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset,sp_clock, sp_reset);
+               `endif
+               `ifdef CLINT
+                       Ifc_clint                               clint                           <- mkclint();
+               `endif
+               `ifdef PLIC
+                       Ifc_PLIC_AXI    plic <- mkplicperipheral();
+         Wire#(Bit#(TLog#(`INTERRUPT_PINS))) interrupt_id <- mkWire();
+                       Vector#(`INTERRUPT_PINS, FIFO#(bit)) ff_gateway_queue <- replicateM(mkFIFO);
+                       GPIO                                            gpio                            <- mkgpio;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0 
+                       I2C_IFC                                 i2c0                            <- mkI2CController();
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1
+                       I2C_IFC                                 i2c1                            <- mkI2CController();
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0 
+                       Ifc_qspi                        qspi0                           <-      mkqspi(); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI1 
+                       Ifc_qspi                        qspi1                           <-      mkqspi(); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef AXIEXP
+                       Ifc_AxiExpansion                axiexp1                 <- mkAxiExpansion();    
+               `endif
+    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+      Ifc_PWM_bus pwm_bus <- mkPWM_bus(ext_pwm_clock);
+    `endif
+    // NEEL EDIT
+    Ifc_pinmux pinmux <- mkpinmux; // mandatory
+    MUX#(3) mymux <- mkmux(); // mandatory. number depends on the number of instances required.
+    GPIO#(3) mygpioa <- mkgpio(); // optional. depends the number of IO pins declared before.
+               /*=======================================================*/
+       AXI4_Lite_Fabric_IFC #(1, Num_Slow_Slaves, `PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE)       slow_fabric <- 
+                                                            mkAXI4_Lite_Fabric(fn_address_mapping);
+               Ifc_AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge bridge <-mkAXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge(fast_clock,fast_reset);
+               mkConnection (bridge.axi4_lite_master,  slow_fabric.v_from_masters [0]);
+               /*======= Slave connections to AXI4Lite fabric =========*/
+               `ifdef UART0
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num))],  
+                    uart0.slave_axi_uart);  
+               `endif
+               `ifdef UART1
+               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num))],  
+                    uart1.slave_axi_uart); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef CLINT
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num))],
+                    clint.axi4_slave);
+               `endif
+               `ifdef PLIC
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num))],   
+                    plic.axi4_slave_plic); //
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num))],   
+                    gpio.axi_slave); //
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0
+               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num))],   
+                    i2c0.slave_i2c_axi); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1
+               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num))],           
+                    i2c1.slave_i2c_axi); // 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0 
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num))],  
+                    qspi0.slave); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI1 
+                       mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num))],  
+                    qspi1.slave); 
+               `endif
+               `ifdef AXIEXP
+               mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num))],        
+                    axiexp1.axi_slave); //
+               `endif
+    `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+      mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num))],
+                    pwm_bus.axi4_slave);
+    `endif
+    // NEEL EDIT
+    mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_from_masters[fromInteger(valueOf(Muxa_slave_num))], mymux.axi_slave);
+    mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_from_masters[fromInteger(valueOf(Gpioa_slave_num))], gpioa.axi_slave);
+    rule connect_select_lines_pinmux;// mandatory
+      pinmux.cell0_mux(mymux.mux_config[0]);  
+      pinmux.cell1_mux(mymux.mux_config[1]);  
+      pinmux.cell2_mux(mymux.mux_config[2]);  
+    endrule
+    rule connect_uart1tx;
+      pinmux.peripheral_side.uart_tx(uart1.coe_rs232.rs232.sout);
+    endrule
+    rule connect_uart1rx;
+      uart1.coe_rs232.rs232.sin(pinmux.peripheral_side.uart_rx);
+    endrule
+    rule connect_gpioa;
+      pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_out(gpio.func.gpio_out[0]);
+      pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_outen(gpio.func.gpio_out_en[0]);
+               Vector#(3,Bit#(1)) temp;
+               temp[0]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a0_in;
+               temp[1]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a1_in;
+               temp[2]=pinmux.peripheral_side.gpioa_a2_in;
+      gpio.pad_config.gpio_in(temp);
+    endrule
+               /*=======================================================*/
+               /*=================== PLIC Connections ==================== */
+               `ifdef PLIC
+                       /*TODO DMA interrupt need to be connected to the plic
+                       for(Integer i=1; i<8; i=i+1) begin
+         `ifdef DMA
+             rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
+                                       if(dma.interrupt_to_processor[i-1]==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+             endrule
+          `else
+             rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
+                 ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+             endrule
+          `endif
+         end
+                       */
+         rule rl_connect_i2c0_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C0
+                                       if(i2c0.isint()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[8].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+                               `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(0);
+            `endif
+         endrule
+                       rule rl_connect_i2c1_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C1
+                                       if(i2c1.isint()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[9].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(0);
+            `endif
+                       endrule
+         rule rl_connect_i2c0_timerint_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C0
+                                       if(i2c0.timerint()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[10].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(0);
+            `endif
+                       endrule
+         rule rl_connect_i2c1_timerint_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C1
+                                       if(i2c1.timerint()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[11].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(0);
+            `endif
+         endrule
+         rule rl_connect_i2c0_isber_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C0
+                                       if(i2c0.isber()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[12].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                       end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(0);
+            `endif
+         endrule
+         rule rl_connect_i2c1_isber_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef I2C1
+                                       if(i2c1.isber()==1'b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[13].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+               end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(0);
+            `endif
+         endrule
+         for(Integer i = 14; i < 20; i=i+1) begin
+                               rule rl_connect_qspi0_to_plic;
+                                       `ifdef QSPI0
+                                               if(qspi0.interrupts()[i-14]==1'b1) begin
+                                                       ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                               end
+               `else
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+               `endif
+            endrule
+         end
+         for(Integer i = 20; i<26; i=i+1) begin
+                               rule rl_connect_qspi1_to_plic;
+                                       `ifdef QSPI1
+                                               if(qspi1.interrupts()[i-20]==1'b1) begin
+                                                       ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                               end
+               `else
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+               `endif
+            endrule
+                       end
+                       `ifdef UART0 
+                               SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) uart0_interrupt <-mkSyncBitToCC(uart_clock,uart_reset); 
+                               rule synchronize_the_uart0_interrupt;
+                                       uart0_interrupt.send(uart0.irq);                
+                               endrule
+                       `endif
+                       rule rl_connect_uart_to_plic;
+                               `ifdef UART0
+                                       if('b1) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(1);
+                                               plic.ifc_external_irq[27].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+               end
+            `else
+                                       ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(0);
+            `endif
+         endrule
+                       for(Integer i = 28; i<`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
+                               rule rl_raise_interrupts;
+                                       if((i-28)<`IONum) begin //Peripheral interrupts
+                                               if(gpio.to_plic[i-28]==1'b1) begin
+                                                       plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+                                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);     
+                  end
+                                       end
+                               endrule
+                       end
+         rule rl_completion_msg_from_plic;
+                               let id <- plic.intrpt_completion;
+            interrupt_id <= id;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Dequeing the FIFO -- PLIC Interrupt Serviced id: %d",id); `endif
+                       endrule
+         for(Integer i=0; i <`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
+                               rule deq_gateway_queue;
+                                       if(interrupt_id==fromInteger(i)) begin
+                                               ff_gateway_queue[i].deq;
+                  `ifdef $display($time,"Dequeing the Interrupt request for ID: %d",i); `endif
+               end
+            endrule
+         end
+               `endif
+                       /*======================================================= */
+               /* ===== interface definition =======*/
+               interface axi_slave=bridge.axi_slave;
+               `ifdef PLIC method intrpt_note = plic.intrpt_note; `endif
+               `ifdef CLINT
+                       method msip_int=clint.msip_int;
+                       method mtip_int=clint.mtip_int;
+                       method mtime=clint.mtime;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C0
+                       method i2c0_isint=i2c0.isint;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef I2C1
+                       method i2c1_isint=i2c1.isint;
+               `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI0 method     qspi0_isint=qspi0.interrupts[5]; `endif
+               `ifdef QSPI1 method     qspi1_isint=qspi1.interrupts[5]; `endif
+               `ifdef UART0 method uart0_intr=uart0.irq; `endif
+               interface SP_ios slow_ios;
+                       `ifdef UART0
+                               interface uart0_coe=uart0.coe_rs232;
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef UART1
+                               interface uart1_coe=uart1.coe_rs232;
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef PLIC
+                               method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp)=gpio.gpio_in(inp);
+                               method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out=gpio.gpio_out;
+                               method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1))   gpio_out_en=gpio.gpio_out_en;
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef I2C0
+                               interface i2c0_out=i2c0.out;
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef I2C1
+                               interface i2c1_out=i2c1.out;
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef QSPI0 
+                               interface qspi0_out = qspi0.out; 
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef QSPI1 
+                               interface qspi1_out = qspi1.out; 
+                       `endif
+                       `ifdef AXIEXP
+                               interface axiexp1_out=axiexp1.slave_out;
+                               interface axiexp1_in=axiexp1.slave_in;
+                       `endif
+      `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+        interface pwm_o = pwm_bus.pwm_io;
+      `endif
+               endinterface
+    // NEEL EDIT
+    interface iocell_side=pinmux.iocell_side;
+    interface pad_configa= gpioa.pad_config;
+               /*===================================*/
+       endmodule