--- /dev/null
+# Proof of correctness for partitioned dynamic shifter
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Nolan <mtnolan2640@gmail.com>
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat
+from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume
+from nmigen.test.utils import FHDLTestCase
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from ieee754.part_mul_add.partpoints import PartitionPoints
+from ieee754.part_shift_scalar.part_shift_dynamic import \
+ PartitionedDynamicShift
+import unittest
+# This defines a module to drive the device under test and assert
+# properties about its outputs
+class ShifterDriver(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # inputs and outputs
+ pass
+ def get_intervals(self, signal, points):
+ start = 0
+ interval = []
+ keys = list(points.keys()) + [signal.width]
+ for key in keys:
+ end = key
+ interval.append(signal[start:end])
+ start = end
+ return interval
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ width = 24
+ mwidth = 3
+ # setup the inputs and outputs of the DUT as anyconst
+ a = Signal(width)
+ b = Signal(width)
+ out = Signal(width)
+ points = PartitionPoints()
+ gates = Signal(mwidth-1)
+ step = int(width/mwidth)
+ for i in range(mwidth-1):
+ points[(i+1)*step] = gates[i]
+ print(points)
+ comb += [a.eq(AnyConst(width)),
+ b.eq(AnyConst(width)),
+ gates.eq(AnyConst(mwidth-1))]
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = PartitionedDynamicShift(width, points)
+ a_intervals = self.get_intervals(a, points)
+ b_intervals = self.get_intervals(b, points)
+ out_intervals = self.get_intervals(out, points)
+ comb += [dut.a.eq(a),
+ dut.b.eq(b),
+ out.eq(dut.output)]
+ with m.Switch(points.as_sig()):
+ with m.Case(0b00):
+ comb += Assume(b < 24)
+ comb += Assert(out == (a<<b[0:5]) & 0xffffff)
+ with m.Case(0b01):
+ comb += Assume(b_intervals[0] <= 8)
+ comb += Assert(out_intervals[0] ==
+ (a_intervals[0]<<b_intervals[0]) & 0xff)
+ comb += Assume(b_intervals[1] <= 16)
+ comb += Assert(Cat(out_intervals[1:3]) ==
+ (Cat(a_intervals[1:3])
+ <<b_intervals[1]) & 0xffff)
+ with m.Case(0b10):
+ comb += Assume(b_intervals[0] <= 16)
+ comb += Assert(Cat(out_intervals[0:2]) ==
+ (Cat(a_intervals[0:2])
+ <<b_intervals[0]) & 0xffff)
+ comb += Assume(b_intervals[2] <= 16)
+ comb += Assert(out_intervals[2] ==
+ (a_intervals[2]<<b_intervals[2]) & 0xff)
+ with m.Case(0b11):
+ for i, o in enumerate(out_intervals):
+ comb += Assume(b_intervals[i] < 8)
+ comb += Assert(o ==
+ (a_intervals[i] << b_intervals[i]) & 0xff)
+ return m
+class PartitionedDynamicShiftTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def test_shift(self):
+ module = ShifterDriver()
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=4)
+ def test_ilang(self):
+ width = 64
+ mwidth = 8
+ gates = Signal(mwidth-1)
+ points = PartitionPoints()
+ step = int(width/mwidth)
+ for i in range(mwidth-1):
+ points[(i+1)*step] = gates[i]
+ print(points)
+ dut = PartitionedDynamicShift(width, points)
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[gates, dut.a, dut.b, dut.output])
+ with open("dynamic_shift.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()