with m.If(m_in.valid):
comb += r.req.valid.eq(1)
- comb += r.req.load.eq(~(m_in.tlbie | m_in.tlbld))
+ comb += r.req.load.eq(~(m_in.tlbie | m_in.tlbld))# no invalidate
comb += r.req.dcbz.eq(0)
comb += r.req.nc.eq(0)
comb += r.req.reserve.eq(0)
comb += r.doall.eq(m_in.doall)
comb += r.tlbld.eq(m_in.tlbld)
comb += r.mmu_req.eq(1)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" DCACHE req mmu addr %x pte %x ld %d",
+ m_in.addr, m_in.pte, r.req.load)
with m.Else():
comb += r.req.eq(d_in)
comb += r.req.data.eq(0)
sync += r0.req.data.eq(d_in.data)
sync += r0.d_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.If(d_in.valid):
+ m.d.sync += Display(" DCACHE req cache addr %x data %x ld %d",
+ r.req.addr, r.req.data, r.req.load)
def tlb_read(self, m, r0_stall, tlb_valid_way,
tlb_tag_way, tlb_pte_way, dtlb_valid_bits,
comb += perm_attr.priv.eq(1)
comb += perm_attr.rd_perm.eq(1)
comb += perm_attr.wr_perm.eq(1)
+ with m.If(valid_ra):
+ m.d.sync += Display("DCACHE virt mode %d ra %x pte %x",
+ r0.req.virt_mode, ra, pte)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm ref=%d", perm_attr.reference)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm chg=%d", perm_attr.changed)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm noc=%d", perm_attr.nocache)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm prv=%d", perm_attr.priv)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm rdp=%d", perm_attr.rd_perm)
+ m.d.sync += Display(" perm wrp=%d", perm_attr.wr_perm)
def tlb_update(self, m, r0_valid, r0, dtlb_valid_bits, tlb_req_index,
tlb_hit_way, tlb_hit, tlb_plru_victim, tlb_tag_way,
comb += op.eq(Op.OP_NONE)
with m.If(go):
with m.If(~access_ok):
+ m.d.sync += Display("DCACHE access fail valid_ra=%d p=%d rc=%d",
+ valid_ra, perm_ok, rc_ok)
comb += op.eq(Op.OP_BAD)
with m.Elif(cancel_store):
+ m.d.sync += Display("DCACHE cancel store")
comb += op.eq(Op.OP_STCX_FAIL)
with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += Display("DCACHE valid_ra=%d nc=%d ld=%d",
+ valid_ra, nc, r0.req.load)
comb += opsel.eq(Cat(is_hit, nc, r0.req.load))
with m.Switch(opsel):
with m.Case(0b101): comb += op.eq(Op.OP_LOAD_HIT)
# Slow ops (i.e. load miss)
with m.If(r1.slow_valid):
- sync += Display("completing MMU load miss, data=%x",
- m_out.data)
+ sync += Display("completing MMU load miss, adr=%x data=%x",
+ r1.req.real_addr, m_out.data)
def rams(self, m, r1, early_req_row, cache_out_row, replace_way):