gpio3_o = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio3__o']['o']
gpio_pad_out = [ gpio0_o, gpio1_o, gpio2_o, gpio3_o]
+ # Grab GPIO output enable pad resource from JTAG BS - end of chain
+ gpio0_oe = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio0__oe']['o']
+ gpio1_oe = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio1__oe']['o']
+ gpio2_oe = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio2__oe']['o']
+ gpio3_oe = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio3__oe']['o']
+ gpio_pad_oe = [gpio0_oe, gpio1_oe, gpio2_oe, gpio3_oe]
# Grab GPIO input pad resource from JTAG BS - start of chain
gpio0_pad_in = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio0__i']['i']
gpio1_pad_in = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio1__i']['i']
gpio3_pad_in = top.jtag.boundary_scan_pads['gpio_0__gpio3__i']['i']
gpio_pad_in = [gpio0_pad_in, gpio1_pad_in, gpio2_pad_in, gpio3_pad_in]
- # temp test
- # no: already told you, these are never going to work
- print ("printing out info about the resource gpio0")
- print (top.gpio['gpio0']['i'])
- print ("this is a PIN resource", type(top.gpio['gpio0']['i']))
- # yield can only be done on SIGNALS or RECORDS,
- # NOT Pins/Resources gpio0_core_in = yield top.gpio['gpio0']['i']
- #print("Test gpio0 core in: ", gpio0_core_in)
- #print("JTAG")
- #print(top.jtag.__class__.__name__, dir(top.jtag))
- #print("TOP")
- #print(top.__class__.__name__, dir(top))
- #print("PORT")
- #print(top.ports.__class__.__name__, dir(top.ports))
- #print("GPIO")
- #print(top.gpio.__class__.__name__, dir(top.gpio))
# Have the sim run through a for-loop where the gpio_o_test is
# incremented like a counter (0000, 0001...)
# At each iteration of the for-loop, assert:
# input seen at pad
num_gpio_o_states = num_gpios**2
pad_out = [0] * num_gpios
+ pad_oe = [0] * num_gpios
#print("Num of permutations of gpio_o_test record: ", num_gpio_o_states)
for gpio_o_val in range(0, num_gpio_o_states):
yield top.gpio_o_test.eq(gpio_o_val)
for gpio_bit in range(0, num_gpios):
yield gpio_pad_in[gpio_bit].eq((gpio_i_val >> gpio_bit) & 0x1)
- # Read the values of the output at pad
+ # After changing the gpio0/1/2/3 inputs,
+ # the output is also going to change.
+ # *therefore it must be read again* to get the
+ # snapshot (as a python value)
for gpio_bit in range(0, num_gpios):
pad_out[gpio_bit] = yield gpio_pad_out[gpio_bit]
- # Test that the output at pad matches:
- # Pad output == given test output XOR test input
- # TODO add input at core as well
for gpio_bit in range(0, num_gpios):
+ # check core and pad in
+ gpio_i_ro = yield top.gpio_i_ro[gpio_bit]
out_test_bit = ((gpio_o_val & (1 << gpio_bit)) != 0)
in_bit = ((gpio_i_val & (1 << gpio_bit)) != 0)
+ # Check that the core end input matches pad
+ assert in_bit == gpio_i_ro
+ # Test that the output at pad matches:
+ # Pad output == given test output XOR test input
assert (out_test_bit ^ in_bit) == pad_out[gpio_bit]
# For debugging - VERY verbose
#print("Test Out: ", bin(gpio_o_val))
#print("Test Input: ", bin(gpio_i_val))
# Print MSB first
- #print("Pad Output: ", pad_out[3], pad_out[2],
- # pad_out[1], pad_out[0],)
+ #print("Pad Output: ", list(reversed(pad_out)))
- # Test without asserting input
- # gpio_o_val is a 4-bit binary number setting each pad (single-bit)
- # Test with input asserted
- #test_in = 1
- #yield gpio0_pad_in.eq(test_in)
- # don't need this *and* a yield of 1 clock cycle yield Settle()
- #yield
- #temp = yield top.gpio_i_ro[0]
- #print("temp: ", temp)
- # after changing the gpio0 input, the output is also going to
- # change. *therefore it must be read again* to get the
- # snapshot (as a python value)
- #pad0_out = yield gpio0_o
- #pad1_out = yield gpio1_o
- #pad2_out = yield gpio2_o
- #pad3_out = yield gpio3_o
- #print("Applied test_in=1 with values:", bin(gpio_o_val), "Seeing",
- # pad3_out, pad2_out, pad1_out, pad0_out)
- # Trying to read input from core side, looks like might be a pin...
- # XXX don't "look like" - don't guess - *print it out*
- #print ("don't guess, CHECK", type(top.gpio.gpio0.i))
- #temp_in = yield top.gpio.gpio0.i
- #print("Core input ", temp_in, temp_in==test_in)
- #print((gpio_o_val & 0b0001) == 1)
- #print(((gpio_o_val & 0b0001) == 1) ^ test_in)
- #assert (((gpio_o_val & 0b0001) != 0) ^ test_in) == pad0_out
- #print () # extra print to divide the output
- # Another for loop to run through gpio_oe_test. Assert:
- # + oe set at core matches oe seen at pad.
- # TODO
+ # For-loop for testing output enable signals
+ for gpio_o_val in range(0, num_gpio_o_states):
+ yield top.gpio_oe_test.eq(gpio_o_val)
+ yield # Move to the next clk cycle
+ for gpio_bit in range(0, num_gpios):
+ pad_oe[gpio_bit] = yield gpio_pad_oe[gpio_bit]
+ yield
+ for gpio_bit in range(0, num_gpios):
+ oe_test_bit = ((gpio_o_val & (1 << gpio_bit)) != 0)
+ # oe set at core matches oe seen at pad:
+ assert oe_test_bit == pad_oe[gpio_bit]
+ # For debugging - VERY verbose
+ #print("---------------------")
+ #print("Test Output Enable: ", bin(gpio_o_val))
+ # Print MSB first
+ #print("Pad Output Enable: ", list(reversed(pad_oe)))
+ #print("---------------------")
+ print("GPIO Test PASSED!")
+def test_debug_print():
+ print("Test used for getting object methods/information")
+ print("Moved here to clear clutter of gpio test")
+ print ("printing out info about the resource gpio0")
+ print (top.gpio['gpio0']['i'])
+ print ("this is a PIN resource", type(top.gpio['gpio0']['i']))
+ # yield can only be done on SIGNALS or RECORDS,
+ # NOT Pins/Resources gpio0_core_in = yield top.gpio['gpio0']['i']
+ print("Test gpio0 core in: ", gpio0_core_in)
+ print("JTAG")
+ print(top.jtag.__class__.__name__, dir(top.jtag))
+ print("TOP")
+ print(top.__class__.__name__, dir(top))
+ print("PORT")
+ print(top.ports.__class__.__name__, dir(top.ports))
+ print("GPIO")
+ print(top.gpio.__class__.__name__, dir(top.gpio))
+ # Trying to read input from core side, looks like might be a pin...
+ # XXX don't "look like" - don't guess - *print it out*
+ #print ("don't guess, CHECK", type(top.gpio.gpio0.i))
+ print () # extra print to divide the output
if __name__ == '__main__':