class PowerDecoder(Elaboratable):
"""PowerDecoder - decodes an incoming opcode into the type of operation
+ this is a recursive algorithm, creating Switch statements that can
+ have further match-and-decode on other parts of the opcode field before
+ finally landing at a "this CSV entry details gets returned" thing.
+ the complicating factor is the row and col subsetting. column subsetting
+ dynamically chooses only the CSV columns requested, whilst row subsetting
+ allows a function to be called on the row to determine if the Case
+ statement is to be generated for that row. this not only generates
+ completely different Decoders, it also means that some sub-decoders
+ will turn up blank (empty switch statements). if that happens we do
+ not want the parent to include a Mux for an entirely blank switch statement
+ so we have to store the switch/case statements in a tree, and
+ post-analyse it.
+ the reason for the tree is because elaborate can only be called *after*
+ the constructor is called. all quite messy.
def __init__(self, width, dec, name=None, col_subset=None, row_subset=None):