with m.Else():
comb += Assume(rst == 0)
- # Property One: Rd_rel should never be asserted before issue
# detect when issue has been raised and remember it
with m.If(issue):
sync += has_issued.eq(1)
comb += Cover(has_issued)
- # If issue has never been raised, then rd_rel should never be raised
+ # Property One: Rd_rel should never be asserted before issue
+ # If issue has never been raised, then rd_rel should never
+ # be raised
with m.If(rd_rel != 0):
comb += Assert(has_issued)
# Property Two: when rd_rel is asserted, it should stay
# that way until a go_rd
with m.If((Past(go_rd) == 0) & ~Past(go_die)):
with m.If(Past(go_die)):
comb += Assert(rd_rel == 0)
- # Property
comb += Cover(Fell(rd_rel))
# Assume no instruction is issued until rd_rel is
with m.If((rd_rel != 0) | (Past(rd_rel) != 0)):
comb += Assume(issue == 0)
return m