# Write the GTKWave project file
write_gtkw("test_shifter", "top.shf", __file__)
+ # Describe a GTKWave document
+ # Uses a split CSS + DOM approach, where style is separated from
+ # content.
+ # Style for signals, classes and groups
+ # Syntax: {selector: {attribute: value, ...}, ...}
+ # "selector" can be a signal, class or group
+ # signal groups propagate most attributes to their children
+ # attribute choices:
+ # - module: instance path, for prepending to the signal name
+ # - color: trace color
+ # - base: numerical base for value display
+ # - display: alternate text to display in the signal pane
+ # - comment: comment to display in the signal pane
+ gtkwave_style = {
+ # Root selector. Gives default attributes for every signal.
+ '': {'module': 'top.shf', 'base': 'dec'},
+ # color the traces, according to class
+ # class names are not hardcoded, they are just strings
+ 'in': {'color': 'orange'},
+ 'out': {'color': 'yellow'},
+ # signals in the debug group have a common color and module path
+ 'debug': {'module': 'top', 'color': 'red'},
+ # display a different string replacing the signal name
+ 'test_case': {'display': 'test case'},
+ }
+ # DOM style description for the trace pane
+ # Syntax: [signal, (signal, class), (group, [children]), comment, ...]
+ # The DOM is a list of nodes.
+ # Nodes are signals, signal groups or comments.
+ # - signals are strings, or tuples: (signal name, class, class, ...)
+ # - signal groups are tuples: (group name, class, class, ..., [nodes])
+ # - comments are: {'comment': 'comment string'}
+ # In place of a class name, an inline class description can be used.
+ # (signal, {attribute: value, ...}, ...)
+ gtkwave_desc = [
+ # simple signal, without a class
+ # even so, it inherits the top-level root attributes
+ 'clk',
+ # comment
+ {'comment': 'Shifter Demonstration'},
+ # collapsible signal group
+ ('prev port', [
+ # attach a class style for each signal
+ ('op__sdir', 'in'),
+ ('p_data_i[7:0]', 'in'),
+ ('p_shift_i[7:0]', 'in'),
+ ('p_valid_i', 'in'),
+ ('p_ready_o', 'out'),
+ ]),
+ # Signals in a signal group inherit the group attributes.
+ # In this case, a different module path and color.
+ ('debug', [
+ {'comment': 'Some debug statements'},
+ # inline attributes, instead of a class name
+ ('zero', {'display': 'zero delay shift'}),
+ 'interesting',
+ 'test_case',
+ 'msg',
+ ]),
+ ('internal', [
+ 'fsm_state',
+ 'count[3:0]',
+ 'shift_reg[7:0]',
+ ]),
+ ('next port', [
+ ('n_data_o[7:0]', 'out'),
+ ('n_valid_o', 'out'),
+ ('n_ready_i', 'in'),
+ ]),
+ ]
+ # TODO: Read and interpret the mini-language above, writing
+ # TODO: the corresponding GTKWave document.
sim = Simulator(m)