match up with the "InterfaceMultiBus" class from the specification side,
where pin entries with numerically matching names were "grouped" into single
multi-bit declarations.
+## Adjusting the BSV Interface to a get/put style
+For various reasons, related to BSV not permitting wires to be connected
+back-to-back inside the pinmux code, a get/put style of interface had to
+be done. This requirement has a knock-on effect up the chain into the
+actual peripheral code. So now the actual interface (Ifc\_sdram\_out)
+has to be converted. All straight methods (outputs) are converted to Get,
+and Action methods (inputs) converted to Put. Also, it is just plain
+sensible not to use Bool but to use Bit#, and for the pack / unpack to
+be carried out in the interface. After conversion, the code looks like this:
+ interface Ifc_sdram_out;
+ (*always_enabled, always_ready*)
+ interface Put#(Bit#(64)) ipad_sdr_din;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(64)) osdr_dout;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(64)) osdr_den_n;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) osdr_cke;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) osdr_cs_n;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) osdr_ras_n;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) osdr_cas_n;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) osdr_we_n;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(8)) osdr_dqm;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(2)) osdr_ba;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(13)) osdr_addr;
+ method Bit#(9) sdram_sdio_ctrl;
+ interface Clock sdram_clk;
+ endinterface
+Note that osdr\_den\_n is now **64** bit **not** 8, as discussed above.
+After conversion, the code looks like this:
+ interface Ifc_sdram_out ifc_sdram_out;
+ interface ipad_sdr_din = interface Put
+ method Action put(Bit#(64) in)
+ sdr_cntrl.ipad_sdr_din <= in;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface osdr_dout = interface Get
+ method ActionValue#(Bit#(64)) get;
+ return sdr_cntrl.osdr_dout();
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface osdr_den_n = interface Get
+ method ActionValue#(Bit#(64)) get;
+ Bit#(64) temp;
+ for (int i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
+ temp[i*8] = sdr_cntrl.osdr_den_n[i];
+ end
+ return temp;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface osdr_cke = interface Get
+ method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
+ return pack(sdr_cntrl.osdr_cke());
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ ...
+ ...
+ endinterface;
+Note that the data input is quite straightforward, as is data out,
+and cke: whether 8-bit, 13-bit or 64-bit, the conversion process is
+mundane, with only Bool having to be converted to Bit#(1) with a call
+to pack. The data-enable however is a massive hack: whilst 64 enable
+lines come in, only every 8th bit is actually utilised and passed
+through. Whether this should be changed is a matter for debate that
+is outside of the scope of this document.