--- /dev/null
+from functools import reduce
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen import tracer
+__all__ = ["CSRElement", "CSRMultiplexer"]
+class CSRElement(Record):
+ """Peripheral-side CSR interface.
+ A low-level interface to a single atomically readable and writable register in a peripheral.
+ This interface supports any register width and semantics, provided that both reads and writes
+ always succeed and complete in one cycle.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ width : int
+ Width of the register.
+ name : str
+ Name of the underlying record.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ r_data : Signal(width)
+ Read data. Must be always valid, and is sampled when ``r_stb`` is asserted.
+ r_stb : Signal()
+ Read strobe. Registers with read side effects should perform the read side effect when this
+ strobe is asserted.
+ w_data : Signal(width)
+ Write data. Valid only when ``w_stb`` is asserted.
+ w_stb : Signal()
+ Write strobe. Registers should update their value or perform the write side effect when
+ this strobe is asserted.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, access, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ if not isinstance(width, int) or width < 0:
+ raise ValueError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(width))
+ if access not in ("r", "w", "rw"):
+ raise ValueError("Access mode must be one of \"r\", \"w\", or \"rw\", not {!r}"
+ .format(access))
+ self.width = int(width)
+ self.access = access
+ layout = []
+ if "r" in self.access:
+ layout += [
+ ("r_data", width),
+ ("r_stb", 1),
+ ]
+ if "w" in self.access:
+ layout += [
+ ("w_data", width),
+ ("w_stb", 1),
+ ]
+ super().__init__(layout, name=name, src_loc_at=1)
+class CSRMultiplexer(Elaboratable):
+ """CPU-side CSR interface.
+ A low-level interface to a set of peripheral CSR registers that implements address-based
+ multiplexing and atomic updates of wide registers.
+ Operation
+ ---------
+ The CSR multiplexer splits each CSR register into chunks according to its data width. Each
+ chunk is assigned an address, and the first chunk of each register always has the provided
+ minimum alignment. This allows accessing CSRs of any size using any datapath width.
+ When the first chunk of a register is read, the value of a register is captured, and reads
+ from subsequent chunks of the same register return the captured values. When any chunk except
+ the last chunk of a register is written, the written value is captured; a write to the last
+ chunk writes the captured value to the register. This allows atomically accessing CSRs larger
+ than datapath width.
+ Reads to padding bytes return zeroes, and writes to padding bytes are ignored.
+ Writes are registered, and add 1 cycle of latency.
+ Wide registers
+ --------------
+ Because the CSR bus conserves logic and routing resources, it is common to e.g. access
+ a CSR bus with an *n*-bit data path from a CPU with a *k*-bit datapath in cases where CSR
+ access latency is less important than resource usage. In this case, two strategies are
+ possible for connecting the CSR bus to the CPU:
+ * The CPU could access the CSR bus directly (with no intervening logic other than simple
+ translation of control signals). In this case, the register alignment should be set
+ to 1, and each *w*-bit register would occupy *ceil(w/n)* addresses from the CPU
+ perspective, requiring the same amount of memory instructions to access.
+ * The CPU could also access the CSR bus through a width down-converter, which would issue
+ *k/n* CSR accesses for each CPU access. In this case, the register alignment should be
+ set to *k/n*, and each *w*-bit register would occupy *ceil(w/k)* addresses from the CPU
+ perspective, requiring the same amount of memory instructions to access.
+ If alignment is greater than 1, it affects which CSR bus write is considered a write to
+ the last register chunk. For example, if a 24-bit register is used with a 8-bit CSR bus and
+ a CPU with a 32-bit datapath, a write to this register requires 4 CSR bus writes to complete
+ and the 4th write is the one that actually writes the value to the register. This allows
+ determining write latency solely from the amount of addresses the register occupies in
+ the CPU address space, and the width of the CSR bus.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ addr_width : int
+ Address width. At most ``(2 ** addr_width) * data_width`` register bits will be available.
+ data_width : int
+ Data width. Registers are accessed in ``data_width`` sized chunks.
+ alignment : int
+ Register alignment. The address assigned to each register will be a multiple of
+ ``2 ** alignment``.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ addr : Signal(addr_width)
+ Address for reads and writes.
+ r_data : Signal(data_width)
+ Read data. Valid on the next cycle after ``r_stb`` is asserted.
+ r_stb : Signal()
+ Read strobe. If ``addr`` points to the first chunk of a register, captures register value
+ and causes read side effects to be performed (if any). If ``addr`` points to any chunk
+ of a register, latches the captured value to ``r_data``. Otherwise, latches zero
+ to ``r_data``.
+ w_data : Signal(data_width)
+ Write data. Must be valid when ``w_stb`` is asserted.
+ w_stb : Signal()
+ Write strobe. If ``addr`` points to the last chunk of a register, writes captured value
+ to the register and causes write side effects to be performed (if any). If ``addr`` points
+ to any chunk of a register, latches ``w_data`` to the captured value. Otherwise, does
+ nothing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, addr_width, data_width, alignment=0):
+ if not isinstance(addr_width, int) or addr_width <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Address width must be a positive integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(addr_width))
+ if not isinstance(data_width, int) or data_width <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Data width must be a positive integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(data_width))
+ if not isinstance(alignment, int) or alignment < 0:
+ raise ValueError("Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(alignment))
+ self.addr_width = int(addr_width)
+ self.data_width = int(data_width)
+ self.alignment = alignment
+ self._next_addr = 0
+ self._elements = dict()
+ self.addr = Signal(addr_width)
+ self.r_data = Signal(data_width)
+ self.r_stb = Signal()
+ self.w_data = Signal(data_width)
+ self.w_stb = Signal()
+ def add(self, element):
+ """Add a register.
+ Arguments
+ ---------
+ element : CSRElement
+ Interface of the register.
+ Return value
+ ------------
+ An ``(addr, size)`` tuple, where ``addr`` is the address assigned to the first chunk of
+ the register, and ``size`` is the amount of chunks it takes, which may be greater than
+ ``element.size // self.data_width`` due to alignment.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(element, CSRElement):
+ raise TypeError("Element must be an instance of CSRElement, not {!r}"
+ .format(element))
+ addr = self.align_to(self.alignment)
+ self._next_addr += (element.width + self.data_width - 1) // self.data_width
+ size = self.align_to(self.alignment) - addr
+ self._elements[addr] = element, size
+ return addr, size
+ def align_to(self, alignment):
+ """Align the next register explicitly.
+ Arguments
+ ---------
+ alignment : int
+ Register alignment. The address assigned to the next register will be a multiple of
+ ``2 ** alignment`` or ``2 ** self.alignment``, whichever is greater.
+ Return value
+ ------------
+ Address of the next register.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(alignment, int) or alignment < 0:
+ raise ValueError("Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(alignment))
+ align_chunks = 1 << alignment
+ if self._next_addr % align_chunks != 0:
+ self._next_addr += align_chunks - (self._next_addr % align_chunks)
+ return self._next_addr
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # Instead of a straightforward multiplexer for reads, use a per-element address comparator,
+ # clear the shadow register when it does not match, and OR every selected shadow register
+ # part to form the output. This can save a significant amount of logic; the size of
+ # a complete k-OR or k-MUX gate tree for n inputs is `s = ceil((n - 1) / (k - 1))`,
+ # and its logic depth is `ceil(log_k(s))`, but a 4-LUT can implement either a 4-OR or
+ # a 2-MUX gate.
+ r_data_fanin = 0
+ for elem_addr, (elem, elem_size) in self._elements.items():
+ shadow = Signal(elem.width, name="{}__shadow".format(elem.name))
+ if "w" in elem.access:
+ m.d.comb += elem.w_data.eq(shadow)
+ # Enumerate every address used by the register explicitly, rather than using
+ # arithmetic comparisons, since some toolchains (e.g. Yosys) are too eager to infer
+ # carry chains for comparisons, even with a constant. (Register sizes don't have
+ # to be powers of 2.)
+ with m.Switch(self.addr):
+ for chunk_offset in range(elem_size):
+ chunk_slice = slice(chunk_offset * self.data_width,
+ (chunk_offset + 1) * self.data_width)
+ with m.Case(elem_addr + chunk_offset):
+ if "r" in elem.access:
+ chunk_r_stb = Signal(self.data_width,
+ name="{}__r_stb_{}".format(elem.name, chunk_offset))
+ r_data_fanin |= Mux(chunk_r_stb, shadow[chunk_slice], 0)
+ if chunk_offset == 0:
+ m.d.comb += elem.r_stb.eq(self.r_stb)
+ with m.If(self.r_stb):
+ m.d.sync += shadow.eq(elem.r_data)
+ # Delay by 1 cycle, allowing reads to be pipelined.
+ m.d.sync += chunk_r_stb.eq(self.r_stb)
+ if "w" in elem.access:
+ if chunk_offset == elem_size - 1:
+ # Delay by 1 cycle, avoiding combinatorial paths through
+ # the CSR bus and into CSR registers.
+ m.d.sync += elem.w_stb.eq(self.w_stb)
+ with m.If(self.w_stb):
+ m.d.sync += shadow[chunk_slice].eq(self.w_data)
+ with m.Default():
+ m.d.sync += shadow.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += self.r_data.eq(r_data_fanin)
+ return m
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.hdl.rec import Layout
+from nmigen.back.pysim import *
+from ..csr.bus import *
+class CSRElementTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_1_ro(self):
+ elem = CSRElement(1, "r")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.width, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(elem.access, "r")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
+ ("r_data", 1),
+ ("r_stb", 1),
+ ]))
+ def test_8_rw(self):
+ elem = CSRElement(8, access="rw")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.width, 8)
+ self.assertEqual(elem.access, "rw")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
+ ("r_data", 8),
+ ("r_stb", 1),
+ ("w_data", 8),
+ ("w_stb", 1),
+ ]))
+ def test_10_wo(self):
+ elem = CSRElement(10, "w")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.width, 10)
+ self.assertEqual(elem.access, "w")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
+ ("w_data", 10),
+ ("w_stb", 1),
+ ]))
+ def test_0_rw(self): # degenerate but legal case
+ elem = CSRElement(0, access="rw")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.width, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(elem.access, "rw")
+ self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
+ ("r_data", 0),
+ ("r_stb", 1),
+ ("w_data", 0),
+ ("w_stb", 1),
+ ]))
+ def test_width_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Width must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
+ CSRElement(-1, "rw")
+ def test_access_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Access mode must be one of \"r\", \"w\", or \"rw\", not 'wo'"):
+ CSRElement(1, "wo")
+class CSRMultiplexerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.dut = CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8)
+ def test_addr_width_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Address width must be a positive integer, not -1"):
+ CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=-1, data_width=8)
+ def test_data_width_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Data width must be a positive integer, not -1"):
+ CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=-1)
+ def test_alignment_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
+ CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8, alignment=-1)
+ def test_attrs(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.addr_width, 16)
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.data_width, 8)
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.alignment, 0)
+ def test_add_4b(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(4, "rw")),
+ (0, 1))
+ def test_add_8b(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (0, 1))
+ def test_add_12b(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(12, "rw")),
+ (0, 2))
+ def test_add_16b(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
+ (0, 2))
+ def test_add_two(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
+ (0, 2))
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (2, 1))
+ def test_add_wrong(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Width must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
+ CSRElement(-1, "rw")
+ def test_align_to(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (0, 1))
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(2), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (4, 1))
+ def test_sim(self):
+ elem_4_r = CSRElement(4, "r")
+ self.dut.add(elem_4_r)
+ elem_8_w = CSRElement(8, "w")
+ self.dut.add(elem_8_w)
+ elem_16_rw = CSRElement(16, "rw")
+ self.dut.add(elem_16_rw)
+ def sim_test():
+ yield elem_4_r.r_data.eq(0xa)
+ yield elem_16_rw.r_data.eq(0x5aa5)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(0)
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 1)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 0)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0xa)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 1)
+ yield
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(3) # pipeline a read
+ self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0xa5)
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 0)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0x5a)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(1)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x3d)
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 1)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_data), 0x3d)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x55)
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(3) # pipeline a write
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xaa)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 1)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_data), 0xaa55)
+ with Simulator(self.dut, vcd_file=open("test.vcd", "w")) as sim:
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(sim_test())
+ sim.run()
+class CSRAlignedMultiplexerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.dut = CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8, alignment=2)
+ def test_attrs(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.alignment, 2)
+ def test_add_two(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (0, 4))
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
+ (4, 4))
+ def test_over_align_to(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (0, 4))
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(3), 8)
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (8, 4))
+ def test_under_align_to(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (0, 4))
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(1), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
+ (4, 4))
+ def test_sim(self):
+ elem_20_rw = CSRElement(20, "rw")
+ self.dut.add(elem_20_rw)
+ def sim_test():
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(0)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x55)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(1)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xaa)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x33)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.addr.eq(3)
+ yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xdd)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
+ yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
+ yield
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 1)
+ self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_data), 0x3aa55)
+ with Simulator(self.dut, vcd_file=open("test.vcd", "w")) as sim:
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(sim_test())
+ sim.run()