// Each IO cell will have 8 input field (output from pin mux
// and on output field (input to pinmux)
// interface declaration between IO-0 and pinmux
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io0_cell_outen;
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io0_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io0_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io0_cell_outen;
(*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method
Action io0_inputval (Bit#(1) in);
// interface declaration between IO-1 and pinmux
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io1_cell_outen;
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io1_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io1_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io1_cell_outen;
(*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method
Action io1_inputval (Bit#(1) in);
// interface declaration between IO-2 and pinmux
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io2_cell_outen;
- (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io2_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io2_cell_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Bit#(1) io2_cell_outen;
(*always_ready,always_enabled,result="io"*) method
Action io2_inputval (Bit#(1) in);
// interface declaration between UART-0 and pinmux
// following wires capture signals to IO CELL if uart-0 is
// allotted to it
- // declare wruart_tx_*, set up as type 'out'
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wruart_tx<-mkDWire(0);
- // declare wruart_rx_*, set up as type 'input'
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wruart_rx<-mkDWire(0);
// following wires capture signals to IO CELL if gpioa-0 is
// following wires capture signals to IO CELL if twi-0 is
// allotted to it
- // declare wrtwi_sda_*, set up as type 'inout'
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_out<-mkDWire(0);
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_outen<-mkDWire(0);
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_sda_in<-mkDWire(0);
- // declare wrtwi_scl_*, set up as type 'inout'
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_out<-mkDWire(0);
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_outen<-mkDWire(0);
Wire#(Bit#(1)) wrtwi_scl_in<-mkDWire(0);