--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+# See Notices.txt for copyright information
+"""Integer Multiplication."""
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Value, Elaboratable, Cat, C, Mux, Repl
+from nmigen.cli import main
+from ieee754.part_mul_add.multiply import (InputData, OutputData,
+ AllTerms, AddReduceInternal,
+ Intermediates, FinalOut)
+from nmutil.pipemodbase import PipeModBaseChain
+from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
+from ieee754.pipeline import PipelineSpec
+class MulStages(PipeModBaseChain):
+ def __init__(self, pspec, part_pts):
+ self.part_pts = part_pts
+ super().__init__(pspec)
+ def get_chain(self):
+ # chain AddReduce, Intermediates and FinalOut
+ part_pts = self.part_pts
+ n_inputs = 64 + 4
+ at = AddReduceInternal(self.pspec, n_inputs, part_pts, partition_step=2)
+ levels = at.levels
+ interm = Intermediates(self.pspec, part_pts)
+ finalout = FinalOut(self.pspec, part_pts)
+ self.output = finalout.o.output
+ return levels + [interm, finalout]
+class AllTermsPipe(PipeModBaseChain):
+ def __init__(self, pspec, n_inputs):
+ self.n_inputs = n_inputs
+ super().__init__(pspec)
+ def get_chain(self):
+ """ gets module
+ """
+ nmod = AllTerms(self.pspec, self.n_inputs)
+ return [nmod]
+class MulPipe_8_16_32_64(ControlBase):
+ """Signed/Unsigned 8/16/32/64-bit partitioned integer multiplier pipeline
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ register_levels: specifies the points in the cascade at which
+ flip-flops are to be inserted.
+ """
+ self.id_wid = 0 # num_bits(num_rows)
+ self.op_wid = 0
+ self.pspec = PipelineSpec(64, self.id_wid, self.op_wid, n_ops=3)
+ self.pspec.n_parts = 8
+ ControlBase.__init__(self)
+ n_inputs = 64 + 4
+ self.allterms = AllTermsPipe(self.pspec, n_inputs)
+ stage = self.allterms.chain[0]
+ part_pts = stage.i.part_pts
+ self.mulstages = MulStages(self.pspec, part_pts)
+ self._eqs = self.connect([self.allterms, self.mulstages])
+ self.a = stage.i.a
+ self.b = stage.i.b
+ self.output = self.mulstages.output
+ def ispec(self):
+ return InputData()
+ def ospec(self):
+ return OutputData()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = ControlBase.elaborate(self, platform)
+ m.submodules.allterms = self.allterms
+ m.submodules.mulstages = self.mulstages
+ m.d.comb += self._eqs
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ m = MulPipe_8_16_32_64()
+ main(m, ports=[m.a,
+ m.b,
+ m.output,
+ ])