from CamEntry import CamEntry
-# Content Addressable Memory (CAM)
-# The purpose of this module is to quickly look up whether an entry exists
-# given a certain key and return the mapped data.
-# This module when given a key will search for the given key
-# in all internal entries and output whether a match was found or not.
-# If an entry is found the data will be returned and data_hit is HIGH,
-# if it is not LOW is asserted on data_hit. When given a write
-# command it will write the given key and data into the given cam entry index.
-# Entry managment should be performed one level above this block as lookup is
-# performed within.
-# Notes:
-# The search, write, and reset operations take one clock cycle to complete.
-# Performing a read right after a search will cause the read to be ignored.
class Cam():
- # Arguments:
- # key_size: (bit count) The size of the key
- # data_size: (bit count) The size of the data
- # cam_size: (entry count) The number of entries int he CAM
+ """ Content Addressable Memory (CAM)
+ The purpose of this module is to quickly look up whether an
+ entry exists given a certain key and return the mapped data.
+ This module when given a key will search for the given key
+ in all internal entries and output whether a match was found or not.
+ If an entry is found the data will be returned and data_hit is HIGH,
+ if it is not LOW is asserted on data_hit. When given a write
+ command it will write the given key and data into the given cam
+ entry index.
+ Entry managment should be performed one level above this block
+ as lookup is performed within.
+ Notes:
+ The search, write, and reset operations take one clock cycle
+ to complete. Performing a read immediately after a search will cause
+ the read to be ignored.
+ """
def __init__(self, key_size, data_size, cam_size):
+ """ Arguments:
+ * key_size: (bit count) The size of the key
+ * data_size: (bit count) The size of the data
+ * cam_size: (entry count) The number of entries int he CAM
+ """
# Internal
self.cam_size = cam_size
self.entry_array = Array(CamEntry(key_size, data_size) \
# Input
# 000 => NA 001 => Read 010 => Write 011 => Search
# 100 => Reset 101, 110, 111 => Reserved
- self.command = Signal(3)
+ self.command = Signal(3)
self.address = Signal(max=cam_size) # address of CAM Entry to write/read
self.key_in = Signal(key_size) # The key to search for or to be written
self.data_in = Signal(key_size) # The data to be written
def elaborate(self, platform=None):
m = Module()
# Encoder is used to selecting what data is output when searching
m.submodules.encoder = encoder = Encoder(self.cam_size)
# Decoder is used to select which entry will be written to
# Don't forget to add all entries to the submodule list
entry_array = self.entry_array
m.submodules += entry_array
# Decoder logic
m.d.comb += [
# Set the key value for every CamEntry
for index in range(self.cam_size):
with m.Switch(self.command):
m.d.comb += self.data_out.eq(entry_array[index].data)
# Write only to one entry
with m.Case("010"):
- # Address is decoded and selects which
+ # Address is decoded and selects which
# entry will be written to
with m.If(decoder.o[index]):
m.d.comb += entry_array[index].command.eq(2)
# NA / Reserved
with m.Case():
m.d.comb += entry_array[index].command.eq(0)
m.d.comb += [
# Process out data based on encoder address
with m.If(encoder.n == 0):
m.d.comb += [
with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.data_hit.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += self.data_hit.eq(0)
return m