def __init__(self, width, depth, fwft=True, pipe=False):
""" Queue (FIFO) with pipe mode and first-write fall-through capability
- * width: width of Queue data in/out
- * depth: queue depth. NOTE: may be set to 0 (this is ok)
- * fwft : first-write, fall-through mode (Chisel Queue "flow" mode)
- * pipe : pipe mode. NOTE: this mode can cause unanticipated
- problems. when read is enabled, so is writeable.
- therefore if read is enabled, the data ABSOLUTELY MUST
- be read.
+ * :width: width of Queue data in/out
+ * :depth: queue depth. NOTE: may be set to 0 (this is ok)
+ * :fwft : first-write, fall-through mode (Chisel Queue "flow" mode)
+ * :pipe : pipe mode. NOTE: this mode can cause unanticipated
+ problems. when read is enabled, so is writeable.
+ therefore if read is enabled, the data ABSOLUTELY MUST
+ be read.
+ fwft mode = True basically means that the data may be transferred
+ combinatorially from input to output.
* level: available free space (number of unread entries)
fwft=True, pipe=False):
""" FIFO Control
- * :depth: number of entries in the FIFO
- * :stage: data processing block
- * :fwft: first word fall-thru mode (non-fwft introduces delay)
- * :buffered: use buffered FIFO (introduces extra cycle delay)
- NOTE 1: FPGAs may have trouble with the defaults for SyncFIFO
- (fwft=True, buffered=False). XXX TODO: fix this by
- using Queue in all cases instead.
+ * :depth: number of entries in the FIFO
+ * :stage: data processing block
+ * :fwft: first word fall-thru mode (non-fwft introduces delay)
+ * :pipe: specifies pipe mode.
+ when fwft = True it indicates that transfers may occur
+ combinatorially through stage processing in the same clock cycle.
+ This requires that the Stage be a Moore FSM:
+ when fwft = False it indicates that all output signals are
+ produced only from internal registers or memory, i.e. that the
+ Stage is a Mealy FSM:
data is processed (and located) as follows: