the CLK_24 is the default in case PLL is unstable
-from nmigen import (Module, Array, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable, ClockSignal)
+from nmigen import (Module, Array, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable, ClockSignal,
+ ResetSignal)
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
-CLK_24 = 0b000
+CLK_24 = 0b000 # this is the default (clk_sel_i = 0 on reset)
PLL6 = 0b001
PLL4 = 0b010
PLL3 = 0b011
self.pll_48_o = Signal() # 6-divide (test signal) from PLL
self.clk_sel_i = Signal(3) # clock source selection
self.core_clk_o = Signal() # main core clock (selectable)
+ self.rst = Signal() # reset
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal().eq(self.rst)
# array of clocks (selectable by clk_sel_i)
clkgen = Array([Signal(name="clk%d" % i) for i in range(8)])
counter3 = Signal(2) # for divide-by-3
# set up system, zero and one clocks
- comb += clkgen[SYS_CLK].eq(self.clk_24_i) # 1st is external 24mhz
+ comb += clkgen[CLK_24].eq(self.clk_24_i) # 1st is external 24mhz
comb += clkgen[ZERO].eq(0) # LOW (use with ONE for direct driving)
comb += clkgen[ONE].eq(1) # HI
return [self.clk_24_i, self.pll_48_o, self.clk_sel_i, self.core_clk_o]
+class DummyPLL(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.clk_24_i = Signal() # 24 mhz external incoming
+ self.clk_pll_o = Signal() # output fake PLL clock
+ self.rst = Signal() # reset
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.d.comb += self.clk_pll_o.eq(self.clk_24_i) # just pass through
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal().eq(self.rst)
+ return m
if __name__ == '__main__':
dut = ClockSelect()
from soc.config.state import CoreState
from soc.interrupts.xics import XICS_ICP, XICS_ICS
from soc.bus.simple_gpio import SimpleGPIO
+from import ClockSelect, DummyPLL
from nmutil.util import rising_edge
-class TestIssuer(Elaboratable):
+class TestIssuerInternal(Elaboratable):
"""TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness is.
def external_ports(self):
ports = self.pc_i.ports()
ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,
- ClockSignal(), ResetSignal(),
if self.jtag_en:
return list(self)
+class TestIssuer(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, pspec):
+ self.ti = TestIssuerInternal(pspec)
+ self.pll = DummyPLL()
+ self.clksel = ClockSelect()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ # TestIssuer runs at internal clock rate
+ m.submodules.ti = ti = DomainRenamer("intclk")(self.ti)
+ # ClockSelect runs at PLL output internal clock rate
+ m.submodules.clksel = clksel = DomainRenamer("pllclk")(self.clksel)
+ m.submodules.pll = pll = self.pll
+ # add 2 clock domains established above...
+ cd_int = ClockDomain("intclk")
+ cd_pll = ClockDomain("pllclk")
+ # probably don't have to add cd_int because of DomainRenamer("coresync")
+ += cd_pll
+ # internal clock is set to selector clock-out. has the side-effect of
+ # running TestIssuer at this speed (see DomainRenamer("intclk") above)
+ comb += cd_int.clk.eq(clksel.core_clk_o)
+ # PLL clock established. has the side-effect of running clklsel
+ # at the PLL's speed (see DomainRenamer("pllclk") above)
+ comb += cd_pll.clk.eq(pll.clk_pll_o)
+ # wire up external 24mhz to PLL and clksel
+ comb += pll.clk_24_i.eq(clksel.clk_24_i)
+ # now wire up ResetSignals. don't mind them all being in this domain
+ comb += pll.rst.eq(ResetSignal())
+ comb += clksel.rst.eq(ResetSignal())
+ return m
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self.ti.ports()) + list(self.pll.ports()) + \
+ [ClockSignal(), ResetSignal()] + \
+ list(self.clksel.ports())
+ def external_ports(self):
+ ports = self.ti.external_ports()
+ #ports.append(ClockSignal())
+ #ports.append(ResetSignal())
+ ports.append(self.clksel.clk_sel_i)
+ ports.append(self.clksel.pll_48_o)
+ return ports
if __name__ == '__main__':
units = {'alu': 1, 'cr': 1, 'branch': 1, 'trap': 1, 'logical': 1,
'spr': 1,