+def temp_create_sv(fname, pins):
+ """unsophisticated drawer of an SVG
+ """
+ try:
+ import svgwrite
+ except ImportError:
+ print ("WARNING, no SVG image, not producing image %s" % fname)
+ return
+ # create internal to external map
+ bondmap = {'N': {}, 'S': {}, 'E': {}, 'W': {} }
+ padside = {'pads.north': 'N', 'pads.east': 'E', 'pads.south': 'S',
+ 'pads.west': 'W'}
+ sidepad = {}
+ for pinpad, bank in padside.items():
+ sidepad[bank] = pinpad
+ for ipin in range(len(pins[pinpad])):
+ eside, enum, epinnum = bond_int_to_ext(ipin, bank)
+ bondmap[eside][enum] = (epinnum, ipin, bank)
+ with open("/tmp/bondmap.txt", "w") as f:
+ for k,v in bondmap.items():
+ f.write("%s\n" % k)
+ for enum, (epinnum, ipin, bank) in v.items():
+ f.write(" %d %d -> %s %d\n" % (enum, epinnum, bank, ipin))
+ scale = 15
+ outerscale = scale * 2.0
+ width = len(pins['pads.north']) * scale
+ height = len(pins['pads.east']) * scale
+ woffs = scale*40#-width/2
+ hoffs = scale*40#-height/2
+ nepads = list(bondmap['N'].keys())
+ nepads.sort()
+ wepads = list(bondmap['W'].keys())
+ wepads.sort()
+ eepads = list(bondmap['E'].keys())
+ eepads.sort()
+ sepads = list(bondmap['S'].keys())
+ sepads.sort()
+ owoffs = woffs + (width/2) - len(nepads)/2 * outerscale
+ ohoffs = hoffs + (height/2) - len(wepads)/2 * outerscale
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile='full',
+ size=(width+scale*85, height+scale*80))
+ # outer QFP rect
+ # dwg.add(dwg.rect((owoffs-scale*2.5, ohoffs-scale*4.5),
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((owoffs-scale*2.5, ohoffs-scale*4.5),
+ (len(nepads)*outerscale+scale*9,
+ len(wepads)*outerscale+scale*13),
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 128, 0, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ # inner lead rect
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((woffs-scale*2, hoffs-scale*2),
+ (width+scale*6, height+scale*6),
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # record the inner line (iopad) position so that the outer one can
+ # match with it
+ innerpos = {'N': {}, 'S': {}, 'E': {}, 'W': {} }
+ # create the inner diagram
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins['pads.west']):
+ ht = hoffs + height - (i * scale) + scale*0.5
+ endline = (woffs-scale*4.5, ht-scale*0.5)
+ innerpos['W'][i] = endline
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((woffs-scale*2, ht-scale*0.5),
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(pin.upper(), insert=(woffs-scale*12, ht),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("W%d" % (i+1), insert=(woffs-scale*1.5, ht),
+ fill='white'))
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins['pads.east']):
+ ht = hoffs + height - (i * scale) + scale*0.5
+ wd = width + woffs + scale*2
+ endline = (wd+scale*4.5, ht-scale*0.5)
+ innerpos['E'][i] = endline
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((wd+scale*2, ht-scale*0.5),
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text(pin.upper(), insert=(wd+scale*5, ht-scale*0.25),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("E%d" % (i+1), insert=(wd, ht-scale*0.25),
+ fill='white'))
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins['pads.north']):
+ wd = woffs + i * scale + scale*1.5
+ endline = (wd, hoffs-scale*4.5)
+ innerpos['N'][i] = endline
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((wd, hoffs-scale*2),
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pos=(wd, hoffs-scale*5.0)
+ txt = dwg.text(pin.upper(), insert=pos, fill='black')
+ txt.rotate(-90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ pos=(wd+scale*0.25, hoffs-scale*0.25)
+ txt = dwg.text("N%d" % (i+1), insert=pos, fill='white')
+ txt.rotate(-90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins['pads.south']):
+ wd = woffs + i * scale + scale*1.5
+ ht = hoffs + height + scale*2
+ endline = (wd, ht+scale*4.5)
+ innerpos['S'][i] = endline
+ dwg.add(dwg.line((wd, ht+scale*2),
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pos=(wd-scale*0.25, ht+scale*5.0)
+ txt = dwg.text(pin.upper(), insert=pos, fill='black')
+ txt.rotate(90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ pos=(wd-scale*0.25, ht+scale*0.25)
+ txt = dwg.text("S%d" % (i+1), insert=pos, fill='white')
+ txt.rotate(90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ # north outer pads
+ for i in nepads:
+ (epinnum, ipin, bank) = pad = bondmap['N'][i]
+ wd = owoffs + i * outerscale + outerscale*1.5
+ endline = (wd, ohoffs-outerscale*2)
+ startline = innerpos[bank][ipin]
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pin = pins[sidepad[bank]][ipin]
+ pos=(wd, ohoffs-outerscale*4.0)
+ txt = dwg.text("%s (%s%d)" % (pin.upper(), bank, ipin+1),
+ insert=pos, fill='black')
+ txt.rotate(-90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ pos=(wd, ohoffs-outerscale*2.5)
+ txt = dwg.text("%d N" % epinnum, insert=pos, fill='blue')
+ txt.rotate(-90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ # west outer pads
+ for i in wepads:
+ (epinnum, ipin, bank) = pad = bondmap['W'][i]
+ ht = ohoffs + (i * outerscale) + outerscale*1.5
+ endline = (owoffs+outerscale*0.5, ht)
+ startline = innerpos[bank][ipin]
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pin = pins[sidepad[bank]][ipin]
+ pos = (owoffs-outerscale*6.0, ht)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%s (%s%d)" % (pin.upper(), bank, ipin+1),
+ pos,
+ fill='black'))
+ pos = (owoffs-outerscale*1.0, ht)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%d W" % epinnum, insert=pos,
+ fill='blue'))
+ # south outer pads
+ for i in sepads:
+ (epinnum, ipin, bank) = pad = bondmap['S'][i]
+ wd = owoffs + i * outerscale + outerscale*1.5
+ ht = ohoffs + len(wepads)*outerscale + outerscale*4
+ endline = (wd, ht)
+ startline = innerpos[bank][ipin]
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pin = pins[sidepad[bank]][ipin]
+ pos=(wd-outerscale*0.25, ht+outerscale*1.5)
+ txt = dwg.text("%s (%s%d)" % (pin.upper(), bank, ipin+1),
+ insert=pos, fill='black')
+ txt.rotate(90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ pos=(wd-outerscale*0.25, ht+outerscale*0.5)
+ txt = dwg.text("%d S" % epinnum, insert=pos, fill='blue')
+ txt.rotate(90, pos)
+ dwg.add(txt)
+ # east outer pads
+ for i in eepads:
+ (epinnum, ipin, bank) = pad = bondmap['E'][i]
+ ht = ohoffs + (i * outerscale) + outerscale*1.5
+ wd = owoffs+len(nepads)*outerscale + outerscale*1
+ endline = (wd+outerscale*0.5, ht)
+ startline = innerpos[bank][ipin]
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ pin = pins[sidepad[bank]][ipin]
+ pos = (wd+outerscale*2.5, ht)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%s (%s%d)" % (pin.upper(), bank, ipin+1),
+ pos,
+ fill='black'))
+ pos = (wd+outerscale*1.0, ht)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%d E" % epinnum, insert=pos,
+ fill='blue'))
+ # add ls180 image
+ image_data = open(ls180_drawing, "rb").read()
+ encoded = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode()
+ data = 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded)
+ pos=(width/2+woffs-225, height/2+hoffs-225)
+ leads = svgwrite.image.Image(data, pos,
+ size=(480,480))
+ dwg.add(leads)
+ # add QFP pack image in top-right
+ image_data = open(pack_drawing, "rb").read()
+ encoded = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode()
+ data = 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded)
+ pos=(0, 0)
+ leads = svgwrite.image.Image(data, pos,
+ size=(327,300))
+ dwg.add(leads)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("GREATEK QFP128L",
+ insert=(50,150),
+ font_size=20,
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("D/W J1-03128-001",
+ insert=(50,180),
+ font_size=20,
+ fill='black'))
+ # add QFP lead image in centre
+ sz=320
+ image_data = open(lead_drawing, "rb").read()
+ encoded = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode()
+ data = 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded)
+ pos=(woffs+width+scale*23.5, 0)
+ leads = svgwrite.image.Image(data, pos,
+ size=(sz,sz))
+ leads.rotate(-90, (pos[0]+sz/2, pos[1]+sz/2))
+ dwg.add(leads)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("GREATEK ELECTRONICS INC.",
+ insert=(woffs+width+scale*29, scale*8),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("INNER LEAD DRAWING",
+ insert=(woffs+width+scale*29, scale*9),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("QFP 128L OPEN STAMPING",
+ insert=(woffs+width+scale*29, scale*10),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("BODY 14x20x2.75mm",
+ insert=(woffs+width+scale*29, scale*11),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("L/F PAD SIZE 236x236mil^2",
+ insert=(woffs+width+scale*29, scale*12),
+ fill='black'))
+ # add C4M Logo
+ image_data = open(c4m_drawing, "rb").read()
+ encoded = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode()
+ data = 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded)
+ pos=(woffs+scale*5.0, hoffs+height-scale*5.0)
+ leads = svgwrite.image.Image(data, pos,
+ size=(50,50))
+ dwg.add(leads)
+ if False:
+ # add SRAMs
+ for i in range(4):
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((woffs+scale+75*i, hoffs+scale),
+ (70,50),
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # add PLL
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((woffs+width-scale, hoffs+scale),
+ (25,20),
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # add attribution
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("Libre-SOC ls180 QFP-128",
+ insert=(woffs+width/2-scale*5, scale*4),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("In collaboration with LIP6.fr",
+ insert=(woffs+width/2-scale*5, scale*5),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("Cell Libraries by Chips4Makers",
+ insert=(woffs+width/2-scale*5, scale*6),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("IMEC TSMC 180nm",
+ insert=(woffs+width/2-scale*5, scale*7),
+ fill='black'))
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("RED Semiconductor",
+ insert=(woffs+width/2-scale*5, scale*8),
+ fill='black'))
+ # add package marking circles
+ pos = (owoffs-outerscale*0, ohoffs+len(wepads)*outerscale+outerscale*2.5)
+ dwg.add(dwg.circle(pos, scale*2,
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ dwg.add(dwg.circle(pos, scale*1,
+ fill='black',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ pos = (owoffs+len(nepads)*outerscale+outerscale*2, ohoffs-outerscale*0.5)
+ dwg.add(dwg.circle(pos, scale*2,
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ dwg.save()
def display(of, pins, banksel=None, muxwidth=4):