#type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
#type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
def CacheValidBitsArray():
- return Array(Signal(NUM_WAYS, name="cahcevalid_%d" %x) \
+ return Array(Signal(NUM_WAYS, name="cachevalid_%d" %x) \
for x in range(NUM_LINES))
def RowPerLineValidArray():
wb_in, stall_in = self.wb_in, self.stall_in
- do_read = Signal()
- do_write = Signal()
- rd_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
- wr_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
- _d_out = Signal(ROW_SIZE_BITS)
- wr_sel = Signal(ROW_SIZE)
for i in range(NUM_WAYS):
- way = CacheRam(ROW_BITS, ROW_SIZE_BITS)
+ do_read = Signal(name="do_rd_%d" % i)
+ do_write = Signal(name="do_wr_%d" % i)
+ rd_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
+ wr_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
+ d_out = Signal(ROW_SIZE_BITS, name="d_out_%d" % i)
+ wr_sel = Signal(ROW_SIZE)
+ way = CacheRam(ROW_BITS, ROW_SIZE_BITS, True)
+ setattr(m.submodules, "cacheram_%d" % i, way)
comb += way.rd_en.eq(do_read)
comb += way.rd_addr.eq(rd_addr)
- comb += way.rd_data_o.eq(_d_out)
+ comb += d_out.eq(way.rd_data_o)
comb += way.wr_sel.eq(wr_sel)
comb += way.wr_addr.eq(wr_addr)
comb += way.wr_data.eq(wb_in.dat)
with m.If(wb_in.ack & (replace_way == i)):
comb += do_write.eq(1)
- comb += cache_out[i].eq(_d_out)
+ comb += cache_out[i].eq(d_out)
comb += rd_addr.eq(req_row)
comb += wr_addr.eq(r.store_row)
for j in range(ROW_SIZE):
# variable hit_way : way_t;
comb = m.d.comb
+ #comb += Display("ENTER icache_comb - use_previous:%x req_index:%x " \
+ # "req_row:%x req_tag:%x real_addr:%x req_laddr:%x " \
+ # "access_ok:%x req_is_hit:%x req_is_miss:%x " \
+ # "replace_way:%x", use_previous, req_index, req_row, \
+ # req_tag, real_addr, req_laddr, access_ok, \
+ # req_is_hit, req_is_miss, replace_way)
i_in, i_out, wb_out = self.i_in, self.i_out, self.wb_out
flush_in, stall_out = self.flush_in, self.stall_out
# be output an entire row which I prefer not to do just yet
# as it would force fetch2 to know about some of the cache
# geometry information.
+ #comb += Display("BEFORE read_insn_word - r.hit_nia:%x " \
+ # "r.hit_way:%x, cache_out[r.hit_way]:%x", r.hit_nia, \
+ # r.hit_way, cache_out[r.hit_way])
comb += i_out.insn.eq(read_insn_word(r.hit_nia, cache_out[r.hit_way]))
comb += i_out.valid.eq(r.hit_valid)
comb += i_out.nia.eq(r.hit_nia)
# " tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
# " way:" & integer'image(req_hit_way) &
# " RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
- # XXX NO do not use f"" use %d and %x. see dcache.py Display
- print(f"cache hit nia:{i_in.nia}, " \
- f"IR:{i_in.virt_mode}, " \
- f"SM:{i_in.stop_mark}, idx:{req_index}, " \
- f"tag:{req_tag}, way:{req_hit_way}, " \
- f"RA:{real_addr}")
+ sync += Display("cache hit nia:%x, IR:%x, SM:%x, idx:%x, " \
+ "tag:%x, way:%x, RA:%x", i_in.nia, \
+ i_in.virt_mode, i_in.stop_mark, req_index, \
+ req_tag, req_hit_way, real_addr)
# end if;
# end if;
# if stall_in = '0' then
# " RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
# We need to read a cache line
with m.If(req_is_miss):
- # XXX no, do not use "f". use sync += Display
- # and use %d for integer, %x for hex.
- print(f"cache miss nia:{i_in.nia} " \
- f"IR:{i_in.virt_mode} " \
- f"SM:{i_in.stop_mark} " \
- F"idx:{req_index} " \
- f"way:{replace_way} tag:{req_tag} " \
- f"RA:{real_addr}")
+ sync += Display(
+ "cache miss nia:%x IR:%x SM:%x idx:%x way:%x " \
+ "tag:%x RA:%x", i_in.nia, i_in.virt_mode, \
+ i_in.stop_mark, req_index, replace_way, \
+ req_tag, real_addr)
# -- Keep track of our index and way for
# -- subsequent stores