core_rst, cur_state,
fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
- msr_read, sv_read,
"""fetch FSM
this FSM performs fetch of raw instruction data, partial-decodes
pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
svp64 = self.svp64
+ msr_read = Signal(reset=1)
+ sv_read = Signal(reset=1)
with m.FSM(name='fetch_fsm'):
# waiting (zzz)
with m.If(fetch_insn_ready_i): = "IDLE"
+ def execute_fsm(self, m, core, nia,
+ cur_state, fetch_insn_o,
+ fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
+ fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i):
+ """execute FSM
+ decode / issue / execute FSM. this interacts with the "fetch" FSM
+ through fetch_pc_ready/valid (incoming) and fetch_insn_ready/valid
+ (outgoing). SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
+ "fetch" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
+ """
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
+ pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
+ svp64 = self.svp64
+ # temporaries
+ dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
+ core_busy_o = core.busy_o # core is busy
+ core_ivalid_i = core.ivalid_i # instruction is valid
+ core_issue_i = core.issue_i # instruction is issued
+ insn_type = # instruction MicroOp type
+ pc_changed = Signal() # note write to PC
+ with m.FSM():
+ # go fetch the instruction at the current PC
+ # at this point, there is no instruction running, that
+ # could inadvertently update the PC.
+ with m.State("INSN_FETCH"):
+ comb += fetch_pc_valid_i.eq(1)
+ with m.If(fetch_pc_ready_o):
+ # decode the instruction when it arrives
+ with m.State("INSN_WAIT"):
+ comb += fetch_insn_ready_i.eq(1)
+ with m.If(fetch_insn_valid_o):
+ # decode the instruction
+ comb += dec_opcode_i.eq(fetch_insn_o) # actual opcode
+ sync += core.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
+ sync += core.state.eq(cur_state)
+ sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(dec_opcode_i)
+ sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
+ # also drop PC and MSR into decode "state"
+ = "INSN_START" # move to "start"
+ # waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
+ with m.State("INSN_START"):
+ comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
+ comb += core_issue_i.eq(1) # and issued
+ sync += pc_changed.eq(0)
+ = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
+ # instruction started: must wait till it finishes
+ with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
+ with m.If(insn_type != MicrOp.OP_NOP):
+ comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
+ with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.PC)):
+ sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
+ # ok here we are not reading the branch unit. TODO
+ # this just blithely overwrites whatever pipeline
+ # updated the PC
+ with m.If(~pc_changed):
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1<<StateRegs.PC)
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
+ sync += core.e.eq(0)
+ sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(0)
+ sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(0)
+ = "INSN_FETCH" # back to fetch
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
m.d.comb += # link store-go to rising rel
# PC and instruction from I-Memory
- pc_changed = Signal() # note write to PC
comb += self.pc_o.eq(cur_state.pc)
# address of the next instruction, in the absence of a branch
# don't read msr or svstate every cycle
comb +=
comb +=
- msr_read = Signal(reset=1)
- sv_read = Signal(reset=1)
# connect up debug signals
# TODO comb += core.icache_rst_i.eq(dbg.icache_rst_o)
#comb += dbg.state.pc.eq(cur_state.pc)
comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(cur_state.msr)
- # temporaries
- core_busy_o = core.busy_o # core is busy
- core_ivalid_i = core.ivalid_i # instruction is valid
- core_issue_i = core.issue_i # instruction is issued
- dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
- insn_type = # instruction MicroOp type
# there are *TWO* FSMs, one fetch (32/64-bit) one decode/execute.
# these are the handshake signals between fetch and decode/execute
core_rst, cur_state,
fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
- msr_read, sv_read,
- # decode / issue / execute FSM. this interacts with the "fetch" FSM
- # through fetch_pc_ready/valid (incoming) and fetch_insn_ready/valid
- # (outgoing). SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
- # "fetch" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
- with m.FSM():
- # go fetch the instruction at the current PC
- # at this point, there is no instruction running, that
- # could inadvertently update the PC.
- with m.State("INSN_FETCH"):
- comb += fetch_pc_valid_i.eq(1)
- with m.If(fetch_pc_ready_o):
- # decode the instruction when it arrives
- with m.State("INSN_WAIT"):
- comb += fetch_insn_ready_i.eq(1)
- with m.If(fetch_insn_valid_o):
- # decode the instruction
- comb += dec_opcode_i.eq(fetch_insn_o) # actual opcode
- sync += core.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
- sync += core.state.eq(cur_state)
- sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(dec_opcode_i)
- sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
- # also drop PC and MSR into decode "state"
- = "INSN_START" # move to "start"
- # waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
- with m.State("INSN_START"):
- comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
- comb += core_issue_i.eq(1) # and issued
- sync += pc_changed.eq(0)
- = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
- # instruction started: must wait till it finishes
- with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
- with m.If(insn_type != MicrOp.OP_NOP):
- comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
- with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.PC)):
- sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
- with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
- # ok here we are not reading the branch unit. TODO
- # this just blithely overwrites whatever pipeline
- # updated the PC
- with m.If(~pc_changed):
- comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1<<StateRegs.PC)
- comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
- sync += core.e.eq(0)
- sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(0)
- sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(0)
- = "INSN_FETCH" # back to fetch
+ self.execute_fsm(m, core, nia,
+ cur_state, fetch_insn_o,
+ fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
+ fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i)
# for updating svstate (things like srcstep etc.)
update_svstate = Signal() # TODO: move this somewhere above