# -- dmi_err : in std_ulogic TODO: Add error response
# );
# end entity dmi_dtm;
+class JTAGToDMI(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sys_clk = Signal()
+ self.sys_reset = Signal()
+ self.dmi_addr = Signal(ABITS)
+ self.dmi_din = Signal(DBITS)
+ self.dmi_dout = Signal(DBITS)
+ self.dmi_req = Signal()
+ self.dmi_wr = Signal()
+ self.dmi_ack = Signal()
+ self.dmi_err = Signal()
# architecture behaviour of dmi_dtm is
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
# -- Signals coming out of the BSCANE2 block
# signal jtag_reset : std_ulogic;
# signal capture : std_ulogic;
# signal tdi : std_ulogic;
# signal tdo : std_ulogic;
# signal tck : std_ulogic;
+ # Signal coming out of the BSCANE2 block
+ jtag_reset = Signal()
+ capture = Signal()
+ update = Signal()
+ drck = Signal()
+ jtag_clk = Signal()
+ sel = Signal()
+ shift = Signal()
+ tdi = Signal()
+ tdo = Signal()
+ tck = Signal()
# -- ** JTAG clock domain **
+ # ** JTAG clock domain **
# -- Shift register
# signal shiftr : std_ulogic_vector(ABITS + DBITS + 1 downto 0);
+ # Shift register
+ shiftr = Signal(ABITS + DBITS)
# -- Latched request
# signal request : std_ulogic_vector(ABITS + DBITS + 1 downto 0);
+ # Latched request
+ request = Signal(ABITS + DBITS)
# -- A request is present
# signal jtag_req : std_ulogic;
+ # A request is present
+ jtag_req = Signal()
# -- Synchronizer for jtag_rsp (sys clk -> jtag_clk)
# signal dmi_ack_0 : std_ulogic;
# signal dmi_ack_1 : std_ulogic;
+ # Synchronizer for jtag_rsp (sys clk -> jtag_clk)
+ dmi_ack_0 = Signal()
+ dmi_ack_1 = Signal()
# -- ** sys clock domain **
+ # ** SYS clock domain
# -- Synchronizer for jtag_req (jtag clk -> sys clk)
# signal jtag_req_0 : std_ulogic;
# signal jtag_req_1 : std_ulogic;
+ # Syncrhonizer for jtag_req (jtag clk -> sys clk)
+ jtag_req_0 = Signal()
+ jtag_req_1 = Signal()
# -- ** combination signals
# signal jtag_bsy : std_ulogic;
# signal op_valid : std_ulogic;
# signal rsp_op : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ # combination signals
+ jtag_bsy = Signal()
+ op_valid = Signal()
+ rsp_op = Signal(2)
# -- ** Constants **
# constant DMI_REQ_NOP : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
# constant DMI_REQ_RD : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01";
# constant DMI_REQ_WR : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";
# constant DMI_RSP_OK : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
# constant DMI_RSP_BSY : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "11";
+ # ** Constants **
+ DMI_REQ_NOP = Const(0b00, 2)
+ DMI_REQ_RD = Const(0b01, 2)
+ DMI_REQ_WR = Const(0b10, 2)
+ DMI_RSP_OK = Const(0b00, 2)
+ DMI_RSP_BSY = Const(0b11, 2)
# attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
# attribute ASYNC_REG of jtag_req_0: signal is "TRUE";
# attribute ASYNC_REG of jtag_req_1: signal is "TRUE";
# attribute ASYNC_REG of dmi_ack_0: signal is "TRUE";
# attribute ASYNC_REG of dmi_ack_1: signal is "TRUE";
+ # TODO nmigen attributes
+ # attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
+ # attribute ASYNC_REG of jtag_req_0: signal is "TRUE";
+ # attribute ASYNC_REG of jtag_req_1: signal is "TRUE";
+ # attribute ASYNC_REG of dmi_ack_0: signal is "TRUE";
+ # attribute ASYNC_REG of dmi_ack_1: signal is "TRUE";
# begin
# -- Implement the Xilinx bscan2 for series 7 devices (TODO: use PoC
# end if;
# end process;
# dmi_req <= jtag_req_1;
+ # DMI req synchronization
+ def dmi_req_sync(self, m, jtag_req, jtag_req_0, jtag_req_1):
+ sync = m.d.SYS_sync
+ with m.If(sys_reset):
+ sync += jtag_req_0.eq(0)
+ sync += jtag_req_1.eq(0)
+ with m.Else():
+ sync += jtag_req_0.eq(jtag_req)
+ sync += jtag_req_1.eq(jtag_req_0)
# -- dmi_ack synchronization
# dmi_ack_sync: process(jtag_clk, jtag_reset)
# begin
# dmi_ack_1 <= dmi_ack_0;
# end if;
# end process;
+ # DMI ack synchronization
+ def dmi_ack_sync(self, dmi_ack, dmi_ack_0, dmi_ack_1):
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.JTAG_sync
+ with m.If(jtag_reset):
+ comb += dmi_ack_0.eq(0)
+ comb += dmi_ack_1.eq(0)
+ sync += dmi_ack_0.eq(dmi_ack)
+ sync += dmi_ack_1.eq(dmi_ack_0)
# -- jtag_bsy indicates whether we can start a new request,
# -- we can when we aren't already processing one (jtag_req)
# -- and the synchronized ack of the previous one is 0.
# --
# jtag_bsy <= jtag_req or dmi_ack_1;
+ comb += jtag_bsy.eq(jtag_req | dmi_ack_1)
# -- decode request type in shift register
# with shiftr(1 downto 0) select op_valid <=
# '1' when DMI_REQ_RD,
# '1' when DMI_REQ_WR,
# '0' when others;
+ with m.Switch(shitr[:2]):
+ with m.Case(DMI_REQ_RD): comb += op_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.Case(DMI_REQ_WR): comb += op_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.Default(): comb += op_valid.eq(0)
# -- encode response op
# rsp_op <= DMI_RSP_BSY when jtag_bsy = '1' else DMI_RSP_OK;
+ with m.If(jtag_bsy):
+ comb += rsp_op.eq(DMI_RSP_BSY)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += rsp_op.eq(DMI_RSP_OK)
# -- Some DMI out signals are directly driven from the request register
# dmi_addr <= request(ABITS + DBITS + 1 downto DBITS + 2);
# dmi_dout <= request(DBITS + 1 downto 2);
# dmi_wr <= '1' when request(1 downto 0) = DMI_REQ_WR else '0';
+ comb += dmi_addr.eq(request[DBITS + 2:ABITS + DBITS + 2])
+ comb += dmi_dout.eq(request[2:DBITS])
+ with m.If(request[:2] == DMI_REQ_WR):
+ comb += dmi_wr.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += dmi_wr.eq(0)
# -- TDO is wired to shift register bit 0
# tdo <= shiftr(0);
+ comb += tdo.eq(shiftr[0])
# -- Main state machine. Handles shift registers, request latch and
# -- jtag_req latch. Could be split into 3 processes but it's probably
# -- not worthwhile.
# --
# shifter: process(jtag_clk, jtag_reset)
+ def shifter(self, m, jtag_clk, jtag_reset)
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.JTAG_sync
# begin
# if jtag_reset = '1' then
# shiftr <= (others => '0');
# jtag_req <= '0';
+ with m.If(jtag_reset):
+ comb += shiftr.eq(~1)
+ comb += jtag_req.eq(0)
# elsif rising_edge(jtag_clk) then
# -- Handle jtag "commands" when sel is 1
# if sel = '1' then
+ with m.If(sel):
# -- Shift state, rotate the register
# if shift = '1' then
+ with m.If(shift):
# shiftr <= tdi & shiftr(ABITS + DBITS + 1 downto 1);
+ sync += shiftr.eq(Cat(shiftr[1:ABITS + DBITS], tdi))
# end if;
# -- Update state (trigger)
# -- one and it has a valid command opcode.
# --
# if update = '1' and op_valid = '1' then
+ with m.If(update & op_valid):
# if jtag_bsy = '0' then
+ with m.If(~jtag_bsy):
# request <= shiftr;
# jtag_req <= '1';
+ sync += request.eq(shiftr)
+ sync += jtag_req.eq(1)
# end if;
# -- Set the shift register "op" to "busy".
# -- This will prevent us from re-starting
# -- the command on the next update if
# -- the command completes before that.
# shiftr(1 downto 0) <= DMI_RSP_BSY;
+ sync += shiftr[:2].eq(DMI_RSP_BSY)
# end if;
# -- Request completion.
# -- Slaves must be resilient to this.
# --
# if jtag_req = '1' and dmi_ack_1 = '1' then
+ with m.If(jtag_rq & dmi_ack):
# jtag_req <= '0';
+ sync += jtag_req.eq(0)
# if request(1 downto 0) = DMI_REQ_RD then
# request(DBITS + 1 downto 2) <= dmi_din;
+ with m.If(request[:2] == DMI_REQ_RD):
+ sync += request[2:DBITS].eq(dmi_din)
# end if;
# end if;
# -- Capture state, grab latch content with updated status
# if capture = '1' then
# shiftr <= request(ABITS + DBITS + 1 downto 2) & rsp_op;
+ with m.If(capture):
+ sync += shiftr.eq(Cat(rsp_op, request[2:ABITS + DBITS]))
# end if;
# end if;