return idx, invert
+class TestIssuerBase:
+ """TestIssuerBase - base class for Issuers
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pspec):
+ # test is SVP64 is to be enabled
+ self.svp64_en = hasattr(pspec, "svp64") and (pspec.svp64 == True)
+ # and if regfiles are reduced
+ self.regreduce_en = (hasattr(pspec, "regreduce") and
+ (pspec.regreduce == True))
+ # and if overlap requested
+ self.allow_overlap = (hasattr(pspec, "allow_overlap") and
+ (pspec.allow_overlap == True))
+ # JTAG interface. add this right at the start because if it's
+ # added it *modifies* the pspec, by adding enable/disable signals
+ # for parts of the rest of the core
+ self.jtag_en = hasattr(pspec, "debug") and pspec.debug == 'jtag'
+ self.dbg_domain = "sync" # sigh "dbgsunc" too problematic
+ # self.dbg_domain = "dbgsync" # domain for DMI/JTAG clock
+ if self.jtag_en:
+ # XXX MUST keep this up-to-date with litex, and
+ # soc-cocotb-sim, and err.. all needs sorting out, argh
+ subset = ['uart',
+ 'mtwi',
+ 'eint', 'gpio', 'mspi0',
+ # 'mspi1', - disabled for now
+ # 'pwm', 'sd0', - disabled for now
+ 'sdr']
+ self.jtag = JTAG(get_pinspecs(subset=subset),
+ domain=self.dbg_domain)
+ # add signals to pspec to enable/disable icache and dcache
+ # (or data and intstruction wishbone if icache/dcache not included)
+ #
+ # TODO: do we actually care if these are not domain-synchronised?
+ # honestly probably not.
+ pspec.wb_icache_en = self.jtag.wb_icache_en
+ pspec.wb_dcache_en = self.jtag.wb_dcache_en
+ self.wb_sram_en = self.jtag.wb_sram_en
+ else:
+ self.wb_sram_en = Const(1)
+ # add 4k sram blocks?
+ self.sram4x4k = (hasattr(pspec, "sram4x4kblock") and
+ pspec.sram4x4kblock == True)
+ if self.sram4x4k:
+ self.sram4k = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ self.sram4k.append(SPBlock512W64B8W(name="sram4k_%d" % i,
+ # features={'err'}
+ ))
+ # add interrupt controller?
+ self.xics = hasattr(pspec, "xics") and pspec.xics == True
+ if self.xics:
+ self.xics_icp = XICS_ICP()
+ self.xics_ics = XICS_ICS()
+ self.int_level_i = self.xics_ics.int_level_i
+ # add GPIO peripheral?
+ self.gpio = hasattr(pspec, "gpio") and pspec.gpio == True
+ if self.gpio:
+ self.simple_gpio = SimpleGPIO()
+ self.gpio_o = self.simple_gpio.gpio_o
+ # main instruction core. suitable for prototyping / demo only
+ self.core = core = NonProductionCore(pspec)
+ self.core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
+ # instruction decoder. goes into Trap Record
+ #pdecode = create_pdecode()
+ self.cur_state = CoreState("cur") # current state (MSR/PC/SVSTATE)
+ self.pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(None, state=self.cur_state,
+ opkls=IssuerDecode2ToOperand,
+ svp64_en=self.svp64_en,
+ regreduce_en=self.regreduce_en)
+ pdecode = self.pdecode2.dec
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ self.svp64 = SVP64PrefixDecoder() # for decoding SVP64 prefix
+ # Test Instruction memory
+ if hasattr(core, "icache"):
+ # XXX BLECH! use pspec to transfer the I-Cache to ConfigFetchUnit
+ # truly dreadful. needs a huge reorg.
+ pspec.icache = core.icache
+ self.imem = ConfigFetchUnit(pspec).fu
+ # DMI interface
+ self.dbg = CoreDebug()
+ # instruction go/monitor
+ self.pc_o = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
+ self.pc_i = Data(64, "pc_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
+ self.msr_i = Data(64, "msr_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
+ self.svstate_i = Data(64, "svstate_i") # ditto
+ self.core_bigendian_i = Signal() # TODO: set based on MSR.LE
+ self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ # STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
+ staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
+ self.state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
+ self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
+ self.state_r_sv = staterf.r_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE rd
+ self.state_w_msr = staterf.w_ports['msr'] # MSR wr
+ self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
+ self.state_w_sv = staterf.w_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE wr
+ # DMI interface access
+ intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
+ crrf = self.core.regs.rf['cr']
+ xerrf = self.core.regs.rf['xer']
+ self.int_r = intrf.r_ports['dmi'] # INT read
+ self.cr_r = crrf.r_ports['full_cr_dbg'] # CR read
+ self.xer_r = xerrf.r_ports['full_xer'] # XER read
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ # for predication
+ self.int_pred = intrf.r_ports['pred'] # INT predicate read
+ self.cr_pred = crrf.r_ports['cr_pred'] # CR predicate read
+ # hack method of keeping an eye on whether branch/trap set the PC
+ self.state_nia = self.core.regs.rf['state'].w_ports['nia']
+ = 'state_nia_wen'
+ # pulse to synchronize the simulator at instruction end
+ self.insn_done = Signal()
+ # indicate any instruction still outstanding, in execution
+ self.any_busy = Signal()
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ # store copies of predicate masks
+ self.srcmask = Signal(64)
+ self.dstmask = Signal(64)
+ def setup_peripherals(self, m):
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ # okaaaay so the debug module must be in coresync clock domain
+ # but NOT its reset signal. to cope with this, set every single
+ # submodule explicitly in coresync domain, debug and JTAG
+ # in their own one but using *external* reset.
+ csd = DomainRenamer("coresync")
+ dbd = DomainRenamer(self.dbg_domain)
+ m.submodules.core = core = csd(self.core)
+ # this _so_ needs sorting out. ICache is added down inside
+ # LoadStore1 and is already a submodule of LoadStore1
+ if not isinstance(self.imem, ICache):
+ m.submodules.imem = imem = csd(self.imem)
+ m.submodules.dbg = dbg = dbd(self.dbg)
+ if self.jtag_en:
+ m.submodules.jtag = jtag = dbd(self.jtag)
+ # TODO: UART2GDB mux, here, from external pin
+ # see
+ sync += dbg.dmi.connect_to(jtag.dmi)
+ cur_state = self.cur_state
+ # 4x 4k SRAM blocks. these simply "exist", they get routed in litex
+ if self.sram4x4k:
+ for i, sram in enumerate(self.sram4k):
+ m.submodules["sram4k_%d" % i] = csd(sram)
+ comb += sram.enable.eq(self.wb_sram_en)
+ # XICS interrupt handler
+ if self.xics:
+ m.submodules.xics_icp = icp = csd(self.xics_icp)
+ m.submodules.xics_ics = ics = csd(self.xics_ics)
+ comb += icp.ics_i.eq(ics.icp_o) # connect ICS to ICP
+ sync += cur_state.eint.eq(icp.core_irq_o) # connect ICP to core
+ # GPIO test peripheral
+ if self.gpio:
+ m.submodules.simple_gpio = simple_gpio = csd(self.simple_gpio)
+ # connect one GPIO output to ICS bit 15 (like in microwatt soc.vhdl)
+ # XXX causes litex ECP5 test to get wrong idea about input and output
+ # (but works with verilator sim *sigh*)
+ # if self.gpio and self.xics:
+ # comb += self.int_level_i[15].eq(simple_gpio.gpio_o[0])
+ # instruction decoder
+ pdecode = create_pdecode()
+ m.submodules.dec2 = pdecode2 = csd(self.pdecode2)
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ m.submodules.svp64 = svp64 = csd(self.svp64)
+ # convenience
+ dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
+ intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
+ # clock delay power-on reset
+ cd_por = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
+ cd_sync = ClockDomain()
+ core_sync = ClockDomain("coresync")
+ += cd_por, cd_sync, core_sync
+ if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
+ dbg_sync = ClockDomain(self.dbg_domain)
+ += dbg_sync
+ ti_rst = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ delay = Signal(range(4), reset=3)
+ with m.If(delay != 0):
+ m.d.por += delay.eq(delay - 1)
+ comb += cd_por.clk.eq(ClockSignal())
+ # power-on reset delay
+ core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
+ comb += ti_rst.eq(delay != 0 | dbg.core_rst_o | ResetSignal())
+ comb += core_rst.eq(ti_rst)
+ # debug clock is same as coresync, but reset is *main external*
+ if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
+ dbg_rst = ResetSignal(self.dbg_domain)
+ comb += dbg_rst.eq(ResetSignal())
+ # busy/halted signals from core
+ core_busy_o = ~core.p.o_ready | core.n.o_data.busy_o # core is busy
+ comb += self.busy_o.eq(core_busy_o)
+ comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
+ # temporary hack: says "go" immediately for both address gen and ST
+ l0 = core.l0
+ ldst = core.fus.fus['ldst0']
+ st_go_edge = rising_edge(m,
+ # link addr-go direct to rel
+ m.d.comb +=
+ m.d.comb += # link store-go to rising rel
+ def do_dmi(self, m, dbg):
+ """deals with DMI debug requests
+ currently only provides read requests for the INT regfile, CR and XER
+ it will later also deal with *writing* to these regfiles.
+ """
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
+ dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
+ intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
+ with m.If(d_reg.req): # request for regfile access being made
+ # TODO: error-check this
+ # XXX should this be combinatorial? sync better?
+ if intrf.unary:
+ comb += << d_reg.addr)
+ else:
+ comb += self.int_r.addr.eq(d_reg.addr)
+ comb +=
+ d_reg_delay = Signal()
+ sync += d_reg_delay.eq(d_reg.req)
+ with m.If(d_reg_delay):
+ # data arrives one clock later
+ comb +=
+ comb += d_reg.ack.eq(1)
+ # sigh same thing for CR debug
+ with m.If(d_cr.req): # request for regfile access being made
+ comb += # enable all
+ d_cr_delay = Signal()
+ sync += d_cr_delay.eq(d_cr.req)
+ with m.If(d_cr_delay):
+ # data arrives one clock later
+ comb +=
+ comb += d_cr.ack.eq(1)
+ # aaand XER...
+ with m.If(d_xer.req): # request for regfile access being made
+ comb += # enable all
+ d_xer_delay = Signal()
+ sync += d_xer_delay.eq(d_xer.req)
+ with m.If(d_xer_delay):
+ # data arrives one clock later
+ comb +=
+ comb += d_xer.ack.eq(1)
+ def tb_dec_fsm(self, m, spr_dec):
+ """tb_dec_fsm
+ this is a FSM for updating either dec or tb. it runs alternately
+ DEC, TB, DEC, TB. note that SPR pipeline could have written a new
+ value to DEC, however the regfile has "passthrough" on it so this
+ *should* be ok.
+ see v3.0B p1097-1099 for Timeer Resource and p1065 and p1076
+ """
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ fast_rf = self.core.regs.rf['fast']
+ fast_r_dectb = fast_rf.r_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
+ fast_w_dectb = fast_rf.w_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ # initiates read of current DEC
+ with m.State("DEC_READ"):
+ comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
+ comb +=
+ # waits for DEC read to arrive (1 cycle), updates with new value
+ with m.State("DEC_WRITE"):
+ new_dec = Signal(64)
+ # TODO: MSR.LPCR 32-bit decrement mode
+ comb += new_dec.eq(fast_r_dectb.o_data - 1)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.i_data.eq(new_dec)
+ sync += spr_dec.eq(new_dec) # copy into cur_state for decoder
+ = "TB_READ"
+ # initiates read of current TB
+ with m.State("TB_READ"):
+ comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
+ comb +=
+ = "TB_WRITE"
+ # waits for read TB to arrive, initiates write of current TB
+ with m.State("TB_WRITE"):
+ new_tb = Signal(64)
+ comb += new_tb.eq(fast_r_dectb.o_data + 1)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
+ comb += fast_w_dectb.i_data.eq(new_tb)
+ = "DEC_READ"
+ return m
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.pc_i.ports()
+ yield from self.msr_i.ports()
+ yield self.pc_o
+ yield self.memerr_o
+ yield from self.core.ports()
+ yield from self.imem.ports()
+ yield self.core_bigendian_i
+ yield self.busy_o
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
+ def external_ports(self):
+ ports = self.pc_i.ports()
+ ports = self.msr_i.ports()
+ ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,
+ ]
+ if self.jtag_en:
+ ports += list(self.jtag.external_ports())
+ else:
+ # don't add DMI if JTAG is enabled
+ ports += list(self.dbg.dmi.ports())
+ ports += list(self.imem.ibus.fields.values())
+ ports += list(self.core.l0.cmpi.wb_bus().fields.values())
+ if self.sram4x4k:
+ for sram in self.sram4k:
+ ports += list(sram.bus.fields.values())
+ if self.xics:
+ ports += list(self.xics_icp.bus.fields.values())
+ ports += list(self.xics_ics.bus.fields.values())
+ ports.append(self.int_level_i)
+ if self.gpio:
+ ports += list(self.simple_gpio.bus.fields.values())
+ ports.append(self.gpio_o)
+ return ports
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
# Fetch Finite State Machine.
# WARNING: there are currently DriverConflicts but it's actually working.
# TODO, here: everything that is global in nature, information from the
with m.If(self.core_rst):
sync += nia.eq(0)
- return m
-class TestIssuerInternal(Elaboratable):
- """TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
- efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness
- and code clarity is. optimisations (which almost 100% interfere with
- easy understanding) come later.
- """
- def __init__(self, pspec):
- # test is SVP64 is to be enabled
- self.svp64_en = hasattr(pspec, "svp64") and (pspec.svp64 == True)
- # and if regfiles are reduced
- self.regreduce_en = (hasattr(pspec, "regreduce") and
- (pspec.regreduce == True))
- # and if overlap requested
- self.allow_overlap = (hasattr(pspec, "allow_overlap") and
- (pspec.allow_overlap == True))
- # JTAG interface. add this right at the start because if it's
- # added it *modifies* the pspec, by adding enable/disable signals
- # for parts of the rest of the core
- self.jtag_en = hasattr(pspec, "debug") and pspec.debug == 'jtag'
- self.dbg_domain = "sync" # sigh "dbgsunc" too problematic
- # self.dbg_domain = "dbgsync" # domain for DMI/JTAG clock
- if self.jtag_en:
- # XXX MUST keep this up-to-date with litex, and
- # soc-cocotb-sim, and err.. all needs sorting out, argh
- subset = ['uart',
- 'mtwi',
- 'eint', 'gpio', 'mspi0',
- # 'mspi1', - disabled for now
- # 'pwm', 'sd0', - disabled for now
- 'sdr']
- self.jtag = JTAG(get_pinspecs(subset=subset),
- domain=self.dbg_domain)
- # add signals to pspec to enable/disable icache and dcache
- # (or data and intstruction wishbone if icache/dcache not included)
- #
- # TODO: do we actually care if these are not domain-synchronised?
- # honestly probably not.
- pspec.wb_icache_en = self.jtag.wb_icache_en
- pspec.wb_dcache_en = self.jtag.wb_dcache_en
- self.wb_sram_en = self.jtag.wb_sram_en
- else:
- self.wb_sram_en = Const(1)
- # add 4k sram blocks?
- self.sram4x4k = (hasattr(pspec, "sram4x4kblock") and
- pspec.sram4x4kblock == True)
- if self.sram4x4k:
- self.sram4k = []
- for i in range(4):
- self.sram4k.append(SPBlock512W64B8W(name="sram4k_%d" % i,
- # features={'err'}
- ))
- # add interrupt controller?
- self.xics = hasattr(pspec, "xics") and pspec.xics == True
- if self.xics:
- self.xics_icp = XICS_ICP()
- self.xics_ics = XICS_ICS()
- self.int_level_i = self.xics_ics.int_level_i
- # add GPIO peripheral?
- self.gpio = hasattr(pspec, "gpio") and pspec.gpio == True
- if self.gpio:
- self.simple_gpio = SimpleGPIO()
- self.gpio_o = self.simple_gpio.gpio_o
- # main instruction core. suitable for prototyping / demo only
- self.core = core = NonProductionCore(pspec)
- self.core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
- # instruction decoder. goes into Trap Record
- #pdecode = create_pdecode()
- self.cur_state = CoreState("cur") # current state (MSR/PC/SVSTATE)
- self.pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(None, state=self.cur_state,
- opkls=IssuerDecode2ToOperand,
- svp64_en=self.svp64_en,
- regreduce_en=self.regreduce_en)
- pdecode = self.pdecode2.dec
- if self.svp64_en:
- self.svp64 = SVP64PrefixDecoder() # for decoding SVP64 prefix
- # Test Instruction memory
- if hasattr(core, "icache"):
- # XXX BLECH! use pspec to transfer the I-Cache to ConfigFetchUnit
- # truly dreadful. needs a huge reorg.
- pspec.icache = core.icache
- self.imem = ConfigFetchUnit(pspec).fu
- # DMI interface
- self.dbg = CoreDebug()
- # instruction go/monitor
- self.pc_o = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
- self.pc_i = Data(64, "pc_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
- self.msr_i = Data(64, "msr_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
- self.svstate_i = Data(64, "svstate_i") # ditto
- self.core_bigendian_i = Signal() # TODO: set based on MSR.LE
- self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
- staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
- self.state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
- self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
- self.state_r_sv = staterf.r_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE rd
- self.state_w_msr = staterf.w_ports['msr'] # MSR wr
- self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
- self.state_w_sv = staterf.w_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE wr
- # DMI interface access
- intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
- crrf = self.core.regs.rf['cr']
- xerrf = self.core.regs.rf['xer']
- self.int_r = intrf.r_ports['dmi'] # INT read
- self.cr_r = crrf.r_ports['full_cr_dbg'] # CR read
- self.xer_r = xerrf.r_ports['full_xer'] # XER read
- if self.svp64_en:
- # for predication
- self.int_pred = intrf.r_ports['pred'] # INT predicate read
- self.cr_pred = crrf.r_ports['cr_pred'] # CR predicate read
- # hack method of keeping an eye on whether branch/trap set the PC
- self.state_nia = self.core.regs.rf['state'].w_ports['nia']
- = 'state_nia_wen'
+ return m
- # pulse to synchronize the simulator at instruction end
- self.insn_done = Signal()
- # indicate any instruction still outstanding, in execution
- self.any_busy = Signal()
+class TestIssuerInternal(TestIssuerBase, Elaboratable):
+ """TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
- if self.svp64_en:
- # store copies of predicate masks
- self.srcmask = Signal(64)
- self.dstmask = Signal(64)
+ efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness
+ and code clarity is. optimisations (which almost 100% interfere with
+ easy understanding) come later.
+ """
def fetch_predicate_fsm(self, m,
pred_insn_i_valid, pred_insn_o_ready,
comb += self.insn_done.eq(1) = "INSN_START" # back to fetch
- def setup_peripherals(self, m):
- comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
- # okaaaay so the debug module must be in coresync clock domain
- # but NOT its reset signal. to cope with this, set every single
- # submodule explicitly in coresync domain, debug and JTAG
- # in their own one but using *external* reset.
- csd = DomainRenamer("coresync")
- dbd = DomainRenamer(self.dbg_domain)
- m.submodules.core = core = csd(self.core)
- # this _so_ needs sorting out. ICache is added down inside
- # LoadStore1 and is already a submodule of LoadStore1
- if not isinstance(self.imem, ICache):
- m.submodules.imem = imem = csd(self.imem)
- m.submodules.dbg = dbg = dbd(self.dbg)
- if self.jtag_en:
- m.submodules.jtag = jtag = dbd(self.jtag)
- # TODO: UART2GDB mux, here, from external pin
- # see
- sync += dbg.dmi.connect_to(jtag.dmi)
- cur_state = self.cur_state
- # 4x 4k SRAM blocks. these simply "exist", they get routed in litex
- if self.sram4x4k:
- for i, sram in enumerate(self.sram4k):
- m.submodules["sram4k_%d" % i] = csd(sram)
- comb += sram.enable.eq(self.wb_sram_en)
- # XICS interrupt handler
- if self.xics:
- m.submodules.xics_icp = icp = csd(self.xics_icp)
- m.submodules.xics_ics = ics = csd(self.xics_ics)
- comb += icp.ics_i.eq(ics.icp_o) # connect ICS to ICP
- sync += cur_state.eint.eq(icp.core_irq_o) # connect ICP to core
- # GPIO test peripheral
- if self.gpio:
- m.submodules.simple_gpio = simple_gpio = csd(self.simple_gpio)
- # connect one GPIO output to ICS bit 15 (like in microwatt soc.vhdl)
- # XXX causes litex ECP5 test to get wrong idea about input and output
- # (but works with verilator sim *sigh*)
- # if self.gpio and self.xics:
- # comb += self.int_level_i[15].eq(simple_gpio.gpio_o[0])
- # instruction decoder
- pdecode = create_pdecode()
- m.submodules.dec2 = pdecode2 = csd(self.pdecode2)
- if self.svp64_en:
- m.submodules.svp64 = svp64 = csd(self.svp64)
- # convenience
- dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
- intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
- # clock delay power-on reset
- cd_por = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
- cd_sync = ClockDomain()
- core_sync = ClockDomain("coresync")
- += cd_por, cd_sync, core_sync
- if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
- dbg_sync = ClockDomain(self.dbg_domain)
- += dbg_sync
- ti_rst = Signal(reset_less=True)
- delay = Signal(range(4), reset=3)
- with m.If(delay != 0):
- m.d.por += delay.eq(delay - 1)
- comb += cd_por.clk.eq(ClockSignal())
- # power-on reset delay
- core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
- comb += ti_rst.eq(delay != 0 | dbg.core_rst_o | ResetSignal())
- comb += core_rst.eq(ti_rst)
- # debug clock is same as coresync, but reset is *main external*
- if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
- dbg_rst = ResetSignal(self.dbg_domain)
- comb += dbg_rst.eq(ResetSignal())
- # busy/halted signals from core
- core_busy_o = ~core.p.o_ready | core.n.o_data.busy_o # core is busy
- comb += self.busy_o.eq(core_busy_o)
- comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
- # temporary hack: says "go" immediately for both address gen and ST
- l0 = core.l0
- ldst = core.fus.fus['ldst0']
- st_go_edge = rising_edge(m,
- # link addr-go direct to rel
- m.d.comb +=
- m.d.comb += # link store-go to rising rel
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
# convenience
return m
- def do_dmi(self, m, dbg):
- """deals with DMI debug requests
- currently only provides read requests for the INT regfile, CR and XER
- it will later also deal with *writing* to these regfiles.
- """
- comb = m.d.comb
- sync = m.d.sync
- dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
- intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
- with m.If(d_reg.req): # request for regfile access being made
- # TODO: error-check this
- # XXX should this be combinatorial? sync better?
- if intrf.unary:
- comb += << d_reg.addr)
- else:
- comb += self.int_r.addr.eq(d_reg.addr)
- comb +=
- d_reg_delay = Signal()
- sync += d_reg_delay.eq(d_reg.req)
- with m.If(d_reg_delay):
- # data arrives one clock later
- comb +=
- comb += d_reg.ack.eq(1)
- # sigh same thing for CR debug
- with m.If(d_cr.req): # request for regfile access being made
- comb += # enable all
- d_cr_delay = Signal()
- sync += d_cr_delay.eq(d_cr.req)
- with m.If(d_cr_delay):
- # data arrives one clock later
- comb +=
- comb += d_cr.ack.eq(1)
- # aaand XER...
- with m.If(d_xer.req): # request for regfile access being made
- comb += # enable all
- d_xer_delay = Signal()
- sync += d_xer_delay.eq(d_xer.req)
- with m.If(d_xer_delay):
- # data arrives one clock later
- comb +=
- comb += d_xer.ack.eq(1)
- def tb_dec_fsm(self, m, spr_dec):
- """tb_dec_fsm
- this is a FSM for updating either dec or tb. it runs alternately
- DEC, TB, DEC, TB. note that SPR pipeline could have written a new
- value to DEC, however the regfile has "passthrough" on it so this
- *should* be ok.
- see v3.0B p1097-1099 for Timeer Resource and p1065 and p1076
- """
- comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
- fast_rf = self.core.regs.rf['fast']
- fast_r_dectb = fast_rf.r_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
- fast_w_dectb = fast_rf.w_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
- with m.FSM() as fsm:
- # initiates read of current DEC
- with m.State("DEC_READ"):
- comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
- comb +=
- # waits for DEC read to arrive (1 cycle), updates with new value
- with m.State("DEC_WRITE"):
- new_dec = Signal(64)
- # TODO: MSR.LPCR 32-bit decrement mode
- comb += new_dec.eq(fast_r_dectb.o_data - 1)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.i_data.eq(new_dec)
- sync += spr_dec.eq(new_dec) # copy into cur_state for decoder
- = "TB_READ"
- # initiates read of current TB
- with m.State("TB_READ"):
- comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
- comb +=
- = "TB_WRITE"
- # waits for read TB to arrive, initiates write of current TB
- with m.State("TB_WRITE"):
- new_tb = Signal(64)
- comb += new_tb.eq(fast_r_dectb.o_data + 1)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
- comb += fast_w_dectb.i_data.eq(new_tb)
- = "DEC_READ"
- return m
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self.pc_i.ports()
- yield from self.msr_i.ports()
- yield self.pc_o
- yield self.memerr_o
- yield from self.core.ports()
- yield from self.imem.ports()
- yield self.core_bigendian_i
- yield self.busy_o
- def ports(self):
- return list(self)
- def external_ports(self):
- ports = self.pc_i.ports()
- ports = self.msr_i.ports()
- ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,
- ]
- if self.jtag_en:
- ports += list(self.jtag.external_ports())
- else:
- # don't add DMI if JTAG is enabled
- ports += list(self.dbg.dmi.ports())
- ports += list(self.imem.ibus.fields.values())
- ports += list(self.core.l0.cmpi.wb_bus().fields.values())
- if self.sram4x4k:
- for sram in self.sram4k:
- ports += list(sram.bus.fields.values())
- if self.xics:
- ports += list(self.xics_icp.bus.fields.values())
- ports += list(self.xics_ics.bus.fields.values())
- ports.append(self.int_level_i)
- if self.gpio:
- ports += list(self.simple_gpio.bus.fields.values())
- ports.append(self.gpio_o)
- return ports
- def ports(self):
- return list(self)
class TestIssuer(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, pspec):