# Modifications for the Libre-SOC Project funded by NLnet and NGI POINTER
# under EU Grants 871528 and 957073, under the LGPLv3+ License
-from nmigen import (Module, Elaboratable, DomainRenamer, Record)
+from nmigen import (Module, Elaboratable, DomainRenamer, Record,
+ Signal, Cat, Const)
from nmigen.cli import verilog
from nmigen.lib.cdc import ResetSynchronizer
from nmigen_soc import wishbone, memory
+class WB64to32Convert(Elaboratable):
+ """Microwatt IO wishbone slave 64->32 bits converter
+ For timing reasons, this adds a one cycle latch on the way both
+ in and out. This relaxes timing and routing pressure on the "main"
+ memory bus by moving all simple IOs to a slower 32-bit bus.
+ This implementation is rather dumb at the moment, no stash buffer,
+ so we stall whenever that latch is busy. This can be improved.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, master, slave):
+ self.master = master
+ self.slave = slave
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ master, slave = self.master, self.slave
+ has_top = Signal()
+ has_bot = Signal()
+ # Do we have a top word and/or a bottom word ?
+ with m.If(master.cyc & master.stb):
+ comb += has_top.eq(master.sel[4:].bool())
+ comb += has_bot.eq(master.sel[:4].bool())
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ with m.State("IDLE"):
+ # Clear ACK in case it was set
+ sync += master.ack.eq(0)
+ # Do we have a cycle ?
+ with m.If(master.cyc & master.stb):
+ # Stall master until we are done, we are't (yet) pipelining
+ # this, it's all slow IOs.
+ sync += master.stall.eq(1)
+ # Start cycle downstream
+ sync += slave.cyc.eq(1)
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(1)
+ # Copy write enable to IO out, copy address as well,
+ # LSB is set later based on HI/LO
+ sync += slave.we.eq(master.we)
+ sync += slave.adr.eq(Cat(0, master.adr))
+ # If we have a bottom word, handle it first, otherwise
+ # send the top word down. XXX Split the actual mux out
+ # and only generate a control signal.
+ with m.If(has_bot):
+ with m.If(master.we):
+ sync += slave.dat_w.eq(master.dat_w[:32])
+ sync += slave.sel.eq(master.sel[:4])
+ # Wait for ack on BOTTOM half
+ m.next = "WAIT_ACK_BOT"
+ with m.Else():
+ with m.If(master.we):
+ sync += slave.dat_w.eq(master.dat_w[32:])
+ sync += slave.sel.eq(master.sel[4:])
+ # Bump LSB of address
+ sync += slave.adr[0].eq(1)
+ # Wait for ack on TOP half
+ m.next = "WAIT_ACK_TOP"
+ with m.State("WAIT_ACK_BOT"):
+ # If we aren't stalled by the device, clear stb
+ if hasattr(slave, "stall"):
+ with m.If(~slave.stall):
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(0)
+ else:
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(0)
+ # Handle ack
+ with m.If(slave.ack):
+ # If it's a read, latch the data
+ with m.If(~slave.we):
+ sync += master.dat_r[:32].eq(slave.dat_r)
+ # Do we have a "top" part as well ?
+ with m.If(has_top):
+ # Latch data & sel
+ with m.If(master.we):
+ sync += slave.dat_w.eq(master.dat_w[32:])
+ sync += slave.sel.eq(master.sel[4:])
+ # Bump address and set STB
+ sync += slave.adr[0].eq(1)
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(1)
+ # Wait for new ack
+ m.next = "WAIT_ACK_TOP"
+ with m.Else():
+ # We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
+ sync += slave.cyc.eq(0)
+ # And ack & unstall upstream
+ sync += master.ack.eq(1)
+ if hasattr(master , "stall"):
+ sync += master.stall.eq(0)
+ # Wait for next one
+ m.next = "IDLE"
+ with m.State("WAIT_ACK_TOP"):
+ # If we aren't stalled by the device, clear stb
+ if hasattr(slave, "stall"):
+ with m.If(~slave.stall):
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(0)
+ else:
+ sync += slave.stb.eq(0)
+ # Handle ack
+ with m.If(slave.ack):
+ # If it's a read, latch the data
+ with m.If(~slave.we):
+ sync += master.dat_r[32:].eq(slave.dat_r)
+ # We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
+ sync += slave.cyc.eq(0)
+ # And ack & unstall upstream
+ sync += master.ack.eq(1)
+ if hasattr(master , "stall"):
+ sync += master.stall.eq(0)
+ # Wait for next one
+ m.next = "IDLE"
+ return m
class DDR3SoC(SoC, Elaboratable):
cvtibus = wishbone.Interface(addr_width=30, data_width=32,
- self.dbusdowncvt = WishboneDownConvert(self.cpu.dbus, cvtdbus)
- self.ibusdowncvt = WishboneDownConvert(self.cpu.ibus, cvtibus)
+ self.dbusdowncvt = WB64to32Convert(self.cpu.dbus, cvtdbus)
+ self.ibusdowncvt = WB64to32Convert(self.cpu.ibus, cvtibus)
self._arbiter.add(cvtibus) # I-Cache Master
self._arbiter.add(cvtdbus) # D-Cache Master. TODO JTAG master
m.submodules.dbuscvt = self.dbusdowncvt
m.submodules.ibuscvt = self.ibusdowncvt
# create stall sigs, assume wishbone classic
- ibus, dbus = self.cpu.ibus, self.cpu.dbus
- comb += ibus.stall.eq(ibus.stb & ~ibus.ack)
- comb += dbus.stall.eq(dbus.stb & ~dbus.ack)
+ #ibus, dbus = self.cpu.ibus, self.cpu.dbus
+ #comb += ibus.stall.eq(ibus.stb & ~ibus.ack)
+ #comb += dbus.stall.eq(dbus.stb & ~dbus.ack)
m.submodules.arbiter = self._arbiter
m.submodules.decoder = self._decoder