""" Priority Picker: optimised back-to-back PriorityEncoder and Decoder
and MultiPriorityPicker: cascading mutually-exclusive pickers
- The input is N bits, the output is N bits wide and only one is
- enabled.
+ PriorityPicker: the input is N bits, the output is N bits wide and
+ only one is enabled.
+ MultiPriorityPicker: likewise except that there are M pickers and
+ each output is guaranteed mutually exclusive. Optionally:
+ an "index" (and enable line) is also outputted.
+ MultiPriorityPicker is designed for port-selection, when there are
+ multiple "things" (of width N) contending for access to M "ports".
+ When the M=0 "thing" requests a port, it gets allocated port 0
+ (always). However if the M=0 "thing" does *not* request a port,
+ this gives the M=1 "thing" the opportunity to gain access to port 0.
+ Given that N may potentially be much greater than M (16 bits wide
+ where M may be e.g. only 4) we can't just ok, "ok so M=N therefore
+ M=0 gets access to port 0, M=1 gets access to port 1" etc.
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Elaboratable, Array, Const
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Elaboratable, Array, Const, Mux
from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
+import math
class PriorityPicker(Elaboratable):
""" implements a priority-picker. input: N bits, output: N bits
# inputs
self.i = Signal(wid, reset_less=True)
self.o = Signal(wid, reset_less=True)
+ self.en_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # true if any output is true
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
# we like Cat(*xxx). turn lists into concatenated bits
m.d.comb += self.o.eq(Cat(*res))
+ m.d.comb += self.en_o.eq(self.o.bool()) # true if 1 input is true
return m
gets top priority, the second cannot have the same bit that
the first has set, and so on. To do this, a "mask" accumulates
the output from the chain, masking the input to the next chain.
+ Also outputted (optional): an index for each picked "thing".
- def __init__(self, wid, levels):
+ def __init__(self, wid, levels, indices=False):
self.levels = levels
self.wid = wid
+ self.indices = indices
+ # create array of input and output (unary)
self.i = [] # store the array of picker inputs
self.o = [] # store the array of picker outputs
for j in range(self.levels):
i = Signal(self.wid, name="i_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
o = Signal(self.wid, name="o_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
self.i = Array(self.i)
self.o = Array(self.o)
+ if not self.indices:
+ return
+ # add an array of "enables" and indices
+ self.en_o = Signal(self.levels, name="en_o", reset_less=True)
+ lidx = math.ceil(math.log2(self.levels+1))
+ idx_o = [] # store the array of indices
+ for j in range(self.levels):
+ i = Signal(lidx, name="idxo_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
+ idx_o.append(i)
+ self.idx_o = Array(idx_o)
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
comb = m.d.comb
prev_pp = None
p_mask = None
+ pp_l = []
for j in range(self.levels):
o, i = self.o[j], self.i[j]
pp = PriorityPicker(self.wid)
+ pp_l.append(pp)
setattr(m.submodules, "pp%d" % j, pp)
comb += o.eq(pp.o)
if prev_pp is None:
p_mask = mask
prev_pp = pp
+ if not self.indices:
+ return m
+ # for each picker enabled, pass that out and set a cascading index
+ lidx = math.ceil(math.log2(self.levels+1))
+ en_l = []
+ prev_count = None
+ for j in range(self.levels):
+ en_o = pp_l[j].en_o
+ en_l.append(en_o)
+ count1 = Signal(lidx, name="count_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
+ if prev_count is None:
+ comb += self.idx_o[j].eq(Mux(en_o, 1, 0))
+ else:
+ comb += count1.eq(prev_count + Const(1, lidx))
+ comb += self.idx_o[j].eq(Mux(en_o, count1, prev_count))
+ prev_count = self.idx_o[j]
+ # concat accumulated enable bits
+ comb += self.en_o.eq(Cat(*en_o))
return m
def __iter__(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = MultiPriorityPicker(5, 4)
+ dut = MultiPriorityPicker(5, 4, True)
vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
with open("test_multi_picker.il", "w") as f: