from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable, Array
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable, Array, Cat
from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
+from nmigen.utils import log2_int
from nmutil.latch import SRLatch, latchregister
from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import Data
from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp
from soc.experiment.compldst import CompLDSTOpSubset
-from soc.decoder.power_decode2 import Data
-from nmutil.picker import PriorityPicker
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import Data
+#from nmutil.picker import PriorityPicker
+from nmigen.lib.coding import PriorityEncoder
+# for testing purposes
+from soc.experiment.testmem import TestMemory
class PortInterface(RecordObject):
* only one of is_ld_i or is_st_i may be asserted. busy_o
will immediately be asserted and remain asserted.
- * addr.ok is to be asserted when the LD/ST address is known
+ * addr.ok is to be asserted when the LD/ST address is known.
+ is to be valid on the same cycle.
+ addr.ok and must REMAIN asserted until busy_o
+ is de-asserted. this ensures that there is no need
+ for the L0 Cache/Buffer to have an additional address latch
+ (because the LDSTCompUnit already has it)
* addr_ok_o (or addr_exc_o) must be waited for. these will
be asserted *only* for one cycle and one cycle only.
busy_o is deasserted on the same cycle as ld.ok is asserted.
- def __init__(self, name=None):
+ def __init__(self, name=None, regwid=64, addrwid=48):
+ self._regwid = regwid
+ self._addrwid = addrwid
RecordObject.__init__(self, name=name)
# common signals
self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # do not use if busy
self.go_die_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # back to reset
- self.addr = Data(48, "addr_i") # addr/addr-ok
+ self.addr = Data(addrwid, "addr_i") # addr/addr-ok
self.addr_ok_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # addr is valid (TLB, L1 etc.)
self.addr_exc_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # TODO, "type" of exception
- self.ld = Data(64, "ld_data_o") # ok to be set by L0 Cache/Buf
- = Data(64, "st_data_i") # ok to be set by CompUnit
+ self.ld = Data(regwid, "ld_data_o") # ok to be set by L0 Cache/Buf
+ = Data(regwid, "st_data_i") # ok to be set by CompUnit
+class LDSTPort(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, idx, regwid=64, addrwid=48):
+ self.pi = PortInterface("ldst_port%d" % idx, regwid, addrwid)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ # latches
+ m.submodules.busy_l = busy_l = SRLatch(False, name="busy")
+ # this is a little weird: we let the L0Cache/Buffer set
+ # the outputs: this module just monitors "state".
+ # LD/ST requested activates "busy"
+ with m.If(self.pi.is_ld_i | self.pi.is_st_i):
+ comb += busy_l.s.eq(1)
+ # monitor for an exception or the completion of LD/ST.
+ with m.If(self.pi.addr_exc_o | self.pi.ld.ok |
+ comb += busy_l.r.eq(1)
+ # busy latch outputs to interface
+ comb += self.pi.busy_o.eq(busy_l.q)
+ return m
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield self.pi.is_ld_i
+ yield self.pi.is_st_i
+ yield from self.pi.op.ports()
+ yield self.pi.busy_o
+ yield self.pi.go_die_i
+ yield from self.pi.addr.ports()
+ yield self.pi.addr_ok_o
+ yield self.pi.addr_exc_o
+ yield from self.pi.ld.ports()
+ yield from
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
class L0CacheBuffer(Elaboratable):
"""L0 Cache / Buffer
Note that the final version will have *two* interfaces per LDSTCompUnit,
- to cover mis-aligned requests. This version is to be used for test
- purposes (and actively maintained for test purposes)
+ to cover mis-aligned requests, as well as *two* 128-bit L1 Cache
+ interfaces: one for odd (addr[4] == 1) and one for even (addr[4] == 1).
- """
+ This version is to be used for test purposes (and actively maintained
+ for such, rather than "replaced")
- def __init__(self, n_units, mem):
+ There are much better ways to implement this. However it's only
+ a "demo" / "test" class, and one important aspect: it responds
+ combinatorially, where a nmigen FSM's state-changes only activate
+ on clock-sync boundaries.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n_units, mem, regwid=64, addrwid=48):
self.n_units = n_units
self.mem = mem
ul = []
for i in range(n_units):
- ul.append(PortInterface("ldst_port%d" % i))
- self.ports = Array(ul)
+ ul.append(LDSTPort(i, regwid, addrwid))
+ self.dports = Array(ul)
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ # connect the ports as modules
+ for i in range(self.n_units):
+ setattr(m.submodules, "port%d" % i, self.dports[i])
+ # state-machine latches
+ m.submodules.st_active = st_active = SRLatch(False, name="st_active")
+ m.submodules.ld_active = ld_active = SRLatch(False, name="ld_active")
+ m.submodules.idx_l = idx_l = SRLatch(False, name="idx_l")
+ m.submodules.addr_okd = addr_okd = SRLatch(name="addr_acked")
# find one LD (or ST) and do it. only one per cycle.
# TODO: in the "live" (production) L0Cache/Buffer, merge multiple
# LD/STs using mask-expansion - see LenExpand class
- m.submodules.ldpick = ldpick = PriorityPicker()
- m.submodules.stpick = stpick = PriorityPicker()
+ m.submodules.ldpick = ldpick = PriorityEncoder(self.n_units)
+ m.submodules.stpick = stpick = PriorityEncoder(self.n_units)
lds = Signal(self.n_units, reset_less=True)
sts = Signal(self.n_units, reset_less=True)
ldi = []
sti = []
for i in range(self.n_units):
- ldi.append(self.ports[i].is_ld_i) # accumulate ld-req signals
- sti.append(self.ports[i].is_st_i) # accumulate st-req signals
+ pi = self.dports[i].pi
+ ldi.append(pi.is_ld_i & pi.busy_o) # accumulate ld-req signals
+ sti.append(pi.is_st_i & pi.busy_o) # accumulate st-req signals
# put the requests into the priority-pickers
comb += ldpick.i.eq(Cat(*ldi))
comb += stpick.i.eq(Cat(*sti))
- # Priority-Pickers pick one and only one request
- with m.If(ldpick.en_o):
- rdport = self.mem.rdport
- ldd_r = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True) # Dest register
- # latch LD-out
- latchregister(m,, ldd_r, ldlatch, "ldo_r")
- sync += ldlatch.eq(self.load_mem_o)
- with m.If(self.load_mem_o):
- comb += rdport.addr.eq(self.addr_o)
+ # hmm, have to select (record) the right port index
+ ld_idx = Signal(log2_int(self.n_units), reset_less=False)
+ st_idx = Signal(log2_int(self.n_units), reset_less=False)
+ # use these because of the sync-and-comb pass-through capability
+ latchregister(m, ldpick.o, ld_idx, idx_l.q, name="ld_idx")
+ latchregister(m, stpick.o, st_idx, idx_l.q, name="st_idx")
+ # convenience variables to reference the "picked" port
+ ldport = self.dports[ld_idx].pi
+ stport = self.dports[st_idx].pi
+ # and the memory ports
+ rdport = self.mem.rdport
+ wrport = self.mem.wrport
+ # Priority-Pickers pick one and only one request, capture its index.
+ # from that point on this code *only* "listens" to that port.
+ with m.If(~ldpick.n):
+ comb += ld_active.s.eq(1) # activate LD mode
+ comb += addr_okd.r.eq(1) # address not yet "ok'd"
+ comb += idx_l.r.eq(1) # pick (and capture) the port index
+ with m.Elif(~stpick.n):
+ comb += st_active.s.eq(1) # activate ST mode
+ comb += addr_okd.r.eq(1) # address not yet "ok'd"
+ comb += idx_l.r.eq(1) # pick (and capture) the port index
+ # from this point onwards, with the port "picked", it stays picked
+ # until ld_active (or st_active) are de-asserted.
+ # if now in "LD" mode: wait for addr_ok, then send the address out
+ # to memory, acknowledge address, and send out LD data
+ with m.If(ld_active.q):
+ with m.If(ldport.addr.ok):
+ comb += rdport.addr.eq( # addr ok, send thru
+ with m.If(addr_okd.qn):
+ comb += ldport.addr_ok_o.eq(1) # acknowledge addr ok
+ comb += addr_okd.s.eq(1) # and pull "ack" latch
+ # if now in "ST" mode: likewise do the same but with "ST"
+ # to memory, acknowledge address, and send out LD data
+ with m.If(st_active.q):
+ with m.If(stport.addr.ok):
+ comb += rdport.addr.eq( # addr ok, send thru
+ with m.If(addr_okd.qn):
+ comb += stport.addr_ok_o.eq(1) # acknowledge addr ok
+ comb += addr_okd.s.eq(1) # and pull "ack" latch
+ # NOTE: in both these, below, the port itself takes care
+ # of de-asserting its "busy_o" signal, based on either ld.ok going
+ # high (by us, here) or by st.ok going high (by the LDSTCompUnit).
+ # for LD mode, when addr has been "ok'd", assume that (because this
+ # is a "Memory" test-class) the memory read data is valid.
+ with m.If(ld_active.q & addr_okd.q):
+ comb += # put data out
+ comb += ldport.ld.ok.eq(1) # indicate data valid
+ sync += ld_active.r.eq(1) # leave the LD active for 1 cycle
+ sync += idx_l.s.eq(1) # deactivate port-index selector
+ # for ST mode, when addr has been "ok'd", wait for incoming "ST ok"
+ with m.If(st_active.q & addr_okd.q &
+ comb += # write st to mem
+ sync += st_active.r.eq(1) # leave the ST active for 1 cycle
+ sync += idx_l.s.eq(1) # deactivate port-index selector
+ return m
+ def ports(self):
+ for p in self.dports:
+ yield from p.ports()
- with m.ElIf(stpick.en_o):
- wrport = self.mem.wrport
- comb += wrport.addr.eq(self.addr_o)
- comb +=
- comb += wrport.en.eq(1)
+class TstL0CacheBuffer(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, regwid=8, addrwid=8):
+ self.mem = TestMemory(regwid, addrwid)
+ self.l0 = L0CacheBuffer(2, self.mem, regwid, addrwid)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.mem = self.mem
+ m.submodules.l0 = self.l0
return m
+ def ports(self):
+ yield from self.l0.ports()
+ # TODO: mem ports
def test_l0_cache():
- from alu_hier import ALU
- alu = ALU(16)
- dut = ComputationUnitNoDelay(16, alu)
+ dut = TstL0CacheBuffer()
vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
- with open("", "w") as f:
+ with open("", "w") as f:
- run_simulation(dut, scoreboard_sim(dut), vcd_name='test_compalu.vcd')
+ #run_simulation(dut, l0_cache_sim(dut), vcd_name='test_l0_cache_basic.vcd')
if __name__ == '__main__':