--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPLv3+
+# Funded by NLnet https://nlnet.nl/
+""" Record for FPSCR as defined in
+Power ISA v3.1B Book I section 4.2.2 page 136(162)
+FPSCR fields in MSB0:
+|Bits |Mnemonic | Description |
+|0:28 | | Reserved |
+|29:31| DRN | Decimal Rounding Mode |
+|32 | FX | FP Exception Summary |
+|33 | FEX | FP Enabled Exception Summary |
+|34 | VX | FP Invalid Operation Exception Summary |
+|35 | OX | FP Overflow Exception |
+|36 | UX | FP Underflow Exception |
+|37 | ZX | FP Zero Divide Exception |
+|38 | XX | FP Inexact Exception |
+|39 | VXSNAN | FP Invalid Operation Exception (SNaN) |
+|40 | VXISI | FP Invalid Operation Exception (∞ - ∞) |
+|41 | VXIDI | FP Invalid Operation Exception (∞ ÷ ∞) |
+|42 | VXZDZ | FP Invalid Operation Exception (0 ÷ 0) |
+|43 | VXIMZ | FP Invalid Operation Exception (∞ × 0) |
+|44 | VXVC | FP Invalid Operation Exception (Invalid Compare) |
+|45 | FR | FP Fraction Rounded |
+|46 | FI | FP Fraction Inexact |
+|47:51| FPRF | FP Result Flags |
+|47 | C | FP Result Class Descriptor |
+|48:51| FPCC | FP Condition Code |
+|48 | FL | FP Less Than or Negative |
+|49 | FG | FP Greater Than or Positive |
+|50 | FE | FP Equal or Zero |
+|51 | FU | FP Unordered or NaN |
+|52 | | Reserved |
+|53 | VXSOFT | FP Invalid Operation Exception (Software-Defined Condition) |
+|54 | VXSQRT | FP Invalid Operation Exception (Invalid Square Root) |
+|55 | VXCVI | FP Invalid Operation Exception (Invalid Integer Convert) |
+|56 | VE | FP Invalid Operation Exception Enable |
+|57 | OE | FP Overflow Exception Enable |
+|58 | UE | FP Underflow Exception Enable |
+|59 | ZE | FP Zero Divide Exception Enable |
+|60 | XE | FP Inexact Exception Enable |
+|61 | NI | FP Non-IEEE Mode |
+|62:63| RN | FP Rounding Control |
+to allow FP ops to compute in parallel despite each fp op semantically reading
+the FPSCR output from the previous op, the FPSCR will be split into 3 parts
+(I picked names that aren't necessarily standard names):
+* volatile part: written nearly every insn but is rarely read
+* sticky part: usually doesn't change but is read/written by nearly all insns:
+ all the sticky exception bits
+* control part: generally doesn't change and is only read by nearly all insns:
+ all the other bits
+The explanation of why FPSCR is split into 3 parts follows, we may not
+implement it this way.
+Additionally, as of Aug 2023 we're not planning on implementing it this way
+anytime soon.
+the idea is that the cpu will have all three parts in separate registers and
+will speculatively execute fp insns with the current value of the sticky part
+register (not the one from the previous instruction, but the one from the
+register, avoiding needing a dependency chain), and then will cancel and retry
+all later insns if it turns out that the insn changed the sticky part (which
+is rare).
+if desired the control part can be put in the same register and handled the
+same way as the sticky part, but this makes code that temporarily changes the
+rounding mode slower than necessary (common in x87 emulation and some math
+library functions).
+from nmigen import Record, Shape
+from enum import Enum, Flag, unique
+from functools import lru_cache
+class RoundingMode(Enum):
+ # names match:
+ # * PowerISA rounding modes (v3.1B 4.3.6 page 143(169))
+ # * PowerISA bfp_ROUND_<mode> functions (v3.1B page 607(633))
+ # * SMTLIB abbreviated rounding modes
+ # https://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-FloatingPoint.shtml
+ RNE = 0b00
+ NearEven = RNE
+ RoundToNearest = RNE
+ RTZ = 0b01
+ Trunc = RTZ
+ RoundTowardZero = RTZ
+ RTP = 0b10
+ Ceil = RTP
+ RoundTowardPosInfinity = RTP
+ RTN = 0b11
+ Floor = RTN
+ RoundTowardNegInfinity = RTN
+assert Shape.cast(RoundingMode) == Shape(width=2, signed=False)
+class FPSCRBase(Record):
+ @unique
+ class Part(Enum):
+ Volatile = "volatile"
+ "the part written nearly every insn but rarely read"
+ Sticky = "sticky"
+ """usually doesn't change but is read/written by nearly all
+ instructions in order to or-in exception bits
+ """
+ Control = "control"
+ "generally doesn't change and is only read by nearly all instructions"
+ Everything = "everything"
+ @property
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+ def layout(self):
+ Part = __class__
+ l = (
+ ("RN", RoundingMode, Part.Control),
+ ("NI", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("XE", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("ZE", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("UE", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("OE", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("VE", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("VXCVI", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXSQRT", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ # we may decide to set VXSOFT if something like `fcospi`
+ # causes an invalid exception, because it doesn't have an
+ # assigned exception bit and because doing it that way makes
+ # it match the math library better.
+ ("VXSOFT", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("rsvd1", 1, Part.Control),
+ ("FPRF", (
+ ("FPCC", (
+ ("FU", 1),
+ ("FE", 1),
+ ("FG", 1),
+ ("FL", 1),
+ )),
+ ("C", 1),
+ ), Part.Volatile),
+ ("FI", 1, Part.Volatile),
+ ("FR", 1, Part.Volatile),
+ ("VXVC", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXIMZ", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXZDZ", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXIDI", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXISI", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VXSNAN", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("XX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("ZX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("UX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("OX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("VX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("FEX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("FX", 1, Part.Sticky),
+ ("DRN", 3, Part.Control),
+ ("rsvd2", 29, Part.Control),
+ )
+ everything = self is Part.Everything
+ return tuple((n, s) for n, s, p in l if everything or p is self)
+ PART = Part.Everything
+ layout = PART.layout
+ def __init__(self, *, name=None, fields=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(layout=self.PART.layout, name=name,
+ fields=fields, src_loc_at=src_loc_at + 1)
+class FPSCR(FPSCRBase):
+ def calc_summary(self):
+ """calculate and assign the summary bits in self"""
+ return [
+ self.fields['VX'].eq(self.VX),
+ self.fields['FEX'].eq(self.FEX),
+ ]
+ @property
+ def VX(self):
+ return (self.VXSNAN |
+ self.VXISI |
+ self.VXIDI |
+ self.VXZDZ |
+ self.VXIMZ |
+ self.VXVC |
+ self.VXSOFT |
+ self.VXSQRT |
+ self.VXCVI)
+ @property
+ def FEX(self):
+ return ((self.VX & self.VE) |
+ (self.OX & self.OE) |
+ (self.UX & self.UE) |
+ (self.ZX & self.ZE) |
+ (self.XX & self.XE))
+ @staticmethod
+ def __make_record(fields, cls, name, src_loc_at):
+ return cls(name=name, fields=fields, src_loc_at=1+src_loc_at)
+ def volatile_part(self, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ return FPSCR.__make_record(self.fields, cls=FPSCRVolatilePart,
+ name=name, src_loc_at=1+src_loc_at)
+ def sticky_part(self, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ return FPSCR.__make_record(self.fields, cls=FPSCRStickyPart,
+ name=name, src_loc_at=1+src_loc_at)
+ def control_part(self, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ return FPSCR.__make_record(self.fields, cls=FPSCRControlPart,
+ name=name, src_loc_at=1+src_loc_at)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_parts(*, volatile_part, sticky_part, control_part,
+ name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ fields = {**volatile_part.fields,
+ **sticky_part.fields,
+ **control_part.fields}
+ return FPSCR.__make_record(fields, cls=FPSCR,
+ name=name, src_loc_at=1+src_loc_at)
+class FPSCRVolatilePart(FPSCRBase):
+ """ the part of FPSCR that is written by nearly every FP instruction,
+ but is rarely read.
+ """
+ PART = FPSCR.Part.Volatile
+ layout = PART.layout
+class FPSCRStickyPart(FPSCRBase):
+ """ the part of FPSCR that usually doesn't change but is read/written by
+ nearly all FP instructions in order to or-in exception bits.
+ """
+ PART = FPSCR.Part.Sticky
+ layout = PART.layout
+class FPSCRControlPart(FPSCRBase):
+ """ the part of FPSCR that generally doesn't change and is read by
+ nearly all FP instructions.
+ """
+ PART = FPSCR.Part.Control
+ layout = PART.layout
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from pprint import pprint
+ for part in FPSCR.Part:
+ print(f"{part}.layout:")
+ pprint(part.layout)