if cxxsim:
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Settle
- from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Settle
+ from nmigen.sim import Simulator, Settle
+# Bit shift position for CSR word used in WB transactions
+IADDRSHIFT = 8 # offset needed to tell WB to return input ONLY
+# Layout of 16-bit configuration word (? is unused):
+# ? ? ? i | bank_select[3:0] |? pden puen opendrain |? ien oe o
+ISHIFT = 12
+# Pull-up/down, open-drain, ien have been skipped for now
class SimpleGPIO(Elaboratable):
spec.mask_wid = 4
spec.reg_wid = 32
self.bus = Record(make_wb_layout(spec), name="gpio_wb")
- self.bank_sel = Array([Signal(3) for _ in range(n_gpio)])
+ self.bank_sel = Signal(4) # set maximum number of banks to 16
self.gpio_o = Signal(n_gpio)
self.gpio_oe = Signal(n_gpio)
self.gpio_i = Signal(n_gpio)
comb += wb_ack.eq(0)
gpio_addr = Signal(log2_int(self.n_gpio))
- gpio_a = Array(list(gpio_o))
- bank_sel_list = Array(list(bank_sel))
+ gpio_o_list = Array(list(gpio_o))
- print(bank_sel_list)
- print(gpio_a)
- gpio_oe_list = Array(list(gpio_o))
+ print(gpio_o_list)
+ gpio_oe_list = Array(list(gpio_oe))
gpio_i_list = Array(list(gpio_i))
# Address first byte for GPIO (max would be 256 GPIOs)
comb += wb_ack.eq(1) # always ack
comb += gpio_addr.eq(bus.adr[0:8])
with m.If(bus.we): # write
- # Write to CSR - direction and bank select
- sync += gpio_a[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[0])
- sync += gpio_oe_list[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[1])
- sync += bank_sel_list[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[5:8])
+ # Write to CSR
+ sync += gpio_o_list[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[OSHIFT])
+ sync += gpio_oe_list[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[OESHIFT])
+ sync += bank_sel.eq(wb_wr_data[BANKSHIFT:BANKSHIFT+4])
with m.Else(): # read
# Read the value of the input
with m.If(bus.adr[8]):
comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_i_list[gpio_addr])
# Read the state of CSR bits
with m.Else():
- comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_o[gpio_addr]
- + (gpio_oe[gpio_addr] << 1)
- + (bank_sel_list[gpio_addr] << 5))
+ comb += wb_rd_data.eq((gpio_o_list[gpio_addr] << OSHIFT)
+ + (gpio_oe_list[gpio_addr] << OESHIFT)
+ + (bank_sel << BANKSHIFT))
#comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_a[gpio_addr])
return m
-def read_gpio(gpio, addr):
- data = yield from wb_read(gpio.bus, addr)
- print ("gpio%d" % addr, hex(data), bin(data))
+def gpio_configure(dut, gpio, oe, output=0, bank_sel=0):
+ csr_val = ( (bank_sel << BANKSHIFT)
+ | (oe << OESHIFT)
+ | (output << OSHIFT) )
+ # | (PUEN, PDUN, Open-drain etc...)
+ print("Configuring CSR to {0:x}".format(csr_val))
+ yield from wb_write(dut.bus, gpio, csr_val)
+def gpio_rd_csr(dut, gpio):
+ csr_val = yield from wb_read(dut.bus, gpio)
+ print("GPIO{0} | CSR: {1:x}".format(gpio, csr_val))
+ # gpio_parse_csr(csr_val)
+ return data
+def gpio_rd_input(dut, gpio):
+ in_val = yield from wb_read(dut.bus, gpio | (1<<IADDRSHIFT))
+ print("GPIO{0} | Input: {1:b}".format(gpio, in_val))
return data
+def gpio_set_out(dut, gpio, output):
+ yield from wb_write(dut.bus, gpio, (output << OSHIFT))
-def sim_gpio(gpio):
+def gpio_set_in_pad(dut, gpio, in_val):
+ yield dut.gpio_i.eq(in_val)
+def sim_gpio(dut):
- data = yield from read_gpio(gpio, 0) # read gpio addr 0
+ #data = yield from read_gpio(gpio, 0) # read gpio addr 0
+ #yield from wb_write(gpio.bus, 0, 1) # write gpio addr 0
+ #data = yield from read_gpio(gpio, 0) # read gpio addr 0
+ print(dir(dut))
+ print(dut)
+ num_gpios = len(dut.gpio_o)
+ bank_sel = 3
+ oe = 1
+ output = 0
+ for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
+ yield from gpio_configure(dut, gpio, oe, output, bank_sel)
- yield from wb_write(gpio.bus, 0, 1) # write gpio addr 0
- data = yield from read_gpio(gpio, 0) # read gpio addr 0
+ for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
+ yield from gpio_set_out(dut, gpio, 1)
+ #for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
+ # yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, gpio, 1)
+ yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, 0, 1)
+ yield
+ yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, 1, 1)
+ yield
+ yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, 2, 1)
+ yield
+ yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, 3, 1)
+ yield
+ yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, 2, 0)
+ yield
+ print("Finished the simple GPIO block test!")
def test_gpio():