Otherwise, the formal engine, in some cases, will happily assert issue_i
while busy_o is high. MultiCompUnit can't handle that.
m.submodules.dut = dut = MultiCompUnit(regspec, alu, CompALUOpSubset)
# TODO Test shadow / die
m.d.comb += [dut.shadown_i.eq(1), dut.go_die_i.eq(0)]
+ # Don't issue while busy
+ issue = Signal()
+ m.d.comb += dut.issue_i.eq(issue & ~dut.busy_o)
# Avoid toggling go_i when rel_o is low (rel / go protocol)
rd_go = Signal(dut.n_src)
m.d.comb += dut.cu.rd.go_i.eq(rd_go & dut.cu.rd.rel_o)
# Ask the formal engine to give an example
m.d.comb += Cover((cnt_issue == 2)
& (cnt_read[0] == 1)
- & (cnt_read[1] == 1)
+ & (cnt_read[1] == 0)
& (cnt_write[0] == 1)
& (cnt_write[1] == 1)
& (cnt_alu_write == 1)