m.d.comb += intpick1.readable_i[0:n_int_fus].eq(int_rd_o[0:n_int_fus])
m.d.comb += intpick1.writable_i[0:n_int_fus].eq(int_wr_o[0:n_int_fus])
+ #---------
+ # Shadow Matrix
+ #---------
+ m.d.comb += shadows.issue_i.eq(fn_issue_o)
+ # these are explained in ShadowMatrix docstring, and are to be
+ # connected to the FUReg and FUFU Matrices, to get them to reset
+ # NOTE: do NOT connect these to the Computation Units. The CUs need to
+ # do something slightly different (due to the revolving-door SRLatches)
+ m.d.comb += go_rd_rst.eq(go_rd_o | shadows.go_die_o)
+ m.d.comb += go_wr_rst.eq(go_wr_o | shadows.go_die_o)
+ # connect shadows / go_dies to Computation Units
+ m.d.comb += cu.shadown_i[0:n_int_fus].eq(shadows.shadown_o[0:n_int_fus])
+ m.d.comb += cu.go_die_i[0:n_int_fus].eq(shadows.go_die_o[0:n_int_fus])
# Connect Register File(s)