-.PHONY: all
+.PHONY: all corona prepare cocotb
-# for running VASY in coriolis2 chroot. setup:
-# https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=dev-env-setup.git;a=blob;f=coriolis2-chroot;hb=HEAD
-VASY ?= schroot -c coriolis -d /tmp /home/lkcl/alliance/install/bin/vasy
+all: prepare cocotb
-nsxlib_vbe=$(wildcard *.vbe)
-nsxlib_vst=$(patsubst %.vbe,%.vhd,$(wildcard *.vhd))
-SPOT=$(addsuffix .vbe, $(basename $(wildcard *.vhd)))
+# gets the nsxlib and niolib files, and munges the contents of vst_src
+ ./vbe2vst.py
+ ./vst_correct.py
-%.vbe : %.vhd
- $(VASY) -s -I vbe $^ -o $@
- mv $@.vhd $@
-all : $(nsxlib_vst)
- echo $(SPOT)
- echo $(nsxlib_vbe)
- echo $(nsxlib_vst)
+# runs cocotb test
+ (cd cocotb && ./run_ghdl.sh)
+# builds just for fun (double-check) ghdl works
+ ./vhd2obj.py
(cd obj && ghdl -e -g --std=08 corona)
(cd obj && ghdl -r -g --std=08 corona)