(funct7 in the case of arith ops).
c = {}
- c[OP.load] = self.calculate_load_action()
+ c[OP.load ] = self.calculate_load_action()
c[OP.misc_mem] = self.calculate_misc_action()
- c[OP.op_imm] = self.calculate_op_action()
- c[OP.op] = self.calculate_op_action()
- c[OP.lui] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.lui_auipc)
- c[OP.auipc] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.lui_auipc)
- c[OP.store] = self.calculate_store_action()
- c[OP.branch] = self.calculate_branch_action()
- c[OP.jalr] = self.calculate_jalr_action()
- c[OP.jal] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.jal)
- c[OP.system] = self.calculate_system_action()
+ c[OP.op_imm ] = self.calculate_op_action()
+ c[OP.op ] = self.calculate_op_action()
+ c[OP.lui ] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.lui_auipc)
+ c[OP.auipc ] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.lui_auipc)
+ c[OP.store ] = self.calculate_store_action()
+ c[OP.branch ] = self.calculate_branch_action()
+ c[OP.jalr ] = self.calculate_jalr_action()
+ c[OP.jal ] = self.decode_action.eq(DA.jal)
+ c[OP.system ] = self.calculate_system_action()
# big batch of unrecognised opcodes: throw trap.
for o in [ OP.load_fp, OP.custom_0, OP.op_imm_32,