# prepare inf/zero/nans
z_zero = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_zero")
- z_nan = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_nan")
+ z_default_nan = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_default_nan")
+ z_quieted_a = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_quieted_a")
+ z_quieted_b = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_quieted_b")
z_infa = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_infa")
z_infb = FPNumBaseRecord(width, False, name="z_infb")
comb += z_zero.zero(0)
- comb += z_nan.nan(0)
+ comb += z_default_nan.nan(0)
+ comb += z_quieted_a.quieted_nan(a1)
+ comb += z_quieted_b.quieted_nan(b1)
comb += z_infa.inf(a1.s)
comb += z_infb.inf(b1.s)
# this is the logic-decision-making for special-cases:
# if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
+ # if a is NaN return quieted_nan(a)
+ # else return quieted_nan(b)
# elif a is inf return inf (or NaN)
# if a is inf and signs don't match return NaN
# else return inf(a)
oz = Mux(t_a1zero, b1.v, oz)
oz = Mux(t_abz, Cat(self.i.b[:-1], absa), oz)
oz = Mux(t_b1inf, z_infb.v, oz)
- oz = Mux(t_a1inf, Mux(bexp128s, z_nan.v, z_infa.v), oz)
- oz = Mux(t_abnan, z_nan.v, oz)
+ oz = Mux(t_a1inf, Mux(bexp128s, z_default_nan.v, z_infa.v), oz)
+ oz = Mux(t_abnan, Mux(a1.is_nan, z_quieted_a.v, z_quieted_b.v), oz)
comb += self.o.oz.eq(oz)
from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
from ieee754.fpadd.pipeline import FPADDBasePipe
from nmigen.hdl.dsl import Module
-from nmigen.hdl.ast import AnySeq, Initial, Assert, AnyConst, Signal, Assume
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Initial, Assert, AnyConst, Signal, Assume
from nmigen.hdl.smtlib2 import SmtFloatingPoint, SmtSortFloatingPoint, \
SmtSortFloat16, SmtSortFloat32, SmtSortFloat64, \
z_fp = SmtFloatingPoint.from_bits(z, sort=sort)
expected_fp = a_fp.add(b_fp, rm=rm)
expected = Signal(width)
- m.d.comb += expected.eq(AnySeq(width))
- # Important Note: expected and z won't necessarily match bit-exactly
- # if it's a NaN, all this checks for is z is also any NaN
- m.d.comb += Assume((SmtFloatingPoint.from_bits(expected, sort=sort)
- == expected_fp).as_value())
- # FIXME: check that it produces the correct NaNs
+ m.d.comb += expected.eq(AnyConst(width))
+ quiet_bit = 1 << (sort.mantissa_field_width - 1)
+ nan_exponent = ((1 << sort.eb) - 1) << sort.mantissa_field_width
+ with m.If(expected_fp.is_nan().as_value()):
+ with m.If(a_fp.is_nan().as_value()):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(expected == (a | quiet_bit))
+ with m.Elif(b_fp.is_nan().as_value()):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(expected == (b | quiet_bit))
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += Assume(expected == (nan_exponent | quiet_bit))
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += Assume(SmtFloatingPoint.from_bits(expected, sort=sort)
+ .same(expected_fp).as_value())
m.d.comb += a.eq(AnyConst(width))
m.d.comb += b.eq(AnyConst(width))
with m.If(dut.n.trigger):
- m.d.sync += Assert((z_fp == expected_fp).as_value())
- self.assertFormal(m, depth=5, solver="z3")
+ m.d.sync += Assert(z_fp.same(expected_fp).as_value())
+ m.d.sync += Assert(z == expected)
+ self.assertFormal(m, depth=5, solver="bitwuzla")
# FIXME: check other rounding modes
# FIXME: check exception flags