note that the rdflags function obtains (dynamically, from instruction
decoding) which read-register ports are to be requested. this is not
ideal (it could be a lot neater) but works for now.
+ also note: additional members, fu.rd_latches and fu.wr_latches
+ are replaced, here, by those contain the latched
+ read/write register information which the FU needs in order
+ to actually read (and write) the correct register number
def __init__(self, speckls, pipekls, idx):
alu = pipekls(pspec) # create actual NNNBasePipe
self.pspec = pspec
super().__init__(regspec, alu, opsubset, name=alu_name) # MultiCompUnit
+ # these are set to None for now: core get_byregfiles fills them in
+ # (for now)
+ self.fu_rdlatches = None
+ self.fu_wrlatches = None
byregfiles = {}
byregfiles_spec = {}
for (funame, fu) in fus.items():
+ # create in each FU a receptacle for the read/write register
+ # hazard numbers. to be latched in connect_rd/write_ports
+ # XXX better that this is moved into the actual FUs, but
+ # the issue there is that this function is actually better
+ # suited at the moment
+ if readmode:
+ fu.rd_latches = []
+ else:
+ fu.wr_latches = []
print("%s ports for %s" % (mode, funame))
for idx in range(fu.n_src if readmode else fu.n_dst):
if readmode:
(regfile, regname, wid) = fu.get_out_spec(idx)
print(" %d %s %s %s" % (idx, regfile, regname, str(wid)))
+ name = "%s_%s_%s" % (regfile, idx, funame)
if readmode:
rdflag, read = regspec_decode_read(e, regfile, regname)
wrport, write = None, None
+ # append a latch Signal to the FU's list of latches
+ regidx = len(byregfiles_spec[regfile][regname][5])-1
+ name = "%s_%s_%s_%i" % (regfile, idx, funame, regidx)
+ if readmode:
+ rdl =, name="rdlatch_"+name)
+ fu.rd_latches.append(rdl)
+ else:
+ wrl =, name="wrlatch_"+name)
+ fu.wr_latches.append(wrl)
# ok just print that out, for convenience
for regfile, spec in byregfiles.items():
print("regfile %s ports:" % mode, regfile)