self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # FAST regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, DEC/TB, SVSTATE
+ # STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
core_ivalid_i = core.ivalid_i # instruction is valid
core_issue_i = core.issue_i # instruction is issued
dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
+ insn_type = # instruction MicroOp type
- insn_type =
+ # there are *TWO* FSMs, one fetch (32/64-bit) one decode/execute.
+ # these are the handshake signals between fetch and decode/execute
- # handshake signals between fetch and decode/execute
# fetch FSM can run as soon as the PC is valid
fetch_pc_valid_i = Signal()
fetch_pc_ready_o = Signal()
# when done, deliver the instruction to the next FSM
- fetch_insn_o = Signal(32, reset_less=True)
fetch_insn_valid_o = Signal()
fetch_insn_ready_i = Signal()
+ # latches copy of raw fetched instruction
+ fetch_insn_o = Signal(32, reset_less=True)
# actually use a nmigen FSM for the first time (w00t)
# this FSM is perhaps unusual in that it detects conditions
# then "holds" information, combinatorially, for the core
comb +=
comb += d_xer.ack.eq(1)
- # DEC and TB inc/dec FSM
+ # DEC and TB inc/dec FSM. copy of DEC is put into CoreState,
+ # (which uses that in PowerDecoder2 to raise 0x900 exception)
self.tb_dec_fsm(m, cur_state.dec)
return m