+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Elaboratable
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from fpbase import FPNumBase
-from fpbase import FPState
-from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
-class FPAddStage0Data:
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.z = FPNumBase(width, False)
- self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.oz = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
- self.tot = Signal(self.z.m_width + 4, reset_less=True)
- self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
- def eq(self, i):
- return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.out_do_z.eq(i.out_do_z), self.oz.eq(i.oz),
- self.tot.eq(i.tot), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
-class FPAddStage0Mod(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.o = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPAddStage0Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- m.submodules.add0 = self
- m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.add0_in_a = self.i.a
- m.submodules.add0_in_b = self.i.b
- m.submodules.add0_out_z = self.o.z
- # store intermediate tests (and zero-extended mantissas)
- seq = Signal(reset_less=True)
- mge = Signal(reset_less=True)
- am0 = Signal(len(self.i.a.m)+1, reset_less=True)
- bm0 = Signal(len(self.i.b.m)+1, reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += [seq.eq(self.i.a.s == self.i.b.s),
- mge.eq(self.i.a.m >= self.i.b.m),
- am0.eq(Cat(self.i.a.m, 0)),
- bm0.eq(Cat(self.i.b.m, 0))
- ]
- # same-sign (both negative or both positive) add mantissas
- with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.e.eq(self.i.a.e)
- with m.If(seq):
- m.d.comb += [
- self.o.tot.eq(am0 + bm0),
- self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.a.s)
- ]
- # a mantissa greater than b, use a
- with m.Elif(mge):
- m.d.comb += [
- self.o.tot.eq(am0 - bm0),
- self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.a.s)
- ]
- # b mantissa greater than a, use b
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += [
- self.o.tot.eq(bm0 - am0),
- self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.b.s)
- ]
- m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
- m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
- return m
-class FPAddStage0(FPState):
- """ First stage of add. covers same-sign (add) and subtract
- special-casing when mantissas are greater or equal, to
- give greatest accuracy.
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "add_0")
- self.mod = FPAddStage0Mod(width)
- self.o = self.mod.ospec()
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- self.mod.setup(m, i)
- # NOTE: these could be done as combinatorial (merge add0+add1)
- m.d.sync += self.o.eq(self.mod.o)
- def action(self, m):
- m.next = "add_1"
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from math import log
-from fpbase import FPState
-from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
-from fpadd.add0 import FPAddStage0Data
-class FPAddStage1Mod(FPState, Elaboratable):
- """ Second stage of add: preparation for normalisation.
- detects when tot sum is too big (tot[27] is kinda a carry bit)
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.o = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPAddStage0Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPAddStage1Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- m.submodules.add1 = self
- m.submodules.add1_out_overflow = self.o.of
- m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(self.i.z)
- # tot[-1] (MSB) gets set when the sum overflows. shift result down
- with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
- with m.If(self.i.tot[-1]):
- m.d.comb += [
- self.o.z.m.eq(self.i.tot[4:]),
- self.o.of.m0.eq(self.i.tot[4]),
- self.o.of.guard.eq(self.i.tot[3]),
- self.o.of.round_bit.eq(self.i.tot[2]),
- self.o.of.sticky.eq(self.i.tot[1] | self.i.tot[0]),
- self.o.z.e.eq(self.i.z.e + 1)
- ]
- # tot[-1] (MSB) zero case
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += [
- self.o.z.m.eq(self.i.tot[3:]),
- self.o.of.m0.eq(self.i.tot[3]),
- self.o.of.guard.eq(self.i.tot[2]),
- self.o.of.round_bit.eq(self.i.tot[1]),
- self.o.of.sticky.eq(self.i.tot[0])
- ]
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
- m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
- m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
- return m
-class FPAddStage1(FPState):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "add_1")
- self.mod = FPAddStage1Mod(width)
- self.out_z = FPNumBase(width, False)
- self.out_of = Overflow()
- self.norm_stb = Signal()
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- self.mod.setup(m, i)
- m.d.sync += self.norm_stb.eq(0) # sets to zero when not in add1 state
- m.d.sync += self.out_of.eq(self.mod.out_of)
- m.d.sync += self.out_z.eq(self.mod.out_z)
- m.d.sync += self.norm_stb.eq(1)
- def action(self, m):
- m.next = "normalise_1"
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from singlepipe import (StageChain, SimpleHandshake,
- PassThroughStage)
-from fpbase import FPState
-from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
-from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
-from fpadd.align import FPAddAlignSingleMod
-from fpadd.add0 import FPAddStage0Mod
-from fpadd.add1 import FPAddStage1Mod
-class FPAddAlignSingleAdd(FPState, SimpleHandshake):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "align")
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- SimpleHandshake.__init__(self, self) # pipeline is its own stage
- self.a1o = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPAddStage1Data(self.width, self.id_wid) # AddStage1 ospec
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- # chain AddAlignSingle, AddStage0 and AddStage1
- mod = FPAddAlignSingleMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
- a0mod = FPAddStage0Mod(self.width, self.id_wid)
- a1mod = FPAddStage1Mod(self.width, self.id_wid)
- chain = StageChain([mod, a0mod, a1mod])
- chain.setup(m, i)
- self.o = a1mod.o
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def action(self, m):
- m.d.sync += self.a1o.eq(self.process(None))
- m.next = "normalise_1"
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from fpbase import FPNumOut, FPNumIn, FPNumBase
-from fpbase import MultiShiftRMerge
-from fpbase import FPState
-from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
-class FPNumIn2Ops:
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.a = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.b = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.z = FPNumOut(width, False)
- self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.oz = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
- self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
- def eq(self, i):
- return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.out_do_z.eq(i.out_do_z), self.oz.eq(i.oz),
- self.a.eq(i.a), self.b.eq(i.b), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
-class FPAddAlignMultiMod(FPState):
- def __init__(self, width):
- self.in_a = FPNumBase(width)
- self.in_b = FPNumBase(width)
- self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.exp_eq = Signal(reset_less=True)
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- # This one however (single-cycle) will do the shift
- # in one go.
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.align_in_a = self.in_a
- m.submodules.align_in_b = self.in_b
- m.submodules.align_out_a = self.out_a
- m.submodules.align_out_b = self.out_b
- # NOTE: this does *not* do single-cycle multi-shifting,
- # it *STAYS* in the align state until exponents match
- # exponent of a greater than b: shift b down
- m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(0)
- m.d.comb += self.out_a.eq(self.in_a)
- m.d.comb += self.out_b.eq(self.in_b)
- agtb = Signal(reset_less=True)
- altb = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += agtb.eq(self.in_a.e > self.in_b.e)
- m.d.comb += altb.eq(self.in_a.e < self.in_b.e)
- with m.If(agtb):
- m.d.comb += self.out_b.shift_down(self.in_b)
- # exponent of b greater than a: shift a down
- with m.Elif(altb):
- m.d.comb += self.out_a.shift_down(self.in_a)
- # exponents equal: move to next stage.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(1)
- return m
-class FPAddAlignMulti(FPState):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "align")
- self.mod = FPAddAlignMultiMod(width)
- self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.exp_eq = Signal(reset_less=True)
- def setup(self, m, in_a, in_b):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- m.submodules.align = self.mod
- m.d.comb += self.mod.in_a.eq(in_a)
- m.d.comb += self.mod.in_b.eq(in_b)
- m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(self.mod.exp_eq)
- m.d.sync += self.out_a.eq(self.mod.out_a)
- m.d.sync += self.out_b.eq(self.mod.out_b)
- def action(self, m):
- with m.If(self.exp_eq):
- m.next = "add_0"
-class FPAddAlignSingleMod:
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.o = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPNumIn2Ops(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- m.submodules.align = self
- m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- """ Aligns A against B or B against A, depending on which has the
- greater exponent. This is done in a *single* cycle using
- variable-width bit-shift
- the shifter used here is quite expensive in terms of gates.
- Mux A or B in (and out) into temporaries, as only one of them
- needs to be aligned against the other
- """
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.align_in_a = self.i.a
- m.submodules.align_in_b = self.i.b
- m.submodules.align_out_a = self.o.a
- m.submodules.align_out_b = self.o.b
- # temporary (muxed) input and output to be shifted
- t_inp = FPNumBase(self.width)
- t_out = FPNumIn(None, self.width)
- espec = (len(self.i.a.e), True)
- msr = MultiShiftRMerge(self.i.a.m_width, espec)
- m.submodules.align_t_in = t_inp
- m.submodules.align_t_out = t_out
- m.submodules.multishift_r = msr
- ediff = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
- ediffr = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
- tdiff = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
- elz = Signal(reset_less=True)
- egz = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # connect multi-shifter to t_inp/out mantissa (and tdiff)
- m.d.comb += msr.inp.eq(t_inp.m)
- m.d.comb += msr.diff.eq(tdiff)
- m.d.comb += t_out.m.eq(msr.m)
- m.d.comb += t_out.e.eq(t_inp.e + tdiff)
- m.d.comb += t_out.s.eq(t_inp.s)
- m.d.comb += ediff.eq(self.i.a.e - self.i.b.e)
- m.d.comb += ediffr.eq(self.i.b.e - self.i.a.e)
- m.d.comb += elz.eq(self.i.a.e < self.i.b.e)
- m.d.comb += egz.eq(self.i.a.e > self.i.b.e)
- # default: A-exp == B-exp, A and B untouched (fall through)
- m.d.comb += self.o.a.eq(self.i.a)
- m.d.comb += self.o.b.eq(self.i.b)
- # only one shifter (muxed)
- #m.d.comb += t_out.shift_down_multi(tdiff, t_inp)
- # exponent of a greater than b: shift b down
- with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
- with m.If(egz):
- m.d.comb += [t_inp.eq(self.i.b),
- tdiff.eq(ediff),
- self.o.b.eq(t_out),
- self.o.b.s.eq(self.i.b.s), # whoops forgot sign
- ]
- # exponent of b greater than a: shift a down
- with m.Elif(elz):
- m.d.comb += [t_inp.eq(self.i.a),
- tdiff.eq(ediffr),
- self.o.a.eq(t_out),
- self.o.a.s.eq(self.i.a.s), # whoops forgot sign
- ]
- m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(self.i.z)
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
- m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
- return m
-class FPAddAlignSingle(FPState):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "align")
- self.mod = FPAddAlignSingleMod(width, id_wid)
- self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
- self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- self.mod.setup(m, i)
- # NOTE: could be done as comb
- m.d.sync += self.out_a.eq(self.mod.out_a)
- m.d.sync += self.out_b.eq(self.mod.out_b)
- def action(self, m):
- m.next = "add_0"
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from singlepipe import (ControlBase, SimpleHandshake, PassThroughStage)
-from multipipe import CombMuxOutPipe
-from multipipe import PriorityCombMuxInPipe
-from fpcommon.getop import FPADDBaseData
-from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
-from fpcommon.pack import FPPackData
-from fpcommon.normtopack import FPNormToPack
-from fpadd.specialcases import FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm
-from fpadd.addstages import FPAddAlignSingleAdd
-from concurrentunit import ReservationStations, num_bits
-class FPADDBasePipe(ControlBase):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- ControlBase.__init__(self)
- self.pipe1 = FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(width, id_wid)
- self.pipe2 = FPAddAlignSingleAdd(width, id_wid)
- self.pipe3 = FPNormToPack(width, id_wid)
- self._eqs = self.connect([self.pipe1, self.pipe2, self.pipe3])
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = ControlBase.elaborate(self, platform)
- m.submodules.scnorm = self.pipe1
- m.submodules.addalign = self.pipe2
- m.submodules.normpack = self.pipe3
- m.d.comb += self._eqs
- return m
-class FPADDMuxInOut(ReservationStations):
- """ Reservation-Station version of FPADD pipeline.
- * fan-in on inputs (an array of FPADDBaseData: a,b,mid)
- * 3-stage adder pipeline
- * fan-out on outputs (an array of FPPackData: z,mid)
- Fan-in and Fan-out are combinatorial.
- """
- def __init__(self, width, num_rows):
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = num_bits(width)
- self.alu = FPADDBasePipe(width, self.id_wid)
- ReservationStations.__init__(self, num_rows)
- def i_specfn(self):
- return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def o_specfn(self):
- return FPPackData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Const
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from math import log
-from fpbase import FPNumDecode
-from singlepipe import SimpleHandshake, StageChain
-from fpbase import FPState, FPID
-from fpcommon.getop import FPADDBaseData
-from fpcommon.denorm import (FPSCData, FPAddDeNormMod)
-class FPAddSpecialCasesMod:
- """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
- NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
- https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.o = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- m.submodules.specialcases = self
- m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.sc_out_z = self.o.z
- # decode: XXX really should move to separate stage
- a1 = FPNumDecode(None, self.width)
- b1 = FPNumDecode(None, self.width)
- m.submodules.sc_decode_a = a1
- m.submodules.sc_decode_b = b1
- m.d.comb += [a1.v.eq(self.i.a),
- b1.v.eq(self.i.b),
- self.o.a.eq(a1),
- self.o.b.eq(b1)
- ]
- s_nomatch = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += s_nomatch.eq(a1.s != b1.s)
- m_match = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += m_match.eq(a1.m == b1.m)
- e_match = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += e_match.eq(a1.e == b1.e)
- aeqmb = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += aeqmb.eq(s_nomatch & m_match & e_match)
- abz = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += abz.eq(a1.is_zero & b1.is_zero)
- abnan = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += abnan.eq(a1.is_nan | b1.is_nan)
- bexp128s = Signal(reset_less=True)
- m.d.comb += bexp128s.eq(b1.exp_128 & s_nomatch)
- # if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
- with m.If(abnan):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.nan(0)
- # XXX WEIRDNESS for FP16 non-canonical NaN handling
- # under review
- ## if a is zero and b is NaN return -b
- #with m.If(a.is_zero & (a.s==0) & b.is_nan):
- # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- # m.d.comb += z.create(b.s, b.e, Cat(b.m[3:-2], ~b.m[0]))
- ## if b is zero and a is NaN return -a
- #with m.Elif(b.is_zero & (b.s==0) & a.is_nan):
- # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s, a.e, Cat(a.m[3:-2], ~a.m[0]))
- ## if a is -zero and b is NaN return -b
- #with m.Elif(a.is_zero & (a.s==1) & b.is_nan):
- # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s & b.s, b.e, Cat(b.m[3:-2], 1))
- ## if b is -zero and a is NaN return -a
- #with m.Elif(b.is_zero & (b.s==1) & a.is_nan):
- # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s & b.s, a.e, Cat(a.m[3:-2], 1))
- # if a is inf return inf (or NaN)
- with m.Elif(a1.is_inf):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.inf(a1.s)
- # if a is inf and signs don't match return NaN
- with m.If(bexp128s):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.nan(0)
- # if b is inf return inf
- with m.Elif(b1.is_inf):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.inf(b1.s)
- # if a is zero and b zero return signed-a/b
- with m.Elif(abz):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(a1.s & b1.s, b1.e, b1.m[3:-1])
- # if a is zero return b
- with m.Elif(a1.is_zero):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(b1.s, b1.e, b1.m[3:-1])
- # if b is zero return a
- with m.Elif(b1.is_zero):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(a1.s, a1.e, a1.m[3:-1])
- # if a equal to -b return zero (+ve zero)
- with m.Elif(aeqmb):
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.zero(0)
- # Denormalised Number checks next, so pass a/b data through
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(0)
- m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.o.z.v)
- m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
- return m
-class FPAddSpecialCases(FPState):
- """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
- NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
- https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "special_cases")
- self.mod = FPAddSpecialCasesMod(width)
- self.out_z = self.mod.ospec()
- self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- self.mod.setup(m, i, self.out_do_z)
- m.d.sync += self.out_z.v.eq(self.mod.out_z.v) # only take the output
- m.d.sync += self.out_z.mid.eq(self.mod.o.mid) # (and mid)
- def action(self, m):
- self.idsync(m)
- with m.If(self.out_do_z):
- m.next = "put_z"
- with m.Else():
- m.next = "denormalise"
-class FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(FPState, SimpleHandshake):
- """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
- NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
- https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- FPState.__init__(self, "special_cases")
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- SimpleHandshake.__init__(self, self) # pipe is its own stage
- self.out = self.ospec()
- def ispec(self):
- return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid) # SpecialCases ispec
- def ospec(self):
- return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid) # DeNorm ospec
- def setup(self, m, i):
- """ links module to inputs and outputs
- """
- smod = FPAddSpecialCasesMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
- dmod = FPAddDeNormMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
- chain = StageChain([smod, dmod])
- chain.setup(m, i)
- # only needed for break-out (early-out)
- # self.out_do_z = smod.o.out_do_z
- self.o = dmod.o
- def process(self, i):
- return self.o
- def action(self, m):
- # for break-out (early-out)
- #with m.If(self.out_do_z):
- # m.next = "put_z"
- #with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += self.out.eq(self.process(None))
- m.next = "align"
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Mux, Array, Const
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from math import log
-from fpbase import FPOpIn, FPOpOut
-from fpbase import Trigger
-from singlepipe import (StageChain, SimpleHandshake)
-from fpbase import FPState, FPID
-from fpcommon.getop import (FPGetOp, FPADDBaseData, FPGet2Op)
-from fpcommon.denorm import (FPSCData, FPAddDeNorm)
-from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
-from fpcommon.postnormalise import (FPNorm1Data,
- FPNorm1Single, FPNorm1Multi)
-from fpcommon.roundz import (FPRoundData, FPRound)
-from fpcommon.corrections import FPCorrections
-from fpcommon.pack import (FPPackData, FPPackMod, FPPack)
-from fpcommon.normtopack import FPNormToPack
-from fpcommon.putz import (FPPutZ, FPPutZIdx)
-from fpadd.specialcases import (FPAddSpecialCases, FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm)
-from fpadd.align import (FPAddAlignMulti, FPAddAlignSingle)
-from fpadd.add0 import (FPAddStage0Data, FPAddStage0)
-from fpadd.add1 import (FPAddStage1Mod, FPAddStage1)
-from fpadd.addstages import FPAddAlignSingleAdd
-class FPOpData:
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
- self.z = FPOpOut(width)
- self.z.data_o = Signal(width)
- self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self.z
- yield self.mid
- def eq(self, i):
- return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
- def ports(self):
- return list(self)
-class FPADDBaseMod:
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False, compact=True):
- """ IEEE754 FP Add
- * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
- * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
- * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
- * compact: True indicates a reduced number of stages
- """
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.single_cycle = single_cycle
- self.compact = compact
- self.in_t = Trigger()
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.o = self.ospec()
- self.states = []
- def ispec(self):
- return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def ospec(self):
- return FPOpData(self.width, self.id_wid)
- def add_state(self, state):
- self.states.append(state)
- return state
- def elaborate(self, platform=None):
- """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPAdd
- """
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.out_z = self.o.z
- m.submodules.in_t = self.in_t
- if self.compact:
- self.get_compact_fragment(m, platform)
- else:
- self.get_longer_fragment(m, platform)
- with m.FSM() as fsm:
- for state in self.states:
- with m.State(state.state_from):
- state.action(m)
- return m
- def get_longer_fragment(self, m, platform=None):
- get = self.add_state(FPGet2Op("get_ops", "special_cases",
- self.width))
- get.setup(m, self.i)
- a = get.out_op1
- b = get.out_op2
- get.trigger_setup(m, self.in_t.stb, self.in_t.ack)
- sc = self.add_state(FPAddSpecialCases(self.width, self.id_wid))
- sc.setup(m, a, b, self.in_mid)
- dn = self.add_state(FPAddDeNorm(self.width, self.id_wid))
- dn.setup(m, a, b, sc.in_mid)
- if self.single_cycle:
- alm = self.add_state(FPAddAlignSingle(self.width, self.id_wid))
- alm.setup(m, dn.out_a, dn.out_b, dn.in_mid)
- else:
- alm = self.add_state(FPAddAlignMulti(self.width, self.id_wid))
- alm.setup(m, dn.out_a, dn.out_b, dn.in_mid)
- add0 = self.add_state(FPAddStage0(self.width, self.id_wid))
- add0.setup(m, alm.out_a, alm.out_b, alm.in_mid)
- add1 = self.add_state(FPAddStage1(self.width, self.id_wid))
- add1.setup(m, add0.out_tot, add0.out_z, add0.in_mid)
- if self.single_cycle:
- n1 = self.add_state(FPNorm1Single(self.width, self.id_wid))
- n1.setup(m, add1.out_z, add1.out_of, add0.in_mid)
- else:
- n1 = self.add_state(FPNorm1Multi(self.width, self.id_wid))
- n1.setup(m, add1.out_z, add1.out_of, add1.norm_stb, add0.in_mid)
- rn = self.add_state(FPRound(self.width, self.id_wid))
- rn.setup(m, n1.out_z, n1.out_roundz, n1.in_mid)
- cor = self.add_state(FPCorrections(self.width, self.id_wid))
- cor.setup(m, rn.out_z, rn.in_mid)
- pa = self.add_state(FPPack(self.width, self.id_wid))
- pa.setup(m, cor.out_z, rn.in_mid)
- ppz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("pack_put_z", pa.out_z, self.out_z,
- pa.in_mid, self.out_mid))
- pz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("put_z", sc.out_z, self.out_z,
- pa.in_mid, self.out_mid))
- def get_compact_fragment(self, m, platform=None):
- get = FPGet2Op("get_ops", "special_cases", self.width, self.id_wid)
- sc = FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(self.width, self.id_wid)
- alm = FPAddAlignSingleAdd(self.width, self.id_wid)
- n1 = FPNormToPack(self.width, self.id_wid)
- get.trigger_setup(m, self.in_t.stb, self.in_t.ack)
- chainlist = [get, sc, alm, n1]
- chain = StageChain(chainlist, specallocate=True)
- chain.setup(m, self.i)
- for mod in chainlist:
- sc = self.add_state(mod)
- ppz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("pack_put_z", n1.out_z.z, self.o,
- n1.out_z.mid, self.o.mid))
- #pz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("put_z", sc.out_z.z, self.o,
- # sc.o.mid, self.o.mid))
-class FPADDBase(FPState):
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False):
- """ IEEE754 FP Add
- * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
- * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
- * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
- """
- FPState.__init__(self, "fpadd")
- self.width = width
- self.single_cycle = single_cycle
- self.mod = FPADDBaseMod(width, id_wid, single_cycle)
- self.o = self.ospec()
- self.in_t = Trigger()
- self.i = self.ispec()
- self.z_done = Signal(reset_less=True) # connects to out_z Strobe
- self.in_accept = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.add_stb = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.add_ack = Signal(reset=0, reset_less=True)
- def ispec(self):
- return self.mod.ispec()
- def ospec(self):
- return self.mod.ospec()
- def setup(self, m, i, add_stb, in_mid):
- m.d.comb += [self.i.eq(i),
- self.mod.i.eq(self.i),
- self.z_done.eq(self.mod.o.z.trigger),
- #self.add_stb.eq(add_stb),
- self.mod.in_t.stb.eq(self.in_t.stb),
- self.in_t.ack.eq(self.mod.in_t.ack),
- self.o.mid.eq(self.mod.o.mid),
- self.o.z.v.eq(self.mod.o.z.v),
- self.o.z.valid_o.eq(self.mod.o.z.valid_o),
- self.mod.o.z.ready_i.eq(self.o.z.ready_i_test),
- ]
- m.d.sync += self.add_stb.eq(add_stb)
- m.d.sync += self.add_ack.eq(0) # sets to zero when not in active state
- m.d.sync += self.o.z.ready_i.eq(0) # likewise
- #m.d.sync += self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
- m.submodules.fpadd = self.mod
- def action(self, m):
- # in_accept is set on incoming strobe HIGH and ack LOW.
- m.d.comb += self.in_accept.eq((~self.add_ack) & (self.add_stb))
- #with m.If(self.in_t.ack):
- # m.d.sync += self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
- with m.If(~self.z_done):
- # not done: test for accepting an incoming operand pair
- with m.If(self.in_accept):
- m.d.sync += [
- self.add_ack.eq(1), # acknowledge receipt...
- self.in_t.stb.eq(1), # initiate add
- ]
- with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += [self.add_ack.eq(0),
- self.in_t.stb.eq(0),
- self.o.z.ready_i.eq(1),
- ]
- with m.Else():
- # done: acknowledge, and write out id and value
- m.d.sync += [self.add_ack.eq(1),
- self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
- ]
- m.next = "put_z"
- return
- if self.in_mid is not None:
- m.d.sync += self.out_mid.eq(self.mod.out_mid)
- m.d.sync += [
- self.out_z.v.eq(self.mod.out_z.v)
- ]
- # move to output state on detecting z ack
- with m.If(self.out_z.trigger):
- m.d.sync += self.out_z.stb.eq(0)
- m.next = "put_z"
- with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += self.out_z.stb.eq(1)
-class FPADD(FPID):
- """ FPADD: stages as follows:
- FPGetOp (a)
- |
- FPGetOp (b)
- |
- FPAddBase---> FPAddBaseMod
- | |
- PutZ GetOps->Specials->Align->Add1/2->Norm->Round/Pack->PutZ
- FPAddBase is tricky: it is both a stage and *has* stages.
- Connection to FPAddBaseMod therefore requires an in stb/ack
- and an out stb/ack. Just as with Add1-Norm1 interaction, FPGetOp
- needs to be the thing that raises the incoming stb.
- """
- def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False, rs_sz=2):
- """ IEEE754 FP Add
- * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
- * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
- * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
- """
- self.width = width
- self.id_wid = id_wid
- self.single_cycle = single_cycle
- #self.out_z = FPOp(width)
- self.ids = FPID(id_wid)
- rs = []
- for i in range(rs_sz):
- in_a = FPOpIn(width)
- in_b = FPOpIn(width)
- in_a.data_i = Signal(width)
- in_b.data_i = Signal(width)
- in_a.name = "in_a_%d" % i
- in_b.name = "in_b_%d" % i
- rs.append((in_a, in_b))
- self.rs = Array(rs)
- res = []
- for i in range(rs_sz):
- out_z = FPOpOut(width)
- out_z.data_o = Signal(width)
- out_z.name = "out_z_%d" % i
- res.append(out_z)
- self.res = Array(res)
- self.states = []
- def add_state(self, state):
- self.states.append(state)
- return state
- def elaborate(self, platform=None):
- """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPAdd
- """
- m = Module()
- #m.submodules += self.rs
- in_a = self.rs[0][0]
- in_b = self.rs[0][1]
- geta = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_a", "get_b",
- in_a, self.width))
- geta.setup(m, in_a)
- a = geta.out_op
- getb = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_b", "fpadd",
- in_b, self.width))
- getb.setup(m, in_b)
- b = getb.out_op
- ab = FPADDBase(self.width, self.id_wid, self.single_cycle)
- ab = self.add_state(ab)
- abd = ab.ispec() # create an input spec object for FPADDBase
- m.d.sync += [abd.a.eq(a), abd.b.eq(b), abd.mid.eq(self.ids.in_mid)]
- ab.setup(m, abd, getb.out_decode, self.ids.in_mid)
- o = ab.o
- pz = self.add_state(FPPutZIdx("put_z", o.z, self.res,
- o.mid, "get_a"))
- with m.FSM() as fsm:
- for state in self.states:
- with m.State(state.state_from):
- state.action(m)
- return m
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if True:
- alu = FPADD(width=32, id_wid=5, single_cycle=True)
- main(alu, ports=alu.rs[0][0].ports() + \
- alu.rs[0][1].ports() + \
- alu.res[0].ports() + \
- [alu.ids.in_mid, alu.ids.out_mid])
- else:
- alu = FPADDBase(width=32, id_wid=5, single_cycle=True)
- main(alu, ports=[alu.in_a, alu.in_b] + \
- alu.in_t.ports() + \
- alu.out_z.ports() + \
- [alu.in_mid, alu.out_mid])
- # works... but don't use, just do "python fname.py convert -t v"
- #print (verilog.convert(alu, ports=[
- # ports=alu.in_a.ports() + \
- # alu.in_b.ports() + \
- # alu.out_z.ports())
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Elaboratable
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from fpbase import FPNumBase
+from fpbase import FPState
+from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
+class FPAddStage0Data:
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.z = FPNumBase(width, False)
+ self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.oz = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
+ self.tot = Signal(self.z.m_width + 4, reset_less=True)
+ self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
+ def eq(self, i):
+ return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.out_do_z.eq(i.out_do_z), self.oz.eq(i.oz),
+ self.tot.eq(i.tot), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
+class FPAddStage0Mod(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPAddStage0Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ m.submodules.add0 = self
+ m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.add0_in_a = self.i.a
+ m.submodules.add0_in_b = self.i.b
+ m.submodules.add0_out_z = self.o.z
+ # store intermediate tests (and zero-extended mantissas)
+ seq = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ mge = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ am0 = Signal(len(self.i.a.m)+1, reset_less=True)
+ bm0 = Signal(len(self.i.b.m)+1, reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += [seq.eq(self.i.a.s == self.i.b.s),
+ mge.eq(self.i.a.m >= self.i.b.m),
+ am0.eq(Cat(self.i.a.m, 0)),
+ bm0.eq(Cat(self.i.b.m, 0))
+ ]
+ # same-sign (both negative or both positive) add mantissas
+ with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.e.eq(self.i.a.e)
+ with m.If(seq):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.o.tot.eq(am0 + bm0),
+ self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.a.s)
+ ]
+ # a mantissa greater than b, use a
+ with m.Elif(mge):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.o.tot.eq(am0 - bm0),
+ self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.a.s)
+ ]
+ # b mantissa greater than a, use b
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.o.tot.eq(bm0 - am0),
+ self.o.z.s.eq(self.i.b.s)
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
+ return m
+class FPAddStage0(FPState):
+ """ First stage of add. covers same-sign (add) and subtract
+ special-casing when mantissas are greater or equal, to
+ give greatest accuracy.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "add_0")
+ self.mod = FPAddStage0Mod(width)
+ self.o = self.mod.ospec()
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ self.mod.setup(m, i)
+ # NOTE: these could be done as combinatorial (merge add0+add1)
+ m.d.sync += self.o.eq(self.mod.o)
+ def action(self, m):
+ m.next = "add_1"
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from math import log
+from fpbase import FPState
+from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
+from fpadd.add0 import FPAddStage0Data
+class FPAddStage1Mod(FPState, Elaboratable):
+ """ Second stage of add: preparation for normalisation.
+ detects when tot sum is too big (tot[27] is kinda a carry bit)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPAddStage0Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPAddStage1Data(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ m.submodules.add1 = self
+ m.submodules.add1_out_overflow = self.o.of
+ m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(self.i.z)
+ # tot[-1] (MSB) gets set when the sum overflows. shift result down
+ with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
+ with m.If(self.i.tot[-1]):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.o.z.m.eq(self.i.tot[4:]),
+ self.o.of.m0.eq(self.i.tot[4]),
+ self.o.of.guard.eq(self.i.tot[3]),
+ self.o.of.round_bit.eq(self.i.tot[2]),
+ self.o.of.sticky.eq(self.i.tot[1] | self.i.tot[0]),
+ self.o.z.e.eq(self.i.z.e + 1)
+ ]
+ # tot[-1] (MSB) zero case
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.o.z.m.eq(self.i.tot[3:]),
+ self.o.of.m0.eq(self.i.tot[3]),
+ self.o.of.guard.eq(self.i.tot[2]),
+ self.o.of.round_bit.eq(self.i.tot[1]),
+ self.o.of.sticky.eq(self.i.tot[0])
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
+ return m
+class FPAddStage1(FPState):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "add_1")
+ self.mod = FPAddStage1Mod(width)
+ self.out_z = FPNumBase(width, False)
+ self.out_of = Overflow()
+ self.norm_stb = Signal()
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ self.mod.setup(m, i)
+ m.d.sync += self.norm_stb.eq(0) # sets to zero when not in add1 state
+ m.d.sync += self.out_of.eq(self.mod.out_of)
+ m.d.sync += self.out_z.eq(self.mod.out_z)
+ m.d.sync += self.norm_stb.eq(1)
+ def action(self, m):
+ m.next = "normalise_1"
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from singlepipe import (StageChain, SimpleHandshake,
+ PassThroughStage)
+from fpbase import FPState
+from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
+from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
+from fpadd.align import FPAddAlignSingleMod
+from fpadd.add0 import FPAddStage0Mod
+from fpadd.add1 import FPAddStage1Mod
+class FPAddAlignSingleAdd(FPState, SimpleHandshake):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "align")
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ SimpleHandshake.__init__(self, self) # pipeline is its own stage
+ self.a1o = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPAddStage1Data(self.width, self.id_wid) # AddStage1 ospec
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ # chain AddAlignSingle, AddStage0 and AddStage1
+ mod = FPAddAlignSingleMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ a0mod = FPAddStage0Mod(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ a1mod = FPAddStage1Mod(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ chain = StageChain([mod, a0mod, a1mod])
+ chain.setup(m, i)
+ self.o = a1mod.o
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def action(self, m):
+ m.d.sync += self.a1o.eq(self.process(None))
+ m.next = "normalise_1"
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from fpbase import FPNumOut, FPNumIn, FPNumBase
+from fpbase import MultiShiftRMerge
+from fpbase import FPState
+from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
+class FPNumIn2Ops:
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.a = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.b = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.z = FPNumOut(width, False)
+ self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.oz = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
+ self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
+ def eq(self, i):
+ return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.out_do_z.eq(i.out_do_z), self.oz.eq(i.oz),
+ self.a.eq(i.a), self.b.eq(i.b), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
+class FPAddAlignMultiMod(FPState):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.in_a = FPNumBase(width)
+ self.in_b = FPNumBase(width)
+ self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.exp_eq = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ # This one however (single-cycle) will do the shift
+ # in one go.
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.align_in_a = self.in_a
+ m.submodules.align_in_b = self.in_b
+ m.submodules.align_out_a = self.out_a
+ m.submodules.align_out_b = self.out_b
+ # NOTE: this does *not* do single-cycle multi-shifting,
+ # it *STAYS* in the align state until exponents match
+ # exponent of a greater than b: shift b down
+ m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += self.out_a.eq(self.in_a)
+ m.d.comb += self.out_b.eq(self.in_b)
+ agtb = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ altb = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += agtb.eq(self.in_a.e > self.in_b.e)
+ m.d.comb += altb.eq(self.in_a.e < self.in_b.e)
+ with m.If(agtb):
+ m.d.comb += self.out_b.shift_down(self.in_b)
+ # exponent of b greater than a: shift a down
+ with m.Elif(altb):
+ m.d.comb += self.out_a.shift_down(self.in_a)
+ # exponents equal: move to next stage.
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(1)
+ return m
+class FPAddAlignMulti(FPState):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "align")
+ self.mod = FPAddAlignMultiMod(width)
+ self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.exp_eq = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ def setup(self, m, in_a, in_b):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ m.submodules.align = self.mod
+ m.d.comb += self.mod.in_a.eq(in_a)
+ m.d.comb += self.mod.in_b.eq(in_b)
+ m.d.comb += self.exp_eq.eq(self.mod.exp_eq)
+ m.d.sync += self.out_a.eq(self.mod.out_a)
+ m.d.sync += self.out_b.eq(self.mod.out_b)
+ def action(self, m):
+ with m.If(self.exp_eq):
+ m.next = "add_0"
+class FPAddAlignSingleMod:
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPNumIn2Ops(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ m.submodules.align = self
+ m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ """ Aligns A against B or B against A, depending on which has the
+ greater exponent. This is done in a *single* cycle using
+ variable-width bit-shift
+ the shifter used here is quite expensive in terms of gates.
+ Mux A or B in (and out) into temporaries, as only one of them
+ needs to be aligned against the other
+ """
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.align_in_a = self.i.a
+ m.submodules.align_in_b = self.i.b
+ m.submodules.align_out_a = self.o.a
+ m.submodules.align_out_b = self.o.b
+ # temporary (muxed) input and output to be shifted
+ t_inp = FPNumBase(self.width)
+ t_out = FPNumIn(None, self.width)
+ espec = (len(self.i.a.e), True)
+ msr = MultiShiftRMerge(self.i.a.m_width, espec)
+ m.submodules.align_t_in = t_inp
+ m.submodules.align_t_out = t_out
+ m.submodules.multishift_r = msr
+ ediff = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
+ ediffr = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
+ tdiff = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
+ elz = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ egz = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ # connect multi-shifter to t_inp/out mantissa (and tdiff)
+ m.d.comb += msr.inp.eq(t_inp.m)
+ m.d.comb += msr.diff.eq(tdiff)
+ m.d.comb += t_out.m.eq(msr.m)
+ m.d.comb += t_out.e.eq(t_inp.e + tdiff)
+ m.d.comb += t_out.s.eq(t_inp.s)
+ m.d.comb += ediff.eq(self.i.a.e - self.i.b.e)
+ m.d.comb += ediffr.eq(self.i.b.e - self.i.a.e)
+ m.d.comb += elz.eq(self.i.a.e < self.i.b.e)
+ m.d.comb += egz.eq(self.i.a.e > self.i.b.e)
+ # default: A-exp == B-exp, A and B untouched (fall through)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.a.eq(self.i.a)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.b.eq(self.i.b)
+ # only one shifter (muxed)
+ #m.d.comb += t_out.shift_down_multi(tdiff, t_inp)
+ # exponent of a greater than b: shift b down
+ with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
+ with m.If(egz):
+ m.d.comb += [t_inp.eq(self.i.b),
+ tdiff.eq(ediff),
+ self.o.b.eq(t_out),
+ self.o.b.s.eq(self.i.b.s), # whoops forgot sign
+ ]
+ # exponent of b greater than a: shift a down
+ with m.Elif(elz):
+ m.d.comb += [t_inp.eq(self.i.a),
+ tdiff.eq(ediffr),
+ self.o.a.eq(t_out),
+ self.o.a.s.eq(self.i.a.s), # whoops forgot sign
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(self.i.z)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)
+ return m
+class FPAddAlignSingle(FPState):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "align")
+ self.mod = FPAddAlignSingleMod(width, id_wid)
+ self.out_a = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ self.out_b = FPNumIn(None, width)
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ self.mod.setup(m, i)
+ # NOTE: could be done as comb
+ m.d.sync += self.out_a.eq(self.mod.out_a)
+ m.d.sync += self.out_b.eq(self.mod.out_b)
+ def action(self, m):
+ m.next = "add_0"
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from singlepipe import (ControlBase, SimpleHandshake, PassThroughStage)
+from multipipe import CombMuxOutPipe
+from multipipe import PriorityCombMuxInPipe
+from fpcommon.getop import FPADDBaseData
+from fpcommon.denorm import FPSCData
+from fpcommon.pack import FPPackData
+from fpcommon.normtopack import FPNormToPack
+from fpadd.specialcases import FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm
+from fpadd.addstages import FPAddAlignSingleAdd
+from concurrentunit import ReservationStations, num_bits
+class FPADDBasePipe(ControlBase):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ ControlBase.__init__(self)
+ self.pipe1 = FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(width, id_wid)
+ self.pipe2 = FPAddAlignSingleAdd(width, id_wid)
+ self.pipe3 = FPNormToPack(width, id_wid)
+ self._eqs = self.connect([self.pipe1, self.pipe2, self.pipe3])
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = ControlBase.elaborate(self, platform)
+ m.submodules.scnorm = self.pipe1
+ m.submodules.addalign = self.pipe2
+ m.submodules.normpack = self.pipe3
+ m.d.comb += self._eqs
+ return m
+class FPADDMuxInOut(ReservationStations):
+ """ Reservation-Station version of FPADD pipeline.
+ * fan-in on inputs (an array of FPADDBaseData: a,b,mid)
+ * 3-stage adder pipeline
+ * fan-out on outputs (an array of FPPackData: z,mid)
+ Fan-in and Fan-out are combinatorial.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, num_rows):
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = num_bits(width)
+ self.alu = FPADDBasePipe(width, self.id_wid)
+ ReservationStations.__init__(self, num_rows)
+ def i_specfn(self):
+ return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def o_specfn(self):
+ return FPPackData(self.width, self.id_wid)
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Const
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from math import log
+from fpbase import FPNumDecode
+from singlepipe import SimpleHandshake, StageChain
+from fpbase import FPState, FPID
+from fpcommon.getop import FPADDBaseData
+from fpcommon.denorm import (FPSCData, FPAddDeNormMod)
+class FPAddSpecialCasesMod:
+ """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
+ NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
+ https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ m.submodules.specialcases = self
+ m.d.comb += self.i.eq(i)
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.sc_out_z = self.o.z
+ # decode: XXX really should move to separate stage
+ a1 = FPNumDecode(None, self.width)
+ b1 = FPNumDecode(None, self.width)
+ m.submodules.sc_decode_a = a1
+ m.submodules.sc_decode_b = b1
+ m.d.comb += [a1.v.eq(self.i.a),
+ b1.v.eq(self.i.b),
+ self.o.a.eq(a1),
+ self.o.b.eq(b1)
+ ]
+ s_nomatch = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += s_nomatch.eq(a1.s != b1.s)
+ m_match = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += m_match.eq(a1.m == b1.m)
+ e_match = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += e_match.eq(a1.e == b1.e)
+ aeqmb = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += aeqmb.eq(s_nomatch & m_match & e_match)
+ abz = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += abz.eq(a1.is_zero & b1.is_zero)
+ abnan = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += abnan.eq(a1.is_nan | b1.is_nan)
+ bexp128s = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += bexp128s.eq(b1.exp_128 & s_nomatch)
+ # if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
+ with m.If(abnan):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.nan(0)
+ # XXX WEIRDNESS for FP16 non-canonical NaN handling
+ # under review
+ ## if a is zero and b is NaN return -b
+ #with m.If(a.is_zero & (a.s==0) & b.is_nan):
+ # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ # m.d.comb += z.create(b.s, b.e, Cat(b.m[3:-2], ~b.m[0]))
+ ## if b is zero and a is NaN return -a
+ #with m.Elif(b.is_zero & (b.s==0) & a.is_nan):
+ # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s, a.e, Cat(a.m[3:-2], ~a.m[0]))
+ ## if a is -zero and b is NaN return -b
+ #with m.Elif(a.is_zero & (a.s==1) & b.is_nan):
+ # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s & b.s, b.e, Cat(b.m[3:-2], 1))
+ ## if b is -zero and a is NaN return -a
+ #with m.Elif(b.is_zero & (b.s==1) & a.is_nan):
+ # m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ # m.d.comb += z.create(a.s & b.s, a.e, Cat(a.m[3:-2], 1))
+ # if a is inf return inf (or NaN)
+ with m.Elif(a1.is_inf):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.inf(a1.s)
+ # if a is inf and signs don't match return NaN
+ with m.If(bexp128s):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.nan(0)
+ # if b is inf return inf
+ with m.Elif(b1.is_inf):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.inf(b1.s)
+ # if a is zero and b zero return signed-a/b
+ with m.Elif(abz):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(a1.s & b1.s, b1.e, b1.m[3:-1])
+ # if a is zero return b
+ with m.Elif(a1.is_zero):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(b1.s, b1.e, b1.m[3:-1])
+ # if b is zero return a
+ with m.Elif(b1.is_zero):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.create(a1.s, a1.e, a1.m[3:-1])
+ # if a equal to -b return zero (+ve zero)
+ with m.Elif(aeqmb):
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.zero(0)
+ # Denormalised Number checks next, so pass a/b data through
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.o.z.v)
+ m.d.comb += self.o.mid.eq(self.i.mid)
+ return m
+class FPAddSpecialCases(FPState):
+ """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
+ NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
+ https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "special_cases")
+ self.mod = FPAddSpecialCasesMod(width)
+ self.out_z = self.mod.ospec()
+ self.out_do_z = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ self.mod.setup(m, i, self.out_do_z)
+ m.d.sync += self.out_z.v.eq(self.mod.out_z.v) # only take the output
+ m.d.sync += self.out_z.mid.eq(self.mod.o.mid) # (and mid)
+ def action(self, m):
+ self.idsync(m)
+ with m.If(self.out_do_z):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "denormalise"
+class FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(FPState, SimpleHandshake):
+ """ special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
+ NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see "Special Operations"
+ https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ FPState.__init__(self, "special_cases")
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ SimpleHandshake.__init__(self, self) # pipe is its own stage
+ self.out = self.ospec()
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid) # SpecialCases ispec
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPSCData(self.width, self.id_wid) # DeNorm ospec
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ """ links module to inputs and outputs
+ """
+ smod = FPAddSpecialCasesMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ dmod = FPAddDeNormMod(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ chain = StageChain([smod, dmod])
+ chain.setup(m, i)
+ # only needed for break-out (early-out)
+ # self.out_do_z = smod.o.out_do_z
+ self.o = dmod.o
+ def process(self, i):
+ return self.o
+ def action(self, m):
+ # for break-out (early-out)
+ #with m.If(self.out_do_z):
+ # m.next = "put_z"
+ #with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += self.out.eq(self.process(None))
+ m.next = "align"
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Mux, Array, Const
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from math import log
+from fpbase import FPOpIn, FPOpOut
+from fpbase import Trigger
+from singlepipe import (StageChain, SimpleHandshake)
+from fpbase import FPState, FPID
+from fpcommon.getop import (FPGetOp, FPADDBaseData, FPGet2Op)
+from fpcommon.denorm import (FPSCData, FPAddDeNorm)
+from fpcommon.postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
+from fpcommon.postnormalise import (FPNorm1Data,
+ FPNorm1Single, FPNorm1Multi)
+from fpcommon.roundz import (FPRoundData, FPRound)
+from fpcommon.corrections import FPCorrections
+from fpcommon.pack import (FPPackData, FPPackMod, FPPack)
+from fpcommon.normtopack import FPNormToPack
+from fpcommon.putz import (FPPutZ, FPPutZIdx)
+from fpadd.specialcases import (FPAddSpecialCases, FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm)
+from fpadd.align import (FPAddAlignMulti, FPAddAlignSingle)
+from fpadd.add0 import (FPAddStage0Data, FPAddStage0)
+from fpadd.add1 import (FPAddStage1Mod, FPAddStage1)
+from fpadd.addstages import FPAddAlignSingleAdd
+class FPOpData:
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid):
+ self.z = FPOpOut(width)
+ self.z.data_o = Signal(width)
+ self.mid = Signal(id_wid, reset_less=True)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield self.z
+ yield self.mid
+ def eq(self, i):
+ return [self.z.eq(i.z), self.mid.eq(i.mid)]
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
+class FPADDBaseMod:
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False, compact=True):
+ """ IEEE754 FP Add
+ * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
+ * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
+ * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
+ * compact: True indicates a reduced number of stages
+ """
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.single_cycle = single_cycle
+ self.compact = compact
+ self.in_t = Trigger()
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ self.states = []
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FPADDBaseData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FPOpData(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ def add_state(self, state):
+ self.states.append(state)
+ return state
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPAdd
+ """
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.out_z = self.o.z
+ m.submodules.in_t = self.in_t
+ if self.compact:
+ self.get_compact_fragment(m, platform)
+ else:
+ self.get_longer_fragment(m, platform)
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ for state in self.states:
+ with m.State(state.state_from):
+ state.action(m)
+ return m
+ def get_longer_fragment(self, m, platform=None):
+ get = self.add_state(FPGet2Op("get_ops", "special_cases",
+ self.width))
+ get.setup(m, self.i)
+ a = get.out_op1
+ b = get.out_op2
+ get.trigger_setup(m, self.in_t.stb, self.in_t.ack)
+ sc = self.add_state(FPAddSpecialCases(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ sc.setup(m, a, b, self.in_mid)
+ dn = self.add_state(FPAddDeNorm(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ dn.setup(m, a, b, sc.in_mid)
+ if self.single_cycle:
+ alm = self.add_state(FPAddAlignSingle(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ alm.setup(m, dn.out_a, dn.out_b, dn.in_mid)
+ else:
+ alm = self.add_state(FPAddAlignMulti(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ alm.setup(m, dn.out_a, dn.out_b, dn.in_mid)
+ add0 = self.add_state(FPAddStage0(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ add0.setup(m, alm.out_a, alm.out_b, alm.in_mid)
+ add1 = self.add_state(FPAddStage1(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ add1.setup(m, add0.out_tot, add0.out_z, add0.in_mid)
+ if self.single_cycle:
+ n1 = self.add_state(FPNorm1Single(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ n1.setup(m, add1.out_z, add1.out_of, add0.in_mid)
+ else:
+ n1 = self.add_state(FPNorm1Multi(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ n1.setup(m, add1.out_z, add1.out_of, add1.norm_stb, add0.in_mid)
+ rn = self.add_state(FPRound(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ rn.setup(m, n1.out_z, n1.out_roundz, n1.in_mid)
+ cor = self.add_state(FPCorrections(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ cor.setup(m, rn.out_z, rn.in_mid)
+ pa = self.add_state(FPPack(self.width, self.id_wid))
+ pa.setup(m, cor.out_z, rn.in_mid)
+ ppz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("pack_put_z", pa.out_z, self.out_z,
+ pa.in_mid, self.out_mid))
+ pz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("put_z", sc.out_z, self.out_z,
+ pa.in_mid, self.out_mid))
+ def get_compact_fragment(self, m, platform=None):
+ get = FPGet2Op("get_ops", "special_cases", self.width, self.id_wid)
+ sc = FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ alm = FPAddAlignSingleAdd(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ n1 = FPNormToPack(self.width, self.id_wid)
+ get.trigger_setup(m, self.in_t.stb, self.in_t.ack)
+ chainlist = [get, sc, alm, n1]
+ chain = StageChain(chainlist, specallocate=True)
+ chain.setup(m, self.i)
+ for mod in chainlist:
+ sc = self.add_state(mod)
+ ppz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("pack_put_z", n1.out_z.z, self.o,
+ n1.out_z.mid, self.o.mid))
+ #pz = self.add_state(FPPutZ("put_z", sc.out_z.z, self.o,
+ # sc.o.mid, self.o.mid))
+class FPADDBase(FPState):
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False):
+ """ IEEE754 FP Add
+ * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
+ * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
+ * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
+ """
+ FPState.__init__(self, "fpadd")
+ self.width = width
+ self.single_cycle = single_cycle
+ self.mod = FPADDBaseMod(width, id_wid, single_cycle)
+ self.o = self.ospec()
+ self.in_t = Trigger()
+ self.i = self.ispec()
+ self.z_done = Signal(reset_less=True) # connects to out_z Strobe
+ self.in_accept = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.add_stb = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.add_ack = Signal(reset=0, reset_less=True)
+ def ispec(self):
+ return self.mod.ispec()
+ def ospec(self):
+ return self.mod.ospec()
+ def setup(self, m, i, add_stb, in_mid):
+ m.d.comb += [self.i.eq(i),
+ self.mod.i.eq(self.i),
+ self.z_done.eq(self.mod.o.z.trigger),
+ #self.add_stb.eq(add_stb),
+ self.mod.in_t.stb.eq(self.in_t.stb),
+ self.in_t.ack.eq(self.mod.in_t.ack),
+ self.o.mid.eq(self.mod.o.mid),
+ self.o.z.v.eq(self.mod.o.z.v),
+ self.o.z.valid_o.eq(self.mod.o.z.valid_o),
+ self.mod.o.z.ready_i.eq(self.o.z.ready_i_test),
+ ]
+ m.d.sync += self.add_stb.eq(add_stb)
+ m.d.sync += self.add_ack.eq(0) # sets to zero when not in active state
+ m.d.sync += self.o.z.ready_i.eq(0) # likewise
+ #m.d.sync += self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
+ m.submodules.fpadd = self.mod
+ def action(self, m):
+ # in_accept is set on incoming strobe HIGH and ack LOW.
+ m.d.comb += self.in_accept.eq((~self.add_ack) & (self.add_stb))
+ #with m.If(self.in_t.ack):
+ # m.d.sync += self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
+ with m.If(~self.z_done):
+ # not done: test for accepting an incoming operand pair
+ with m.If(self.in_accept):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ self.add_ack.eq(1), # acknowledge receipt...
+ self.in_t.stb.eq(1), # initiate add
+ ]
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += [self.add_ack.eq(0),
+ self.in_t.stb.eq(0),
+ self.o.z.ready_i.eq(1),
+ ]
+ with m.Else():
+ # done: acknowledge, and write out id and value
+ m.d.sync += [self.add_ack.eq(1),
+ self.in_t.stb.eq(0)
+ ]
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ return
+ if self.in_mid is not None:
+ m.d.sync += self.out_mid.eq(self.mod.out_mid)
+ m.d.sync += [
+ self.out_z.v.eq(self.mod.out_z.v)
+ ]
+ # move to output state on detecting z ack
+ with m.If(self.out_z.trigger):
+ m.d.sync += self.out_z.stb.eq(0)
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += self.out_z.stb.eq(1)
+class FPADD(FPID):
+ """ FPADD: stages as follows:
+ FPGetOp (a)
+ |
+ FPGetOp (b)
+ |
+ FPAddBase---> FPAddBaseMod
+ | |
+ PutZ GetOps->Specials->Align->Add1/2->Norm->Round/Pack->PutZ
+ FPAddBase is tricky: it is both a stage and *has* stages.
+ Connection to FPAddBaseMod therefore requires an in stb/ack
+ and an out stb/ack. Just as with Add1-Norm1 interaction, FPGetOp
+ needs to be the thing that raises the incoming stb.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False, rs_sz=2):
+ """ IEEE754 FP Add
+ * width: bit-width of IEEE754. supported: 16, 32, 64
+ * id_wid: an identifier that is sync-connected to the input
+ * single_cycle: True indicates each stage to complete in 1 clock
+ """
+ self.width = width
+ self.id_wid = id_wid
+ self.single_cycle = single_cycle
+ #self.out_z = FPOp(width)
+ self.ids = FPID(id_wid)
+ rs = []
+ for i in range(rs_sz):
+ in_a = FPOpIn(width)
+ in_b = FPOpIn(width)
+ in_a.data_i = Signal(width)
+ in_b.data_i = Signal(width)
+ in_a.name = "in_a_%d" % i
+ in_b.name = "in_b_%d" % i
+ rs.append((in_a, in_b))
+ self.rs = Array(rs)
+ res = []
+ for i in range(rs_sz):
+ out_z = FPOpOut(width)
+ out_z.data_o = Signal(width)
+ out_z.name = "out_z_%d" % i
+ res.append(out_z)
+ self.res = Array(res)
+ self.states = []
+ def add_state(self, state):
+ self.states.append(state)
+ return state
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPAdd
+ """
+ m = Module()
+ #m.submodules += self.rs
+ in_a = self.rs[0][0]
+ in_b = self.rs[0][1]
+ geta = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_a", "get_b",
+ in_a, self.width))
+ geta.setup(m, in_a)
+ a = geta.out_op
+ getb = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_b", "fpadd",
+ in_b, self.width))
+ getb.setup(m, in_b)
+ b = getb.out_op
+ ab = FPADDBase(self.width, self.id_wid, self.single_cycle)
+ ab = self.add_state(ab)
+ abd = ab.ispec() # create an input spec object for FPADDBase
+ m.d.sync += [abd.a.eq(a), abd.b.eq(b), abd.mid.eq(self.ids.in_mid)]
+ ab.setup(m, abd, getb.out_decode, self.ids.in_mid)
+ o = ab.o
+ pz = self.add_state(FPPutZIdx("put_z", o.z, self.res,
+ o.mid, "get_a"))
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ for state in self.states:
+ with m.State(state.state_from):
+ state.action(m)
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if True:
+ alu = FPADD(width=32, id_wid=5, single_cycle=True)
+ main(alu, ports=alu.rs[0][0].ports() + \
+ alu.rs[0][1].ports() + \
+ alu.res[0].ports() + \
+ [alu.ids.in_mid, alu.ids.out_mid])
+ else:
+ alu = FPADDBase(width=32, id_wid=5, single_cycle=True)
+ main(alu, ports=[alu.in_a, alu.in_b] + \
+ alu.in_t.ports() + \
+ alu.out_z.ports() + \
+ [alu.in_mid, alu.out_mid])
+ # works... but don't use, just do "python fname.py convert -t v"
+ #print (verilog.convert(alu, ports=[
+ # ports=alu.in_a.ports() + \
+ # alu.in_b.ports() + \
+ # alu.out_z.ports())