--- /dev/null
+from itertools import chain
+import cocotb
+from cocotb.clock import Clock
+from cocotb.triggers import Timer
+from cocotb.utils import get_sim_steps
+from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
+from c4m.nmigen.jtag.tap import IOType
+from c4m.cocotb.jtag.c4m_jtag import JTAG_Master
+from c4m.cocotb.jtag.c4m_jtag_svfcocotb import SVF_Executor
+from soc.config.pinouts import get_pinspecs
+from soc.debug.jtag import Pins
+# Helper functions
+class DUTWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, dut):
+ self.dut = dut
+ try:
+ ls180 = dut.ls180
+ except AttributeError:
+ ls180 = dut
+ ls180._discover_all()
+ ls180.test_issuer._discover_all()
+ ls180.test_issuer.ti._discover_all()
+ ls180.test_issuer.ti.dbg._discover_all()
+ self.ls180 = ls180
+ self.clk = ls180.sys_clk
+ self.rst = ls180.sys_rst
+ self.tck = ls180.jtag_tck
+ self.tms = ls180.jtag_tms
+ self.tdi = ls180.jtag_tdi
+ self.tdo = ls180.jtag_tdo
+ def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.dut._log.info(*args, **kwargs)
+class JTAGPin:
+ def __init__(self, pin):
+ self.type_ = pin[2]
+ self.name = pin[3]
+ self._pin = pin
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self._pin)
+ def log(self, wrap):
+ if self.type_ == IOType.In:
+ core_i = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__i").value
+ pad_i = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__i").value
+ wrap.info(f"{self.name}: core.i={core_i}, pad.i={pad_i}")
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.Out:
+ core_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__o").value
+ pad_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__o").value
+ wrap.info(f"{self.name}: core.o={core_o}, pad.o={pad_o}")
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.TriOut:
+ core_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__o").value
+ core_oe = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__oe").value
+ pad_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__o").value
+ pad_oe = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__oe").value
+ wrap.info(f"{self.name}: core.(o={core_o}, oe={core_oe}), " \
+ "pad.(o={pad_o}, oe={pad_oe})")
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.InTriOut:
+ core_i = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__i").value
+ core_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__o").value
+ core_oe = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__core__oe").value
+ pad_i = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__i").value
+ pad_o = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__o").value
+ pad_oe = getattr(wrap.ti, f"{self.name}__pad__oe").value
+ wrap.info(f"{self.name}: core.(i={core_i}, o={core_o}, " \
+ "oe={core_oe}), pad.(i={core_i}, o={pad_o}, " \
+ "oe={pad_oe})")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported pin type {self.type_}")
+ def data(self, *, i=None, o=None, oe=None):
+ if self.type_ == IOType.In:
+ assert i is not None
+ return [i]
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.Out:
+ assert o is not None
+ return [o]
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.TriOut:
+ assert (o is not None) and (oe is not None)
+ return [o, oe]
+ elif self.type_ == IOType.InTriOut:
+ assert (i is not None) and(o is not None) and (oe is not None)
+ return [i, o, oe]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported pin type {self.type_}")
+ def check(self, *, wrap, i=None, o=None, oe=None):
+ if self.type_ in (IOType.In, IOType.InTriOut):
+ sig = f"{self.name}__core__i"
+ val = getattr(wrap.ti, sig).value
+ if val != i:
+ raise ValueError(f"'{sig}' should be {i}, not {val}")
+ if self.type_ in (IOType.Out, IOType.TriOut, IOType.InTriOut):
+ sig = f"{self.name}__pad__o"
+ val = getattr(wrap.ti, sig).value
+ if val != o:
+ raise ValueError(f"'{sig}' should be {o}, not {val}")
+ if self.type_ in (IOType.TriOut, IOType.InTriOut):
+ sig = f"{self.name}__pad__oe"
+ val = getattr(wrap.ti, sig).value
+ if val != oe:
+ raise ValueError(f"'{sig}' should be {oe}, not {val}")
+def log_pins(wrap, pins):
+ for pin in pins:
+ pin.log(wrap)
+def get_jtag_boundary():
+ """gets the list of information for jtag boundary scan
+ """
+ # currently only a subset of pins is enabled. nuisance
+ subset = ['uart',
+ 'mtwi',
+ 'eint', 'gpio', 'mspi0',
+ # 'mspi1', - disabled for now
+ # 'pwm', 'sd0', - disabled for now
+ 'sdr']
+ pins = tuple(JTAGPin(pin) for pin in Pins(get_pinspecs(subset=subset)))
+ return pins
+def setup_sim(dut, *, info, clk_period, run):
+ """Initialize CPU and setup clock"""
+ wrap = DUTWrapper(dut)
+ wrap.info(info)
+ wrap.clk <= 0
+ wrap.rst <= 1
+ clk_steps = get_sim_steps(clk_period, "ns")
+ cocotb.fork(Clock(wrap.clk, clk_steps).start())
+ if run:
+ yield Timer(int(1.5*clk_steps))
+ wrap.rst <= 0
+ #yield Timer(int(3*clk_steps))
+ return wrap
+def setup_jtag(wrap, *, tck_period):
+ # TODO: Make this a generator
+ if False:
+ yield Timer(0)
+ return JTAG_Master(wrap.tck, wrap.tms, wrap.tdi, wrap.tdo,
+ clk_period=tck_period,
+ ir_width=4)
+def execute_svf(wrap, *, jtag, svf_filename):
+ yield jtag.reset()
+ jtag_svf = SVF_Executor(jtag)
+ with open(svf_filename, "r") as f:
+ svf_deck = f.read()
+ yield jtag_svf.run(svf_deck, p=wrap.info)
+# IDCODE using JTAG_master
+def idcode(wrap, *, jtag):
+ yield jtag.idcode()
+ result1 = jtag.result
+ wrap.info("IDCODE1: {}".format(result1))
+ assert(result1 == BinaryValue("00000000000000000001100011111111"))
+ yield jtag.idcode()
+ result2 = jtag.result
+ wrap.info("IDCODE2: {}".format(result2))
+ assert(result1 == result2)
+def idcode_reset(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running IDCODE test; cpu in reset..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=False)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from idcode(wrap, jtag=jtag)
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+def idcode_run(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running IDCODE test; cpu running..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=True)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from idcode(wrap, jtag=jtag)
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+# Read IDCODE from SVF file
+def idcodesvf_reset(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running IDCODE through SVF test; cpu in reset..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=False)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from execute_svf(wrap, jtag=jtag, svf_filename="idcode.svf")
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+def idcodesvf_run(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running IDCODE through SVF test; cpu running..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=True)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from execute_svf(wrap, jtag=jtag, svf_filename="idcode.svf")
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+# Boundary scan
+def boundary_scan(wrap, *, jtag):
+ pins = get_jtag_boundary()
+ yield jtag.reset()
+ wrap.info("")
+ wrap.info("Before scan")
+ log_pins(wrap, pins)
+ yield jtag.load_ir([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ pinsdata = tuple(pin.data(i=i%2, o=((i%3)%2), oe=((i%5)%2))
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins))
+ yield jtag.shift_data(chain(*pinsdata))
+ wrap.info("")
+ wrap.info("After scan")
+ log_pins(wrap, pins)
+ for i, pin in enumerate(pins):
+ pin.check(wrap=wrap, i=i%2, o=((i%3)%2), oe=((i%5)%2))
+ yield jtag.reset()
+ wrap.info("")
+ wrap.info("After reset")
+ log_pins(wrap, pins)
+def boundary_scan_reset(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running boundary scan test; cpu in reset..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=False)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from boundary_scan(wrap, jtag=jtag)
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+def boundary_scan_run(dut):
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 300 # 3MHz
+ info = "Running boundary scan test; cpu running..."
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=True)
+ jtag = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ yield from boundary_scan(wrap, jtag=jtag)
+ wrap.info("IDCODE test completed")
+def wishbone_basic(dut):
+ """
+ Test of an added Wishbone interface
+ """
+ clk_period = 100 # 10MHz
+ tck_period = 30000 # 0.3MHz
+ data_in = BinaryValue()
+ # these have to match with soc.debug.jtag.JTAG ircodes
+ cmd_MEMADDRESS = BinaryValue("0101") # 5
+ cmd_MEMREAD = BinaryValue("0110") # 6
+ cmd_MEMREADWRITE = BinaryValue("0111") # 7
+ info = "Running Wishbone basic test"
+ wrap = yield from setup_sim(dut, info=info, clk_period=clk_period,
+ run=False)
+ master = yield from setup_jtag(wrap, tck_period = tck_period)
+ wrap.dut.ls180.test_issuer.ti.dbg.core_stopped_i <= 1
+ clk_steps = get_sim_steps(clk_period, "ns")
+ yield Timer(int(4.5*clk_steps))
+ wrap.rst <= 0
+ #yield master.reset()
+ yield Timer(int(10.5*clk_steps))
+ return
+ #wrap.rst <= 0
+ # Load the memory address
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMADDRESS)
+ dut._log.info("Loading address")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000000000000000000000001"
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ # Do write
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMREADWRITE)
+ dut._log.info("Writing memory")
+ data_in.binstr = "01010101" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ data_in.binstr = "10101010" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ # Load the memory address
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMADDRESS)
+ dut._log.info("Loading address")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000000000000000000000001"
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "00000000000000000000000000000"
+ # Do read and write
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMREADWRITE)
+ dut._log.info("Reading and writing memory")
+ data_in.binstr = "10101010" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "01010101" * 8
+ data_in.binstr = "01010101" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "10101010" * 8
+ # Load the memory address
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMADDRESS)
+ dut._log.info("Loading address")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000000000000000000000001"
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "00000000000000000000000000010"
+ # Do read
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMREAD)
+ dut._log.info("Reading memory")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "10101010" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "01010101" * 8
+ # Load the memory address
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMADDRESS) # MEMADDR
+ dut._log.info("Loading address")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000000000000000000000001"
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "00000000000000000000000000010"
+ # Do read
+ yield master.load_ir(cmd_MEMREAD) # MEMREAD
+ dut._log.info("Reading memory")
+ data_in.binstr = "00000000" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "10101010" * 8
+ dut._log.info(" input: {}".format(data_in.binstr))
+ yield master.shift_data(data_in)
+ dut._log.info(" output: {}".format(master.result.binstr))
+ assert master.result.binstr == "01010101" * 8
+ dut._log.info("{!r}".format(wbmem))
+# demo / debug how to get boundary scan names. run "python3 test.py"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ pinouts = get_jtag_boundary()
+ for pin in pinouts:
+ # example: ('eint', '2', <IOType.In: 1>, 'eint_2', 125)
+ print (pin)