m = Module()
# Latches
- #a = FPNumIn(self.in_a, self.width)
- #b = FPNumIn(self.in_b, self.width)
z = FPNumOut(self.width, False)
- #m.submodules.fpnum_b = b
m.submodules.fpnum_z = z
w = z.m_width + 4
of = Overflow()
m.submodules.overflow = of
- geta = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_a", "get_b", self.in_a, self.width))
- #geta.set_inputs({"in_a": self.in_a})
- #geta.set_outputs({"a": a})
+ geta = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_a", "get_b",
+ self.in_a, self.width))
a = geta.out_op
- # XXX m.d.comb += a.v.eq(self.in_a.v) # links in_a to a
geta.mod.setup(m, self.in_a, geta.out_op, geta.out_decode)
m.submodules.get_a = geta.mod
- #m.submodules.fpnum_a = a
getb = self.add_state(FPGetOp("get_b", "special_cases",
self.in_b, self.width))
- #getb.set_inputs({"in_b": self.in_b})
- #getb.set_outputs({"b": b})
b = getb.out_op
getb.mod.setup(m, self.in_b, getb.out_op, getb.out_decode)
- # XXX m.d.comb += b.v.eq(self.in_b.v) # links in_b to b
m.submodules.get_b = getb.mod
- #m.submodules.fpnum_b = b
sc = self.add_state(FPAddSpecialCases(self.width))
sc.set_inputs({"a": a, "b": b})